BVI News

Maduro-Caines lambasts employers for removing unvaxxed workers

Alvera Maduro-Caines

Characterising the situation as ‘abuse’, Sixth District Representative Alvera Maduro-Caines has lambasted employers who are terminating their unvaccinated workers.

“That’s what I want to talk about now – abuse of power, abusing people’s willingness to work, abusing people in the name of precaution,” Maduro-Caines said in the House of Assembly last week.

She appealed to employers and said she believed the act of sending home workers who had not been vaccinated against COVID-19 was ‘evil and cold-hearted’.

The legislator argued that this was particularly so in the context of the knowledge that both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons can contract and spread the COVID-19 virus.

The government legislator said while she was not arguing that vaccines did not give better support to those who contract COVID-19, she insisted that it was unacceptable to violate one’s human right to choose what is best for their body.

She pointed out the case of two pregnant staff members who were dismissed from an unnamed establishment because they were unvaccinated.

“They are not eligible for Social Security [benefits] because enough contributions were not paid into the system. I ask, what are they to do now?” she questioned.

Maduro-Caines further argued that some employers are using the lack of vaccination as a call to action to get rid of some of their employees.

Other employers, she said, are using the vaccine-related dismissals to cover up the fact that they are actually downsizing their business.

Pusser’s also removing unvaxxed persons

The practice of terminating unvaccinated employees has also been adopted by Pusser’s – a popular tourist outlet that was recently acquired by fellow legislator and Fourth District Representative, Mark Vanterpool.

In a letter seen by BVI News, staff at the establishment were advised of a new policy that took effective July 3, wherein all unvaccinated staff were removed from the work schedule until further notice.

The letter further stated: “Mr Vanterpool has agreed to pay all unvaccinated salaried workers: For now, the same amount of time as you were working before the vaccination policy was introduced.”

The letter to staff ended by imploring those who could get vaccinated to do so if they can as this is another layer of protection against COVID-19.

Gov’t can’t continue to carry that load

Meanwhile, Maduro-Caines said persons who are dismissed tend to seek out assistance from legislators in order to survive.

She said the practice was unsustainable and warned that government could not continue to support persons in this manner.

“The government cannot continue to carry that load. It’s created by employers’ callous and insensitive action. We as a government will topple if we don’t be careful,” she said.

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  1. ayo cant see? says:

    The discrimination has started

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    • ayo mother says:

      “Those who are unvaccinated were about four and a half times more likely to get COVID-19, over 10 times more likely to be hospitalized, and 11 times more likely to die from the disease, vaccinated people were nearly five times LESS likely to get infected and 10 times less likely to get so sick they ended up in the hospital.” CDC September 2021

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      • To Ayo Mother says:

        So explain to me how that’s justification to force them off their job. Please make some sense of that one for me…You are more likely to get sick and die so you’re fired?

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        • Hmmm says:

          Well if u ask me they was paid servrants pay. All the time they work the bosses paid them off so what is alu problem. If they dont want unvaccinated people well they dont want them. Alu is d same person said its a choice. Strupess. Leave d people them alone.

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          • Hi says:

            It seems Like only employees have a choice in this matter. Lots of employers don’t want locals on their jobs and get work permits for people who only them and God know what they are running from, and the legislators don’t think the employers are wrong with that choice. Stupes!

      • Strange says:

        What’s about the millions that recovered before the vaccine was made available? Remember, there is a 98% survival rate.

        Like 15
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        • @ strange says:

          Recovered with long lasting ailments as the virus has damaged the organs in their bodies! Get vaccinated and help stop this disease from mutating into stronger variants

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    • Rubber Duck says:

      No it’s well established, in Europe you can’t get on a train or plane or go to a restaurant if you are not vaccinated.

      It is the new reality. Take it into account when deciding about vaccination.

      This am the UK has confirmed that 99.5% of those who died of Covid were unvaccinated.

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      • @rubber duck says:

        I usually think you make sense but this is simply untrue. I just looked up the rules and they make no mention of any requirement to be vaccinated to use the trains, planes or restaurants in britain.

