BVI News

Christian Council puts government on notice

The BVI Christian Council has sent a gentle message to the newly-elected government, reminding them that they will be speaking out if leaders attempt to make any decision that is contrary to God’s word.

Speaking earlier this week at a thanksgiving service for elected leaders, Vice President of the BVI Christian Council Rosemarie Flax said it is always better to obey God over man.

“The Christian Council supports whoever God chooses to govern our territory. But our collective voices will be heard when necessary on any matter that affects God’s people and conflicts with the laws of God,” Flax said. “Acts 5:29 implores us in these circumstances to obey God rather than men.”

Flax’s statement comes amid fresh talks about legalising same-sex marriages in the BVI and a promised referendum on the matter. Just last week, backbenchers in the UK House of Commons called for the BVI and other Overseas Territories to legalize same-sex marriages and recognize the rights of same-sex couples.

While there’s no clear indication of how the public may vote in a referendum, residents have traditionally opposed same-sex marriages.

Despite a promise to speak out against matters the church opposes, Flax urged residents to support elected leaders although they may be dissatisfied with the outcome of the elections.

“Whether we like or dislike the election outcomes, God has spoken. He has placed these men and women in a position to represent us in this season. So unless they ask us to disobey God and His precepts, we are to submit and support them. Scripture says, ‘let every person be subject to the governing authority for there is no authority except from God and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God‘,” Flax stated.

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  1. Truth says:

    What hypocrites. When every church senior can prove that they have never had sex with someone before marriage, that they have never lied or coveted someone else’s property, or ever broken any of the ten commandments (which do not include preventing a civil legal arrangement between people of the same sex), then their words will have weight. Otherwise, they should be aware of the biblical encouragement to “Judge not, lest ye be judged”. A plague on those hypocrites. Let people choose their partners – it’s of no personal consequence to you.

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  2. Charles says:

    Just keep your own nonsense beliefs out of politics.

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  3. Lifestyle of the rich and blahh says:

    LOL why are these people popping up in the news all of a sudden? Some of these people who call themselves Christians act so high and mighty smh

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  4. @Truth says:

    Tired of the same old baseless rhetoric. Do we see a referendum on adultery, are we trying to legalise telling lies? No one said that these things do not happen. The greater issue is it would be just as bad to LEGALISE adultery as it would be to legalise same sex marriage, stealing and the works. Every time people try to sound smart, they do not realise they are proving their opposing party’s point. No to the nonsense!! Simple concept dammit.

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  5. Truth says:

    You’re making the assumption that love can only be between people of different sexes. How narrow-minded are you?

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  6. Christian Council says:

    Christian Council puts government on notice – Bah hahaha – If and when they obey the good book they can start trying to make requests of others. But otherwise they can sit down – The church does not run this country.

  7. nice says:

    affirmation to the church and mrs flax .

  8. Message to The BVI Christian Council. says:

    The British Virgin Islands government is NOT a theocracy; rather it’s a democratically elected government whereby all men and women should be treated equally under the law.

    The right’s you enjoy as individuals should be enjoyed by all other citizens. Those rights in my view should be inclusive of marriage equality.

    You as a group are NOT the only ones who can send a message to the government relative to this matter on same sex marriage.

    You have a right to practice your faith, but bear in mind that there are others who do not share it. You do not speak for all people, and as you put it “God’s people”.

    Surely you would not wish those of us who do not share your faith to deny you your right to do so.

    A growing number of governments around the world are considering whether to grant legal recognition to same-sex marriages. So far, 34 countries and territories have enacted national laws allowing gays and lesbians to marry.

    Many others have legalized civil unions, and many others recognize same-sex couples are married.

    This controversial matter of same sex marriage in the British Virgin Islands has to be addressed by law as it is inevitable that of the many people who are already in same sex marriages or unions around the world, many will visit or shores or possible reside in the BVI one day.

    This country has to figure how to deal with such persons once here. For example, many same-sex married persons with their greater disposable income take cruises.

    Lets say one such couple travels here by cruise, gets ill once on islands and become unconscious and is taken to the local hospital. Their legal spouse want’s to make decision on his/her behalf. How will the hospital staff handle their request? Deny the spouse wishes or accept them?

