I will ‘revolt’ if Leonora Delville students go back under tents

Leader of Opposition Andrew Fahie
Representative of the First Electoral District Andrew Fahie is threatening to protest if students enrolled at Leonora Delville Primary are placed back under tents at the start of the new school year.
The school year will begin for all public schools on September 17, and Leonora Delville Primary – which is located in Fahie’s constituency – is one of the schools undergoing final repairs.
Government said the educational facility will be ready in time for the start of the new school year but Fahie seems to be dissatisfied with the progress of the repairs.
“We were promised that those children are going to be in the classroom … I’m going to be the first one with the parents who going to revolt if they ask them to go back in under them tents. Don’t tell me anything about ‘delay with windows and doors’ because this is ridiculousness,” said Fahie, who is also Leader of Opposition.
Fahie made the statement about the school last week during a community meeting about health concerns being caused by a government dumpsite in Pockwood Pond.
Inserting Leonora Delville Primary into those discussions, Fahie said: “We also have a health hazard with this school over there that only needed $150,000 to start [repairs] last year December and I said it and I got ridiculed for it.”
He did not specify what health hazard is affecting the school.
The district representative, however, continued to level fresh accusations at the Myron Walwyn-led Ministry of Education.
“Fake contracts were signed knowing that they didn’t have the money and then [they] put the children out there (under tents in the Capoon’s Bay field) for one year and it has a lot of health issues there also,” the First District representative said.
Fahie had made those same claims back in April but Walwyn has since denied them.
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He is revolting fo tru.
Always starting animosity and bad feelings when its him who said that he had volunteers,donors and money to rebuild. He revolting fo tru.
This is who you guys really want for premier? Be very careful of Judas Goat. Smh
Don’t get me started with you and your piddle. Everyone who disagrees with your beloved Myron you come on here talking piddle. The contracts in December were fake and didn’t get started then and were resigned in February because they were signed knowing that he had no funds to do the works. It was just to impress at the expense of the children and teachers.
A true leader finds ways to resolve problems not to enflame them. Hon Fahie is not ready for the big seat sorry to say. Its actually sad.
Fahie will be the next Premier with or without your permission so save your fingers with your negative post towards him while only lauding Myron.
One mindset of desperation with one purpose driven by power hunger.
The topic is the school not whose fantasy is becoming the next premier.
Define “FAKE”..
A) Is fake re-signing a contract to the same contractor because volunteers had done that original assigned task? Or
B) the suspicious creation of a Telecommunications company to secure an airport contract which was not tendered?
Survey Says! B
And you want walwyn?
All for personal gain and image! Why don’t you find solutions rather than political posturing? Give us facts, give us proof, tired of accusations and hearsay. We’re all getting very bored of this VIP/NDP drama! Getting more and more like a reality show.
Fahie has always and will always be about solutions but the NDP takes advice from no one but themselves.
What solutions?! Look at the state of first district and he been in there since 1999. For the record, I do not support NDP nor VIP. Both a waste of the peoples’ time! Fraser or Ronnie please provide a better alternative cause the others ain cutting it!
I pity rude fools like you.
The PU party is here to the rescue
What happen to the solution here. He claim long time ago that he had donors and volunteers and money to build the school. Was this another demonstration of his fake madeup bovine excrement.
He has never done good for the children, if he is not dumbing them down he support their laziness and and Gov dependency.
This first district man is h**l. If the school is not ready would you prefer the students to stay home? If you know of any place that can house the students..bring the idea forward and stop actingblikr an immature child. Work together for these student’s sake. Always bickering with no solution for the problem. Sick of all this now.????
I am from the 1st District and I resent your post because Fahie is the total opposite of who you are trying to portray him as. He proposed many solutions after Irma especially to the NDP from how to repair the ports, The roads, the schools, etc, but they fell on deaf ears. This project was handled poorly with the schools and there’s no other way to put it. The Minister knows how to was things eloquently but the reality is something else.
Would you be singing the same song if it were your child or children attending that school under a tent. Who feels it knows it!
Tis now this late stage,this MrF talking bout school opening when he long time make announcement that he had everything under control and would be building the school with the help of donors volunteers and cash..what a fake.
Is this the best that the Minister of Education can do? One whole yeah later? Leaders really treat their people poorly and expect visitors and outsiders to treat us how? Ms. Wize how on earth did we become a people that expect little to nothing?
I am with you Fahie 100%
I know that Irma came and we can’t blame anyone for what happen to the school but if the monies were made available from December when the contracts were signed then our children would have already been back in the building.
You will have plenty back up Hon. Fahie.
There’s no valid excuse why our children and teachers were left under those tents for so long in that deplorable condition.
I listen to the Minister of Education blaming the Ministry of Finance for not giving him the money in December to do the works for the contracts he signed in December 2017. My question to him is why sign them and give us all false hopes when you know in December that you didn’t have the money to do the works. That’s deceitful.
A few of us as parents have major medical expenses as a result of the health hazards that arise under these tents and no one in the Ministry has extended a hand to help nor improve these bad conditions they placed our children under.
I don’t always agree with Fahie but this is one time I fully agree with him. Let’s hope that the building is ready as promised although we had many other promises by the Minister that failed. This time let’s hope for the best.
Hon Fahie where are the volunteers you wrote Hon Walwyn about. Never materialized!
I remember when Hon Fahie won the chairmanship of the VIP he said that he (WILL NOT) challege Hon Frazer for leader of the opposition. The next week the rattle snake struck! I cant believe a word from this man!
