BVI News

Jobs are there but youngsters don’t want them

Junior Minister Karl Dawson

As the community continues to debate whether the state of the economy is responsible for an uptick in crime, Junior Minister Dr Karl Dawson has posited that some youngsters just aren’t interested in the jobs that the economy has to offer.

During a discussion about the state of the economy on the Morning Braff radio show earlier this week, Dr Dawson — the Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries — admitted that the economy is tougher than before. But he said there are jobs and opportunities these youngsters can get, yet they don’t seem interested.

“When I look in the newspaper, I see jobs there — construction jobs and hospitality jobs. But some people don’t necessarily want to go into those areas,” Minister Dawson said. “What I grew up on is that you should take what you can get until you get what you want.”

Minister Dawson – a prominent educator – then gave examples of many successful local businessmen who started out as entry-level tradespeople and now have thriving businesses where they hire others. He also used himself as an example, saying in the past, he too went back to working the same jobs some are refusing, just to make ends meet.

“Even myself – you know me as an educator and at one point I was working as a consultant with the government then my contract ended. Guess what? I went back to my roots, I worked at Pussers, I worked for a restaurant company with Mark Vanterpool. It was what I needed to do to survive. I wasn’t going to get money through illegal means. I had some skills that could be useful and that’s what I did,” Dr Dawson said.

Dr Dawson also pointed out another issue. He said whenever technical and vocational training programmes open up in the community, they first attract a number of youngsters who quickly lose interest and drop out before the programmes end.

“My wife is a registrar at a college and sometimes when the arrest blotter comes out (from the police) she will say that she knows these young people (from training programmes). So you see some people who are getting opportunities but still end up making bad choices. You find people in some of these fields, they want to help young people come into these fields. We have to figure out why these options are there and people aren’t taking them,” Dr Dawson stated.

Recently, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley sparked much debate in the community, after stating that the sluggish BVI economy is not the cause of a rise in serious crimes.

The Premier’s statement comes amid an uptick in serious crimes including theft, burglaries, shootings and two daring daylight store robberies in areas frequented by residents and visitors.

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  1. hhm says:

    They want fast money, get rich quick which entry jobs cannot offer them. The youths need to understand that no one starts from the top!!!!

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    • @hmm says:

      Indeed, but the question remains as to why they think that way? Could it have anything to do with how they see the leadership run the. Territory? Could it have anything to do that accountability for poor governance, wasted or lost public monies, is just a theory? Could it have anything to d with the attitude that vocational work is beneath them and is work for non-belongers whom they see as being exploited? Where would they even learn journeyman skills? Could it have anything to do with easy money opportunities in the narco business? As to hospitality work, that would require youth to be nice when they never learned how to be. IMHO, much of this stems from the decision decades ago not to pay too much attention to education.

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      • @@hmm says:

        Mentality of some parents and what they are teaching their children now is a reason. Some jobs are beneath them. Instead of starting somewhere, gain experience and contacts they rather do nothing or illegal activities.

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      • Thoughtful sailor says:

        Well, when you see the Deputy Premier imply that inexperienced youth should be entitled to senior jobs in the charter industry, rather than work their way up, it is easy to see how they might be misled!

      • Really now... says:

        A lot of times when you see jobs advertised, the position has already been filled and the business is just advertising to fulfill the Labour requirement. This has been going on forever.

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  2. Yes says:

    Unfortunately he will be bashed for being honest. Not all young people are like this but far too many are.

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  3. FINALLY says:

    Someone spoke the truth to shame the false narrative that there are no jobs. Everyday im online, the classifieds are full, the news papers are full, H*reBVI listings full, yet ppl sitting around talking about there arent jobs. NO, yal just dnt want to work. its sad to see that this generation of youth have no sort of discipline, ambition or work ethic. The lack of respect for authority plays a role as well, ive heard so many say “Meen wan wuk fuh nobody” why, because they dnt respect their parents, so they feel no one else can tell them wat to do or they dnt need to answer to or be held accountable to any one. A rude awakening lies ahead, because the world sadly does not work that way!

    Like 22
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    • Lodger says:

      Most job adverts are for work permit renewals by skilled workers.
      The whole system needs reworking.