    Now, there is the local case before the courts whereby the plaintiffs are seeking recognition of their marriage which was reportedly legally sanctioned in the U.K.

    In response to this, the Premier has announced a referendum on gay marriage. In my opinion, that is a waste of money and a useless exercise because the results will be a forgone conclusion against giving the cultural and religions nature of this territory.

    As such, a referendum will not fully address the legality of this matter, and would simply confirm the views of those who are against same-sex marriage for whatever reasons.

    However, it will not address the legal rights of those individuals who should be treated equally under the law.

    What is needed here is a legal remedy, not the opinion of groups such as yours.

    Recognizing same-sex marriages or unions should not affect those of you of the Christian faith. As is the case elsewhere where same-sex marriage or unions have been legalized, no religious organization has ever been forced to perform same-sex marriages or unions or accept them. Indeed they are exempted.

    As a matter of law and the principle that all citizens should be treated equally, marriage equality should in my view be extended to the small minority of individuals who identify themselves as part of the LGBTQIA+ and wish to marry.

    Again, the matter before the court is one of recognizing a legally married same sex couple’s marriage here in the territory. In my opinion, it should be recognized, and I predict their marriage will once the court makes it’s final decision.

    The Premier’s referendum is just a red herring with a forgone conclusion. He should know if he does not know already, there are members of his own family that I personally know who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

    Before he put’s his referendum in place, he should keep them in mind. Look them in their eyes and tell them their lives are not worthy of being with the one they love in marriage if they so choose to. But I suspect he would not and carry on with this referendum charade to maintain his Premiership.

    Bottom Line Christian Council: You have a right to express your views on same-sex marriage. You have a right to not perform same sex marriages or unions if they become law.

    However, understand that other people have the same right to express the opposite view as well. The rights you enjoy as individuals should not be denied to others inclusive of this minority group.

    Like 15
  9. Yolo says:

    Why the gays coming on taking in the comments. 100 men and hundred Trans men on 1 Island come back 100 years all you would see is bones. The world if failing us

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  10. @@truth says:

    Adultery is legal in the BVI, what country you living in?

  11. Real says:

    You sound so stupid with your rhetoric go sit down with yall nastiness or move to where its legal simple we dont want that nastiness here simple you write a whole book to prove you dont love or fear the lord just keep that energy on judgement day set a demons

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  12. @Real says:

    Laughable. That’s all you have? Don’t waste your time trying to insult me. I am unfazed and immune. You cannot tie my shoes intellectually. I have written a book you cant write.

    You cant respond intellectually because you are not smart enough to do so therefore you have resorted to the lowest denominator: insults and personal feelings. To hell with your feelings and what you want. Are you are child? You are acting like one.

    Speak for yourself. Forget the we.

    Now, if you belong to the so called Christian Counsel, how judgemental you are to tell others how to live their lives. Its people like you the reason church memberships are down because you are hypocrites.

    Its not what you want. To hell with what you want. Only kids demand what they want. Get over yourself already. Its about the rights of this marginalized group to live as they wish.

    You are in for much disappointment and heartache when gay marriage is eventually legalized in the BVI. Brace yourself.

    In the interim, pick up a book and begin to improve your reading skills so that you don’t have problem reading a 2 minute read and not see it as a book.

    The fact that you see what I wrote as a book tells me a lot about your level of intellect. You did not go to far in school. For educated people what I wrote is nothing to read in a few minutes. But clearly you are reading challenged among other things.

    Go and search your unholy heart and try to figure why you have such strong hate towards people whose life decision does not affect you.

    Stop being a hypocrite and grow up. Come @ me as an intellectual adult next time or else I will drag you in the dirt intellectually.

    You have a good day hypocrite. 🙂

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  13. sturpss says:

    Being a christian is not a requirement for living in the BVI so why should the country’s laws be dictated by what the bible say… Utter crap. We gonna throw people in jail for adultery too? Please stop studying these church people and make laws that serve everyone.

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  14. News for u Cc says:

    Ppl here tired of hypocracy from pulpit and hall should be watching your back, sheep clothing on or not.

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