BVI News

Lifetime of therapy | Father gets 3 years for molesting daughter

The middle-aged father who reportedly molested his 14-year-old daughter more than two years ago has been sentenced to three years in prison.

His sentence will run from the time he was first remanded, which was in December 2015.

That means the Vincentian sex offender has less than one year remaining in prison.

Lifetime of therapy

While handing down the sentence on Tuesday, Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards said the offender gravely betrayed the trust given to him as a parent.

“The victim will likely need therapeutic intervention for the rest of her life … as a result of this gentleman’s actions,” said Magistrate Richards, adding that the man stole his daughter’s innocence.

She also noted the sex offender’s reported attempt at bribing his daughter with a PlayStation video game so he could molest her.

The man is said to have molested his teenaged daughter on multiple occasions. He reportedly touched her while her mother and sibling were at church. The court heard the father also molested her in the mother’s bedroom, among other occasions.

It is reported that he molested the daughter by groping her and inserting his fingers into her vagina.

How the sex offender was caught 

It is said that after participating in an unrelated sex education class at her school, the daughter told her sibling about the encounter in confidence.

However, the sibling subsequently told their mother who then reported it to police.

The father was then arrested and charged with indecent assault.

According to the sex offender’s attorney, the father was interested in ‘bridging the gap’ between him and his daughter.

“He will not repeat the activities for which he was convicted,” the attorney had said during a previous court appearance.

The father maintained his innocence throughout his trial.

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  1. Snoppy says:

    Three years!!!!!!
    The magistrate needs a lifetime of t—–

  2. For real says:

    It had to been vincy

  3. Eagle eye says:

    He is still her father.when release is he alow to go back around her?

  4. Smh says:

    That’s like a slap on the risk. Jail time needs to increase for things like these in order to detour others from committing the same acts on other innocent kids. Should be automatic life sentence. Cause this child will have to deal with this her entire life.

  5. Hooo says:

    Vincy again waaaaaaw? They are sick. 95% of sex crime and serious assault on women in the bvi are vincies. Don’t get me wrong we have descent vincy men .some of them are sickening. They need to undergo some serious therapy. They slaughter women like goat is nothing. They chop them like meat is nothing. Please vincy vincy stop.

  6. Tola4u says:

    Ppl doing more jail time for the natural plant marijuana and you trying to tell me ppl that rapes an take young children innocence gets slap on the risk an lil jail time strupes, tola system really full of B.S

  7. vg1 says:

    This certainly not the actions of a “gentleman” as he was called by the magistrate

    • Hmmm says:

      My same sentiment. I’m glad someone else picked that up. He surely should not be described as a “gentleman”. Poor choice of word imo.

      • Wendy says:

        The light sentencing and the reference to the pedophile as a ” gentleman” speaks volumes about the system. Troubling!

  8. Father Time says:

    ‘Vincentian sex offender’ seems a bit harsh. It is considering the usual bias from Virgin Islanders.

  9. Hugh Hefner says:

    Tamia – don’t know if it the legal remedies available to you but this sentence is insufficient for the crime! When persons come before you for other unrelated crimes (drugs, larceny etc.) they ae given stiffer sentences. I would like to see someone undertake a comprehensive review of all the crimes and sentences to verify if any there ae disparities. In the absence of reliable data and statistics from the Judiciary – how can the society have confidence that the crimes and sentences are on-par with other societies?

  10. Hodgie says:

    I would support 10×3=30 years in prison. Only 3years. This is a Big joke.

  11. Saddened from afar says:

    Wow! Can that Magistrate be recalled ——— —- ? By the Magistrate own admission, “…the victim will likely need therapeutic intervention for the rest of her life … as a result of this gentleman’s actions….” And then she turns around and handed down a slap on the wrist 3 years’ incarceration. Hmmmm … blaring reason that certain laws in the BVI needs to be overhaul quickly. Shameful indeed!!!

    • Wendy says:

      Agreed! She needs to be stripped of her robes and the attorney and his statement is just as bad…suffer the little children in the VI.

  12. Mysterious says:

    There was a woman judge in Dominica years ago that used to castrate men like him she’s retired now men was afraid of her we need some judge like her around here again

  13. Jail him says:

    Three year only. This judgement system here is filthy.

  14. Smh says:

    A few years back a local man was said to have done the same thing to his daughter…and he got about 13.. so why thus vincy man only get three?

  15. Queen Ifrica says:

    Daddy don’t touch mi there, I’m gonna tell on you one day I swear. Can’t you see I’m scared
    You suppose to be ma father.

  16. WTF says:

    Who the hell is this attorney whose defense is that the man wanted to bridge the gap between him and his daughter? I never heard such nonsense in my life. He is lucky I am not the girl’s mother, because he won’t need a lawyer, he’ll need six pall bearers. That pervert should not see daylight for a very long time. I can’t begin to imagine what it is going to take for that young lady to live a normal life.

  17. Interested says:

    Will he have to register as a sex offender .

  18. Smithy says:

    This is appalling! The magistrate needs replacing.

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