BVI News

Opposition gunning for voters to return to polls

Just over a year after the April 2023 general election, Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton has highlighted a series of governance failures and is calling for residents to return to the polls in a long-shot bid to remove Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley and his Virgin Islands Party (VIP) from office.

This is detailed in the order paper for the 19th sitting of the first session of the fifth House of Assembly, which begins today. Skelton is set to present a motion of no confidence against the Wheatley administration.

The debate will centre on the Opposition’s dissatisfaction with the administration’s handling of the BVI’s economic and social challenges. Although the Opposition is outnumbered by one vote in the House, it points to “poor leadership” and “sheer incompetence” as major concerns regarding Premier Wheatley’s management of the territory.

The no-confidence motion addresses several issues, including economic mismanagement, neglected public infrastructure, and insufficient attention to community welfare. It criticises the Wheatley-led VIP government for deteriorating living standards and diminishing public trust.

The Opposition Leader says the government has committed significant financial errors, including a $20 million miscalculation in estimating salary increases for public officials, which has placed an unexpected burden on public resources. They also accuse the government of failing to attract investments and enhance the tourism industry, a crucial component of the BVI’s economy.

“The territory of the Virgin Islands continues to suffer from a lack of inward investment while other Caribbean nations and our neighbours in the United States Virgin Islands continue to attract major investments to add to their tourism product and increase their respective government’s financial resource,” the motion states. The motion cites the rundown Prospect Reef Hotel and lack of a strong tourism strategy as instances of wasted chances during Wheatley’s tenure.

Additional complaints include the underfunding of essential sectors such as education and agriculture, highlighting a significant gap between government promises and actual outcomes. Skelton’s motion points to neglected public infrastructure, including roads, sewerage systems, and potable water, which affects daily life and the territory’s appeal to both tourists and investors.

The motion ends with a demand to disband the current government. According to the Opposition, the House should be dissolved to allow the people of the Virgin Islands to return to the polls to elect a government in which they can place their confidence.

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  1. agree says:

    I am a voter and I 100% agree in calling for early elections. I have no confidence in this present government. none whatsoever

    Like 53
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    • @agree says:

      And you have in opposition?? The entire opposition? The same opposition who had the crocodile by its head and tail and let it go is that the same opposition you have confident in???

      Like 12
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      • Notes over NDP head says:

        1. Airplane – bad deal and in the courts (can’t blame the then government for trying)
        2. High school wall (we see the wall – those who got paid for things not done would have to answer and pay back-simple; so the minister then has no fear.
        3. Sewerage funds to pier park – $6M already gone back to the bvi government Treasury (as told).

        What else you all have?

        Like 3
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  2. Homegrown says:

    Ronnie if motion fails in house of assembly. Bring it to the public for support or signatures. We need a change of government. Please and thanks

    Like 43
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  3. Unlikely says:

    Assuming a successful vote of no confidence there will be no polling day elections until the Order in council suspension of the BVI constitution issue is resolved by the UK.

    Like 5
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  4. WTF says:

    This government is useless, but the opposition is no better, just different.

    They really on a mission to show the UK they need to take over. It’s nice to see both parties united in this effort, at least.

    Like 27
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    • @WTF says:

      BOY,, you can say that again .
      The opposition Leader (Skeleton ) do no care about anyone but himself, he full of malice and envy , he is willing to sacrifice the whole country in order to get Premier,,
      Sorry to say it,, but I prefer England to take over , than allowing this Jacka** to be in charge …

      Like 5
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  5. Strumps says:

    Would Ronnie and thr whole opposition resign their seats if their motion fails to pass? Seems only fair they should

    Like 11
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  6. PURE PISS says:

    We have bigger issues than calling for an election. The UK is telling us independence or nothing at all whereby they take control of the BVI fully and the opposition talking about calling election. Make it make sense!

    Dislike 17
  7. Jokes says:

    PVIM/Ronnie/Mitch are responsible for VIP being the Government in 2019 and in 2023, FACT! The people went to the polls in 2023 and voted out the VIP Government, FACT! The now sitting Opposition WON THE 2023 GENERAL ELECTION, FACT! The only reason VIP is the Government today with Sowande as Premier is because the winning team could NOT form a Government! Now they are here a year later asking for us to go back to the polls? For what? The BVI is in real deep trouble with all these egos and power hungry people pretending to give a fuck. Six and half-dozen are the choices, you choose.

