BVI News

One more arrested in connection to RVIPF’s human trafficking probe

The following is a media release from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force executed an additional three search warrants and arrested a female on suspicion of money laundering yesterday as part of ongoing investigations into human trafficking in the territory.

The female was subsequently released pending further investigations. The RVIPF can make no further comment on the matter.

As investigations are active, persons are invited to contact crime stoppers anonymously through its tip-line 800 8477 or if overseas call 1-284-800-8477 if there is suspected human trafficking or you are a victim of this modern-day slavery.

Persons with information can also call the RVIPF directly through its three-digit access number 311.

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  1. Sad sad says:

    If you notice, the Commission of Inquiry claimed it has all this corruption. They arrested and charged some people and most of them will be acquitted because the charges are ridiculous. Now to make their pre-disposed corruption plot work they are quick to arrest anyone because the COI report information is not holding true.

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  2. Steinbeck says:

    Wondering what is the penalty,if any,against descendants of slaves in the VI who are today’s owners and shippers. Does the penalty depend on the the race of the slave. Will these slave owners and traffickers be ordered to pay reparations.
    Direct statements of experiences in the VI..from former slaves would be a real knockout…including names and locations of their hidden housing while in the VI.
    Great project for a writer. A guaranteed best seller !

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  3. Sadly says:

    The biggest truth to the COI report, is in the current histology of your former Premier’s arrest and detainment .
    Hoping and denying heightens the weight of this sad and very obvious truth.

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  4. Rubber Duck says:

    Anyone who has seen the numerous young women who work in our many “ Spanish Bars “ might ask themselves how they got here. Legitimate work permit? Pretty unlikely. Smuggled in? Maybe. Brought in on visa waivers by those in a position to obtain and issue visa waivers ( for a consideration of course ) ? More than likely.

    Like 32
  5. @sad sad says:

    ” most of them will be acquitted”

    If recent events is any indication they become DOA soon after they saunter out upon release.
    Truth and Justice meted out to them by their side kicks and partners in evil.

  6. human trafficking or you are a victim of this modern-day slavery. says:

    Its hard for me to wrap my little head around the apparent fact that human trafficking and victimization as a modern day slave is occurring in this tiny island nation resulting in such an investigation.

    It appears we have ticked off every major category of crimes or immoral act to some degree in these parts.

    What else have we missed?

    Lets see what we have accomplished thus far first:

    – Murders including hits. 75 plus unsolved murders. (check check check)

    – Stealing (check check)

    – Drug running and dealing including smuggling (check check check and more checks)

    – A former Premier and Ports Director currently under house arrest and in detention respectively in Miami pending trial this summer on conspiracy to import illicit drugs into the United States (a big CHECK)

    – Child molestation and sexual abuse (check).

    – Some men and women stealing others men/woman partners/husbands/wives (check, check, check, and check) Hey somebody has to pay these ridiculously high rent and electric bills.

    – Banks IMO ripping off customers with high interest rates. When clients fall behind and cant pay theyy are quick to foreclose. (Check, Check and Check)

    – Minimum wage can get you a bag of food at the grocery stores (Crime of the century). You have to steal somebody’s man/woman to definitely offset that crime. (Check, check, check, and more checks)

    – Illegal bike riding hurting up peoples head all night and risking peoples lives on the road (check, check, check)

    – Members of the House of Assembly not being compliant with the requirement for them to timely report their register of interest as per COI. They make the laws but apparently have problems following them. (Check check)

    – Some people having claimed to be farmers to get covid grants despite there is no evidence a seed was planted anywhere.

    – Older folks outliving younger folks. A crime on another level. Younger folks are killing themselves from preventable causes. Many of these younger folks have a date with early death they intend to keep.

    – Some well connected people allegedly having received multiple contracts from government without documentation of work done.

    It appears all our criminal and immoral bases are covered.

    Sounds like a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah to me. Only problem is gays and lesbians are largely not responsible for this decay in our society as some would have us believe when they reference Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s ordinary people who have this place in a mess.

    Who can fix it? Only God can help us here if you are predispose to such belief. So with that said, I say Jesus take the wheal. I have heard it all.

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  7. @ RUBBER DUCK says:

    Watch what you put bin your mouth / beware of their ( sweat food ) or you might get hooked , and they love to hug you up , and rub something off on you and you will be obedient onto them , then you will taking over whatever you own ,/ what sweeten your mouth will sour your rear end , you are warned , some of them are are into evilness

    Like 2
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  8. Recall says:

    The first grand and proud announcement by the former Premier,upon his assuming Premier stamp,was his pronouncement of his arrangement for direct local round-trip flights to the Dominican Republic.
    My mouth drop…tis then he sealed the open rumors about the VI involvement in modern day slavery with the DR the location of major human trafficking in the Caribbean.

  9. Mestizo says:

    Bull crap, everyone is wishing to migrate to the US, Haity, cuban, colombian, venezuelian etc,etc. DR is not the exception, local guys has gotten the opportunity to make money by providing them a passage to the us and plenty of them are making a lot of cash maybe more than drugs.

  10. Jello says:

    Bvi is a drug and human trafficking country

    Be proud my friends

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  11. Hgf says:

    When Fahie trail goin start?

  12. Anonymous says:

    His trail started a long time ago and it Is long.
    We waiting for the tri a l.

  13. many thing says:

    question if some person bring someone from another country to work for them and the person that sponsor or hire. the person in question and keep they travel document hold how is this matter could be call cohercion of free movement or is slaverysom

  14. many thing says:

    what about the bar owner who keep they employee document on hold and control they freedom to move and to talk with somebody that they dont like

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