BVI News

Police shut down West End event with gathering of over 175 persons

File photo of Sebastian’s on the Beach in West End, Tortola. (Photo Credit: Tripadvisor)

Police were forced to shut down an event at Sebastian’s BVI in West End, Tortola after discovering that the gathering had well above the 175-person legal limit at the weekend.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) said the owners and operators of Sebastians weren’t even sanctioned to host such an event in the first place.

According to the territory’s Public Health Order 2020 (COVID-19 Control & Suppression Measures), all gatherings shall be limited to one person per 64 square feet and shall not exceed 75 persons at any given time. And if organisers of an outdoor event anticipate that their gathering will exceed 75 persons, the order says he or she must make a written request to the Minister of Health seeking permission to hold the event.

In the case of graduations, weddings and funerals, gatherings which shall be limited to one person per 64 square feet and shall not exceed 175 persons at any given time.

Meanwhile, a media release from the RVIPF said the police were only alerted to Sebastian’s overcrowded activities after receiving a noise complaint.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Jacqueline Vanterpool said she was disappointed in ‘such a flagrant breach’.

“Police must enforce the orders as passed and sanctioned by government. Business owners must continue to abide by the regulations or face the full enforcement of the law,” she said.

Police has not said whether owners and operators of Sebastians would be sanctioned for flouting the COVID-19 restrictions.

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  1. Will happen again says:

    If the only consequence of breaking Covid protocols is asking people to go home we should not be surprised that this is happening. These establishments need to be fined for a 1st offense, fined and suspended for 2 weeks for a 2nd offense and shut down for 6 month for a 3rd. Additionally every patron who was in attendance flouting protocols should be fined $100 person.

    And these people have the audacity to go on the community board to say people just want to have fun and the police have better things to do. Adults acting like children. We can all have fun safely not wrecklessly. And those waiting to use the vaccine as an excuse. The vaccine does not prevent you from getting Covid. It supposedly just prevents you from getting terminally ill from it

    Like 24
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    • Curly says:

      So your a Covid expert. Where do you get your evidence that if vaccinated you can still catch and infect others with COVID. Not been proven and I suggest you read the latest report from Oxford about their vaccine But hey your the expert so I am sure you can resolve the whole Covid thing

      Like 3
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      • Knowledge says:

        You do not have to be a COVID-19 expert to know the facts so I suggest you educate yourself because that individual was correct in stating that the vaccine does not prevent one from spreading or contracting COVID-19.
        “Since scientists haven’t yet found evidence that the vaccines provide mucosal immunity, someone who is vaccinated and has no symptoms of illness may be carrying the live SARS-CoV-2 virus and spreading it to others when they cough, breath or sneeze.”

      • Knowledge says:

        You do not have to be a COVID-19 expert to know the facts so I suggest you educate yourself because that individual was correct in stating that the vaccine does not prevent one from spreading or contracting COVID-19.
        “Since scientists haven’t yet found evidence that the vaccines provide mucosal immunity, someone who is vaccinated and has no symptoms of illness may be carrying the live SARS-CoV-2 virus and spreading it to others when they cough, breath or sneeze.”
        Oxford.. really .

    • Thanks Karen says:

      Good thing you on here telling we wha to do!

  2. Such BS says:

    They didn’t think it would do, yet the people there were mainly from the same social bubbles which makes this BS compared to the event the night after which may have had the piece of paper but more mixing of groups.
    Plus we have ZERO covid cases…..

    Like 9
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  3. SMI says:

    The owner of the place should be fined along with the people who were there they need to cut this crap out unless you start passing out fines they will keep it up. What about the full moon parties?

    Like 13
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  4. WELL I’LL SAY says:


    Like 25
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  5. Hillside Karen says:

    Obviously someone on the hillside who was board and had to spoil it for everyone. Seemed to think a good paddling would suffice.

    Like 7
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  6. Wow says:

    Why the limit on gatherings. Foy and Malone have repeatedly stated there is no Covid in the Territory. If this is true then what’s is the problem with people gathering. Make up your damn minds and get in with life.

    Like 19
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    • Dumb dumb says:

      No known active Covid cases does not mean no Covid cases. People like you and your ignorance are part of the problem.

      Like 18
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      • @Dumb dumb says:

        It amazes how you have the audacity to call anyone dumb. So based upon your intelligence, people should not only wear masks and social distance for Covid but for TB, the Black Plaque, small pox and chicken pox. Apparently these other diseases are running rampant as well as Covid in the Territory but it so happens no one is sick and no evidence of any infections but we should act as though they are going to kill everyone. I hope this comment makes you understand how truly stupid you sound and probably are. Let me guess. You’re not getting vaccinated either.

        Like 5
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  7. Reply says:

    I don’t understand why anyone would want to have a large gathering of the reported size in the middle of pandemic.

    I also don’t understand why there is 175-person legal limit to begin? That’s ridiculous. Why are some people behaving and acting as if we are living in normal times.

    Sanctions are warranted here for “such a flagrant breach’ yes, but the policy in and of itself whereby 175 persons are allowed to congregate (a potential super spreader event) needs to be revised and adjusted downwards asap. Ridiculous!

    Like 18
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  8. SMH! says:

    There are ZERO ACTIVE CASES in the BVI! I could understand if there were active cases and shutting down the venue. If a noise complaint why not ask the manager to have the band turn the volume down a few notches so as not to disturb the peace!

    Like 8
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  9. Lmaooooo says:

    They get vaccinated and turn stupid. Vaccine don’t mean you’re free to do whatever

    Like 10
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  10. .... says:

    people got bills to pay staff to pay most of you that here making noise either on government payroll or killing the same people that struggling to pay ayo damn rent

    Like 7
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  11. Hmmmm says:

    No way there were more than 175 at that establishment.

    Like 6
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  12. Curly says:

    Hmmmmmm lots of big events tonight Police shut nothing down. They pick and choose who they target.

    Like 9
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  13. Next door says:


    Like 11
  14. Apple bay says:

    So we in the bvi setting up we self with this fake plandemic. After Irma we had ar rise in deaths, we waiting for suicides as a result of lack of recreation and mingling. In you understanding about the vaccine, WHAT IS IT’S PURPOSE?? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! AND THE TRIAL ONE FOR US WAS NOT APPROVED AND TESTED BY THE FDA. IT IS NOT SOLD IN AMERICA, WAS DESTINED FOR AFRICA!!SUCK ON THAT!

    Like 2
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  15. Bomba Shack says:

    The government employee shut down Sebastian Friday night. The same government employees on stage at a church as heroes, shoulderto shoulder AND NO MASK for photo shoot! Here we are again, wrong is right ONLY one way and in the public eye. We aint blind, dumb and stupid at the sàme time. GIVE BACK WHO THEM PLACK, MONEY AND WE AINT PART OF THIS LIE!! BACK TO USUAL LIVING

    Like 8
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  16. Musa says:

    Sad news ,i am convinced that the bvi need mental health care & great job by our officers and law abiding citizens.

    Like 1
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  17. What says:

    I think the whole point is they are very selective you they target and that is not ok. 2 big events last night and nothing happened to them.

  18. Funny man says:

    This really must be a joke. I been to places with more people, smaller area, no distancing, no masks, but no problem. I guess some higher ranks have problems with he owner.

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