BVI News

Is Governor Jaspert complying with 14-day quarantine protocol?

Governor Augustus Jaspert

The office of the outgoing governor, Augustus Jaspert has moved to assure the public that he is indeed observing the 14-day quarantine period that is mandatory for all persons who recently travelled from the United Kingdom.

Following his return from a three-week trip to the United Kingdom, there were public rumours that Governor Jaspert was refusing to observe the mandatory 14 days of quarantine that the BVI imposed on travellers from the United Kingdom after a new COVID-19 variant was found there.

The new travel protocol came into effect on January 11.

Amid the speculation, BVI News asked the Governor’s Office to confirm whether Governor Jaspert was refusing to observe the territory’s quarantine protocols.

The response from that office said: “Governor Jaspert is in quarantine. Although he landed before the 14 days quarantine for UK travellers came into law, he is doing 14 days of voluntary self-isolation in an abundance of caution to ensure the safety of his staff and the public.”

A December news release from the Governor’s Office said Governor Jaspert was out of the territory from December 19, 2020, to January 7, 2021.

On a recent edition of the Honestly Speaking radio programme, Premier Andrew Fahie said despite the rumours, he was confident that Governor Jaspert would observe the quarantine period for the safety of the BVI.

“I know that he will do the correct thing in terms of quarantining for the 14 days because of his love for the people of the Virgin Islands and knowing our concern for the virus. I really don’t see that there’ll end up to be any issue with that with Governor Jaspert. I see that his love for the people will allow him to quarantine for the 14 days,” Premier Fahie said.

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  1. Resident says:

    So even though the quarantine didn’t apply to him the Governor is doing the right thing to protect others, out of an abundance of caution.

    Just the sort of selfless behavior one expects from this fine public servant. A characteristic end to his tenure of office. Thank you Governor.

    Like 28
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    • HUH! says:

      Jonah Guv backed down after criticism that he was refusing to quarantine for 14 days. Well played Premier 🙂 🙂
      So now we two Gus in quarantine – makes you wonder why Jonah Guv came back. I would like the new Guv (who I hope will be a business not an all talk Guv) to take over today, and to pack Jonah off back to the UK ASAP.
      Why is Jonah still here? Is it something to do with his tax position in the UK, and needing to be out of the UK for a few more days so he is not tax resident in the UK for the 20/21 tax year? If so, why are we paying for that?

      Like 1
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    • Winry says:

      Why are you complaining? It says he IS quarantining. Though I don’t see why. What’s the point of putting out the whole ‘be back BEFORE this day and BEFORE this time and you WONT have to quarantine for 14 days’ warning the government does, if even IF you DO make it back like HOURS before the cut off day and time, they STILL make you go into quarantine. And you don’t even get to quarantine at home where you WANT to be, but get forced onto busses that will shuttle you off to EXPENSIVE quarantine hotels or whatever it is they are taking you against your will, where you will be charged thousands of dollars Per Person traveling with you for a 14 day stay in a hotel you DONT want to stay in, ESPECIALLY if another reason why you rushed to get back before the cut off date and time was because it was ALSO promised that you WOULDNT have to go to hotel quarantine if you made it back before the cutoff date and time.

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  2. Jokes says:

    The premier is a dangerous dude, wow.

    Like 14
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    • Doh says:


      Dear Leader is one attempting to consolidate power. Gradually, in small steps, we are witnessing the erosion of transparency and a balance of power. The change is slow, so as to not raise alarm, but trust me friends, it is happening and the consequences are frightening.

      But carry on

  3. Pat says:

    Gus was forced to do the quarantine good he is not going to get away on his last few days with telling untruths

    Like 1
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  4. YOUTH says:

    This Governor is a real disappointment.

    Like 3
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  5. Of Course says:

    This is a leadership-by-example Governor. Always has been. Those who enjoy casting doubt on Governor Jaspert’s integrity and honor do so in ignorance, without merit or reason.

    Like 13
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  6. I cant believe this! says:

    The Premier is a very dangerous person. Their new site deliberately put that rumor out on the governor and know he turns around and pretend like he doesn’t know. I just can’t anymore with these horrific people.

    Like 12
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  7. Mr Shovels says:

    Plot twist: foy is the one that started the same rumour

    Like 9
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  8. Gus says:

    You make me quarantine, and I’ll make you answer to a Commission of Enquiry!!

  9. ohho says:

    Oh so you big big so everyone else have to follow the rule but not you. I suggest you get in you home and do your days or go back where you came from. Others had to follow the rules and go through hell coming in, make it worst when u have little kids with you and have them lock in a room and having to keep telling them they can not go outside yet we have to wait just because we are trying not to arm everyone else but because you feel you have a title means that you don’t have to do it. Its because of people like you sir is why our government have to the change the rules last minute and take precaution seriously.

  10. Out says:

    Why did he return to the BVI ? When his team is already ended

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