Everyone knows that you are talking stupidness. The only won with a tenuous relationship with the truth is Myron and the NDP.
I know for political reasons to try to make Myron look like a saint a few persons will come on posting against Fahie but the truth be told that this project was not handled with the high priority that Minister is trying to make us to believe.
The Minister of Education basically admitted in the House of Assembky that the contracts signed in December were fake contracts because he stated that in December when they were signed the contracts were not processed. I work in government and we all know that when a signed contract isn’t processed in the government system it means that there’s no money avaible for the project and the contracts are not worth the paper that they are signed on. Hence they were fake contracts and that’s why they had to be “resigned” but actually signed in February. That’s not being truthful at all to the people.
What is evident is that some government workers like yourself are a major part of the problem we’re having in fullfilling their duties. Shouldn’t you be doing the governments work you’re being paid to do? Smh
I do not support Fahie politically but I agree with him on this 100%. Time to get s**t moving and stop the excuses. I don’t think anyone is looking for perfection at this time but put some effort into making the kids’ experience much better than last school year.
But but Andrew, all ah we waiting on you for the rebuilding you announce that you had donors and volunters and approx $300 to start building. Wha happen. You are really revolting.
$ NO SAH..HE said $300,000 and he did not put the money where his mouth is at all. Anothe untruth from he.
Tell it to the Hon. Chairman! I’m sick and tired of the National Dose of Poison.
I don’t care about no drama on politics when it comes to my children.last semester cost me a lot of shoes.wet shoes.i went one day for a meeting and if for one hour that place felt like that what about the children who has to be in it all day.(heat)
It’s unfair for them to go back there on the 17th .I told my children I wish the wind can just take and put them somewhere or jus damage them beyond repair ….we need a building not tents
Better we put Myron in Heaven to replace the savior because he’s without sin at all times and he and his cronies see everyone who disagree with him as ——ful, bad and without solutions. What a set of h———–.
Fahie publicly mentioned that he had donors to help rebuild LDPS. At a meeting he even announced that this was more than $300k. So why did he donors backed out? Was this even true? This would have been able to start repairs to the school early while the Minister waited for Finance to give money for the project. So again, where are the donors that were so eager to help??
Hmmm! Where is the 300k plus you recieved from the donors Hon. FAHIE??? ENQUIRING MINDS WANNA KNOW!
Maybe he is using that money for all those VIP commercials on ZBVI all day long?
Myron playing pilinky too much now with Andrew. Andrew where are the donors you had lined up ready to start rebuilding the school? Where is the help that you promised the Minister to assist with labour? Now you here with hogwash talking about revolt?? When none of the things you promised assistance with has come to fruition yet? Myron please tell Andrew to have a seat and let you continue doing what you have to. SMH
If they had just let the people of the district fix the schools after the hurricanes in the beginning this none sense won’t be happening to the children.
Let who people of the district? The same people that Andrew claimed were ready to help with labour? Or the donors that Andrew said were ready to give to rebuilding?? Oh please.
You need to stop believing everything Myron tells you and go get the truth for yourself. Also you are calling the people of the first district liars not Fahie only because we know what we know about this matter. Myron wants to control everyone and everything and he will do that with Fahie nor this country.
This man want to be our premier but he all about smoke screens. He claim on public record that he have asked donors to help fix the school. He claim he raised over $300k to help fix the school. Now when the ministry ask him for the names of the donors to try and move things along faster he don’t respond and now he here looking points like he some hero, but he going revolt. Fahie just hot air I pray people see this man for who he is.
The people that wanted to fix the school didn’t want nothing to do with Myron and the NDP government who wanted then to deal through them. They just can’t be trusted.
So here are a few fun facts for you. Donors were glad to support projects in the Ministry because there was one policy that the Minister had for everyone – we do not want any of your money pass through the Ministry or the Govt. So all donors paid the contractors and workers themselves and were able to complete the projects they set forth to do.
If Fahie had responded to the several requests to bring forward his donors, they would have known about the way in which the Minister and Ministry were handing donor funding.
Your excuse is lame and invalid
People were willing to fix the schools without pay. It is your minister who wanted money donated to the ministry.
Myron has a few assigned bloggers to always try to make him look spotless but the majority of the people knows better.
I am concern with how Myron has divided this BVI forever. It is all about him and how he can spin everything in his favor while trying to make everyone who doesn’t see eye to eye with him look like the only bad people in town. I pray that he never becomes the Premier of this country.
Ok esteem—- we hard what yo said
Read the HEADLINE of the article and tell me who is dividing the country! People of the First, Hon Fahie is m—————- you!
As far as I see Myron and his cronies are a set of haters & and confusion makers
People been donating money to the school principal go ask she and Myron where it is.
Dont manufacturer stories to cover for Hon Fahie. He said it on record that he had over 300k donated. So where is this money now? Lets stay on topic!
Please stop lying that Fahie received $300 thousand dollars for repairs of schools. It isn’t true and it for sure isn’t how you are trying to paint it. Instead you will soon hear about donations made since Irma to your bald head boy that ended up St. Lucia and not in the schools.
If you don’t know go find out. They like to hide things too dam much in this place or pretend like they don’t know.
Like you people really forgot VIP was once in power and Fahie was minister of education? How it’s so easy to forget;
My child was to report back to Ivan Dawson Primary this term but has no choice but to report now to Capoons Bay for school. I was very upset at the school conditions they have our kids facing there. I tried to get him in another school before this term started; no space!! This is nonsence and IRMA should have not been an excuse!