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        • BuzzBvi says:

          Not sure how you missed it but after Brexit things have changed. Britain is no longer in Europe although it still gets a bit messy re Northern Island. But then Northern Island is not in Britain anyway. In Europe if you are not vaccinated there is not much now that you can do but shop and exist at home.

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        • LCS says:

          He mentioned Europe.

      • All says:

        The devil is smiling

    • stand up says:

      how will Mark Vanterpool like it if we all stop the support of his establishments? It’s not ethical to dismiss individuals for their rights to not take a vaccine.

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  2. take that to the bank says:


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    • Stupid. says:

      Sure, but it’s about what it does to you. Just because we can both get it does not mean we run the same risks. Therefore we should not be treated the same.

      And just because you write in CAPS doesnt mean you are right.

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      • @stupid says:

        98% of persons who got Covid before the vaccine was a thing survived, the vast majority were asymptomatic.

        did we forget? how come as soon as the vaccine made available we forgot the survival rate at the low rate of sickness from before?

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        • Reasonable Man says:

          The sickness rate wasn’t low enough. The hospitals became overloaded and the people had to be locked down to curtail the spread. Can we really afford to carry on that way? Vaccines in America and Europe are the one thing that has brought this level down that we can start opening up.

          Unfortunately the BVI will not be part of that group. Too many unvaccinated people will force repeated lockdowns and filled hospitals just like we had this summer. And what tourists wants to visit a place that becomes best known for it large pool of unvaccinated people and its many lockdowns?

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  3. look pon trouble says:

    The vaccinated wont be voting for the unvaccinated and vice-versa

  4. Got my vote says:

    Very good for standing up to a real issue. F*t Albert dont give a hoot about he fighting for the people. Not a shred of evidence on his part to date. The liar!

    Like 17
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    • Crystal says:

      What are we arguing about, let’s look at the BVI, we had 37 dead how many unvaccinated all of them, so go figure and i will not speak of the hospitalized,people use your gray matter that you were given.

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      • Treatment says:

        Dont forget to ask what kind of treatment the unvaccinated got intentionally.You can have 3 dogs in your yard, two is for you and 1 is not yours.You will feed those for you and let the one thats not yours starve to death.They are doing it all over the world including the BVI.Treating vaccinated good and unvaccinated bad.God is watching. judgment.

  5. Styles. says:

    You want your freedom to not take the vaccine? fine.

    We want our freedom to get on with our lives.

    Is that cold and evil? No, there is no such thing as freedom without concequences.

    You want your freedom, we want ours. Unfortunately they cannot coexist. So good luck with your world without jobs.

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    • unvax says:

      how could you be so heartless

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    • @styles says:

      Well said!!!

      The problem with some people is they can’t see past their own worldview. The world is unapologetic and in this case, as the employee has their right so does the employer. NO ONE is entitled to a job at another person’s establishment. Especially when they increase the risk of everyone getting sick.

  6. Evil and cold hearted says:

    What is really evil and cold hearted is the refusal to get vaccinated.
    RTW and other stores should require persons to produce their vaccination cards before they are allowed into shop.

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    • Interesting says:

      Do RTW care if persons outside of their establishment are unvaccinated? They care that their staff don’t get too sick from the virus. It’s up to the shoppers to protect themselves. I don’t blame the employers. They are looking out for the interest of their flock. Every adult is responsible for his/her household.

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      • Tongue Fu says:


        Oh that fallacy that RTW and some of these Companies care about their staff. I have a piece of land to sell you on Salt Island.

        • Interesting says:

          I will gladly purchase that land on salt island. Here is my number to arrange the purchase: 545-9183. Where there is no vision the people will perish. Salt island, like cooper island, has great potential. Sell it to me and watch what happens.

          If people feel their employer don’t care for them they should not be on the job. They probably only care about a pay Creque and not the job.

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    • There you go says:

      The ones that choose or refused to be vaccinated is the evil ones. They are the ones that is putting others at risk and slowing things down from moving forward. One idiot that refused to get the vaccine told me the vaccine is going to sterilize him, dude, you already have 4 kids that you hardly support why make more? I am sick and tired of hearing the foolishness about the vaccine from the unvaccinated.

