BVI News

Curfew hours reduced as salons, barbershops permitted to reopen

Starting today, BVI residents will be permitted to spend more hours outside their homes as the territory’s new curfew hours will now be from 5 pm to 5 am daily.

According to government’s new curfew order published in the gazette on Tuesday, this latest adjustment to the curfew hours will remain in place until September 30.

Under the new order, spas, salons, hairdressers and barbershops are also allowed to operate from 5 am to 5 pm provided they have been inspected and approved by the Social Distancing Monitoring Task Force and certified by the Environmental Health Division.

Daycare centres, preschools, public pools, cinemas, bars, night clubs and other entertainment services have not been approved to reopen.

The new curfew order also states that local beaches may be accessed by persons between 5 am to 5 pm daily, solely for exercise and therapy.

Persons are to remain inside their place of residence, including their yard space during curfew hours.

The BVI has been under curfew since June 17 to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the territory.

The economy has taken a hit due to the curfew hours as many businesses have reduced operating hours and vital industries like tourism have halted completely.

The government has promised to reopen the territory on a phased basis as long as the number of COVID-19 cases continue to drop.

The last report from BVI authorities said that the BVI currently has 28 active COVID-19 cases. Health Minister Carvin Malone is expected to give an update today, Wednesday, September 16.

Three new positive COVID-19 cases and 3 new recoveries

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  1. Update: says:

    The Environmental Health Division have advised Beauty Salons, Barber Shops & Nail Salons that they are NOT ALLOWED to open and operate until after the scheduled virtual meeting today 11:00 am – noon.

  2. Mystified says:

    No daycare or pre-schools, so what are young children to do when their parents are at work?

    Like 6
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  3. What says:

    JVD and VG and also Anegada are part of BVI.

    How can they reach home by 5pm?


    Like 2
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  4. Hungry says:

    Jesus. You you pressing fie daycare and school to reopen??

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  5. lady of the night says:


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  6. james says:

    How about law firms and register agents? Are they permitted to operate from 5 to 5?

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  7. To What says:

    In the same way they were reaching home before 1:00. Think a bit harder.

  8. People Going Bazzoddy! says:

    For many reasons, while following the necessary protocols, bars should not be punsihed.

    Those people have made investments in their business, have employeees who are now sufering, and they all have bills to pay, children to care for and a living to make.

    The same way social distancing is practiced at churches, so to it can be done at bars. Night clubs could present a challenge, but bars should be allowed open during day light hours. This nothing more than religious ideology and puritanical dictators dictating who can and should not eat bread. And that is sad.

    Bars serve a social, psychological, emotional and economic purpose for patrons and owners alike. To favor church over a business is simply discriminatory in practice and deed.

    Like 8
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  9. Amen! says:

    Churches allowed 50 and everyone else only 30.

    Yet bars and clubs will be blamed the same!

    Like 4
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  10. C** **** says:

    Won’t don’t blame clubs and bars but we put blame on the host of [a talk show] who encourage people to act out of order.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I love my children life than death so no schools is to be open till evening clears up good

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