BVI News

Domestic ferries rerouting to TPP when seaport reopens to int’l traffic

Domestic and international ferry traffic will be operating from separate locations when the BVI’s Road Town-based seaport reopens for international travel on April 15.

The BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) said in a media statement on Thursday that domestic ferry operations will be routed through Cyril B Romney Tortola Pier Park while international ferry operations will remain at the Road Town Jetty.

Describing the separation of domestic and international passengers as necessary, the BVIPA said its decision represents “best safety-measure practices”.

It further said modifications are now required for both locations and designs have already been approved by the BVIPA Board.

We deeply regret delaying reopening

The government statutory body announced these changes less than 24 hours after putting off the reopening of local seaports for a third consecutive time.

It was first announced that the Road Town Ferry Terminal would resume accepting international traffic on December 8. Government however deferred that date to January 21 and again to March 1.

Now a week before their March 1 schedule, the BVIPA pushed the reopening by another month-and-a-half.

“We at the BVI Ports Authority understand that the current delay of the reopening has affected residents, visitors, business and the economy and deeply regret the necessity of the delay. But we are confident that this additional time will allow us to complete the project to ensure a safe and healthy return to service,” Acting BVIPA Managing Director, Oleanvine Maynard said on Thursday.

The Ports Authority said its main objective has been to be to protect the health and safety of employees, port users, and the community.

However, their decisions have been received with public criticism and backlash; especial from business owners whose livelihoods heavily depend primarily on tourism.

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  1. Styles says:

    What a dumb idea.

    You let the tourists come to the ugly part and the residents to the nice part.

    TPP has more space for taxi’s and doesn’t interrupt the traffic flow in and out of town.

    Do the people in power actually think about their plans before making them public?

    Like 65
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    • Deh Watcha says:

      That is the million dollar question.

      Like 14
    • Black Nationalist says:

      So he must care more for the CLEARS than his own people?

      Like 3
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      • Well says:

        That’s not even the issue here. You have more space at the pier park to manage yourself with protocols but I suppose the pier park is utilized by locals too so the ferry dock which will be restricted to incoming tourists would be best. My point is that It shouldn’t be a question of skin but more so what makes most sense.

        Like 10
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    • Not dumb says:

      The tourists have to go straight to quarantine it’s not like they can come off the ferry and walk around pier park.

      Like 12
    • Visitor says:

      It might also have to do with the fact that customs and immigration are already in place in the RT ferry terminal. Clearing visitors at the Pier Park would also entail moving the customs/immigration offices and equipment to that location. By using the Pier Park for local traffic passengers can freely board and embark without the need of those services.

  2. Pandora's Box says:

    Whatever! No one believes a damn thing you say anymore! You all get your nice little pay cheques, sleep well in your bed at night, put food on your table, all while not having the vaguest concept of what you are doing to this country!

    Like 74
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    • Doh says:

      Ferry dates will be moved yet again. Mark my words. The downward decline and death of the BVI continues…

      But carry on

      Like 31
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      • Black Nationalist says:

        So when NDP was assisting CLEARS stealing our money, Myron giving away millions to unlicensed barely adequate contractors for the wall BVI wasn’t in a downward decline then? Ok got it.

        Like 12
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      • HRMPH says:

        I do not understand why the international ferries, which mostly contain tourists, will not be arriving at the very smart (albeit far too expensive and no doubt subject to the CoI Inquiry) Pier Park.
        Not only would the Pier Park be more attractive for tourists, it would help generate traffic into its shops.
        The domestic ferries are predominantly locals (with some tourists) who would probably not benefit the Pier Park in the same way.
        But for the enormous amount of money spent on the refurbishment of the ferry terminal opposite the Police HQ, there is no sensible reason to have any ferries coming in there – it is not convenient, has very limited parking and effectively causes chaos with taxis parked in the road every time a domestic or international ferry arrives. Could the building not be used for something else?
        Is it possible that there was no planning when the Pier Park was built, and when the port was refurbished?
        Surely the Ports Authority have been thinking ahead!
        In any event. let’s try to get it right now.

        Like 25
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        • Peace says:

          I believe this has to so with space. Just like at the airport, there will most be likely be covid testing when the passengers disembark. The dock is a closed building (for the most part) offering some privacy and space where this can happen. The pier park does not have such space or facility at the dock area. Just my idea.

          Like 5
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        • Dumbass says:

          The arriving tourists must immediately enter a taxi and be taken to their quarantine facility. There cannot be any shopping or lingering around under the dumbass protocol of the Foy and Malone. The geniuses of the Hues.

