BVI News

Local company awarded i$744K contract to rehabilitate Hope Hill, Sabbath Hill roads

Plywood barricades are erected on both the Hope Hill to Sabbath Hill roadways. (Photo by Kamal Haynes/BVI News.)

Residents and other persons who traverse the Hope Hill to Sabbath Hill roadways will soon be relieved of any dangers associated with the temporary plywood barricades that were erected along the thoroughfares.

This relief was assured following Thursday’s signing of a $744,495.57 contract for a local construction company to conduct rehabilitation and slope stabilization works to the roadways.

The contract was awarded to Roy Garraway’s Quality Construction Limited who out-bid seven other companies to secure the project.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Premier Andrew Fahie made it abundantly clear that the company — which has been awarded a few contracts since his tenure — had followed all the necessary procedures to be rightfully selected for the job.

 “I want to state that Quality Construction has won a few bids but please let me educate the public. They worked for them. They tendered for them and the government didn’t give them anything,” Fahie said.

“I had to say that because there are some persons on the street who are saying that, and sometimes when you don’t put the correct information in the domain of the public, misinformation becomes facts,” he explained.

Difficulty traversing the area

Transportation & Works Minister Kye Rymer said he was delighted to have the contract signed so that works could finally begin to make the area safe for the motoring public.

“Residents and motorists in the area will recall the four areas where there are plywood barricades where they have been erected following the 2017 natural disasters along this section up on the Ridge Road … As a result, it was very difficult for the safe passage of the two-way traffic in some areas particularly during the night due to the narrowness of the roadway,” the minister stated.

Scope of works detailed

Minister Rymer also detailed the scope of works which are expected to be conducted by Quality Construction within the coming months.

“The works are for the stabilisation and road rehabilitation of four distinct yet separate side areas which will see the construction at Site One of a 79-foot length by nine-foot-high concrete reinforced retaining wall. At Site Two, 49-foot-long by 10-foot-high concrete reinforced retaining wall. Site Three — 94-foot-long by 10-foot-high concrete reinforced retaining wall; and at site four, we’ll have a 177 feet long by 9-foot-high concrete reinforced retaining wall,” Rymer stated.

He added: “The combined works will also see the total construction of over 1,010 feet of reinforced curb and slipper drain, 656 feet of reinforced concrete curb wall, 213 feet of reinforced box drain, 66 feet of stone pitch trapezial drains and 410 feet of guard rails. The road carriage way in these areas will have a constant road width of 20 feet to allow for the safe passage of all types of vehicles.”

This is one of the many projects which government, through the RDA, is executing under the Road, Slopes and Coastal Defense Programme funded through loans from the Caribbean Development Bank.

The other projects include Great Mountain 1 works, Great Mountain 2, Little Dix Hill, Bob’s Gas Station road, Long Trench, Ballast Bay, Fish Bay road and the Carrot Bay Coastal Defense works.

Plywood barricades are erected on both the Hope Hill to Sabbath Hill roadways. (Photo by Kamal Haynes/BVI News.)

Plywood barricades are erected on both the Hope Hill to Sabbath Hill roadways. (Photo by Kamal Haynes/BVI News.)

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  1. soo says:

    The govt took the cheapest of 7 bids?? LOL LOL LOL LOL here we are throwing away nearing a million dollars on the lowest of seven bids. . . no one else can do it at this price, makes me doubt this company knew how to bid. Beyond belief.

    Like 3
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    • Yawn says:

      Under $750,000 is cheap. NDP spent over $1.14 million on the Georgie Hill Road.

    • Yup says:

      So the Foy says and I quote “They tendered for them and the government didn’t give them anything,”. But he neglected to say that Quality didn’t give him anything either. If you believe that all these contracts are going to Quality because they are low bidder I have some bridges and swamp land to sell you.

      Like 3
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  2. LOL says:


  3. 5th dimension says:

    James E and yellow man getting everything sah

    Like 8
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  4. People says:

    No one is getting anything for free. Who ever is awarded a contract here has worked for it.

    Like 7
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  5. Saying the same thing says:

    Almost every Caribbean island the people saying the same thing. Only one and two company’s getting all the us not so my people. You bid on these projects and not all the time the lowest bidder is given the job.some of the times some of these companies bid the lowest but they do not have the experience. They never carried out such scope of work before. So several things have to be look at before the contract is given out. Even with the Caribbean development bank people saying the same thing. Even trying to take matters to court. Some evn try telling lies on the paperwork to get these jobs .one such matter was taken away by the CDB recently in st Vincent because the bidder didn’t have the experience in river defense so the matter had some implications when the Caribbean development bank found out. I know the rda would have liked to give this contract to someone else but quality construction was best qualified. Let me tell you folk blogging these jobs are not to get experience have to have the experience before. I would also tell you this,soon and very soon when you are going to spend the Caribbean development bank money the whole Caribbean would be allowed to bid .this is no joke. What are you going to say then?? Its there money and they are going to tell you how to spend it. Tell the government to start saving ok.stop looking for hand outs beg the government to save . They would need it when they don’t want to abide by rules.

    Like 8
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  6. Hmmm says:

    All the stimulus money gone there now

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  7. 2cents says:

    I would think the coffers are closed. How can they spend any money with nothing coming in?

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  8. Belongers says:

    How corrupt can this government get? Trace who knows who and I can assure you will find a link, a new bank account and a new car. And they want the foreign construction workers to leave the BVI when its thanks to them they can undercut salaries and keep the majority for themselves?


    Like 2
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    • Strupz says:

      You talking foolishness. Clearl you are not in construction and haven’t read the scope. The works aren’t cheap. Ain’t have a thing to do with foreign labor. Cost is cost

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  9. Reward good work. says:

    Mr Penn did such a good job on the water from opposite Pussers, that’s going to be beautiful when it all paved.. Them do good work..It’s not always about trying to save a few dollars you have to consider the quality the durability of the work u getting….

    Like 5
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  10. BuzzBvi says:

    Clearly not much of the 1.14 made it into the job itself, and still was never finished. Guess they got paid somehow before finishing. Maybe we could get the retaining wall jobs along the ridge road that were started 3 years ago finished. Or did they all get paid too.

  11. Devon says:

    I wonder if they are going to also repair the bottom one before the junction to Little Dix crossroads ?
    That one alone would use up most of that budget !

  12. Shepherds Hill says:

    We have the same yellow piece of plywood barricading Shepherds Hill road Please include that as part of the project Mr. Minister. We are fearful that one day it will cause more damage.
    Thank you in advance.

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