BVI News

Police Bill debate postponed because of renewed concerns

The debate of the Police Bill, 2023 that was scheduled to take place in the House of Assembly (HOA) today has been postponed because of the fresh and renewed concerns relating to the contents of the proposed legislation.

Government legislator Carvin Malone advised in an early-morning statement via the messaging application, Whatsapp, that the postponement follows an informal HOA meeting held yesterday to discuss the Bill, which seeks to repeal the existing law that governs policing in the BVI.

He said the Attorney General’s Chambers and officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force were both represented at the meeting. 

“All 12 members of the HOA were in attendance and voiced their concerns and the concerns of the public and from officials of the Bar Association during the meeting,” Malone stated.

“Based on the feedback, numerous suggestions for changes to the bill were voiced and widely agreed. There were concerns of provisions that are already in the Act of 2014 (the existing law) and repeated in the 2023 Bill so these were not agreed for removal. There were also concerns that, once explained, were agreed as critical to policing and hence were agreed to remain. And finally, there were concerns that all parties agreed to remove in parts and in whole,” the government legislator added.

He further said that requests were made for the agreed changes to be done and circulated to the legislators before the second and third readings of the proposed Bill are done in the HOA. (See Editor’s Note below on what are ‘readings’)

The new Police Bill was first proposed in back it 2019. But it underwent a revision because of major concerns and public backlash about certain provisions in the proposed legislation.

Editor’s Note: (The three stages of passing legislation)

All bills go through an extensive process after being introduced in the House. A Bill must pass through several stages, known as ‘readings’. At the ‘first reading’, the ‘short title’ of the Bill is announced and a day is then appointed for the ‘second reading’, at which point the bill will be debated fully.

If the Bill passes its second reading, it moves on to the ‘committee stage’. During committee, which is closed to the public, the Bill is considered in very close detail. Every clause is carefully examined, and amendments to the Bill may then be moved and voted upon.

After the committee stage, there is the ‘report stage’ when the Speaker reports what has happened to the Bill in committee — whether there have been amendments or not. At the third and final reading, a Bill may be accepted or rejected by means of a vote.


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  1. Lodger says:

    This arse-backward way of bringing in legislation is happening all too often.

  2. GO WAY WID DAT says:


  3. Please says:

    Please pass the Human Rights Bill and the freedom of Information before this police act.

    Like 12
  4. Thank you says:

    Thank you Honorable Malone. Continue to keep us informed. Good work.

    Like 5
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  5. hmm says:

    Yall try send that thing to the pits of hell where it come from.

    Like 11
  6. Jay says:

    Jump high ,jump low fight with ayo self but uk sure to take full control cuz ayo to greedy and selfish .when ayo done fight uk will step right in the house

  7. Long Look says:

    On GOD!! If the police bill pass, not one of those 13 will be voted back in!! They pushed it back, when election finished, they’ll bring it back up.. COLLINS AND RANKIN’s DOINGS!!

    People of the BVI wake up, this bill for our young men to kill or be kill!! This phuck is a set up!! WAKE UP MY PEOPLE!! Smell the coffee brewing…. I’m NOT VOTING AT ALL!!

    Like 2
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  8. SMH says:

    This Bill should have never been tabled. Shame on all those that contributed to its creation. How can those in Power decided to agree with its contents thus allowing it to be presented before the House? May God have Mercy on the Territory.

  9. Compare and Contrast says:

    I encourage everyone to compare and contrast this Act with those in other jurisdictions. There is a reason that we cannot get murders solved… It is impossible for us to continue with the “perks of modernity”(big homes, cars, lavish vacations etc) and have legislation which keeps us in the stone ages. If we don’t want a “takeover” then we MUST hold each other accountable by modern accepted best standards. Look to see what type of evidence the Police can collect in the region and make a determination to create legislation which is based in logic, empathy, ethics and reason.

    Like 2
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  10. @compare and contrast says:

    I believe you are mad in your head or something.

  11. Suggestion for the Bill.. says:

    “The Commissioners intelligence unit” (CIU) mix up and mingling in communities, main function to seek intelligence relating to criminal activities (deep cover a very secretive unit known only by the commissioner) Do not get involved in arrest or court proceedings..Main function is to feed the commissioner with intelligence…4 people a group of two officers working together but one two don’t know about the other two, Trust, safety and confidentiality is key they they mingle and socialize in communities Get them trained one by one…Intelligence – best way to solve and prevent crimes

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