BVI News

Non-locals engaged in smuggling will be deported, all offenders will be ‘vigorously sought after’

Since the territory’s spike in COVID-19 cases is linked to persons who have been smuggling themselves in and out of the BVI, non-locals found to be involved are being threatened with deportation.

This is according to Premier Andrew Fahie who said in an address on Tuesday his government will be taking a zero-tolerance approach to all guilty offenders.

He said: “Our residents and businesses must not be made to continue to suffer due to misconduct by a few persons out of greed and lack of respect for our Virgin Islands … Your Government will not allow the actions of a few individuals to endanger the welfare of the BVI and our economy.”

“Persons engaging in all or any illegal activities will be sought after vigorously and brought to justice. Those that need to be deported will be deported. The BVI will not be used as a hub for human smuggling to the USVI and also from the USVI to the BVI en route to their home country,” he added.

New task force to abruptly end smuggling

Premier Fahie also said a new task force will be established to “aggressively” halt smuggling in and out of the territory.

He did not specify whether the task force will be a separate component to the previously mentioned joint unit consisting of members from Her Majesty’s Customs, the Immigration Department and the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force.

However, he said the task force will be collaborating with the border security from the United States Virgin Islands.

“I say here again that our people and businesses should not be made to suffer for a few lawless people. BVI will not be a hub no more for these illegal activities. We are small in size and we cannot continue to allow this behaviour to continue,” Fahie stated.

Back to square one

The Premier further said his government had the economy back on the track to recovery but the actions of “lawless” persons has placed the territory almost back to square one.

The BVI went from having only a total of eight positive cases on May 28, to now 47 positive cases as of August 31.

Fahie said the increase in cases is because of residents “who have not been taking COVID-19 seriously and have not fully embraced the level of personal responsibility that is needed to reduce transmission of the virus.”

These include businesses and residents that have been failing to adhere to the COVID-19 protocols.

Of the positive cases, 38 remain active.

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  1. Styles. says:

    Hi Andy Foi

    You blame pretty much everyone but yourself. Yes, we are all in this together. And yes, we all have our parts to play.

    But did your government not hand out curfew passes to all your friends and family even though they were not essential? Are we then supposed to adhere to your guidelines?

    Did we not see you playing basketball with your government friends without social distancing? Did we not see you in JvD without social distancing and without 14 day quarantine after? Are we then supposed to adhere to your guidelines?

    You yourself have been a horrible example since day one. So perhaps you should look at yourself first. Because that’s what we the people do. We do what you do, not what you say.

    Leadership by example, look it up.

    Like 75
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  2. Anonymous says:

    Everything is always in a non-local hands??? Locals been smuggling people in ever since now its covid19 it’s on so tired with your crap sir you have no plan no turned the locals against expats..what else you gon do to cause division? I’m a local and its NONSENSE happening in the bvi lately. God is already dealing with us!!! time instead of political stunts and backfire at the opposition all useless talk..try preparation, teamwork,unbias conversations to help us in some way in the bvi…

    Like 56
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    • Concerned says:

      It is right to deal with anybody involved in smuggling.What will happen to locals who are involved in evil act, snuggling?

    • Concerned says:

      It is right to deal with anybody involved in smuggling.What will happen to locals who are involved in evil act, snuggling?I think all culprits should be dealt with equally whether local or non local.

  3. @: styles says:

    @ styles. If you don’t have anything sensible to contribute why don’t you sit and be quiet. In a time like this who is really watching what the leader does?? The president of the great USA is an idiot so i should try to be an idiot to?? The premier has been trying and doing his best to help protect all of us and the whole world can see even the just don’t criticize for criticizing sake. Try and make your contribution meaningful. Chatting crap about we the people do what the premier do not what he said. Well i am not following anyone and do what they do and not my family either. But i realize that this news site is a platform to air ones dumbness and hatred for this government.

    Like 13
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  4. Aa says:

    So you disrespect the USA but tell styles he a fool for disrespecting the premier….does not work like that. You cant tell people what to think and who to call a fool….so i suggest you sit down.

    Like 40
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  5. Aaa says:

    You disrespect the USA then say styles cant disrespect the premier. You sir are a fool. I dont like trump….but thats not the point. The point who you think you are to tell people what they can or cannot think. The premier is spending a million dollar in planting palms and saying he got no money to pay civil servants…..who really is the fool.

    Like 31
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  6. Fff says:

    You disrespect the USA then say styles cant disrespect the premier. You sir are a fool. I dont like trump….but thats not the point. The point who you think you are to tell people what they can or cannot think. The premier is spending a million dollar in planting palms and saying he got no money to pay civil servants…..who really is the fool.

    Like 17
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  7. YOUTH says:

    The majority agree with you Premier

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  8. My take says:

    It is high time these actions that the Premier said happens. The Territory needs it.

    Like 7
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  9. We are the BVI says:

    Yes deport them! And then give the Belonger guy a metal and a no-pay-back ‘loan’. Makes total sense to me…They captured $30 million in $20 bills coming East from PR. Some of that money was going in someones pockets here in the BVI. You have Cocaine running through here for the last 10 years….but I guess you just noticed this!? How all these local guys running around with new boats and always full of gas. It should not take Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out. It is usually the obvious that is the cause. Stop all the conspiracy crap. It is all right here in front of your eyes. Make the tough call and arrest you cousin…then deport their a**!

    Like 55
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  10. Clearly says:

    Reading and understanding is not most people’s strength. The Premier said all involved in these illegal activities will be brought to justice and those that are non-nationals will be deportes. What the h**l is wrong with that…Premier don’t mind them.

