BVI News

‘More gov’t planning, less prayer the remedy to BVI’s ails’ — Analyst

Premier Andrew Fahie is captured on his knees in prayer during one of his government’s worship events.

Political commentator and clergyman, Pastor Claude Skelton-Cline has declared his support for a written analysis concluding that the BVI was in need of more planning than prayer.

“I want to read something and I can’t say the author of it because I don’t have permission to call their name,” Skelton Cline said about the analysis during the Honestly Speaking radio show recently. 

The host said this was despite the document being in the public domain. 

“I think it’s the most crystallised and succinct of what’s taking place in our country,” he said. 

“Every day we speak about being vigilant when it is your government that is responsible for ensuring that structures to support that vigilance are in place, but fear grips,” the analyst said.

Antigua making moves while BVI prays and fasts

The author also pointed to Antigua‘s commitment to tourism in the face of COVID-19 and contrasted it with the BVI‘s approach. 

Describing Antigua‘s approach as admirable, the author said they invest heavily in tourism infrastructure and have pulled out all the stops to support their tourism industry. 

“We [the BVI] pray, fast and repent — all important, but not the mandate of government,” the analyst said. 

He further said that Antigua has shown courage and vigilance in instituting some difficult but necessary measures to keep its tourism industry alive, its people safe, its businesses operating and its country open. 

The Antigua government is demonstrating what it means to live with COVID, the author said. 

“The Cabinet is not the holy of holies, the mace is not the ark of the covenant, [and] prayer cannot take the place of duty,” analyst further stated.

Drawing a clear reference to the Premier, he said while the church has a role to play in the development of any community, the proverbial “Caesar’s” leadership role was clear. 

“Caesar alone will have to determine whether he is running a church or a state,” the analyst added. 

Snap election rumors given credence

The analyst said despite the Premier’s denial of a likely snap election, voter registration drives, and the presence of a preliminary voters list suggest circumstantial evidence of election preparation and lend credence to such rumours. 

The author further stated that it might well be in the government’s best interest to call a snap election after the completion of the Commission of Inquiry (COI).  

And while denouncing the aims of the COI, the analyst acknowledged that there was undoubtedly corruption of one sort or the other in the BVI over the years. 

Establishing evidence of corruption in governance has been stated repeatedly as one of the COI’s main aims. 

But the analyst further argued that the real challenge of the COI was coming up with an acceptable list of recommendations to support its findings. 

The analyst added: “Whatever it turns out to be, the BVI will know finally what were the terms of reference of the COI and what it was unleashed to achieve.”

Sounding a clear warning though, the analyst said the BVI would not roll over and play dead if those recommendations were a threat to the territory‘s quest for autonomy and internal self rule.

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  1. Have mercy says:

    the d***l kneels

  2. Grandma Said says:

    ” Bigger the Bible, Bigger the Crook”

    Like 23
  3. James says:

    I honestly don’t know how any self proclaimed Christian could be led by this self proclaimed member of the clergy here in the BVI. Opps, I forgot where he is Pastor. Down there anything goes.

    Like 10
  4. Voter says:

    Vip getting back in

    Like 4
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  5. heckler says:

    A mockery…The quicker he call election is the quicker we get rid of his regime

    Like 16
  6. Boyz 2 mehnnn says:

    I’m down on bended knees

  7. Lol says:

    Almost had me fooled. ???

  8. Hmmmmm says:

    So Claude wrote his piece and claiming it’s some other person who he cannot name so he can throw words without being responsible for it. Sounds like something the yellow news site does..

    Like 7
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  9. God mockers says:

    Look at that man on his knees. I wonder who he is praying to. Right after getting up off his knees he introduced gambling and planting marijuana. This man is missing a s***w.

    Like 13
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  10. Lucifer says:

    Claude sensing a change in the way the wind is blowing so putting some distance between him and the current administration. Savvy move on his part

  11. Resident says:

    Foy needs a tailor, he should have used government funds for that instead of body guards

    • Agree says:

      Yes, he does. The suits are always ill-fitting, wrong color shirts and the ties hardly reach his navel. He’s an intelligent guy but, a poor dresser for his position and title.

  12. @ says:

    I’ve never been a fan of mixing religion with politics. When you believe that you are so holy it is easy to believe that you alone know all things and are above everyone else. This is why Fahie has developed a reputation of being a micro manager and dictator — why during the social media lives we leave confused because we don’t know whether we attended a church service or a government update

  13. Windy says:

    Who’s going to help Andrew up ?

    Like 12
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  14. Independence says:

    “the BVI would not roll over and play dead if those recommendations were a threat to the territory‘s quest for autonomy and internal self rule.”
    When exactly was the referendum held, so that the People can vote on whether this is what they want for themselves?

  15. Caption for that picture says:

    Lord we don’t know what we are doing so we come to you.

  16. lol oh boy says:

    even the enemy must acknowledge that the lord is lord someday.

  17. All for show says:

    It’s not the posture of the body but the attitude of the heart that counts when we pray. The Bible speaks of bowing in prayer, kneeling on one’s face before God, standing, sitting and walking. The most important thing isn’t the position of the body but the condition of the soul. If the heart is attuned to God, one can pray in any posture imaginable

  18. Sam Studdard says:

    Andy looks like a s***dling preacher man rather than an elected official with ideas and practical remedies to fix this country.

  19. Obeah says:

    Watch the wi##$$k Andrews


    These islands are under the influence of religious spirits who do not recognize that their days are done. The house is about to be swept clean. Hope the new occupants are up to di time. This set of JOKERS got played at their own game….hope they find themselves.

  21. Sniffn says:

    Praise the Lord!,,,,pass the cocaine !

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