      Like 33
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      • LOL says:

        “One idiot that refused to get the vaccine told me the vaccine is going to sterilize him, dude, you already have 4 kids that you hardly support why make more?”
        He is concerned about his sterility if he should get the vaccine. The truth is if he remains unvaccinated, he stands a good chance of catching covid or God forbid dying of it. If the worse happens and he dies, he will be permanently sterile 6 feet under.

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      • Dee says:

        For information, vaccination cannot save the world, only the blood of Jesus and turning away from our wicked ways.

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      • Dee says:

        God does not force anyone to do something against their will. God will deal with u all.

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        • Anonymous says:

          If you insist on refusing the vaccine, that is your right. But please do not bring God into it. Doing so is the very definition of violating the Third Commandment, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

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        • Val says:

          We are given free choices with all things and will deal with the consequences, good or bad. I don’t think God intervenes when we disobey something like this. He simply let us be and if we fall sick then so be it and if we remain covid free, then so be it.

      • Ayo skull thick says:

        Yall so damn dumb and ignorant you dont even realise you falling for the trap. Sound like the racist light skinned folks from back in the day. Human rights is for ALL not some. You have the right to take your vaccine and others have the right to choose not to. You all dont even realize the narrative being painted to you…and dont care how people tell you all there is no difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed you all still seem to run with your own understanding. An unvaxxed person who is not sick could never pose any risk to you who is vaxxed not only that…what do we pay social security for? Oh I guess it’s only for the government to borrow from. It have people paying into social security for years…you telling me a person get sick once and gotta stay home for a couple of weeks they cant be paid?! what kind of unlawfullness really going on in this place? An Unjust law is no law at all! Do you people not realize the reality of this situation? Soon yall gonna have water fountain for just vaxxed and one for unvaxxed…take yall head out the sand! Go back to history to SEE that this is 100% wrong! And no amount of excuses can make it right…Honorable Cains have the balls Foi dont have. Good for her.

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    • Ey says:

      I really need to stop coming on here to read the utter foolishness that’s being spewed. Refuse people entry to buy food because not getting vaccinated is evil and cold hearted. WTF…

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    • Resident says:

      you sound crazy

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  7. Ignorance is bliss says:

    This woman should not be allowed to speak in public. She is clearly out of her depth when it comes to the realities of Covid-19. It is Evil and Selfish NOT to get vaccinated. “Those who are unvaccinated were about four and a half times more likely to get COVID-19, over 10 times more likely to be hospitalized, and 11 times more likely to die from the disease, vaccinated people were nearly five times LESS likely to get infected and 10 times less likely to get so sick they ended up in the hospital.” CDC September 2021

    Like 48
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    • Thank you says:

      It is time for this lady to retire from public service. What is it exactly she does anyway.

      Like 30
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    • Survival Rate says:

      Look at our current survival rate. Just follow safety protocols whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, simple! It’s the delusion of returning to normal that some of you have. Stop the hate!

      Like 8
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    • lol says:

      Hey Ignorance is Bliss,

      How many times are you going to post the same things and under how many different names? wow…

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  8. Makes me mad reading this says:

    This Sixth District Representative appears to always be on the wrong side of issues. Her sympathies are always in the wrong place and with the wrong people.

    Be it going up to the prison @ Balsum Ghut to hand out certificates to criminals or taking some other not well thought out position. I don’t get her.

    I don’t know if she wants to be seen as a nice person, but being nice in this case can cause people to loose their lives. She should be taking a position that protect the larger public, and one that gets this country back on its feet.

    Here we are in the grips of a pandemic where lives are at stake and this is where she finds herself talking about abuse of power and cruelty. It’s head shaking reading this mess.

    The Sixth District Representative is not being part of the solution to getting this country back on it’s feet by controlling this virus. She is being part of the problem, and that’s a shame.

    Maybe she should have consulted a healthcare professional before she aired her views which are not good for the country.

    At this point, I will support anyone who contest the next election against her in the 6th. Had enough of her pandering for votes in the worse way. I support women in politics in general; however, I have lost confidence in this Rep.