          Like 12
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          • Yep says:


            Like 3
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          • Simple says:

            Yes they must go into Q right away, agreed. BUT they can move int’l departures to TPP! All tourist leaving should have neg tests anyway. With a little effort this is possible.

        • Hello says:

          Arriving tourists have to go straight to quarantine- they cannot get off the ferry and meander around the park. Y’all think the protocols will end in April ?

          • @Hello says:

            What about the tourist with neg test results LEAVING BVI? They should not be mixed with tourist coming in. Int’l departures should be at TPP in imo.

  3. Feo Gomez says:

    That man smart. VIP all the way best protocols of any island or state in the USA. Tell me a better protocol.

    Like 5
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  4. UAD says:

    Finally a plan

    Like 8
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  5. rrr says:

    So nearly 3 months past the original opening date they now say “modifications will be required to both locations”?? They hadn’t thought of this before now?? Really???

    Like 34
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    • BuzzBvi says:

      Modifications, read contracts, contracts read money, money read friends. As in these modifications will mean my friends get money and they may also buy me a drink.

      Like 3
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  6. Jupiter says:

    And the beat goes on. BVI dead.

    Like 8
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  7. BVI government open tender says:

    Just enough rope to hang itself with.

    Like 8
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  8. Hmmm says:

    No real thought about the sister islands residents

    Like 4
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    • No real thought you say says:

      Stop talking nonsense. If there was no real thought the sister island residents would be coming to the same doc as the international tourists.

      Like 3
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  9. WEW says:

    Not a clue

  10. Wrong way around! says:

    have all the immigration formalities at the cruise ship doock and force the visitors through the shops.

    Domestic ferry can come in near Peter Island dock .

    Viola road town free of road blockage from the archaic ferry dock

    Like 3
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  11. question says:

    So who is domestic and who is international is it the people from the local bvi domestic and the US and other islands and country International,
    Covid do not have no domestic or, international every body is touch by this virous…
    So please It look so divided.

    Pride is not Godly it is from the pit of hell

  12. Confused says:

    Based on this news report all international ferry passengers must quarantine on Tortola before they proceed to their hotel rooms/villas on Virgin Gorda, Anegada, Scrub, Guana or Jost van Dyke. This Tortola quarantine will certainly discourage tourists staying on the sister islands.

  13. Barnum & Bailey says:

    I wouldn’t believe this circus if I wasn’t watching it with my own eyes. BVIPorts just come up with this plan when it has had almost a year, most certainly 6 months to have had this completed. Oh wait, they were too busy reviewing the fees they wanted to charge rather than getting this project fast tracked. Seems the greatest pillar of the BVI economy is sheer incompetence. Time for the UK to take over again.

    Like 15
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  14. @Barnum&Bailey says:

    What makes you so eager to have the pernecious Brits bac in the BVI again? Not all share that view, thank God.

    Some would rather be ruled by corrupt and or incompetent men that look like them, than by evil, pernecious and wicked men whose history to date has shown they have not a good intention towards the Black man.

    So, go suck a rotten egg. The more we get the rotten Brits out of our lives the better off we will be.

  15. Joshua says:

    Below is a letter sent to ****, as was said recently they don’t print anything that is anti government so I am sending a copy to the people’s news outlet the only fair and balance one in tortola. May God continue to bless and prosper this outlet.

    nteresting. Where was caricom when the people was being oppressed. Where was caricom when the expats was being disadvantaged, displaced and disenfranchised. So they now wake up. Did the Hon Premier informed them about when the down island caricom constituency was being maligned. But Fahie and caricom suddenly has a voice now. Where was caricom when the people recently said no Vinci’s if volcano erupt. Where was caricom when caricom nationals can’t get severance. If v*** constantly refer to the ex governor as racist what about the racist policies of the labor department towards caricom people. I am ashamed of the caricom leaders. Like tortola care about caricom. Yes v*** print that, doubt you will because this is also a anti expats, pro government news outlet.

    Like 1
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  16. Let's get it done! says:

    Finally a plan! Now let us frame, develop, and implement it . Ask for help, input, advise if you need to. No single person or party has all the answers. Aren’t we all in this together? NO MORE DELAYS! People are mentally and financially dying.

  17. Ausar says:

    All of this type of foolishness, because most of you BVIslanders, are still in need of vaccinations-

    And is still finding excuses as to why you should not be!

    Many of us, foreigners, are already vaccinated!

    Remember, while you guys are in limbo, other destinatins are continually opening up!

    Once again, a sad state of affairs-truly, an understatement, if there ever was one!

  18. N. Berree says:

    I’m in the US and am hoping for 10 days vacation in May for 8 people, visiting all the islands. All have been vaccinated. Just waiting to know when the quarantine will be lifted to firm up our plans.

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