BVI News

Over half of RVIPF assigned to Election Day duties — Commissioner

Commissioner Michael Matthews

More than half of the Royal Virgin Islands Police (RVIPF) has been assigned to Election Day duties today, February 25, Police Commissioner Michael Matthews has said.

“Numbers vary depending on location but each polling Station has a police supervisor assigned with a team of officers,” Commissioner Matthews said in a BVI News interview Monday morning.

The top cop said the officers will take on various roles as election day progresses.

The crux of those duties will be to ‘ensure security and support’ at each of the 17 polling stations to ensure the vote is unimpeded, and that persons attending polling stations act in accordance with the requirements of the Election Act, Matthews said.

“My officers also escort the counting machines and data to the final count location (at the Multi-purpose Sports Complex in Road Town) from the various polling stations. We then remain present at the final count to ensure security of the procedures and again supporting the returning officers and election staff in their necessary roles,” he told BVI News.

While noting that the RVIPF will continue to provide normal policing response throughout the day, Matthews said: “It is a considerable commitment for the Force … We have a major operation in place throughout the entire day and do not stand down until all matters are concluded which means many long hours for many officers.”

“I am confident my officers will ensure that those entitled to vote can do so fairly, safely, and without interruption,” he added.

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  1. voter says:

    just got done voting in the 6th and you guys are looking good…thanks!

    Like 13
  2. Reader says:

    Kudos Mr. Matthew to you and the officers…

    Like 11
  3. Thanks Comish says:

    The police is on point at the polls.

    Like 11
  4. Brad Boynes says:

    They need to make the same presence on a daily basis especially at night.

    Like 5
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    • saying says:

      I was saying the same thing. Matthews the public can see the officers are out. You talk too much. Next thing you here our town brake down struppps

  5. hmm says:

    looks like we need election everyday to keep these guys working. 🙂

    Like 4
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