    • Hmmm says:

      and those who wants to work are being told that they need experience—- Now tell me how are they ever going to get experience when no one wants to hire them without experience?

  4. Point of view says:

    Children these days catch on fast! They watch there parents who earn multiple degrees struggle to pay bills and provide for their families because government under pay locals and not control the cost of living. That’s why most children are leaving the country for a better life elsewhere. Those unfortunate afraid to work hard to still have nothing.

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  5. hmm says:

    my daughter is a recent high school grad and been hunting for a job. i have access to her email I am was so surprised how much she hunting looking. She went on one interview and they asking her who her parents are and if she has a photo!!! is who you is and who you for!!!!

    Like 22
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    • Stupes says:

      Same with my nephews. One of them is on the Deans list at the college and set to graduate in May. He cannot even get an interview.

      I have another family member who has been applying all over the place and send his application to labour with reminders every now and then. Not a thing is happening. The young people must get frustrated.

  6. strupes says:

    a lot of those jobs arent undesirable because of the type of job its because they dont be paying! i can’t imagine breaking my back and taking bad treatment to work in a supermarket or gas station or restaurant just to barely make ends meet! and yes i know its not ALL of them like that but generally that is the case. a lot of these places pay the absolute bare minimum with no benefits and they treat their workers horribly! wa kinda life you could live on tortola when the minimum wage is SIX DOLLARS? rent is sky freaking high, electricity is sky freaking high, groceries, healthcare, we still have to pay for useless NHI… come on man. for years ya’ll been pushing the narrative that people just dont want to work but ya’ll not looking at the big picture. pass the laws to make it mandatory to pay a livable wage, at least $12 an hour, then come back.

    Like 16
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    • Stupes says:

      You are quite right. Some of those workers get paid months after they work. Their bosses don’t pay them on time. A lot of those people put up with a lot from their employers. It is so unfair to them. One guy told me the other day, he was working for a certain contractor and had not seen a pay check for months, so he had to be all over the place looking odd jobs. Some people put up with a lot.

  7. Crime says:

    seems to be the only alternative for the entitled youth of the BVI. Thankfully criminal careers are brief and eventually fatal. Maybe Chinese like birth control is answer; less babies, less youth, less future crime.

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    • Hmmm says:

      BVI accept a lot of criminals from other places all the time. I challenge Labour to be brave enough to invest in a real “compliance programme” and conduct proper checks so that we can get the real picture of who we import. If some of these people could work in their country they would not be in the BVI.

  8. Excuses from government says:

    Yes you see jobs but how many of them have room for growth. Are the workshops teach people to work for others or to use the skill themselves?

    There’s many people with degrees who don’t want to be stuck doing something meaningless for low pay. I’d rather spend that time working on my goals which have no ceiling. Sorry for having self respect and expecting government to work for us small businesses too when they ask for contributions every month.

    • Easier said than done says:

      I have a small restaurant and the AMOUNT of harassment I get. EVERY SINGLE TIME they come, they have another requirement. The goal post keeps pushing out more and more. Yet persons are allowed to set up tents in the STREETS and do not have to abide by the same rules. They sell food with no warmers and little to no water. No handwashing sink, nothing, but they take away all the profits and we are left holding the bag. Seriously considering closing as it will soon be more cost effective.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Low minimal wage. High costs. Not many desirable jobs to choose from. This isn’t like the states where there is a job for just about everything. People shouldn’t be surprised when all there kids move to the states and have kids in the states that can’t come back home to live.

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  10. Talking Foolishness says:

    Which part of the BVI this man lives! For the past 6 months, my daughter has applied to over 20 positions without any success. It seems to be just a tick the box exercise! And the Labour Dept is useless as well.

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  11. Feo Gomez says:

    yea the idio…I mean youngster don’t want a job where they have responsibilities. Statement sound stupid right? Now you understanding the youths of Tortola.

  12. I am 27 says:

    As a young person who takes advantage of job openings, I don’t get through because I’m underqualified. You see, as an entry level youngster, these news papers specify they looking for people with 5-10 years of experience and bla bla bla. And ironic how I have a license on the field(s) I applied for, with good interview skills, proper dress, etc., they still wouldn’t take certain applicants. Lastly, I notice jobs take certain people who are underqualified, and get the position because of who they for and what’s not.

