BVI News

Perline Scatliffe-Leonard launches election bid

Perline Scatliffe-Leonard

After months of prodding for more female political leaders by political commentator Claude Skelton-Cline, former Director of the Water & Sewerage Department (WSD), Perline Scatliffe-Leonard has announced her bid for elected office.

The former WSD boss told reporters at a press conference held yesterday, February 8, that she is seeking to be elected in the Seventh District as an independent candidate.

A former public servant for more than 30 years, Scatliffe-Leonard said she was spiritual and also very passionate about the country.

“I’ve seen everything, I’ve been through the thick and the thin, I’ve seen the pretty and ugly, so I know I am well prepared for what I’m about to do,“ she stated.

According to Scatliffe-Leonard, her mantra was one of working with honesty, integrity and transparency — a trait she said will be filtered through the House of Assembly (HOA) along with her knowledge and experience once she becomes elected.

When questioned about her reason for campaigning as an independent candidate, Scatliffe-Leonard alluded to a need to ‘maintain her integrity’ and her ‘need to speak up when something is not in order’.

“I find that with the party system now, persons are holding back to speak on behalf of the people,” she expressed.

Scatliffe-Leonard also shared that she had a passion for culture and how it relates to nation-building. She also suggested that this should be integrated into the school curriculum. “We cannot build a nation again without a culture, without an identity,” she stated.

In sharing the traits that set her apart from others who may also be vying for office, the former WSD Director said she stands on the principles of transparency, honesty and accountability along with her understanding of governance and accountability.

The seat Scatliffe-Leonard plans to context means she will be going up against the Seventh District incumbent, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

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  1. Lodger says:

    And what improvements did she make at WSD? She was hardly ever there, certainly not available to the public. Spiritual! That will help. After 30 years time to retire.

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  2. Hmmm says:

    The WSD still can’t issue a bill and ensure that the water works 24hrs per day. Hardly a good qualification to run the govt unless we want more of the inadequate services we had had to put up with. At least she is a female politician that does not just shout.

    Like 26
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  3. Rubber Duck says:

    Really? The country is to be run with all the efficiency and effectiveness of the WSD?

    Please sit down.

    Like 27
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  4. Oh my says:

    Keep this waste of time out of politics.

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  5. Anonymous says:

    Ms Adam, if WSD is your cLiam to fame,please remove yourself from infronta people.
    The Audacity!!
    “No shame in the game folks” like yourself is the mote in our eyes right now. lucked

    Like 14
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  6. O&O says:

    Madam if WSD is your claim to fame, kindly remove yourself from infonta people face.

    The Audacity !!!

    No shame in the game folks like yourself is the mote in our eyes right now.

    Like 8
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  7. Circus is in town says:

    “Scatliffe-Leonard said she was spiritual and also very passionate about the country”
    I needed a little giggle this morning, thanks. LOL

    Like 15
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  8. kedric and natalio failed us badly says:

    She is a breath of fresh air in the 7th district……GIVE THE WOMAN A CHANCE!

    Like 9
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  9. We want more ladies to come forward says:

    Fed up with these corrupted men

    Like 8
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  10. LOL says:

    This must be an early April Fool’s Joke!! The Press Conference yesterday was horrible, her record as Director as WSD is horrible.

    Like 19
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  11. We the People says:

    The politics in the BVI is becoming a clown show. I personally believe Mrs. Scatliffe-Leonard interview was very POOR. She was unable to answer any questions posed to her. She was unable to even explain what she did at Water & Sewage during her tenure, this speaks a lot. Also when the questioned was asked about employing the young men on the block OMG, the response. She babbled, babbled and babbled. No substance. No clue. No vision. The BVI is at a serious crossroad. We need serious leaders who understand what is going on. By the way, to move forward you have to ditch the campaign manager. Dead on Arrival.

    Like 18
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  12. Guest says:

    I wish her well, hopefully she will improve on her performance at the press conference.

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  13. DONT MIND THEM says:


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  14. Lmao says:

    Lol. She is running for Ms VI which has a larger portfolio.

    Like 10
  15. SMH says:

    Flax should run as an Independent for the 9th

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  16. Truth says:

    Electing this woman will be a big mistake. Her only plan is to win office. Ask her what plan did she implement for Water & Sewerage? No plan no action, and not a good track record. Ok, you were warned.