    Like 13
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    • @jokes says:

      Wrong. Lorna is responsible as she and her sibling(s) had their plan B ready to make a deal that benefited them and not the country as evidenced by their sheer incompetence and ignorance!

      This vote is against Natalee and his failures over the past 18 months. By and large, once the ministers (all 7) vote it down the next thing we want to see is a Vote of No Confidence in ALL (7) of them. They (government side) have no scruples, morals and are a set of failed ministries and policies.

      This has to END! The BVI cannot endure another 18 months of this mess. Get them OUT now!!!!

      Like 8
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  8. Hmm says:

    The opposition been thirsty for power and bitter ever since Lorna pull out the rug from under them last election. This administration not ready but don’t expect the opposition made up of mostly people who been in power already to get in and revolutionize anything.

    Like 9
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    • @Hmm says:

      How did Mitch and Marlon get over in the unity government? What’s the story on that? Where is that clipping of sowande shuffling papers in front Lorna to sign with mark standing in a corner like he taking pictures? Who was hungry for premiership? You all stop it

  9. Mad Max says:

    I agree the government is incompetent. Problem is that everything coming out of Ronnie Skelton’s mouth tells me they would be just as bad – or worse.

    Like 6
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  10. LMAO says:

    I’m so loving it. Everyone is scrambling like a herd of fleeing buffalos in a stampede scattering for damage control. LMAO, LOVING IT!!!!!!!

  11. YES TO UK says:

    Natalio Wheatley and his Virgin Islands Party need to gone a long time ago the best of him is partying traveling and trying to get in with the UN and every Caribbean country looking for support and giving support to hell with the people of the British Virgin Islands.

    Like 12
    • Google says:

      The VIP is alive simply because the factions of the NDP are egotistical idiots! They are calling for us to go to the polls again but guess what? Some lunatic will come with another party yet again, splitting votes and VIP wins again. We didn’t need that viral math equation to understand that BVI people don’t know math. Just look at the last two elections and it’s clear. The electoral math does not support a 3rd party or independent candidates, it has been proven.

      Like 4
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  12. Hmm says:

    Did the opposition decided yet who will be their premier??

    Like 3
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  13. Say yes to the dress says:

    The whole BVI Government is one big inept, incompetent mess. Another thing this different party thing mess be it VIP, NDP, PVIM and whatever they call themselves needs to be DISBANDED. IS RONNIE DOING THIS TO SLIDE UP IN THE PREMIER’S SEAT?

    Like 5
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  14. Fish Scales says:

    The money is probably being stored in Guyana, Asia, and other countries where it is locked away Incognito with a number for a name.

    Think those trips were just for the travel? Keep thinking, while your country go broke and HAITI.

    They, led by the headman, went in with a Self-Enrichment Plan. Some, maybe one, said so with own mouth and words.

    The head was cut off, but the second in command, a major formulator of the plan rose to the top.

    There from, all noticed the reckless and conspicuous spending. Most thought it was just that, but was it? The details are in the Bills, The greedy Bill, The Fishers and Farmer, The others, you know of them.

    And now we are all seeing the fish scales hit the fan, with a no confidence call on the reckless non-productive spending government.

  15. This whole thing says:


  16. I have says:

    A strongggggggg feeling Ronnie is seeking the Premiers seat.

    Like 1
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  17. SMH says:

    Calling for a Snap Election ( removal of ALL members of the HOA) Government and Opposition.

  18. @I have says:

    Nothing wrng Mr.Ronnie seeing the Premiers seat, nothing at all.

    In fact, every thing is right wirh him doing so.

    Those of us who young ones who played Bball sat or just sat on Skeltons corner know the boy he was an through observation and personal experience now the man he has long since become.

    No one, not one person who is privilege to accounting dexterity, manipulationary, prodigious, financial skills would want him leader of the financial Ministry and country.

    Ronnie is the only man/mind right now that can bring confidence back into the ministry of the FSC, period!

    So, let us end the psuedo politics andget the rightpeopel/minds into office.

    First, the nuckle heads. in there need to be replaced with political, economic and moral heads.

  19. I sure as says:

    whatever, am not going to any polls. Do what
    ever you opposition want to do cause you do not
    have this country at heart. Johnny come lately.

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