BVI News

Nightclubs now allowed to reopen if all staff, patrons fully vaccinated

The government has issued a conditional vaccination order for nightclubs wishing to resume operations in the British Virgin Islands.

According to the government’s latest Public Health (COVID-19 Control & Suppression) Order issued on Friday, September 17, “all nightclubs and entertainment centres shall reopen subject to the following conditions:

(a) all staff working at a nightclub or an Entertainment Centre shall be fully vaccinated

(b) all patrons in a nightclub or an Entertainment Centre shall be fully vaccinated and shall provide proof thereof.”

This latest order took effect on September 16, 2021.

Throughout the pandemic, local entertainment centres have been reported as common infection sites and have, therefore, experienced extended closures.

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  1. Strange says:

    Utter BS but let’s wait to see how things shall play out.

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  2. Great says:

    Was wondering how the politicians them live without it.

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  3. Vanilla Sky says:

    This makes no sense, you will still have people in there spreading covid amongst each other, so whats the point?, NEWSFLASH THE JABS ARE USELESS.

    And why are they still using rapid tests?, Weren’t those recalled in June/July for not being able to diffrenciate between covid and influenza?

    Oh man, these guys are begging for a lawsuit, are they ignoring credible info based of facts and just proceeding with a blind eye?

    Because I’ve yet to see them adjust to whats really going on thus far.

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    LET THE GAMES BEGIN , you guys are sure getting creative

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  5. Cookie says:

    So glad our Government is looking out for our best interests!

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  6. lol says:


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  7. hahahaha says:

    its like saying a man and s.x worker must show STD test before session begins.

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  8. Nooooooooo says:

    Bigggggg mistake.

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  9. Detroit says:

    I remember when Kwame & Claude where the biggest “club” patrons in the motor city

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  10. Mr. T says:

    I pity the security guards at these clubs…..their jobs just got 1000 times harder, patrons not wanting to pay, patrons not wanting to show ID cards, now patrons NOT wanting to provide Vaccination Cards…..

    Like 13
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    • Dede says:

      Enforcing this should not be difficult. Most security at these clubs are police officers. They should be able to arrest them for failing to comply.

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  11. What BS says:

    Is this an essential?

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  12. Haha says:

    People need to step outside their bubble and look around. The BVI isn’t doing anything that hasn’t been implemented in many parts of the world. You cant travel to some places without being fully vaccinated and the only way to get in some places like nightclubs, sporting events, restaurants etc. as well. That’s just the way it is.

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    • Tongue Fu says:


      So because the others doing it we must follow? Do you realize that in countries that have similar polices they actually have proper mechanisms to monitor and enforce like electronic passports? While we had electronic trackers that never worked! How do they monitor and enforce this policy? Ok I got it! At 11pm an environmental health officer will be stationed outside the club to check all the vaccine cards. But wait what about vaccine card verification? How will that be done? So if you have Pfizer/Moderna or Jansen how do we validate those? Impractical policies are just a waste of ink and paper!

      Can’t you all realize this is just a precursor of things to come? Next- Health care workers, educational institutions then the general population.

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      • GTFOH says:

        Until the BVI get their own scientist and experts we have to follow and mimic regulations, models and guidelines set by the international community. You start off like you against the opening but seem to be more focused on how validation of the cards and enforcing of the policy will be implemented. Policemen don’t check every single driver to make sure that the vehicle is insured and everybody that is driving has a license. Same with verification not every police will tell the difference with a fake but we don’t care enough or put enough faith in the system to work. The nightclubs were allowing people to pack the place because they thought nobody was enforcing until Lionel and the squad caught them off guard and shut them down so relax. Some people just love to complain. I’m not a cheerleader for the vaccine and it’s obvious that the CDC and health experts are not 100% sure about the effects of the vaccine or the virus and are learning as they go along but they know more than the internet researchers that swear they are now qualified to give analysis on viruses and vaccines. The same people eat every processed and packaged food that taste good. They take vitamins and every other medication that is prescribed to them without knowing what’s in them. A few minutes of researching names will not make you an expert in knowing what’s good for your body. Only now they concerned about what’s going on in their body but you see them out drinking rum and eating all kinda food that need chemicals to keep them from spoiling before they are cooked. What’s in that water you drink. Who is testing your water? It taste normal so it’s fine, Ok Flint might say otherwise. Some people swear all vegan food is healthy but don’t even know it’s depends on how they are prepared and processed and your health status. A lot of those vaccine skeptics aren’t that worried about their health. Just check their lifestyles and see the irony.

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        • Flint says:

          I’ll give 1 dollar to everyone who even has an idea what Flint is about. I can bet that only very few people know about Flint, and won’t become advocates for clean drinking water, but are non-vaccine advocates.

  13. Bribe says:

    Don’t have no ID, just GREASE the palm of my HAND.

  14. RARE says:

    Same motive different era the syringe is the new whip!

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  15. TruDat! says:

    That club in the picture…the one with the “Kinky Girls”…where is that please? Asking for a friend..

  16. aplus says:

    Cat them open yet.

  17. The TotalitarianTip Toe says:

    Who next?

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  18. follow fashion monkeys says:

    A bunch of @$$#0!&$ sitting in cabinet meetings

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  19. Wondering says:

    When all the men will realize this is just another trick to get them to take the Clot Shot, or Swell UP read bad shot. . . Weird thing is that world wide it is the Clot Shot that are carrying and spreading and dying of the new strains of the virus that the old old clot shots do not cover. How stupid do they think we are??

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  20. @ GET REAL says:

    U are right , they not dying , they only PASSING away

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  21. @ GTFOH says:

    and since you built the ARK, please let us know what is the RIGHT THING – NO-ALL

    • GTFOH says:

      I can’t help you decide what is the right thing for you to do. Listen to your personal doctor as they should know your health history. What I can help you with is the right way to spell know.

  22. Sad says:

    This is really sad. If the person dies from the vaccine is the Government liable? They takin away your right to freedom slowly and you too blind to see. This is the test run for the real thing.

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