  13. I am 27 says:

    Initiate workshops and free certification opportunity/programmes.

  14. Rude Awakening says:

    The BVI is in for a very rude awakening. People saying there are no jobs which is bullshit. If you want to work in an office but no office jobs are hiring, then go to RTW and do stocking/delivery until you get the job you want. The problem is people have no problem sitting at home crying about not gettin the job they want. Keep it up!

  15. No pay says:

    Who going work for 6$ o 7$ per hour

    • Phone use at work says:

      Do the schools teach that mobile phone use and social media use is not allowed in the workplace, unless it is specific to your job?

  16. Ayo says:

    The youths not taking no disrespect from them family to earn minimum wage. Its better to quit because most employers treat workers like garbage and pay peanuts. We don’t like expats but they take all the disrespect and work with a smile just to make ends meet. Either way these jobs can’t put you nowhere but just getting by paying bills. The youths done being slaves for ayo!

  17. Anonymous says:

    All of our politicians, elected and other, must climb down from out of the denial and status quo cloud, joinf the world of realism andbegin seeing the worldthrough peoples eyes and not through the elites and business world. Through the eyes of Christ and God and not through the eyes of denila, do nothing and other.

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  18. Thing to talk says:

    A lot if those jobs you see sir already have owners. The add is a must but the jobs were already assigned. I know that for a fact. I know people who submitted applications to almost every business in the BVI. The new style is to hire an Asian. We need to stop doing business with some of those businesses.

    They bringing a host of so-called mechanics who appear to be spending time on YouTube when you take your vehicle to these garages because they do not have a clue.

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  19. Big Drew says:

    Agreed. The jobs there.. but dont forget to raise minimum wage thanks…

    Also parents and social groups play a role as well.

    I realized a concerning number of youths glorify criminal life style, gangs, females smoking, guns, violence ect.

    They have a burning hatred towards law enforcement as well.. even though they’re just in school (limited law enforcement interactions)

    there were plenty youths at parade and juve with ski mask on based from a famous wrapper its a “sheisty mask” their role modles are drug man, gangsters , rappers , street man, ect

    The next generation might be more involved in this lifestyle than the last. Then there offsprings will as well… things might get worst from here on.

    I’m still hopeful tbh

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  20. Lance says:

    boi the type of youths that like the fast life are the offsprings of streetman,drug man, or some lowlife

    Classy women, average women and yes even trashy women are having kids for these kind of men

    then the kids come out either fatherless or looking up to their mother/father as role model and follow the same lifestyle…

    some of them even afraid of their own youths from they reach 12 years…

    Other than that the honest youth looking work still having a hard time because a lot of places especially government don’t even get back to you. so, their either stuck jobless or working some minimum wage job with stressful seniors.

    some finish school for a certain profession, skill or craft but can’t find that here in the bvi

  21. Outsider says:

    Surely I’m not the only one who has witness abusive and bullying behavior toward the youth and young adults in the workforce here. I can’t imagine being bullied like that during my youth while being trained at a grocery store or restaurant, both of which I had done during my youth and had a completely normal training experience. It puts a horrible taste in their mouths regarding normal youth employment. I know how I felt witnessing it. I wouldn’t want to put myself out there like that ever again to be mistreated and embarrassed in front of customers like that.

