BVI News

I didn’t know of any corruption in my party — Dr Smith

Former Premier Dr D Orlando Smith and Former Governor Augustus Jaspert.

Years ahead of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) which examined governance in the territory, the UK had asked former Premier Dr D Orlando Smith about corruption that may have been happening within his then-governing National Democratic Party.

According to the former Premier, he said he was unaware of any such corruption but said he understood the concerns that led to COI, given that many people in the territory were complaining to the UK government over the years that his party was the most corrupt government in the territory’s history.

Dr Smith told the Talking Points show that he was questioned about the issue by former Governor Augustus Jaspert when he served as Premier, even before Jaspert ever set foot in the territory.

“I met [Jaspert] before he came here, and the first question he asked me was, ‘what about this corruption in the BVI?’” Dr Smith said. “I was taken aback because I didn’t know of any corruption. I was not aware of any corruption in the party which I was a part of and of which I was leader.”

Dr Smith suggested that the adage ‘where there is smoke, there is fire’, as well as the reportedly contentious relationship between the then-Andrew Fahie led government and the former governor, may have contributed to the eventual call for the COI by Jaspert as he left these shores.

We had regular meetings

When asked how he was able to stave off a COI from happening under his watch, Dr Smith said regular meetings with the former governor and Cabinet meetings of which the governor is usually the Chair may have helped with avoiding it at that time.

“So, there is ample opportunity for discussions between the governor and the Premier to be able to resolve any issues that may arise,” Dr Smith said. 

The COI ultimately found that there were urgent issues that needed to be addressed in the governance of the territory and proposed as its first and overarching recommendation that the territory’s constitution be suspended and UK rule be implemented through the governor.

The coalistion Government of National Unity — which was quickly assembled in the immediate aftermath of Fahie’s unrelated arrest for money laundering and drug smuggling in the United States — signed a document to implement governance reforms over a two-year period which saw that recommendation being stayed. 

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  1. Rubber Duck says:

    If you believe there was no connection between the operations of Fahie and his gang and the COI, you are living in a dream world.

    The COI was nothing to do with the UK taking over, as a number of idiots and the guilty claim, it was about protecting the people of the BVI from crooked politicians and civil servants. And still is.

    Like 80
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  2. He was no good! says:

    Jaspert came to the BVI to do just what he did. This was their plan all along. How could you be asking about corruption before you even step food in the country. He could have asked about education, infrastructure, poverty levels etc. but No! He asked for what he came for. This is why he was like a dog with a bone. When he returned home to the UK he was immediately placed on the Queen’s honoured list, then now working for the king’s estate in the Marine area.

    Like 8
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  3. King liar says:

    That lying man Andrew Fahie was carrying false news to the governors. He got what he was looking for now. When you are digging grave for thee people, you just dig one for yourself.

    Like 33
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  4. Hmm. says:

    That last Governor hands were not clean.

    Like 2
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  5. Salty Fish says:

    C’mon man!

    Like 3
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  6. Seems like says:

    this fellow is still in a dream world. All the drama started under your watch buddy.

    Like 26
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  7. Renegade says:

    Barry say you will hear so Dr Smith if you don’t know NOW YOU KNOW! LOL

    How you expect to know when you were labeled Dr. Zzzzzzzz??? Asks Rus where deh money bolt, then again ask Usain Bolt cause he got caught in one of those fraudulent schemes also.

    Like 6
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  8. Bdbd says:

    If you believe this when you’re naive

    Like 4
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  9. @rubber duck says:

    clap clap clap…….Finally someone who sees through the smoke screen and not following the rhetoric that the few are trying to force down our throats.

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  10. Unknown District says:

    Thank you Jaspert. Thanks for bringing clarity to the people of the BVI that we have a corrupt system. We know it all along, but was afraid to confront it. Thank you for stepping in. Don’t mind the people about the UK and all that mess. The Head Coach became so out of control, look at where he is now. This is when there is no law and order. Everyone do what they want. The country and people are out of control. If it takes for the UK to bring law and order, let it be so. If not, we will never be able to walk the streets of the BVI. The rich getting richer, poor getting poorer. Thanks again!

    Like 39
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  11. Oh Boy. says:

    You didn’t care. But it did happen under your watch and supervision..

    Like 9
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  12. Politrics says:

    These politician only seek to line their pockets and give away the people resources for their gain. Hand stay in the cookie jar. Let them fall to their own devices. The world is round. God wide awake.

  13. eastend girl says:

    how many of the former first lady’s favourite whiteys were given belongership under the table after irma

    ask the former first lady bout whether she knows of corruption

    Like 10
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  14. Linky says:

    Smith seems like he didn’t wake up from the BVI Airways voodoo fraud. Somebody try go find that voodoo doll sleeping spell they got pon him mahboy!

    Like 4
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  15. Tom says:

    His very wife was co**upt

    Like 5
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  16. Thnk says:

    Could it not be both?

  17. lol says:

    A mason will never say his wall was crooked

  18. sturpss says:

    He didn’t know it had corruption he didn’t know BVI Airways was a bad Investment even though he was told so… What it is he had know?

  19. Uradik says:

    His wife has clean hands? Asking for a friend.

  20. No use says:

    This site mostly post the comments in favor of the UK and the Governor and anything against the BVI.

    Dislike 11
  21. Gato Barbeieri says:

    I didn’t know of any corruption. I was not aware of any corruption in the party which I was a part of and of which I was leader.”

    Orlando Puuuuleeze

  22. TRUTH says:

    I hope you planning on what I’m thinking, I for sure ain’t voting for you time for you old folks to sit back and let the young run the show, you and your wife take a seat

  23. @ HE WAS NO GOOD says:

    Hey blondie , first ) we know it’s you blogging using different names / if he was so bad why you pathner was up SNITCHING to him ? Why are you so obsessed with him ,and what he does in his other
    job ? How about the X prime minister boris which you were also obsessed with ? What is he doing now ? You went to the UK, yet you didn’t have the courage to request a meeting and tell him to his face all that you were hollering out down here about him , you need to stay in your lane you even criticizing this sames site but you cannot resist the temptation to be on it , are you on medication or the white lady ? ? ? ?

  24. BS says:

    Inconceivable that he could be unaware of corruption. Claiming such ignorance is a horrible attempt to try and say your hands are clean. Just how much *** is on then???

  25. Liar liar pants on fire says:

    Orlando stop it!! Stop the lies pleeeeease. You knew and did and said NOTHING cause you weren’t man enough to stand up to the likes or Walwyn. You were nothing but a puppet though you were the title of the leader. You knew all about the wall, cruise ship pier, the airplane etc. Matter of fact, you yourself lied to us the people who when you said the 7mil wasn’t paid in full for the airline that never flew but that was a boldface lie. Orlando, please remember you were the worst premier in the history of the VIs to your rogue party that ran the country out of fear. When you and your party was in the territory was fearful to even voice their opinion because fear of retaliation by your government in one way or the next. Y’all ran a communist society for a min that’s why the people let them voices be heard on elections day and throw you guys out on your butts. So please hush your mouth and practice wearing your pants from letting Lorna wear it for you as she always have.

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