BVI News

Hospital’s maintenance staff members ordered into quarantine

The Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital in Road Town

Several members of the maintenance staff at the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) have been placed into quarantine because of exposure to COVID-19.

BVI News understands that the staff members were issued quarantine letters Friday morning, September 10.

Health Minister Carvin Malone confirmed the reports with our news centre this afternoon.

“It was reported to me that about 11 to 14 of the staff members have been asked to quarantine,” he told BVI News.

The Health Minister said only the maintenance staff at the BVIHSA seems to be affected, so far.

“The contact tracing team will do their work and when completed, they will know exactly what they will have to do,” he explained.

When asked whether he anticipates this incident to affect operations at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital, Minister Malone replied: “It should not, but all protective measures will be taken at all times. So the Public Health Unit is already on to the situation and it’s basically under control.”

According to the Health Ministry’s September 8 epidemiological summary for COVID-19 in the territory, there are currently 50 confirmed active cases.

One of those cases is said to be hospitalised.

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  1. Interesting says:

    When the kitchen had positive cases that wasn’t done . I’m really trying to understand the foolishness that is taken place at that place .

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  2. Local says:

    Interesting. Moh lost.. case was long ago

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  3. Question? says:

    Are hospital employees allowed to work unvaccinated, particular those who come in contact with patients? I hope not.

    While this report does not involve a patient, it is highly likely that this scenario can play out among patients as well if unvaccinated staff exists.

    If that ever occurs and it can be demonstrated that an unvaccinated employee @ the hospital was the source of a covid outbreak, then the hospital needs to be held liable.

    Tired of some people not taking this covid pandemic seriously. Get vaccinated, or stay away. Stop endangering people’s lives.

    Like 39
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    • Negrito says:

      YOU are putting the unvaccinated in danger stoopid. Unvaccinated actually have to get sick to spread anything. YOU STOOPID have it in your system once vaccinated you are the SUPER SPREADER.

      Like 22
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      • You need to take your meds says:

        What you wrote makes absolutely no sense. Go educate yourself about the risk of spreading covid by vaccinated vs unvaccinated persons rather that calling someone stupid when what you wrote represents stupidity at its highest.

        I wouldn’t call you stupid because I am above that and have ample words in my vocabulary to express myself without silly name calling, but suffice it to say, you are ignorant.

        Get off bvinews, and start googling on this topic to educate yourself. You are a health risk and your ignorance on this matter can be deadly.

        Like 35
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        • Negrito says:

          So tell me who walking around with Covid in their system right now? a True vegan in good physical health or a vaccinated person? STOOOOOOPID!

          Like 6
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          • Ann says:

            Seriously, you are completely ignorant. As if we could cure Covid with vegetables! The hardships the people of the BVIS are experiencing is because they will not get vaccinated. Why is it that Drs., nurses, and educated hospital staff jumped at the chance to get vaccinated? Is it because they are stupid, and the anti vaxers are geniuses? Think about it.

      • @Negrito says:

        Obviously you flunked science at school. Listen to the experts on this before opening your mouth and showing your ignorance.

        Like 30
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        • #Negriyo. U talking BS. says:

          I am fully vaccinated,, I do not have covid in my system. How I know. I did 3 covid test since I got fully Vax and all came out negative…For your info. Two of those test were done oversea..All negative. So if covid is in Fully vax body as you and others are foolishly peddling why are all my test after been fully vax are negative…U all just full of stupid excuses, U all so easy to be brainwashed.

          Like 7
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      • Ausar says:

        “Negrito”, you are so right!

        And we are now learning that many of the vaccinated, are developing variants and are considered the major spreaders. First, the Delta, now it’s the MU!

        SO vaccination is not the fail safe/non-fail proof, that we were all thought to believe that it was.

        For us Americans, I guess we’ll just have to be boosted every eight months..


        Like 16
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        • Misinformation and dangerous lies says:

          “And we are now learning that many of the vaccinated, are developing variants and are considered the major spreaders.”

          Mutations develop in unvaccinated persons. You need more than a booster shot. You need to be educated on the science.

          Like 18
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          • @misinformation says:

            Mutations devñop when they escape a vaccinated persons immune system. Those variants are more likely to be resistant to the antibodies generated in response to the vaccine. Thats was science before they started pushing thus vaccine, a vaccine that fails because it doesnt quell transmission.