    I 100% support any employee who require their employees to be vaccinated against covid, or frequently tested (for a specified period) to maintain their jobs. The alternative is simply irresponsible and too dangerous.

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  9. Ting to talk says:

    They really need some repentance. Some much evil they are doing to people. Coi will jail all of them . Wait and see

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  10. Doh says:

    Simple way to correct this

    Get vaccinated

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  11. StoopID says:

    So she wants me to bring vaxed and unvaxed workers together every day?
    Several of my unvaxed workers have health conditions that mean they will not survive Covid if they get it.
    They cannot be persuaded to get the vax (because of people like this lady spreading so much nonsense, these poor folks don’t know what to believe)
    Ma’m, you represent the people. Get yourself informed and stop just saying yeah yeah yeah every time someone in your district has an opinion.

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  12. I am going to say it says:

    Lady, you need to go on a long extended VACATION. You don’t have anything better to talk about? Two pregnant unvaccinated persons on any job is a liability. Who is trying to get pregnant these days in COVID TIME ALL YOU

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  13. Jace says:

    How many contributions must be paid for one to be eligible for benefit? I am trying to figure out how long these pregnant ladies were on the job ( cannot be long if they have not made enough contributions.) They must not have been depending on Social Security if they did not make enough contributions. Anything could happen, such as the need for bed rest which will prohibit one from working and making additional contributions. After all, only a limited amount of sick days are allowed under the Labour Code. Hmmmmmmmm, interesting!

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  14. Lilly says:

    They cannot tell people who to hire and who not to hire, that is why the work permit system is so inflated. This legislator needs to deal with that as well because there is no difference here.

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  15. @ says:

    This woman tries so hard to make herself relevant!VIP has indeed given her the freedom to make a f**l out of herself. It is well within the law what some and soon to be most employers are choosing to do were unvaccinated in concerned. SHe needs to read the labor code. Everyone has a right, including the employer so she needs to get off this dictatorship hourse.

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  16. Resident says:

    Mrs Maduro Caines, This is a 2 edged sword! You want persons to have the freedom to choose. At the same time the stats show that 99% of the time, the hospitalised are not vaccinated. This may not be a problem at present for the BVI. However if there is another spike, is our hospital capable to sustain numerous hospitalisations. Just this morning I read that a 74 yr old male in the US died from heart complications because he could not get an ICU bed in numerous hospitals. Is that what we want for the BVI? Even Biden is going to require all Federal employees to be vaccinated. We are not the US I know but we have way fewer resources. Employers have to weigh the benefits of having unvaccinated workers against the chances of customers contracting the virus from an employee. Its the bottom line but its their business that will be in jeopardy.

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    • Exactly says:

      With the level of the unvaxed in the Territory, in a surge, our family members vaxed or unvaxed are at heightened risk of dying from treatable conditions because the medical resources are being exhausted by people who chose not to take the vaccine. It is at that level the focus on selfishness should be because people expect their individual right to choose not to be vaccinated should trump what is in the best interests of the community as a whole. Many of these are the same people who are bothered by having to wear a mask to keep the people around them safe. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. As as employer I have a responsibility to keep you safe and if I cannot control Covid in the work environment I don’t want you to contract it in my place if there’s a chance it’ll maim or kill you. And the science says it very well might if you’re unvaccinated.

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    • Non skull says:

      You are such a non skull the vaccinated can infect the customer as well. The vaccinated are living in illusion. You are hearing what is not been said. I am not surprised it is a psychological effect of the virus. You guys are now more robots than humans. You have lost your humanity. No return to normal.

  17. WEW says:

    I sense erection/election time approaching.

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  18. Hmm says:

    What a weak Government MRs Caines did you see the destruction the Covid did here two months ago. It was your co-minister who said nobody can force her to take the vaccine as a result this helps people to become anti Vaccine and it may have caused us lives.

    Your government is advocating the Vaccine where if you don’t take it, it can be to your detriment. This thing is not a common cold if someone is exposed to it by the time they know it could spread to someone with weak resistance.

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  19. P&S says:

    If you are not vaccinated, I don’t want you around me, that includes at work and family members.

