BVI News

Premier blasts Walwyn over HOA retirement package hypocrisy

Dr Natalio Wheatley

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has hit back at claims that the introduction of a retirement pension law for legislators which was introduced by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) was the ‘height of political wickedness’. 

Sixth District candidate and former Education Minister Myron Walwyn made that accusation at the weekend and promised that his National Democratic Party (NDP) will partially repeal the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Services) Amendment Act, 2021 once elected.

But Premier Wheatley, while speaking at a rally for Eighth District candidate Allen Wheatley last evening, pounced on Walwyn’s comments, accusing NDP members of being duplicitous and urging Walwyn not to throw stones while living in a proverbial glass house.

Walwyn was first beneficiary

“The first former member that Cabinet made a decision on when it came to collecting their retirement allowance, was Mr Myron Walwyn,” Dr Wheatley said. “And trust me, he was ringing down my phone — ’It gone Cabinet yet? Has it gone to Cabinet yet?’”

According to Premier Wheatley, “Mr Walwyn took home $276,274.50. That’s why he could tell you how much, because in one lump sum, he took that home. And every month on top of that $276,274.50 … he is paid $5,525.50. And he will be paid that for the rest of his life.”

“So, he didn’t know that when he was talking about all the struggling people not making any money?” the Premier said. “So, if I were Mr Myron Walwyn, I would leave that alone.” 

In the meantime, Premier Wheatley also accused current Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn of promising to repeal the law only after he sought legal advice and determined that his own pension would not be affected. “The only time he went and ran to the public to say he’s going to repeal it [was] after he heard me saying that I’m going to repeal it,” Premier Wheatley added.

Walwyn’s former HOA colleagues — Mark Vanterpool and Penn — Dr Wheatley claimed, are among those who stand the most to benefit from the law that residents have since dubbed the ‘greedy bill’. The premier included other current lawmakers such as Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull, Julian Fraser as well as former Premier Andrew Fahie, whom he listed as beneficiaries as well.

The only current VIP member who qualifies for any sort of pension for life, Dr Wheatley argued, is former NDP member Alvera Maduro-Caines, who crossed the political aisle after the last elections to join the VIP.

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  1. .... says:

    this aint the same say he running a clean campaign…another lil child in a big man’s body….wouldn’t air out the numbers we really want to know like how much them thief over their last four years in kick backs

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  2. Salty Fish says:

    This is better than any reality show to watch!

    Tragically is us, the tax paying public, that jave to pay yhe price that feeds these fools.

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  3. Truth says:

    I just don’t know and understand how some politicians can live with certain things in their minds robbing tax payers, poor people and want to get reelected.

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  4. Hmm says:

    Y’all gon hear about Myron. That man is not easy. He is a c** and l**. He think he is smarter than anyone else. If the people of the 6 know what is good for them they will keep Maduro-Caines. Myron coming back with his same dirty politics. Only thing is this time he have to start from the bottom. Leave that man where he is. Out of politics. He is wolf in sheep’s clothing. Collecting all that money and pretending to be against it. My premier exposed his A**!!??

    Myron just think he is a smart politician but you have met your match!

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  5. The British are coming! says:

    But please, hurry up.

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  6. lol says:

    So wait the VIP makes a decision while Myron was retired that affects him and now you throwing it in his face like he shouldn’t have nothin to say about it simply because he happen to be the first person to receive it? Was Andrew not who brought it to the house? Did VIP not have the majority to pass it or shut it down? More nonsense from our i**ot Premier.

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  7. Tola yute says:

    U have to be a real VIP clown. With all that money and u saying start from the bottom? U realize how much money a month this man was paid over the last 4 years and will continue to get until death? Now let’s add Mitch, Mark,Marlon, Fraser,Madurai-Caines and shameful Fahie to this list how sustainable u think that will be for a nation? How the premier exposing Myron? Was he in the HOA when the bill was passed? Andrew push the bill because he knew he would have benefited big time. but god don’t like ugly, u see where he end up? I guess u to young to know about the money that the VIP candidate for the 8th sw**dle away from government coffers? Poor uncle Ralphie then CM and minister had to lie to save himself say he don’t know about that. Lest we not forget…

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  8. Jack says:

    F**ny man got called out

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  9. Truth or Not says:

    This coming election I can’t help but wonder who will govern the country. There has just been a recycling or reshuffling of various people from one party to another. Will there be any change ? Each day that passes I become disheartened. In the end it will be the same faces but in different parties and the melee will continue.
    Nepotism & politics (politicians) are a huge problem here.

