BVI News

I rejoined gov’t because my mission in Opposition was a success

Former Minister of Health & Social Development Carvin Malone.

Territorial At-Large Representative Carvin Malone said he rejoined the Government of National Unity because he is now satisfied that he successfully informed the public about pressing matters affecting the territory.

Malone said in an interview on ZBVI radio yesterday that his decision to resign from the government roughly six months ago was never about leaving the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) but was more about “getting the information out”.

He said informing the territory on certain matters “would have [gone] against some forms of protocol in the government caucus”.

“There was some areas where it was felt that maybe it shouldn’t have been revealed but I felt that we needed to make sure that the people of the Virgin Islands were well informed,” said Malone who, in the last few weeks and months, have peppered the government with questions about the ongoing constitutional review and the controversial UK Order in Council, among other things.

And when asked what he used to measure the success of his time in the Opposition, Malone said: “Ask any man on the road whether or not they’re better informed as to some of the challenges that we are faced with.”

“They (the public) did not know about certain things, especially … in terms of learning more about the constitution, the constitution review process,” the legislator said.

He continued: “In order to have this constitution review to be deemed a success, we must be able to set a a period for education of the people as to their choices — the one of five, or if there are any more, that come on the table. We must be able to set a date certain for which a referendum could be held. If it is passed, we must be able to set a date where we would either stay as we are if we decide that is what we want to do, go associated state, go integrated, go independent or go republic. These are topics that are more widely talked about because of information [I] imparted.

Timing of Malone’s return

Meanwhile, Malone’s move to rejoin the government comes three days before he contests the chairmanship of the Virgin Islands Party.

When asked whether the move was made to push his political future into becoming Premier of the BVI, Malone said: “It’s not just that, because I always advocate it and I told the people and they know that I remained a member of the Virgin Islands Party. One of the questions that came up was in fact ‘if you were to be victorious in this particular endeavour, would you then cross over?‘ The answer was yes. ‘If your were not victorious, would you then cross back over?‘. The answer is yes. So at the end of the day, whether it’s before of after Sunday’s [VIP internal election] it would happen.”

“The question on Monday would have been, are you now crossing over because you lost or are you now only crossing over because you won? Let’s take that off the table today 2nd February,” Malone added.

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  1. SUCCESS ❓ says:

    what did he accomplish , I hope he would share it with us , or it was it a dream ●¿●

    Like 27
  2. >?>> says:

    Mission??? Care to elaborate good sir?

    Like 13
  3. ??!?? says:

    If you weren’t confused before, this should do the trick.

    Like 18
  4. Sorry says:

    but you crossed the floor to keep your seat in the HOA until the next election in 2026(4 years from 2022).

  5. Guest says:

    Political gibberish.

    Like 12


    Like 1
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  7. The cheese stands alone says:

    Fraser is glad that he is gone.

    Like 11
  8. Power hungry& Confused says:

    What is he talking about?

    Like 13
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  9. Facts says:

    Bless his hearts he is just slow

  10. @ CHEESE says:

    He realized that his coach , had already done a number on king of the 3rd district ,so the 3rd wouldn’t trust him , so he did the moonwalk back / which was the next best thing , because he wasn’t really fooling anybody ?

  11. Seer says:

    Mene Mene tekel upharsin.

    the Hon. M*lon*

    God has weighed your heart, He has seen everything you have done and you have been found wanting. The Lord Himself has rejected you and you will lose .

    Like 7
    Dislike 1
  12. so wait... says:

    He claiming that his time in the opposition was because he had to keep the public informed of things that the government was trying to hide from us so he had to leave them to make sure we stay informed? bofl… What illuminating insights has Carvin blessed us with on his time in the opposition? All this man do is complain about being removed because he was tight with head coach… not gonna lie his explanation sound like something head coach would say

  13. Down2earth says:

    So, Mr. Malone you crossed the floor just to inform the public about some pressing matters? What are they again? Let’s reason this out. You have been and are all about the islands talking and doing more talking on radio and otherwise. You needed to cross the floor to say the same thing?

    I really don’t follow your rationale!

    A native Virgin Islander to the Nth generation.

  14. M says:

    Andrew admit he owed a obeah man.ALL V.I.P MEMBERS Know what was happening last election so now what?People of the BVI wake up

  15. I want to be Premier says:

    CARVIN once the chairmanship so he could be the premier. Natalio want to remain premier. Street smart Allen want premiership. Luce want to be 1st woman premier. You all think NDP power fight was hot? VIP is a rumbling volcano.

  16. Rubber Duck says:

    Mission accomplished.

    Like George Bush then.

  17. Nonsense says:

    Pure nonsense. How is an opposition’s mission complete when the Government you are opposing are still in power and are still actively making decisions. Are we to assume that Hon. Malone has assented to future decisions in advance and knows that he will not need to opposition any further decisions? Nonsense

  18. Redstorm says:

    Pure silliness, he still in the woods.

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