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  20. Vaccinated says:


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  21. Issue says:

    The pregnant women need to speak to their doctors right away about getting the COVID vaccine shot. The unvaccinated have 11 times the risk of dying from COVID and pregnant women are at an even higher risk per the US Center for Disease Control.

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  22. Resident says:

    my body my choice

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  23. What is the problem?? says:

    If someone doesn’t want to take the vaccine and wants to take the risk what is the problem? If your vaccine protects you what is the problem??

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    • What is the problem? says:

      The problem is some want to remain unvaccinated and show up to work as if we are living in pre-2019 potentially exposing people to covid if they are carriers which is likely in 67% of those who remain unvaccinated.

      They don’t want to take the vaccine? Fine. However, no one owes them a job if being vaccinated against covid is a requirement for their employment. They cannot have their cake and eat it too. Something has to give.

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      • lol says:

        Oh please, that’s utter nonsense. That’s the BS Story they feeding you people and you actually buying it? It’s either the vaccine works or it doesn’t. Don’t come on here talking s**t about what risk an unvaccinated person is to you. Israel has about 90% of the population vaccinated and they still had spikes. I guess it’s the 10% unvaccinated fault..

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  24. Evedybody got rivhts. says:

    Employees dont have to vaccinate thats their rights. Employers say they want only fully vax workers, thats their rights…The one who pays is the boss..The boss set the rules..

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  25. Hmm says:

    Keep it up… them unvaccinated people yall making unemployed as well gon end up on yall house stealing your things when you gone to your vaccinated only workplace that not asking customers if they vaccinated or not.

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  26. voiceofthevoiceless says:

    I have an business that has high in person traffic and probably had to deal with thousands since the beginning of this pandemic.

    We have done all required to protect ourselves by adhering to the basic protocols of mask wearing, sanitization and even plexi glass. I would never mandate vaccine for my employees yet a few have chosen to take the vaccine themselves and that is their choice. Not one worker has had to call in sick with COVID nor have I had to close my business due to contact tracing. Thank God for that.

    To the matter at hand. It has already been established that vaccinated and unvaccinated can both be infected and spread the disease. Now the ever flip flopping CDC has gone so far as to change the definition of the vaccine and vaccination as they realize these vaccines are not working according to the original definition. However the vaccines can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death but then it sounds to me that it is a matter of personal choice and personal risk not creating any risk for anyone. Now if a Employer says that you will have to pay a higher insurance premium because of your choice then that is understandable. Delta Airlines is doing that. 12 sick days are already provided by the law. So anything over that your salary is docked.

    I have to agree with Alvera here in that the Employers are wrong to fire their workers but what are you going to do about it Alvera?

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  27. Vaccinated says:

    You could employ unvaccinated by your home

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  28. @ There you go says:

    Do you listen to yourself pushing the depopulation agenda. Who do y’all say are evil? My take is that a lot of this hoopla is coming from fear and bad mind. Not sure what the long term effect of the vaccine will be so if I’m affected everybody should be too. Because you were too busy daft scared or whatever to take a stand here you come with all this venom against those who have. All who have been vaccinated are now trans human. You have been cut off from the tree of life and your place in the lake of fire is reserved. The so called vaccine is a Bio Engineering experiment that is supposed to run until 2023. Why do you think the Covid 19 was manufactured. How much research have most of you who are now in panic done.

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  29. CDC says:

    and DR. Fowl S**t must be real proud of themselves.

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  30. Big noy says:

    The answer is get the damn vacine and live your likt

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  31. in her defence says:

    Her job is to represent us all, BOTH VACCINATED AND UNVACCINATED….The woman is simply doing her job REPRESENTING

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  32. Old says:

    Look how the world comes. People control ING. People life.

  33. Non skull says:

    You are such a non skull the vaccinated can infect the customer as well. The vaccinated are living in illusion. You are hearing what is not been said. I am not surprised it is a psychological effect of the virus. You guys are now more robots than humans. You have lost your humanity. No return to normal.

  34. sturpss says:

    Lamblast the government for not doing anything about or acting like they cant do anything about it it if you gonna lamblast anybody.

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