            But its the internet. Say anything with enough conviction and its true.

            Like 7
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        • Ann says:

          The vaccines are EFFECTIVE against serious illness, hospitalizations, and death. IN the US all the hosptilized are unvaccinated. All the dying patients are unvaccinated! $ members of my family were fully vaccinated and did in fact contract Covid. They had mild cold like symptoms for 1 week and are fine.

    • Answer !!! says:

      Just tired of persons running to this vaccine or unvaccinated BS , for clarity the person that tested positive are fully vaccinated from the beginning. Unvaccinated persons are more careful because they know they’ll be targeted if an outbreak was to occur, it’s the vaccinated population walking around like they are untouchable.

      Like 29
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      • Something is not right with you. says:

        “Unvaccinated persons are more careful because they know they’ll be targeted if an outbreak was to occur,”
        Nonsense. You speak for all unvaccinated persons? Speak for yourself. You don’t have a clue how careful other unvaccinated persons are in avoiding contact with covid.

        Like 20
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      • Idiot says:

        Stop spreading false information

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    • @Question? says:

      You must be a A**. Don’t you see the Israeli study released in August showing the vaccinated are getting covid far more than was initially thought, being symptomatic and how they are also needing hospitalisation??!!! Didn’t you see fully vaccinated Oscar de la Hoya get hospitalized for covid this past week?! There is alot of suppression of the truth especially when it comes to vaccine deaths. Try deh

      Like 7
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      • @@Question? says:

        You again with the same bs? Aren’t you tired? Anyone who is foolish enough to buy the garbage you are selling deserves what they get.

        You are miserable and you want company. You are going to regret the crap you spew once day. Keep it up.

        Like 11
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  4. Judge Dread says:

    Case in point that the Personells leading the Employee health department in BVIHSA will now accept and recognize the fact that the powers within managing covid related cases ISN’T AND WILL NOT BE CONTROLLED BY THEIR UNIT. Just hoping that the Health Ministry will CONTINUALLY KEEPING THE PRESSURE ON so that BVIHSA STAFFS will adapt and always adhere to the PROTOCOLS laid out by the Ministry

    Like 5
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    • @ judge dread says:

      We can see that you work in the MOH. BUT HOW DOES IT TAKE TWO WEEKS TO CONTACT TRACE.The rules change to suit the Ministry.During the Time longer than twine.

  5. Covid on da rise says:

    Why send them home now???? after an exposure 2weeks ago whilst the maintenance staff has been working for the last 2 weeks in and around the entire hospital staff they are NOW being sent home today by the Ministry??? please make it make sense!!! Why not send home the entire BVIHSA STAFF who has already been exposed to the same maintenance staff for the last 2 weeks as well?? I guess this is a bully move by the ministry
    of health because even a blind man can see this is rubbish

    Like 18
  6. Hmmm says:

    When asked whether he anticipates this incident to affect operations at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital, Minister Malone replied: “It should not, but all protective measures will be taken at all times. You all kno how to lie to the public. It will totally affect operations

    Like 15
  7. Smart girl says:

    Tell the whole truth. Insider sources said they were tested two weeks ago and because of politics, the staff were served with this letter two weeks later.

    Like 18
  8. Worth a try. says:


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  9. Had a feeling says:

    I knew sooner than later this was going to happen. Who want to get mad can go right ahead. Everyone that works in any health facilities should be mandated to be vaccinated or be terminated on the spot. People that is not getting the vaccine or refuse to take the vaccine is IGNORANT AND SELFISH, THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES.

    Like 23
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  10. Sad says:

    This sooooooooo sad this outbreak from last week one maintenance staff had test positive why is now a week later they have maintenance on quarantine bullshit now more ppl goin get sick u don’t know where all them go and the government need to stop lie it is 4 to 5 in the hospital

  11. MoH says:

    C.O. bitter. It wasn’t me.check shaggy

  12. Pm says:

    Why did they not send home all the nurses when they test positive

  13. Local says:

    No man is an island. It would be nice to work together for a a common good. No need to want to look good. Let work speak for itself

  14. Dede says:

    They are all vaccinated just in case you wondering. This only happen because they were called out for the hypocrisy they practicing down there. When the vaccinated test positive they are allowed to continue working (thus the comment about the kitchen). This has also happen in the doctors, nurses, laboratory and other areas. They let them continue unless they really sick. Don’t be fool by this and if you all the MOH don’t know this, they too trying to cover the ass. Remember those unvaccinated at home so they can’t be blame. Also the vaccinated down there not following protocol even some in management. Anytime you say anything about the first thing they say I vaccinated.

