BVI News

Don’t make my failures an excuse — Vanterpool


Fourth District Representative and former Works Minister Mark Vanterpool has urged the government to avoid using his failure to fix the territory’s roadways when he was in office as an excuse not to do so now.

Vanterpool served as the Minister for Communication and Works for eight years between 2011 and 2019 under the National Democratic Party (NDP) government.

Complaints about the disastrous state of the roadways have persisted among residents of the territory and visitors alike — particularly in the East End/Long Look community where proper functioning roads have remained a utopian pipe dream.

While debating the government’s National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) in the House of Assembly (HOA) recently, Vanterpool pointed out that the state of the roads was beneath the living standards of residents.

“We have to fix our roads. The standard of living for the people of the Virgin Islands shouldn’t be one where we got to drive on these kinds of roads forever,” Vanterpool argued.

The legislator said some may say he was once the subject minister with responsibility for roads and didn’t repair them. However, he cautioned against fixating on this fact. “Fine, but let’s not make that an excuse for not fixing them, let’s fix them,“ Vanterpool said.

He further contended that the issue of a lack of financial resources for fixing the roads should not be used as an excuse either.

“Let’s make a sustainable development plan to plan for these roads, not over four years – no government can fix the roads in the territory over four years,” Vanterpool argued.

The former minister recommended a 10 to 20 year plan that is properly developed, studied and engineered which he said should be implemented in a phased and systematic way. Vanterpool said at the end of 25 years, the territory can then have sustainable roads that the people can be proud of.

“We must stop patching up and trying to make it one where you just say that ok, ‘we have $20 million over four years to fix our roads’ and try to fix all our roads with $20 million. Nonsense!” Vanterpool stated. “In this economic times it can’t happen with $20 million.”

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  1. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    Anyone that vote for this man after this deserve whatever they get..

    Like 22
  2. Vote---- says:

    The Roads are in a terrible state to the point they are very dangerous to use

  3. Rubber Duck says:

    Where did the money go? That is the question that needs to be answered.

    Like 14
  4. lol says:

    Confession is good for the soul

  5. Patchwork says:

    The road at Manchester is utterly disgraceful. Water running and pooling in the road and it’s filled with mud and potholes. The tour operators parking right in the water to offload tourists so they can take pictures. So very shameful.

  6. Magic Mark says:

    Comedy!!! Look how he has admitted failing at providing the basics as a legislator and policy maker. Yet we continue to elect and expect different from these clowns whom are all about self interests. How can you be saying these things hinges with a straight face in 2023? Are we so blind and dumb? All these current persons in government need to be replaced as they’ve ALL failed miserably and should not be given another term to fail again. Wake up people; it’s a game they’re playing and the public are the biggest losers.

  7. Big Richard says:

    Ruined the roads, Ruined Pussers

    Like 4
    Dislike 1
  8. Mark My Word says:

    Pardna failed as a rep for the fourth also. Abandoned his constituents several years ago.

  9. Guest says:

    Is Tola people you are talking about, they don’t seem to bright. Tola makes more than most of the other Caribbean countries yet when it comes to basic stuff they getting left behind, but keep voting for the same lame horses……..

  10. Excuse or facts.. says:

    Mark and NDP failed badly..Thats no excuse thats the reality. The BVI was in a much better financial position under their control, they became greedy and selfish, ignoring their work and obligation to the people..

  11. concern citizen 6 says:

    I agree with you patchwork, the road to Manchester is in urgent need to repair. Imagine what the tourists must be saying… Also, the Belle Vue Road that leads to the Joyce Samuel Primary School needs urgent attention as well. It seems as dough they want to wait for something to happen. The Minister needs to go there when traffic is busy in the mornings and afternoons(pick up time). Do something please.

  12. GQ says:

    I agree with Mark. Every time Mr. GQ Minister speak he talks about what he met and what wasn’t done before. It’s a lame excuse now. What is he doing about it? Nothing! Yet we think he’s the best thing ever. We need true leaders.

  13. Norris Turnbull says:

    Lots of bullshit talk after 19 million was spent

  14. nonsense says:

    I am not voting again especially hearing this kinda s**t, waste of time and dishonesty. politicians dont care about anything except themseleves. Bvi people does take licks quietly like sheep.

  15. To Patchwork says:

    What a damn shame. I’ve also seen them offloading the passengers in running water to take pictures/sightsee. Man we are at an all time low. Our tourism product is so sloppy and the place is falling apart.

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