    Like 17
  10. I THOUGHT says:

    That there was no corruption here , well it looks like what them boyz and girls managed to hide from the COI will be exposed now ? ( welcome to the wild kingdom, and you are advised to check out your surroundings whenever you step out your door, all kinds of PREDATORS are on the loose) JAWS ain’t got nothing on them

  11. :) says:

    No they were not the majority when it was passed, it was only 2 of them in when it was passed and the majority was the previous gov. Get the facts.

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  12. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    All of these politric specialists (NDP PVIM and VIP) need to go. At this stage I only voting independent

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  13. Bottom Line.... says:

    This has to change….. this whole law needs to be repealed! How can they justify paying Mr. Walwyn a lump of over $250,000 and then $5,000+ every month for doing NOTHING? And that is just one person… how many of them are there being paid? FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE?!? No wonder the country has no money for education, no wonder the country has no money to fix the roads. Once they are not working they should not be being paid. PERIOD. A set of greedy people here running the country. Send in the UK PLEASE!

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  14. Tola says:

    Ndp is so decisive look how Myron causing confusion he should not ever get back in the house

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  15. @ lol says:

    I see you missed the whole point! The problem isn’t that he collected. The problem is that he says the retirement packages are wicked but yet he was calling Premier’s office checking to see if his money has gone for approval! He should have kept his mouth shut! But ya’ll love hypocrites when it suits you.

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  16. @tola yuth says:

    You are ?. Last election Myron was on running for premier . This election he have to start from the bottom… stop thinking money and read and comprehend du**y. Your youth show?? and you are a real NDP minion. Commenting with no sense and understanding .

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  17. @ ... says:

    And what is dirty about the campaign?? Should they allow these politicians to spread lies and fool the people? Nothing is dirty about replying to an attack with the facts!!

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  18. Cut and paste says:

    This is y I say nothing is wrong with the politicians. Something is wrong with the people. Here the VIP government put this bill in place . No voters made any noice or protest. We act like we didn’t see it . This bill don’t make no sense. Nothing but greed. No wonder everyone want to be politicians this time around. The taxpayers will be paying for two governments sometimes three forevermore. Yet the people Still can’t get no results. No improvement. Definitely nothing for our kids. How can this country move forward.

    Like 24
  19. Well Sah! says:

    Myron, you shoulda leave that alone!! How does it look now? You’ll need to stick to the issues.. How are you going to fix the problems affecting us?

    You went talking about greedy bill knowing full well you have and are benefiting from it!! And you didn’t expect they would call you out? Come on now.. Stick to the issues!!

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  20. Well Sah! says:

    M***, you shoulda leave that alone!! How does it look now? You’ll need to stick to the issues.. How are you going to fix the problems affecting us?

    You went talking about greedy bill knowing full well you have and are benefiting from it!! And you didn’t expect they would call you out? Come on now.. Stick to the issues!!

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  21. GET RID AH DEM says:


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  22. Explain says:

    Premier you are STILL in support of the greedy bill! IF not you were to repeal it BEFORE the HOA was dissolved. You dont get credit for saying. you get for doing and YOU DID NOT.

    You are protecting yourself and ALL the FIRST-TIME VIP members in case you are not re-elected.

    This Territory cannot afford to pay one-term politicians for the remainder of their lives.

    Especially when the VIP admin already exempted themselves more time than any other.

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  23. No wonder says:

    No wonder everyone contesting elections. What a payout for those who can persuade us that have what it takes. Each would be set for life. Thank you for opening our eyes.

  24. Me says:

    I hope they come before election

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  25. Disgusted says:

    No wonder people call us st**id. Like lambs to the slaughter we have been led downhill by these greedy manipulators who, it is obvious, have no love for country. Imagine – this final parting gift from that obese HC will haunt us and our descendants for life unless repealed. We sit and see these injustices developing and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, sticking our heads in the sand and thinking that the injustices will go away. In the meanwhile these people go to the hallowed halls without doing any preparatory work (like reading and researching proposed bills). For them it is about lining their pockets. Many go in hand-to- mouth and come out rotten rich. They get up and talk unintelligible nonsense and pass the leg****ti** in a flash without even properly understanding it and not bringing it to we, the people, and we, the Foolish Virgins have to live with the consequences of their greedy actions for life. Love of country my foot.

    It’s about time WE put OUR foot down and rise up and demand better representation!!! Don’t let them get away with this!!!

    Tired and fed up of this nonsense. Don’t look for me at the polls cause I ain’t going. Waste of time if we continue to ignore what is happening here for the past decades.

  26. MD says:

    More theft. Please list all who voted in favour.