  22. Virgin Islander says:

    Most times Politicians will say the young people don’t want the jobs that are out there. Most times the Politicians sharing narratives that they are not aware of the true picture. Yes, Some young people are not interested in certain jobs But that does not mean that All young people are not looking for jobs. Most times when there is an Ad or Ads are posted, thats only done as a Work Permit requirement. The jobs are already gone to someone who is not even in the Territory. The Politicians don’t have a clue as to what is happening in the real world and do they care to know? only when its Election time. The truth is, the Government is responsible to put certain Policies and Laws in place to protect the Nationals of the Country but they don’t and they play the Fool games on the young people when Election time comes around by putting a couple Hundred Dollars in their Hands or giving them a drink or a plate of Food. Its the Politicians that have this Territory in the condition that it is in. The last two terms of a VIP Government is the worst in all sense the BVI has ever been in. One thing I must say for sure Natalio is the Premier in name But He is not the one who is running the Government. Hon. Natalio is a Good Man But He is listening to the wrong people right in his party who will cause him to fail. Wait and see. Some of his Colleagues are not Good for this Country and they find all means to convince some people to Vote for them But have wicked intentions. People need to open their Eyes and minds and really evaluate ALL elected Politicians and see their Motives. Some Politicians are Bad examples for the young people of this country. The young people are the most gullible and are easily taken advantage of. Another thing, Most times when some Expats are put in positions of Leadership in the Private sector they taken advantage of young BVIslanders. This is the norm in every Establishment and where are the Labour Inspectors to inspect the Workplaces? The young people in some areas are catching Hell in their own Country so what do we expect? Only half truths are known and not the reality. Politicians are in a Bubble and have No idea what goes on in the real World. When last has a Politician held a meeting JUST for young people to hear their concerns? Their issues? What when comes time for Election the Politicians run them down for a Vote. The Politicians are who are responsible for most of the ills, distractions, Don’t care attitudes of some young people. Parents who go all out to try and Educate their Children are the Parents who are conscious of what is going on try their best through much hardship to make sure their Children have a relatively Good lifestyles But not all Parents are fortunate to do so. This is a Dog eat Dog Community and only the Wise will survive. The activities of Politics is a Dirty Game and will continue if more people don’t open their Eyes and Minds to the reality of this territory.

  23. I observe says:

    The majority ofthese deadbeat young adults are children of upper Caribbean parentage. In general they don’t fit very well in the character of VI because their home training and world outlook is one that is out of sync..I recall leaving my BVI school as a youngaster and residing in the US as a youngster for the purpose ofca better education…to this day I am out of sync with the average Black American in
    many ways.but because I was exposed to “from whence I came”,I appreciate who I really am,comfortable in
    my own skin. and thrive in both VI and USA because I know for certain who and whyI am comfortably.Most melanated young people in thes now BVI need exposure to reality of life and who they really are via their roots. There is a void and many of their parents have rejected their home countries and BVI is a mask leaving a void in the soul of children .

  24. Ausar says:

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,finally, y’all are suffering from y’all own, stupid laws…

    When those of us, through these blogs, advocate for higher minimum wages, many of you Virgin Islanders, have raised holy he’ll, about the unaffordability, as business owners, to your bottom line!

    But y’all forgot, that with children, and the having of them, they too, one day, will need employment. And the same humble pay, that many of you squawked about, SHALL be the pay, from which they start!

    It’s an unfortunate situation, but the chickens have come home to roost!

    Low pay for non-Belongers, low pay for the children of Ancestral and Belonging Virgin Islanders..

    And don’t forget, any meaningful hourly wage above the minimum, can be met with the statements, by any rightful thinking employer, that, as long as it’s above the minimum, by six or more dollars, you’ve gotten your raises, to last for the next twenty or so years, since the law, has dictated, what the minimum amount SHALL be!

  25. Disappointed says:

    Every body hiring Philippines, all about is full of them,so if you check the Philippines get al the jobs
    Store,supermarket, offices, trust companies
    So sad

    • @Dusappointed says:

      Yep..hard workers reliable and dependable. Non trouble makers too. Zero of them
      In the packed like sardines prison.
      Decent folks yessirree!!!

  26. ... says:

    Read the room.

    If they dont want to work for people, foster entrepreneurship, we have enough tourist arivals for success.

    If the employers want to hire people from PH or wherever to be a cashier that is a problem.

    Why they want that is they want someone who will not run but it is close to slavery vibes. When you go across the sea you can not turn back easily.

    A man in his own country will take licks in the morning and resign in the afternoon if its not right.

  27. Balls and Chain says:

    Most of these young people boys and girls are acquainted with the alternate self maintenance… .many have and had relatives as residence in the BVI scenic residence of the professional criminals.
    Easy life..why work..for what. Hotel Balsum is voluntarily accessible work require..internet ,phone,3 meals and snack daily, clean fresh bedding,free medical…chill with homies… relatives.

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