BVI News

FULL LIST: Total of 41 candidates nominated for elections

Supervisor of Elections Juliette Penn

Nominations have concluded and a total of 41 candidates have been confirmed to contest the upcoming general elections.

A tally from Supervisor of Elections Juliette Penn said 25 candidates will contest a district seat while 16 were nominated for the Territorial At-Large seats.

Below is the official listing of candidates by the seat they are nominated to contest

First District (1,517 registered voters)

Stephanie Brewley, Andrew Fahie, Sylvia Moses

Second District (1,571 registered voters)

Carnel Clyne, Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull 

Third District (1,708 registered voters)

Julian Fraser, Aaron Parillon, Arlene Smith-Thompson

Fourth District (1,389 registered voters)

Luce Hodge-Smith, Karl Scatliffe, Vincent Scatliffe, Mark Vanterpool

Fifth District (1,969 registered voters)

Elvis Harrigan, Kye Rymer, Wade Smith

Sixth District (1,820 registered voters)

Alvera Maduro Caines, John Samuel

Seventh District (1,385 registered voters)

Diego Penn, Kedrick Pickering (independent), Natalio Wheatley 

Eighth District (1,778 registered voters)

Dean Fahie, Marlon Penn 

Ninth District (1,802 registered voters)

Jose de Castro, Hubert O’Neal, Vincent Wheatley

Territorial At-Large

Henry Creque, Trefor Grant, Sandy Underhill, Myron Walwyn, Sharie de Castro, Shereen Flax-Charles, Carvin MaloneNeville Smith, Curnal Fahie, Ronnie Skelton, Lesmore Smith, Shaina Smith, Rajah Smith, Verna Smith, Dirk Walters, Dancia Penn (independent)

The National Democratic Party’s political colour is red, the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement is blue, the Virgin Islands Party’s colour is green, and Progressives United brands orange. 

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  1. X marks the spot says:

    The thing start!

    Like 5
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  2. Cha Ching! says:

    Gov made some moolah today sah! But only 13 will get their deposits back – the other $28 grand will be there for the winners to EFF up (or not?)! I wish Tortola had bookies where you can bet some gwop on these dead horses ???? so I can actually earn a few Yankee dollars off ah dem! Vote PVIM cause we waan betting lol!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    God Bless You All ALWAYS

  4. Wow says:

    41,000 for the treasury

  5. No nonsense says:

    Time for the good lady to pass on the baton!

    Like 1
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  6. Yes yes yes! says:

    NDP ALLL THE WAY!!!!!!!!

    Like 14
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  7. Lodger says:

    How about an all-Smith At Large slate?

  8. Really says:

    The NDP has used hurt and robbed the people of BVI locals and non locals. They have divided us and have love for no one. End of story!

    Like 10
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  9. Okay says:


    Like 11
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  10. Call Me Ishmael says:

    If you don’t really care about transparency and the annual audits we are entitled to receive, vote for the NDP. Otherwise vote for the candidate that promises to be honest and supports the whistleblower law.

    As the Economist pointed out, under the NDP, the BVI economy has been depleted due to ”fiscal mismanagement and corruption.”
    If you want the rest of the world to continue to laugh at us and our children, vote for the NDP.
    If you want our dump to continue to burn, vote for the NDP.
    If you want raw sewage to continue to flow through our streets, vote for the NDP.
    If you want our schools to remain broken, vote for the NDP.
    If you want our children to remain under educated, vote for the NDP. It’s easier to be elected by and fool the uneducated.
    If you want unreliable and over priced electricity, vote for the NDP.
    If you want unreliable water supply, vote for the NDP.
    If you want to see changes in our children’s lives, vote for someone other than the NDP.

    Like 9
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  11. Reply says:

    Everyone contesting seats this year needs to be commended for doing so. Lots of people stand on the sidelines and complain about politicians, but those same people will never stand up and try to serve.

    So kudos to to these brave men and women who have stepped up to the plate, and for wanting to serve their country.

    I am particularly pleased to see many women contesting this time around. That’s progress to be celebrated as well, and a good signal to up and coming young women of what could be possible.

    Win or lose, you are all winners in my view just for trying. Wish you all the best. Now, it’s up to the electorate to select the best 13 who will govern us all for the next 4 years.

    Like 22
  12. Anonymous says:

    You are bias! Switching and keeping people in districts they dont live in.

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