BVI News

Local bars, restaurants suffer 61 to 100% decline since pandemic

A recent survey of the local business sector has found that bars and restaurants in the territory have experienced a 61-to-100 percent decline in business activity since the advent of COVID-19.

Outlining the statistics on Monday, Junior Minister for Trade & Economic Development, Shereen Flax-Charles said the survey was conducted in April.

“The COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in the premature closure of the tourism industry and the lockdown of the internal economy in an attempt to reduce the spread of the virus has had a fundamental negative impact on small businesses; in particular, those in the food service industry.”

Layoffs in food services estimated at more than 60%

The survey also showed that most of the layoffs during March and April were experienced in the bars and restaurants subsector. 

“Approximately 64 percent,” Flax-Charles reported. Fast-forward to September, these statistics have probably worsened as the economic activity in the territory fluctuates with new pockets of the virus emerging,” she stated.

Programmes to assist with reviving sector

Flax-Charles said the government has since implemented programmes and has partnered with international organisations to assist these businesses in getting back on their proverbial feet.

This assistance includes government’s $6.5 million stimulus grant for small and medium-sized businesses in the territory. She reported that 1,039 businesses were recently approved to be awarded a combined total $6,138,889 in grants.

Additionally, through the recent partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, 10 local businesses who were affected by COVID-19 were selected to receive a grant valued at $4,000 each. 

Local restaurants still experiencing big decline in dine-in traffic



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  1. Watson says:

    No s**t, Sherlock.

    Like 17
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  2. [a talk show] encourage parties and for people to disrespect the laws says:

    The people begged the Government for a bit of freedom but the Government wasn’t trying to hear it. The said people inbox the host of [a talk show] as [they’re] the voice of that side of community. The host talked a bunch of $hit putting unnecessary pressure on the Government while putting our community at risk. The Government said Okay Okay will will give you time, here’s the rules or the do and don’t. Both the care and the careless was given permission to go out and have fun. Not long after crazy big parties Just about every night in a Villa, big party *******, crazy party ***** ******** not to forget the wet fete down **** ****** tortola. Oh guess who they make sure invite in case the Government came to lock them down? Yep the Host [a talk show]. Imagine being or trying to be a role model and actually supporting crazy parties like that? Illegal people entering our country while the Host of [a talk show] putting full blame publicly on the Expats when [they] d@rn know it’s the local. It’s [they’re] people them who’s doing it. How delusional can someone actually be? The BVI had two Persons killed due to Gun violence and NOT one time the Host of [a talk show] made any mention of it. Why?! That’s easy [they’re] in full support of Illegal unlawful activities. [They] hate the Government, can’t stand the police and never actually embrace positivity. The day +++ even get elected our country will 10 times over run with drugs, illegal guns and sex trafficking. Only God can understand the Host of [a talk show] caused not even [them themselves] can understand [their] self…

    Like 6
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  3. Rubber Duck says:

    The government closes them down and bans their customers and needs a survey to find out they are screwed?

    Look at Sweden, never shut down anything and has no more cases than the places that did.

    Like 13
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  4. NDP says:

    The VIP killing the small man

    Like 11
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  5. Wrong says:

    Sweden was OK at first but is a disaster now!

    Like 3
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  6. STAY CLOSED says:

    Bars/Clubs need to remain closed. They are nuisances and harbor mass gatherings. The bars/club owners have no respect for the community. Covid did a good/bad, but this is the new way of life, work/home. I am sure families, children are glad that their parents, both mother and father are at home (even if not spending quality time) they are present in the house. All day/night can persons be in clubs/bars just drinking and can’t feed their family/children. When it all hit the fan, they turning and/or cursing the government. Keep them closed.

    Like 10
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    • Hmm says:

      Everyone will have they opinions but im sure you don’t have to rely on those businesses for your survival.. how some ppl chose to make a living is there choice.. with these busineses closed results in so many persons out work.. including hairdressers Barber shops etc. All these places have close contact to conduct business.. so don’t bash some an can’t see the rest attached who is also suffering.. just because bars/nightclub is night life don’t mean s**t different.. do u see what hair salons be looking like when full??? Chupz..

      Like 5
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  7. Yawn says:

    What did anybody expect. The US had great numbers before the pandemic then it all went downhill and resulted with Trump lying and downplaying the seriousness of the virus to save the economy at the cost of 200,000 lives. There is no country doing better than they did before the pandemic besides China.

    Like 3
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  8. Stay closed - government employee? says:

    This government will destroy the last bit of business on this island in the name of God and Covid , even belongers will have to worry in due course (given that 99.99% of you are employed by the government who, guess how they get money?)

    Like 7
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  9. Fools says:

    This government have no intentions to open the economy [they] trying to get raid of all the expats, look at all those places that closes most expats work there and in order to force all the expats to leave will destroy this country and people businesses, locals don’t like to work some of them are lazy and the won’t work for $6 hrs so a lot of businesses will rather closes there doors take example from ma****k, a lot more to come

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  10. BRAIN SURGERY says:


  11. Be Real says:

    You don’t have to kill the businesses just like how the bar don’t have to be open all night.
    be sensible about this, Lots of people have invested good money into their businesses and deserve the chance to try and recuperate their investment. especially now that the virus spread is under control. a 9pm to 5 pm curfew will allow everyone to exist and stimulate the economy.

  12. Tola says:

    go into the crabb lot are and see all them bars open selling drinks and ect.

  13. Right says:

    So a bar and restaurant poses more risk than a supermarket where everyone is touching everything form carts to items. This fear mongering has gone on far too long, what the h**l is COVID? People die everyday! Most of the people testing positive didn’t even know they had anything so why all this panic? If you don’t let the businesses open then some sort of financial assistance need to be provided to ensure that they can survive.

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