    Like 13
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  11. People says:

    I applaud this Government for all they are doing. All around the world most Governments are trying to get a handle on Corona Virus. This Government ranks on the top with their efforts.

    Like 9
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  12. For sure says:

    The Government is doing the best thing for sure. Let us all do our part to help.

    Like 10
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  13. VPS says:

    this man is a very divisive leader….he’s beginning to sound a little like Donald….everything negative is non-local..non-local…non-local. Stupes…he is a bloody j**e

    Like 20
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  14. Truth Sayer says:

    How was someone able to get into JVD with all the barges we now have on patrol? Are we paying them money for nothing? Something to think about!

    Like 21
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  15. Yawn says:

    We are good at talking tough with zero action. Ain’t s**t going happen. It will be more of the same.

    Like 17
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  16. Something wrong says:

    @ Aaa that should have benn A**. The people of the USA regret the day they elected that uneducated man to be president. The premier of this island is a very smart intelligent man Donald Trump cannot walk in his shoes. And as a matter of fact most if not all Caribbean leaders are much brighter than Donald Trump ok.Educated people is what it takes to run countries now . The days for uneducated representation is long gone. Don’t all of us see that this country needs some sprucing up??when this country opens up to welcome visitors what do you Aaa want them to see. Did the premier say he don’t have money to pay salary?? Increment that many do not deserve thats what he was talking about. Did the premier of this country do anything to show him disrespect.. Donald Trump on the other hand shows his racist and stupidity every day for the world to see. He is the worst the world ever see. All who works for him saying how stupid he is. We watch this uneducated fool every day on television . Hope you are not trying to compare Donald Trump to our great leader mr Andrew fahie.

    Like 6
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  17. @Something wrong says:

    I would comment a lot but it would be a waste of time. Instead let me say you are a moron and/or smoke crack. Donald Trump is the greatest president in modern times. Ask any educated black man and he will agree. Fahie is just a field n*****.

    Like 5
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  18. hmmm says:

    Has any realised that you can’t reply to someone’s comments anymore on this blog? lol

    Like 4
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  19. Lawless Society says:

    On my way home today in my neighborhood:

    1. Three different scooters with passengers and no mask wearing except for 1 passenger

    2. Three men in close proximity facing each other speaking, 1 had a mask below his chin the others were not wearing masks

    3. Lady standing by the driver side of a car (no mask on) talking to the driver

    This was in the space of 2 minutes.

    It’s everybody else fault but the same locals.

    Like 9
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  20. @ something says:

    We all know there are many Donald Trump out there but i really didn’t know it have in the bvi.thanks for letting me know you is also a Donald. Lol
    Almost everyone know that Donald is dumb when it comes to world affairs. Dumb in every aspect of running a country. Listen how he talk about people. The names he call them. Stop the sleeping and wake up. Most tactical leader this bvi would ever see in modern times.

    Like 1
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  21. ReX FeRaL says:

    @something wrong@something wrong

    U STU….Pid?

  22. The says:

    nation will wait and see if this proclamation will finally apply those who are never targetted by law enforcement for anything, but are known to engage in the same activities as locals, people, drug and firearm smuggling, etc, the pink, exempt from law enforcement priviledge people.

    Some truths are not liked when poined out, but pointing them out does not make them lies.

  23. Tammy says:

    Hope these politicos could live with rules these rules they are putting in place.

  24. Well, says:

    Palm tree All about town waiting for VIP to get down jjjj. New songs coming up

    Like 1
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  25. 2 too 1 says:

    We were told when the first lock down started that the borders would be patrolled 24/7 the borders had cracks from day one so the reason why we have all of these cases is because the job of patrolling the borders was lax

    Like 3
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  26. Tammy says:

    Hope these politicos could live with these rules they are putting in place.

  27. ToughTalk says:

    Your Government will not allow the actions of a few individuals to endanger the welfare of the BVI and our economy.”

    “Persons engaging in all or any illegal activities will be sought after vigorously and brought to justice.

    Including that land at Inland Revenue?!?!? Asking for a friend…

  28. down2earth says:

    And repeal all privileges given, e.g status. Illegal entry shows a lack of respect for the laws of the land and is a threat to human life.

  29. Accounting says:

    The balance sheet did not balance, Hon. Fahie.

    Non Locals + Smuggling = Deportation
    Locals + Smuggling = Repatriation

    What if the Non Locals are married to a Local
    What if the Locals are the ones benefitting and aiding the Non Locals to smuggle?

  30. Somebody says:

    Name one non local that has boats and dinghies everything that happen the first person’s you look to blame or reprimand are non locals I forgot we locals are perfect right the statement should have gone for both parties and it should have been said anyone found doing this crime would be severely dealt with case close not separating it smh we need to stop victimizing each other both locals and non locals

  31. Ok says:

    Fahie shame you shame. Stop call expats name. Call on your own people

    Like 4
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  32. Local says:

    We all know who doing smuggling in the BVI so stop pointing in expats direction

    Like 7
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  33. Local says:

    We all know who doing smuggling in the bvi.

    You’re only pointing in expat
    Direction to take the focus off the real smugglers.

  34. Hmmm says:

    Its ok for local to do it,because that the message I’m getting from u non locals know if u do three months in jail ur going to get report so what’s new sir

  35. Whistling says:

    Where is the Whistle Blower law we was promised? Dhat would solve this problem…… Are any of the smugglers diognoseed with the virus?

  36. Jim says:

    Please get off the non-local back. We are not the ones doing the illegal activities.

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