BVI News

Independent experts hired to assist RVIPF in BVI Airways investigation

Governor Augustus Jaspert has announced that experts have been hired to conduct further investigations into the failed $7.2 million agreement between the previous National Democratic Party government and the defunct airline, BVI Airways. 

These experts have been hired to assist the ongoing criminal investigations being conducted by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force.

“I was pleased to support the Commissioner’s request to appoint independent financial investigation experts to set the wheels in motion for the investigation and I am grateful to members of the National Security Council for agreeing to the funding,” the Governor said in a statement Tuesday afternoon.

“Once his investigation has concluded, further investigations can commence, including in relation to any potential breach of rules and regulations by public officers. The Deputy Governor will lead on that work,” he added.

This announcement follows the release of the Auditor General’s report on the BVI Airways Flights to Miami. 

Flaws in accountability

Governor Jaspert said the findings of the report has shown that many flaws exist in the government’s system of accountability.

He said: “Notwithstanding the accountability procedural measures mentioned in the Financial Management Act, its supporting regulations, the reporting processes that are in place for projects of this nature, we now need to determine how have the current systems and practices enabled this to happen?”

“I believe that this and previous audit reports show that there are fundamental deficiencies in our systems, practices and procedures which are designed to protect public finances and ensure proper project management,” he added.

Commitment to transparency and good governance

The Governor also reaffirmed his commitment to good governance, transparency and accountability within the territory, and said that he will be meeting with Premier Andrew Fahie and other members of government to correct the existing gaps within the system.

“I will be following up with the Honourable Minister of Finance and all of Cabinet to ensure that the systems are improved to address issues raised in this and earlier reports to ensure that new, tighter practices are adopted to further ensure full accountability and transparency for Government funds. This should not be able to happen again,” he stated.

“We need to stand up for them and ensure high standards are upheld and are improved upon. This report, and others before, have proven that there is room for improvement. Let’s seize the opportunity and deliver a positive outcome from it,” Governor Jaspert further said.

The Auditor General’s report has suggested that a number of negligent acts from government heads involved in the BVI Airways deal contributed to many of the decisions that resulted in taxpayers losing $7.2 million in the project.

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  1. Good says:


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  2. Hmmm says:

    I always hearing the Governor saying he is the Chairman of Cabinet, although he doesn’t have a vote. What happened when these things were passing through Cabinet? Did he speak up and speak out? Why did he not act to stop it?
    I believe the plan was to give the NDP rope, so the UK could sweep in and take over. So NDP was set up.
    The beauty is that a fiduciary duty could have been breached, but it would remain protected by immunity.
    In my opinion the Governor has questions to answer that everybody, including the media, too scared to ask.

    Like 2
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  3. ask Andrew says:

    Hon Andrew Fahie sat in the opposition and told the HOA over and over that this airline was not going to fly. He brought facts to the table. Don’t go spending to pay somebody else to do what Andrew found out already. Good Andrew, bad Andrew, he call this spade as he saw it and he was right. Justice must be served on all these crooks.

    Like 12
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  4. Disinterested says:

    IMO the VI needs an independent investigative agency, bureau…….etc. Therefore, I’m not averse to the hiring of an independent expert(s) to investigate the agreement between BVI Airways and the VI government to provide non-stop flights between MIA and TBLIA. However, I’m a bit concern about Governor A.J. U. Aspert comment about the investigation.

    Auditor General report completed, it was forwarded to Governor Jaspert for review. Review completed, the report was assigned to the RVIPF for investigation. As such, the Governor should not be commenting on an ongoing investigation. It was ok to inform the territory that independent experts were hired to assist with the investigation but beyond that the Guv should zip it. Further, the RVIPF has the investigation so what is the role of the Deputy Governor?

    Moreover, the Guv must resist the urge and stay out of the media. He is behaving akin to a mediaphile or media w…..e. Here is a news flash; it is not sexy.

    Like 3
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  5. Wellsaw says:

    He already talking about poor transparency and not proper systems. In other words a slap on the wrist. This man has too many files on his desk to make public and to decide what action to take.

    Pier Park, School Wall, the people have a right to know. What message are we sending to the youths when the results of investigations are just passed around like a hot potato and put on the shelf like it never happened allegedly.

  6. YBM says:

    I still feel nobody is going to jail, you know following this story just goes to show the privilege of being a Belonger to see the old Administration gonna get away with this and probably make a public apology if so much is beyond me and $7.2 Million gone down the drain that both Non Belongers and Belonger put in on but the talk in the British Virgin “Islands” every day is to get rid of “Island” people while their own people is taking advantage of them. What a time to be alive

    Like 5
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  7. Stop wasting money says:

    Its ridiculous that we keep spending more and more taxpayer money on this failed project. Stop it and move on

    Like 3
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  8. Well sah says:

    I haven’t heard the opposition leader said anything about the BVI airways report he’s silent hmmm

  9. What about says:

    Pier Park?

  10. A BIG HMMMMM says:


  11. A Thought says:

    Can restitution from the airline deal be sought from Richard ——?

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