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  17. @ DON’T MIND THEM says:

    Do you not realize that running for an electoral seat is applying and being interviewed for a job that WE THE PEOPLE decide if we will hire you? So, your employment experience plays a HUGE role.

    Like 10
  18. Truth says:

    So you rather have an incompetent & corrupt woman?

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  19. Citizen says:

    The comments are hilarious because I expected jokes. At least Ms Leonard will be getting her pension and can retire in peace.

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  20. Hmm says:

    People of the 7th do not do like the people of the 8th and vote out your premier/ district rep. Keep Mr. Wheatley at the helm.

    Like 3
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  21. Mup Pets says:

    Where Fozzie Bear going?

  22. SPH LOVE NOTES says:

    Entering the political arena is not for the spine-less. The lady just made her debut, surely it is not rge end of her campaign.All this negativity is not needed. You either follow her campaign with an open mind, or ignore it. Why the hate? Ask the responsible ministers about Water and Sewerage if you have concerns about it, as well as those who got contracts to fix things that didn’t get fixed.
    If we want to see better relations between politicians and the people there must be mutual respect.

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  23. Born & Bred Virgin Islander says:

    As Elections are on the Horizon, the Virgin Islands “Crab in the Barrel” mentality is at play. Are we any better today than we were 4 years ago? people of the Virgin Islands better wake up and think critically of what is best for this Territory instead of trying to tear down and trying to assasinate our own Virgin Islanders character in the name of politics. Those who are being influenced by others to make slanderous, derogatory statements against our own should cease and desist from doing so. You are the Fools, not the aspiring Politicians. This is not a UK against BVI Battle. This is a BVI against BVI Battle and it stinks. The whole World is watching and reading. It will take the same UK to come in and clean up but sadly they can’t clean up Fools minds. Like it or like it not the BVI is headed on a serious path and instead of us trying to go through that healing process we find time to ill-treat our own Brothers and Sisters. Do you all think it’s only the Governor and premier speaking to UK officials? Think again. Do you think we are in the all clear Zone? Think again. People must exercise their democratic right to Vote for anyone they so desire But let your finger do the talking and keep your nasty comments to yourself. The same people’s names you are slandering, You can’t touch nor match them. Small- minded people talk bad about others because of jealousy and envy. But when you go low guess what, They go high. Voters of the BVI should not take Politics personal. Think about who is best suited both academically and intellectually to lead our Territory and our people to the next level. Our territory needs serious help in these crucial times. It’s not business as usual. Explore your intelligence and not your stupidity. No Pun intended.

  24. wellsah says:

    The school ground facial gestures and eye rolling when answering a question, does not increase voter confidence. You appear to be a bit off and somewhat surprised at your ownself for reaching so far in your professional career. You can’t even articulate what you’ve done during your tenure at WSD.

  25. people of the 7th says:

    Dont waste your vote on Natalio because he wont be premier again

  26. woman plz.... says:

    What a waste of time, WSD run down to the dogs.

    These people only looking accolades,them aint care about the people.

    Like 2
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  27. WELL SA says:

    You for real?!

  28. hmm says:

    Allu better be thankful Natalio saved the BVI …, If it wasn’t for his fast thinking where would the BVI have been? Lucky to even have an intention of an election. The BVI better play the game smart!!!!! Don’t mind the noise; and the spiders that crawl out their holes when it rains. Better listen to the dog that barks.

  29. Talk Truth to Power. says:

    Natalio didn’t save the BVI. Natalio wanted to keep his job so he tricked Marlon and Mitch into thinking that they too would lose their jobs and form a Unity Government. Why didn’t he make Marlon Deputy? Says a lot right? If the UK had imposed Direct Rule both Marlon and Mitch would have been chosen on the Governor’s Advice Team. Having a VIP elected again into power is cause for a second COI and Direct UK rule…

  30. Oh really says:

    Spiritual have different meanings, do we have to worry about Mr. Senegal again, hmmmm

  31. CSC says:

    WTF does CSC have to do with this? Did she say her candidacy had anything to do with him? Can a woman not just decide to run for office without having a man behind the scenes pulling the strings, let alone a c***** cr**k like him, who’s never held elected office and whose opinion is irrelevant?

    What an unbelievably stupid and sexist lede. Do better.

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