BVI News

Gov’t extends contracts to use hotels as quarantine facilities

Government has agreed to extend the contracts of hotels which are being used as isolation facilities in the territory during the Phase II border re-entry period.

This is according to Health Minister Carvin Malone who said in a national address on Friday that the extension was only one of Cabinet’s recent decisions made during a special session on Thursday.

“As a Cabinet we decided, in principle, to extend, if needed, contracts with hotels from the inventory previously contracted, on a month-to-month basis to support community quarantine and other special requirements, subject to approval of the financial arrangements by the Ministry of Finance,” he said.

Back in June, Minister Malone announced that the government identified 250 rooms across 12 properties to use as state quarantine facilities. He said if the properties were contracted up to September 14, it would cost the government a total of $2,357,000.

Inland Revenue Good Standing requirement removed

In the meantime, Malone also said Cabinet decided to amend Phase II of the Restricted Border Re-Opening Protocols.

It will now take account of relevant emerging issues which are to be approved by Malone on a case-by-case basis.

“We also decided to remove the inclusion of Inland Revenue Certificates of Good Standing as one of the requirements for Phase 2 of the Restricted Border Re-opening process as the current system utilised by the Inland Revenue Department,” he added.

Social Monitoring Task Force

The health minister further said Cabinet decided the Deputy Governor’s Office will support the establishment of the Social Monitoring Task Force.

He said the office will assist with the re-assignment of public officers or other qualified persons outside of the public service as designated by the minister.

“We noted that upon the establishment of the Social Monitoring Task Force, the Task Force will cooperate with the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force and the Environmental Health Division in enforcing the Suppression Order, 2020,” Malone stated.

He added: “We also decided that the Social Distancing Task Force ensures that the Public Service adheres to COVID-19 protocols established for the safety of staff and the management of office operations.”

Operational hours for essential gov’t offices

Meanwhile, a decision was also made on the operational hours for limited essential government offices.

From September 7 to 16, government offices will operate between the hours of 8 am and 12 pm in the first instance.

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  1. Local says:

    Why are t you guys using scrub island? And it off island from the rest of the safer people’s

  2. Why tho? says:

    That same $$$ could’ve gone into fixing prospect reef which is government owned and house them there

    Like 11
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    • @ why do says:

      @ WHY DO. If they used the money to fix prospect reef where would the money come from to house the people during this time. I only hope you are not in construction. A place like prospect reef would take up to two yrs to get it in shape. Why comment for comment sake?? I like to be criticize but with constructive criticism. Bvi news like comments even if it doesn’t make sense. So continue

      Like 14
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  3. !!!! says:

    Wasting money!!!!

    Greed by some when the people financially suffering in this place is unbelievable!!!

    Like 4
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  4. Hmm says:

    No one will get through to enter in september in phase two. Look at all the stuff they have to submit before they can get through you think they will use those facilities in september No.

    Like 13
  5. Mr. Minister says:

    Does it have 250 persons who fall under phase 2 to return? If not why rent so many rooms? All persons will not return at the same time according to the speeches on the news it takes quite a while before an application can be granted which will take the process into October. So do not waste taxpayers money renting places when they will not be used.

    Like 10
    • Hotelier says:

      The 250 rooms number across 12 properties is not the number that are being used but properties identified as possible. I believe only 3 or 4 properties are actually being used consisting of 100 or fewer rooms.

      Like 4
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  6. Please says:

    Please ensure that the social monitoring task force personnel have people skills. Heard of the performance of one a few days ago and it was obvious that the position gone to his head.

  7. Lol says:

    The government paying for hotel fees and security and then you have to in turn pay back the same hotel for keeping you and security.

    Double scam!

    Like 1
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    • Easy Rider says:

      The government has hired the hotels and pays for security monitoring. The quarantined are not charged. The rates charged by the hotels are much lower than tourists are charged in normal times.

      Like 2
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  8. Reply says:

    Why does the reply not work?

  9. IF says:

    If there 250 persons locked out do you think all 250 will returned at the same time. Why they renting so many rooms. Waste of taxpayers money. I think 100 rooms are enough. Give us a figure how man persons are locked out. Do they have children or family in the BVI. What if the place they are working for closed because of the current borders closures. What will happen to persons locked out apt. During this hurricane peak season. If parents are licked out how will they get to register their child(ren) for school. What if business are not ready to register their company online because of borders closures, what will happen to their staff(s) locked out. If petsons working in the tourism sector and are locked what priority will be given to them since the tourism industry are not in opetations right now??????

    Like 1
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  10. Minister listen says:

    That is a lot of money being spent on this issue but there are other issues at hand. The territory still looks awful after the effects of hurricane Irma and Maria. Why not invest a bit of money in an island clean up effort. Some of these young men, like myself, who are unemployed, use them for a short time, to clean up the country. Going through the hillside and alleys to collect galvanise and other debris. Beautify the country. Then have a government assistance programme for people who want to rebuild their homes but can not afford to. Let them borrow and repay with interest. Ensuring that penalties are in place for those who refuse to repay such as the government being able to take their homes and resell it. There are a vast amount of issues that need to be tackled. You guys have had the chance to get your feet wet. Now time to dive it people.

  11. Thanks says:

    Thank you for the money. Since my hotel can’t have tourists it makes sense that other tolans pay me through the government to help me. It’s just a community helping us.

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  12. Villa rental person says:

    If you need 250 room 2 weeks from now, you have to book in advance. There is normally no cancellation after 30 days. This is normal. Stop all your bitchin’ about saving money. These hotels have to hire people in advance and turn away all other business. The security is for 24-hours a day. You can’t set that up the day before (there are 3 shifts!). BVI government is doing a good job on this one. They are getting people back in the country in a safe manor and these people are paying social security and tax and spending money. So Honorable Malone, THANK YOU!

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