  27. Tax payer says:

    So tell me something…what will happen if he is elected again? Will he get a salary plus the $5000+ he is presently getting?
    And did the private insurance go through?
    This is truly the “greedy bill” at work.

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  28. Long look man says:

    See why you’re call Sl** man….guess your Dr. Degree in African Studies, didn’t Taught you much…..Please people if VIP …..Win Use Dr.Dawson and Kye to lead ….Please, for our Country sake….Don’t put back the Sl** one …who have no respect for…

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  29. Resident says:

    This bill should never have been passed. It is a total rip off of the poor taxpayers of this country. None of them came out at the time and said it was wrong. They have no morals – all of them.

    Like 14
  30. talk all says:

    And yet he did not tell us about Mr Skelton, Dr Smith,or Dr Picking, (packages)

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  31. Sara says:

    Exactly, it’s interesting only Myron is being singled out

    Like 15
  32. Long look man says:

    Sl** man have no respect ….trust me…..send him back to his mother’s house.

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  33. @ Tola says:

    No worries, his house will be up Ballo

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  35. Blame the VIP not Myron says:

    Why ayo blaming Myron for something that the VIP passed while he was not elected?

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  36. Ok says:

    He cant, the greedy bill is about this HOA only, and future HOAs.

  37. pure frauds says:

    head coach bill passed and wheatley call out one man wah about the rest ah them. Not voting for none

    Like 13
  38. Slow wonder says:

    You like a d@m child too ticklish that means you know exactly what head coach was doing with the people’s money since you can come with figures from years ago that means you can come with figures from last year
    Remember you and the rest say I distance my self from the coach but was all a d@m lie ,you and the mom@oo m that running at large needs to go take a hike,you childish and complained every last little chupitness

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  39. pure frauds says:

    head coach bill passed and wheatley called out one man, what about the rest who get their lump sum??.Not voting for NONE

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  40. Nothing New says:

    Yes, That’s what we civil servants take home….it’s nothing new…as a matter of facts…politician are not the highest paid public servant so their are people who go home with bigger packages….depending on who long they work as a civil servant.

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  41. Premier made if clear says:

    He first said that he is going to repeal it. So we can hold him to it.

    But one thing I like, he is not afraid to call out anybody, first the governor, then underhill now walwyn.

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  42. And Yes says:

    Disgrace Fahie, will get much more than The fu**y man because he was a civil servant much longer and retired with a much higher salary

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  43. Voter says:

    I am totally in agreement with some of these comments. I will love to stay home but I know my vote will count. All of them think we stupid. Natalio talking about Myron but he help pass the bill so who is worse! We not stupid. At least Myron said he will take out that out the greedy part but vip did not say that. Look U.K where are you? We need rescuing real bad!!

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  44. @ Explain says:

    Listen to the clip…. The Premier said he will repeal it.

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  45. @ Sarah says:

    He replied to Myron. Why bring in the others if he is addressing his attack?

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  46. @ Pure Frauds says:

    He was responding directly to Myron’s tricks, attack and foolery! He didn’t talk about what Mark is carrying home or other… or anyone else that already qualifies.

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  47. @ Blame the VIP not Myron says:

    Its not about blaming Myron. But he is campaigning on it and calling the VIP wicked for doing it! But missed out telling us that he was calling down the Premier’s office to see if his money is ready! If its so wicked… why you looking for it???? Why you calling to see if your $250k ready for you??

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  48. @ Long Look Man says:

    But the other’s are respectful???

  49. Redstorm says:

    I must thank you for raising this awareness. We work hard each day to let our children have some easy in life, and for doing nothing some politicians will walk away with 5k + for the rest and f their lives. We are the one who put money in the government coffers and we get a messily little tax free 10k then tax it back higher the following month.

    All ay you mad, mad , mad. This is going to be some phones ringing all weekend. Am glad I now know. The ants nest raise up and now one can stop it but God.

    Can we get the governor to write a bill to increase the pension , stipend for college students, people who not working and the disabled and all the teachers to get free housing, 60k or more salary with telephone allowance, every person who behave themselves and did not give police trouble should be paid. Am sure I leave out a few more. Thanks for letting the public know what has being going on behind close doors.

    This election will not have 13 people. Those 14hundred expatriates has just change the game along with their children and some of their children husbands.

  50. Glass House says:

    It is Myron who was made reference to this on the campaign trail! Do throw stones when you live in a glass house!

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  51. Redstorm says:

    The lady with the bag, we voting!

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  52. Sowande again.. says:

    Let them know we ain soft. Don’t mess with we. This a two men race for Premier Ship Ronnie and Sowande come April 24th one of these two men will be Premier. Back to Myron, he talks too much always trying to defend himself and digging himself deeper in, same with the wall. All he had to say is. “I WILL Address THESE ALLEGATIONS AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME”. AS a Lawyer he should know saying less is always better..

