Gov’t relaxes mask mandate and quarantine requirements

Minister of Health Carvin Malone has announced that the government will be making several amendments to the current COVID-19 regulations in the territory including the removal of the mask mandate in outdoor public spaces.
Speaking at the 7R’s Waste Management Solutions community meeting earlier tonight, Malone announced that the gathering limit of one person per nine square feet is no longer required and masks are no longer legally required to be worn outdoors in open spaces.
“Persons can continue to choose to do so for their own personal protection. Masks will only be required for indoor public spaces when within the three feet of persons not a part of your household or personal bubble,” the Health Minister said.
“Businesses can require masks in their own spaces for their own safety if they desire. Requirements for businesses to have hand hygiene readily available will continue. Persons who may have been exposed to cases of COVID-19 are not required to quarantine but are encouraged to wear a mask and avoid contact with vulnerable persons and seek to get tested for COVID-19 within the next 5-7 days,” Malone added.
Other Protocols Lifted
He also announced that the government will be removing all quarantine requirements for passengers arriving in the territory. Malone said a partially vaccinated or an unvaccinated visitor will present a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test within five days of arrival and a rapid test antigen test will be done once they arrive.
Malone said if the test returns negative then that person is free to roam the territory.
“Fully vaccinated persons must present a rapid antigen test within 48 hours and won’t test on arrival. Those without a test will do an antigen test on arrival within 48 hours and be released if negative. PCR tests are no longer required on entry, and it is replaced by an antigen test,” the Health Minister said.
Malone also added that for the time being, partially vaccinated and unvaccinated persons will still be required to use the territory’s travel portal but considerations are being made to lift that mandate.
Vaccinated travellers are exempt.
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Get rid of all these complicated, mostly ignored and off putting regulations completely.
Let’s get back to normal.
BVI behind the rest of the world
We out de woods!!
well its about time
Will be highly offended. They will feel like they got played.
Great campaign move Mr Woods
No we won’t.
Why the fraudulent, recalled PCR test still required for partially vaccinated and unvaccinated?
Makes money for the government
Since the government employs 20% of the population, testing keeps health care workers employed and on the government teet.
So quarantine lifted but what if they test positive on entry test?
Thank God we are free from these masks a bit
follow fashion LMAO
So after taking the herd to be branded, it was not necessary after all. We going back in natzi times in twentieth century. We getting rid of them after COi report and at the polls!
I support the lifting of quarantine, as a matter a fact this is long over due, As for discontinuation of Mask, I disagree. Mask wearing is still necessary in some cases… They are plenty folks in high place making lots of money from this virus and they are determined to keep it around forever..They will lose this battle and eventually gave up, but for now we have to proceed cautiously…
I agree mask should still be mandatory but cut back on all these testing. They full speed went with what doesn’t require money first.
Follow the science, masks do nothing! … only a security blanket. If you want to wear so be it..might want to consider goggles to cover eye exposure if so concerned.
Drop the mask mandate!
Wow. We going places
I will keep wearing that thing for a few more months.
What will be different in “a few more months?” The virus is with us forever. Rip off the face diaper and be free.
When does this go into effect?
Ohhh please remove that entry portal page, to complicate.
I can’t wait till y’all get kick the fk out!!!
Not wearing a mask outdoor in public spaces was never a thing. Who they fooling for a headline. Talking season trying to sound good
People were wearing masks outdoors?
Why the different tests for those stuck with the poison and those not? Why use the PCR test anyway? The CDC openly state in their PCR test user guide that the tests cannot determine what if anything a patient is infected with. It even states that the PCR test cannot differentiate between a bacterial infection or viral.
Healthy people should not have been subjected to all this crap. I purposely would get as close as possible to infected persons without wearing a mask.Got infected twice. Used bush the first time and Ivermectin the second. This Covid plandemic was more hype than anything. All about the Double Big Mac. If the West does not back off their World Domination Agenda there won’t be many left to pick up the pieces. Enough is enough.
What about children ?
Message is incomplete
What a set of government body