    Like 16
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  15. Untold stories says:

    The staff were tested two weeks ago and was expected to return the next day pending a negative result. The Ministry made contact the same day saying the entire department had to go in isolation. That information was shared with the top dogs who did absolutely nothing.

    It was embarrassing having to receive a summons on your place of work by the police like you’re a criminal while the Ag. HRM and AG. CEO standing there to do what? When they had enough warnings to handle the matter before it got to this place.

    Like 14
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    • Local says:

      There is a powerstruggle. I am a biology teacher. I not getting into that.

      Like 10
      • Dede says:


        You are right, it’s a power struggle down there. Everyone wants to be chief and none have the ability to be leaders. Imagine bragging about a termination list and the evil to have done and plan to do to others. Ag CEO and Ag. HR I’m talking about both of you.

        Like 17
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    • @ untold stories says:

      Interesting that it took two weeks to find the hospital. If the ministry wanted them in quarantine two weeks ago they should have sent the papers. The ministry did not speak to the staff.On another note some people home 3 weeks abd never hear from Ministry. Guess this was design to show who is boos. Power is temporary.Double standards. One hand can’t clap let them know that

      Like 7
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  16. wow says:

    As far as i see the hospital is run by an bunch of clown and the minster of Health is an big waste of time

    Like 21
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  17. LB says:

    When will we learn to live with Covid? We will be exposed to it all the time. Stop counting cases and count those who have bad infections and symptoms. Our only focus should be symptomatic people. Change the narrative.

    • @LB says:

      They not going change the reporting because their agenda is control and domination …NWO

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    • Anonymous says:

      I am in agreement with you 100%. COVID is going to be around for a while and we have to learn how to live with it.This power struggle thing is getting on my last nerve.

  18. Chief says:

    I need to keep home my wife before she becomes infected by the others.

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  19. Vaccinated Hospital Staff says:

    This including politics S**t is going to F***ing kill us all. This hospital is run by a bunch of LOONS THAT DONOT KNOW HOW TO FIND THEIR A**ES OR ELBOW BONES EVEN IF YOU PUT IT IN THEIR FACES. SICK AND TIRED OF THE DAMN INEPT LOONS.

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  20. @chief says:


    “I need to keep my wife home….”

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  21. The Nation says:

    Where in this news article does it say why they need to quarantine and how the exposure happened? It doesn’t even say these questions were asked and the response was not given. Is this journalism??

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  22. @ Chief says:


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  23. The Beat Goes On says:

    Y’all keep it up I’ve seen and know enough to understand its some unprofessional and evil crap taking place because of the authority some persons now have because of the pandemic.

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  24. Vax for some is a Must.. says:

    Vax for certain workers must be made mandatory..Or we will continue to be in this yoyo.. 3 step forward 2 step back for a long time. No real forward moving progress.

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    • smh again says:

      And how will that help, pray tell? will it stop the virus from spreading? will it stop those individuals from contracting the virus?

      educate me oh sensible one

  25. Rip Saw says:

    They done spread it to the school and beyond.

  26. My only say says:

    I think anyone working in any Health facility or within any Health facility or the school system should be fully vaccinated. Sooner or later this is going to be mandated. Saudi Arabia everyone is mandated to be vaccinated. You have to show proof of vaccination in order to go into a supermarket to shop.

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    • huh? says:

      and you see nothing wrong with requiring vaccination that does not stop transmission or stop you from catching it or being hospitalised?

      sounding real pre nazi germany

  27. Really? says:

    So what happen to Deputy Governor’s Office? They have so many cases and the government ain’t see it prudent to close that office. It needs a proper sanitizing.

  28. Plain and simple says:

    It is the unvaccinated ones who is putting everyone at risk. I don’t want to work on any job with anyone that is not vaccinated. The employers have a right to send the unvaccinated ones home without pay.If I’m running a business with 10 employees and two out of those 10 employees is not vaccinated or refused to be vaccinated, they are going home without pay.

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  29. Really??!! says:

    Y’all forget one “unvaccinated” case is hospitalised. Don’t forget to specify please.

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