BVI News

Gov’t calls for bids for Virgin Gorda dumpsite management

The government has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a capable contractor to provide a site development plan for the Virgin Gorda dumpsite.

The dumpsite erupted in flames weeks ago, leaving residents in the community battling with intermittent smoke and ashes, and fire trucks struggling to respond effectively to extinguish the blaze.

Bidders for the government’s RFP are expected to demonstrate the quality and experience of their proposed site development and material recovery team, among other things.

They are also required to furnish the methodology, plan and schedule of work for the design and supervision of the construction of the material recovery facility, waste stabilisation pond, and sanitary landfill.

The government has also asked to see any interested firms’ approach to waste and material management, safety, health, environment and quality assurance considerations.

Details on the full scope of works for the project were not outlined in the notice announcing the RFP, but interested bidders were informed that they could get this from the Department of Waste Management or by contacting the recently appointed Director of Waste Management, Marcus Solomon, directly by email.

In the wake of the most recent dumpsite fire, Solomon promised that the department would continue to review its disposal processes at all sites and assured there would be an investigation into the fire which he said will be conducted to strengthen fire mitigation procedures.

After a dump fire erupted early last year, Ninth District Representative and now-Health Minister, Vincent Wheatley, promised that the issue of waste disposal would be taken more seriously and said a shift system would be introduced to better manage the use of the site.

The closing date for bid submissions is September 29, 2023, and these are expected to be submitted directly to the Department of Waste Management.

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  1. Future says:

    “Competent” at waste management is the vital word here. We don’t need some “consultant” friend of Government getting the job by fronting for a foreign entity whose skill is in corruption and not the job required. We need a foreign firm with a proven track record to run the facility efficiently and in accordance with all international health and safety standards. Importantly, will be the requirement to train our people in how to do the job properly so that they can take over in future, but maintain the VG facility to international standards.

    Like 11
  2. Pyromania says:

    Must own a zippy

  3. VG says:

    We all know who in Virgin Gorda is most capable of making this a success! Give her a chance! She is one of us!

    Like 4
    Dislike 2
  4. Again says:

    Why Govt.want to distance themselves from such.At the end of the it will be name blaming.We in VG know this s**t is not us.If we had true leaders we all will be on the same page.So stop with this strong handed s**t.Any outside i fo will tell that site is wrong/ wrong wrong

  5. US V.G says:

    Pls. Tell us why the south entrance to Gorda peak is still close.pls give us a answer

  6. DWM says:

    job is to operate the dumps on VG and Tortola. If DWM needs to hire private contractors to do their job then please dissolve the DWM and retire all these incompetent civil servants. DO NOT TRANSFER THEM TO OTHER DEPARTMENTS/MINISTRIES!!!

    Like 12
  7. DWM says:

    main job is to operate the dumps on VG and Tortola. Time has proven they are incompetent in this job so now seeking a private contractor. After the private contractors operate the dumps then dissolve the DWM and terminate all the incompetent civil servants. DO NOT TRANSFER THESE INCOMPETENT PERSONS TO OTHER DEPARTMENTS/MINISTRIES!!!! They have proven their incompetency and must not be allowed to degrade other BVI government services.

  8. lol says:

    Imagine we have a whole Department of Waste Management and still here looking a private entity to actually manage the waste. We got a whole public works Department yet any kind of civil works need doing has to be a private contract. This place a joke.

  9. BLACK says:

    The government has no interest in fixing anything in these islands except them n friends pockets!

    Garbage, roads, sewage, telecoms, high cost of living…….Nada, zip!

  10. Oohhh. Boiii says:

    What I don’t understand; Government just recruit/employ a QUALIFIED Person from Trinidad to “ manage “ the WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT and this man come here putting out /seeking an Entity to provide ALL plans and knowledge of how to MANAGE the dump site !!

    Mr You suppose to COME with these expertises and word your Request differently ; What WE John public see is YOU are fishing for ideas and people to provide you with solutions —- This “ shit” ain’t going to wuk here Trini —-

    If you are an Expert in your field — then feed the Government and it’s relevant Departments in Waste Management and stop being a “ trickidadian “

    The other one has lived a GOOD life off. BVI GOV for the past 20 years—- let’s see if you survive your(2) year contract

  11. @OHHH . BOIII says:

    now if the other one making a good living , if it’s honest , why comment , if it’s not , then you got to expose the guy / nobody is supposed exploit the government and get away with it

  12. WEW says:

    Calling for a CAPABLE contractor! Thats a new one. Next they’ll be requiring a ethical contractor. Neither of which exists in the BVI

  13. BLACK says:

    He couldn’t make a difference with the waste in Trinidad, but he going fix the BVI issues. We like to pick up all the rejects from Trinidad and bring them to pay them big money for doing nothing. waste, Airport, water n sewage ect.
    You come VG trying to run games on R Flax after the man being collecting and storing the old cars for 20 years. Now you don’t want to pay the man after he done work. I warned him about the other rat that bring you here to rob the government. Be warned dog luck n cat luck is not the same.

    Don’t come VG playing around.

  14. Rosta says:

    Them weed boys build a farm there 4 years ago. Man don’t have the ability to knock down such a nice me up spot!
    Be Happy!

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