BVI News

Govt in talks with UK to make Pfizer, Moderna accessible in BVI

Health Minister Carvin Malone

Health Minister Carvin Malone said the government has been making strident efforts at securing the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines for the territory.

Currently, only the AstraZeneca brand of the COVID-19 vaccine is available in the BVI. But while speaking in the House of Assembly on Thursday, Malone said: “The United Kingdom government has said that we would look in terms of – as quick as possible – getting the Moderna vaccine accessible here in the Virgin Islands and we’re making foot to make sure that this is done.”

“We – if possible – will get both the Pfizer and the Moderna accessible right here in the territory,” Malone added.

Questions have previously been raised as to whether the BVI has the storage capacity to facilitate the Pfizer vaccine, given that it is required to be kept at minus 70 degrees Celcius. Moderna has said that its vaccine needs to be frozen too, but only at minus 20 Celsius, which is more like a regular freezer.

USVI commits to giving additional assistance in the interim

Meanwhile, Malone has said that, in the interim, the government has sought further assistance from the US Virgin Islands (USVI), with whom it recently partnered to have BVI residents, especially children, visit the neighbouring territory to get alternative vaccines.

Malone announced that the last trip to St John, USVI under that programme happened yesterday. The minister said he travelled on that trip and held talks with the USVI’s Lieutenant Governor, Tregenza Roach.

“Deputy Governor Roach has actually committed to bringing the concept of being able to further access the Pfizer vaccine for school-aged children. We will be exploring this to make sure that this could happen,” Malone stated.

Unlike AstraZeneca, Pfizer is the only COVID-19 vaccine approved for children and teens. 

In the meantime, with the arrival of the Mu variant of the virus in the territory, Malone encouraged persons who haven’t yet done so to get vaccinated.

The government has rolled out an aggressive vaccination drive in which persons can take advantage of the AstraZeneca vaccines which are made available to BVI by the United Kingdom at no cost.

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  1. No more vaccines says:

    Why bring in more vaccines if the government is not mandating vaccinations for employees? We have been at 40% vaccination rate for several months now. It is clear that a mandate is required..unless we want to go into rolling lock down period again.

    Like 21
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    • Stuffy says:

      Because Stuffed C***ken want to make it seem like he is doing something other than eat popcorn and cockup on the beach

      Like 6
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    • wrong says:

      we are at 75% both in VG and Anegada, Tortola lags behind at 50% , I even suggested to the govenor that businesses could purchase the freezer required from the UK and ship the vaccine, waiting on a response.

      Like 4
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    • Because says:

      Children can’t be given the AZ vaccine and it’s a pain (and expensive) to get them vaccinated with Pfizer in St John. Better that we can get Moderna and Pfizer delivered direct to the BVI and finish vaccinating those persons that want/need it.

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    • iron and clay kingdom says:

      that is the antichrist spirit talking here. People this is the days of Noah. These vaccines turns man natural DNA to iron and clay as Daniel describe. U change ur Godgiven DNA u are iron and clay k8ngdom to be utterly destroyed by Yahushua’s Kingdom. Amen

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  2. Ya awl says:

    Going UK for vaccines and dissin UK and COI. Something is very wrong, especially when Hon Wheatley is complaining about lack of respect shown.

    Like 40
  3. PT9 says:

    I can’t understand this government one time they are telling us that the UK doesn’t do anything for the BVI and they don’t want anything from the UK, and here we have Carvin Malone with a fake smile telling us that the government has been making strident efforts at securing the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines for the territory. On the other hand they are trying to stop the UK COI, it’s too late to try and suck up to the UK.

    Like 39
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  4. Warning says:

    Listen. STOP THE NONSENSE man. The CDC said vaccines are NOT working against the Mu variant. Don’t try to tie your push for vaccinations on Mu. It DOES NOT WORK. Neither have ANY of the vaccines worked for covid or its variants. I’m sick of it now. Tell the truth. That the countries that reach 80 percent vaccination or higher get a prize. Say what thr prize is. That’s why the COI is going 5o expose the billion dollars GONE over the past 10 years. Sick of this.

    Like 23
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  5. Concern says:

    How is it you running to the uk for more posion, and you can’t even say how much vaxx parsons where in the hospital or get sick after the vaxx

    Like 13
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  6. Wow says:

    Late to the party as usual, just SHAMEFUL!!!

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  7. I Just Like Carvin as a human. says:

    He is a people’s person…Fahie should hand the ministry of tourism over to him, we will get more done…

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  8. Crystal says:

    That will not make anyone take the vaccines unless we are just aim for the under 18.

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  9. Schemer says:

    So the plot is to bring Pfizer and then tell us if our kids are not vaccinated they cannot attend school. That will not prevent them from getting these variants of covid or from getting sick so they better cancel that plot and make sure it stay voluntary.

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  10. Meme says:

    Mr. minister of health you are listening. The Pfizer vaccine here will make a big difference. I am looking forward to taking it as soon as it comes and I know many more people who will. Thanks again Mr. minister of health. Keep up the good works.

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  11. Common sense says:

    For all those who love to talk without researching first. 1 Most of the overseas territories were already phyzer. Gibraltar, Caymans…… do your research. VI were given the problematic AstraZeneca. 2 all the vaccines are failing. All the vaccines show significant waning of efficacy approaching the 24 week after 2nd the research. 3 vaccinated will have to receive a booster shot.if the vaccine was working, why would you need a third shot after 8 months ? What would happen in the next 8 months? 4 vaccinated are the ones potentially carrying and spreading the variants. Vaccinated are only protected against the original variant and its only the spike protein of that variant. Common sense is very rare among educated talkers who do not research before they speak.

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    • @ common sense says:

      It is not that the BVI was given Astra Zeneca, the BVI selected it based on the ease of shipment. The other vaccines required special refrigeration requirements which seemingly the BVI was not in a position to facilitate.

      The other OT’s chose pfizer based on their ability to meet the transhipment requirements. The question has now fundamentally changed is the need to have persons over 12 years of age vaccinated to increase the overall vaccination rate, because clearly the desired level will NOT be achieved by persons over 18 and above.

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