BVI News

Gov’t urges residents to ‘wrap it up’ as STI cases increase

The Ministry of Health and Social Development has reported an increase in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) across the Virgin Islands and is encouraging residents to practice safe sex, particularly as Valentine’s Day approaches.

Public Health Officer Renee Leonard highlighted the ministry’s efforts to inform the public about the uptick in STI cases and the importance of protection.

“With the rise in STI cases, the ministry is educating the public about what is happening and how they can be protected,” Leonard explained.

Recognising Valentine’s Day as a significant occasion, the ministry is leveraging the opportunity to promote its “Wrap It Up” message. “The week-long initiative is designed to share information, heighten STI awareness, promote testing, and illustrate to the community their responsibility to love safely,” Leonard stated.

In collaboration with local medical facilities, the ministry is offering special deals for individuals interested in knowing their sexual health status. “We want to thank our partners for coming on board with this very important initiative because knowing one’s sexual health status is key in reducing the spread of STIs throughout the territory,” Leonard noted.

She further advised, “We encourage everyone to pay attention to the information, heed the advice, and take ownership over your sexual health. Be faithful to one faithful partner, use barrier contraceptives, know your status, and enjoy your ‘day of love’ responsibly.”

As part of the campaign, the February edition of the Ministry of Health’s newsletter will provide vital information about STIs. Additional resources, including brochures, flyers, radio advertisements, and a Government Information Services radio report, will be disseminated throughout the week.

Earlier reports from the Ministry of Health indicated a steady rise in HIV and other STIs over the past five years, with more than 262 cases reported across all ages and demographics. Chief Nursing Officer Jascinth Hannibal noted that not all cases are reported, suggesting the actual number may be higher.

“In some cases, especially in the case of HIV, it is only detected at the point of illness when the person has symptoms of AIDS,” Hannibal shared. “This is life-threatening and harder to treat at this point. Sadly, this can lead to untimely death in a disease such as HIV where early identification and treatment can allow persons to live longer.”

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  1. El Demonio Negro says:

    GOOOT DAMN you can’t trust new partners. I don’t care how boring it get let me stay with who i know. Cause those STI and HIV be in the back of the pums.

  2. SOME AH U says:


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  3. Okkkkk says:

    @EL. Stick to who you know you say?

  4. Corrections says:

    As someone in the know, it’s important the public gets accurate information. So let me correct a few things here:

    “In some cases, especially in the case of HIV, it is only detected at the point of illness when the person has symptoms of AIDS,” Hannibal shared.
    Incorrect: HIV can be detected at any point during infection. One does not have to become ill in order to test positive. There are many people with asymptomatic HIV infections.

    Asymptomatic infections can be viewed in 2 groups:

    1. Infected individuals who are unaware of their status. That will remain so until illness become apparent with secondary infections typically when their CD4 cell count (the subgroup of white blood cells infected with HIV drops below 200). In some people opportunistic infections begin to show earlier when their CD4 count drops around 500.

    2. Infected individuals who are on HIV medication and compliant with taking their medication are also considered asymptomatic. That is without symptoms.


    “This is life-threatening and harder to treat at this point. Sadly, this can lead to untimely death in a disease such as HIV where early identification and treatment can allow persons to live longer.”
    While HIV infection can be life threatening, no one has to necessarily die of HIV today if they first know their status, get on their medication, and remain compliant in taking those medication.

    If a person develops secondary infections due to being severely immunocompromised, while a more complex clinical picture, they too can be treated to a healthy state if they get the right treatment in a timely manner.

    Bottom Line: Use barrier protection particular if dealing with persons unknown.

    Now, If you’re HIV negative and your sexual partner is living with HIV, you might want to consider PrEP in certain circumstances.

    Prep is HIV medication that the HIV negative person takes days before, during, and days after a planned encounter with a HIV positive person.

    If your partner has been diagnosed with HIV, has been taking HIV medication for at least 6 months, and their viral load is undetectable, there is no risk of HIV transmission through sex.

    As someone in the know, I consider the above sound advise; however, it is advisable that anyone reading consult their personal doctor for further guidance if in doubt about anything as circumstances may vary.

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    • Hater says:

      Hush your backside. I know exactly who posted this.

      Like 1
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      • @Hater says:

        You described yourself best. You are ignorant hating on the truth. I’m unmoved. Drop a name if you will.

        Meanwhile, make certain you are not spreading any STDs to unsuspecting individuals. It’s a crime in case you are aware. Stop hating and protect your self and others. You don’t have to be ignorant forever.

        Take care with all the love in my ❤️.

      • Seer says:

        Congratulations! You want a cookie? You know who posted it, but doesn’t make the information incorrect.

  5. Whoredom says:

    Innocent partners can contracy HIV ot other STD
    Blaming nationalism
    Protect yourself. Be selfish when it comes to your health If your partner is a cheater… Do not have sex if he / she does not protoct you
    One has to use wisdom

  6. Flee the Flea Market says:

    The Dominican Republic leads the Caribbesn in STD and HIV. The DR, suppliers and carriers of drugs,guns,StD carried by the imported prostitutes are thr favored of the and commerce via air land and sea ad nauseum. (Prostitution is illegal in these VI but the DR is rewarded by our Gov )..aaah we are the World of deadly hypocrisy. KARMA never disappoints. Suffer the little children and those not so little in these VI. Flee for safety and economic survival while you can!!!

    Like 1
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  7. PoWe says:

    The Dominican Republic and Jamaica leads the Caribbean in STU including the deadly HIV virus.If i am not mistaken these two groups are the dominant immigrant population in these VI andcthe keep coming non stop. Why are guns outlawed and not these carriers of certain behavioural and habitual actions promotes certain death? In additon they are notbthe most likable as neighbors and everyday living. Certainly they make up the major portion of the inmatesbin the prison,some are sentenced there for lifetime.Of late
    The BVI,every blink of an eye recently there are deaths of the young and younger folks. Folks blaming the jab…hmm take a second look folks.

    Like 2
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    • @powe.. says:

      Your statement is incorrect.. So yes You’ve mistaken..Speak facts not assumptions.Those are not the top two countries… one is in the top yes. Figure it out and come back.

  8. wellsah says:

    don’t be like tenrue

  9. TERRIBLE says:


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    • @TERRIBLE says:

      Why is that?
      Could crime as a pastime, murder the favorite and deadly diseases freely and unconscionably donated, be a reason?
      The BVI as an example,a prison currently full to the max,a force expanded to include foreign police not even room for detained illegal immigrants. Health care that is a disastrous unaffordable mishmash. A crumbling education system with graduates educationally lacking to the extent they denied entry at community colleges and students plying varied illegal drugs and toting firearms and other weapons,sex and pornography on-
      site,recorded and publicly published……
      Not too many places would encourage the multiplicity of such as the effect on the whole country,is extremely expensive for taxpayers and counter productive to healthy living of mind body soul as it adversely permeates everything attributed to good everyday living towards a bright future.

      and destroys all and everything in a country,

  10. Don't understand. says:

    Wrap up or stop cheating stick to one partner and live long. We have a problem, people who know they are sick are the ones want to have multiple sex partners and they know why.

  11. Hmmm says:

    When will the public health department start handing out PREP?

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