BVI News

New work permit system to go fully online before month end

Vincent Wheatley

After approximately 20 months since the soft launch for the prototype of the new work permit online system, the ‘all-clear’ has been given and the system is expected to be fully operational before the end of this month.

Minister for Labour & Immigration, Vincent Wheatley gave the confirmation in a recent interview with BVI News.

The first phase following its launch will strictly facilitate the processing of first-time work permit holders, the minister explained. He said businesses and persons seeking renewals will still be required to physically book appointments at the Department of Labour & Workforce Development to process their work permits, in the meantime.

“One of the things that we are going to be doing very shortly is we’re going to move to the online platform. We’ll make the announcement in about a week and a half from now as to the exact dates when we’ll put the work permits online,” Wheatley stated.

“We’ll first start with the new ones (new work permits) and then move to the renewals. It’s easier to start with the new ones as opposed to getting all the files uploaded for the old ones but we’ll definitely start this month, January,” he added.

Online payments coming next

While the new work permit online system is expected to reduce the queue of persons usually observed physically awaiting their new permits, persons will still have to queue at the department to make their payments in person, as the online system cannot yet facilitate online purchase transactions.

To rectify this issue, Minister Wheatley said his government will be aiming very shortly to pass a number of e-government legislations to allow for online monetary transactions.

He said: “We’ll be looking to pass [those] in the next sitting of the House which will allow us to be able to pay online.”

Staff to be repurposed

Minister Wheatley said once the systems become fully operational online, the workers who will be repurposed will have new responsibilities of conducting inspections on various businesses.

He said businesses and residents can expect this activity to commence between April and June this year.

“Number 1, we’re going to be looking at working conditions on the job; Number 2, we’re going to be looking at your staff composition, professional planning and those kinds of things,” he said relating to the inspections.

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  1. Really says:

    Why ayo don’t leave them island people where them is strupes mahn

    Like 6
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  2. Hmm says:

    Other countries don’t make it easier for the bvi people why we have to be putting in expense to satisfy them down island people, we don’t mind the Caucasian and other races but those from down the island, Jamaica etc except or USVI family we need to stop making things easier fir these people because they still turn around and bash the BVI

    Like 3
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    • @hmm says:

      You sound stupid and bad minded
      The UK should start ban ayo s-***t from going school over there
      For your f**king info down island ppl are better that ayo f**king idiots in the bvi
      Down island ppl are very qualified that’s why the have to come do ayo office work that ayo dunce tolans can’t do
      So stop your f**kery

      Like 18
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      • Lia says:


        Like 2
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    • doh says:

      since you have never left the BVI, how do you know this to be true? Stop the race hate as you label us all in the same category.

      Like 1
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    • Tired excuse says:

      Other countries don’t do so we should neither. Or, other countries do it so should we. When is the BVI nuclear energy program starting? When are we designing, building and launching our next satellite? Other countries do that too. Why not instead focus of treating people in a manner consistent with UN mandates regarding treating people decently and with dignity in an honest manner while recognizing their human rights?

  3. work permit holder says:

    Does this make any sense
    Why approve new work permit when you have work permit holders here that are jobless and still looking for a job
    Also some tolans that like to work still looking for a job
    I work with tolans along with other countries ppl that is still waiting to here from our boss since March 2020
    But is seems as if the government always in there favor
    The don’t want to open and plus the don’t want to pay there staff that’s unfair
    So I don’t see the need to bring in new work permit ppl
    It will be nice to offer jobs to ppl that is already here and in need

    Like 7
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    • yup says:

      BVI only wants new permit workers to be registered online as they want renewals to come in for personal visits. It’s a way to further put controls in place to actually see who is here. Then they can kick out the ones not needed.

      It’s a brilliant way to “flush” the worker pool

  4. godasbeengood says:

    HMM strups you are so damn stupid.
    island people pays for work permits not you they work for what they want not you what are you doing for the Government more than waiting on hand out from the Government.yes you. island….. some people pays more than $10,000 for work permit so SHUT you a** up please

    Like 5
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  5. Musa says:

    When you say fully in place does it include all the documents from nhi social security income tax fsc employment letters

  6. Wellsah says:

    Instead of this try a mass deportation send some island people home

  7. But says:

    Can you tell SSB and NHI not to take over a minth to process persons good standing certificates. Grace period from immigration soon up and persons cannot get their stuff from those two places after 5 weeks.

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