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  53. How says:

    How can this guy try to defend this issue. There is no where in the world that pays 100 percent for you pension. Worked with Health for 30 years and got 3.5% for pension and no monthly payment and the minister is very happy with that. Even the former minister now making noise told us there is nothing he can do. I guess because they all know they already voted themselves most of the revenue in the country. If this bill stays, in twenty years these politician will be earning more than the combined public service.

  54. Jason says:

    MW was always a two faced hypocrite. People of the 6th will be stupid to vote for him.

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  55. @ Truth says:

    because y’all damn fool enough to go and vote them back into office.

  56. Musa says:

    Soon & very soon we will see the new premier

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    is saying )> so you finally showed up , U sure U wanna go there bro ?

  58. Elsa says:

    Tit for Tat. Myron should answer Mr clean campaign.

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  59. Not so fast says:

    Sowande really take people for fools.

    The GREEDY bill helps ONE TERM legislators.


    And this ONLY applies to persons elected in 2019 and AFTER.

    That is why it’s called the GREEDY BILL.

  60. He'll yes.. says:

    My family of seven will be voting for Myron so if are you bex well buss. We need intelligence in The HOA and we voted for Alvera as an NDP supporter not VIP

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  61. spouses says:

    And we are not hearing when He/She died, the spouse will received a portion of that pension for life.

  62. My Mother Mary says:

    Oh my God, with my mouth open wider than it ever open. You mean Myron making that kind of money every month for doing nothing after taking home that lumpsum package and want to come back to scrape the rest little change left behind?

    Then that law is really bull, all ah them was fast asleep when it pass the house. A member who has retired, receiving their retirement greedy bill package, should have Never, Ever come back to the house. Retire, is retire. Thaat is why my bouy from the second is now begging to get back for a third term cause he know he will have nothng to worry about for life?

    hats off to Mark cause he done put his right foot forward and retire, now my other bout Frazer slowly and quitetly moving out cause retirement will be sweet.

    What a shame on ALL them crooks calling themselves for the people. For which people? We I sticking with the devil I know, VIP All the way, cause them rest are no betterr. We know what we have but dont know what we getting. The old broom will sweep the corners. Mr. Dr. Premier, hope you going repeal and add, “No retired law maker can reenter or run for politics. Once you retire, you retire”. Bam!!, Bam!! Bam!!!

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  63. Unity Government says:

    Couple months ago they were all unified and not chopping off each others necks when they formed the “fake” unity government …..what happen now? This is shameful. What a “s**t show for an election

  64. Hmm says:

    If the premier then was not as greedy as he is he would not make those stupid greedy decision with the people’s money but he did not care but I could tell you I would be calling everyday to see if my money get on my account. And I know that sl** anda would be calling the same way so he just to say he hitting below the belt,and he nearly get my vote but not again he talking out the house business that’s y I know he knew where the grant money shared and to who he was the deputy

  65. Hmmm says:

    Hon. Wheatley, you are two-faced son. You said the folks who collected assistance grants don’t want their business in the street and it was wrong. But because it is talking season you can spew Hon. Walwyn’s retirement grant down to the last .50? Well, Sir, he was not there when it was passed. You were and I am ashamed of your behaviour. Why don’t you tell the people that if you and your other VIPers are voted out on the 24th April, you will be cashing in big time, for one term?

    And yet some of my people thinks this is funny and enjoying this cut and thrust. Well, this is not only your country. The rest of us who believe in Respect, decency, honesty, fairness and God fearing lives here to and we are sick to our stomachs. This tit for tat on our airwaves have to stop. It is childish and ugly. We don’t want to hear it. If you can’t take the stones that others throw at you, do the right thing. This is not the job for you. Constructive criticism is necessary to learn from our mistakes and you and Head Coach and your cronies made many. Suck it up.

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  66. disingenuous says:

    This man is so hypocritical that it bothers me to know how he could open his mouth to condemn and cast aspersions on others. He ranted and raged over the list of persons that was circulating for getting assistance from them doing what they wanted with the taxpayers money on their families, friends and cronies but here is the same cr**k publicizing Myron business. Where is the integrity? Mr. Premier you need to be ashamed of yourself. The vip must go. Everyone of you.

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  67. come on says:

    Sowande you want votes tell us what you going to fix – cast aspersions like this we just think you have no plans to FIX anything

  68. Nice says:

    Myron yr chance back in office are very slim you was to keep yr mouth shut

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  69. jungle says:

    Not a dirty campaign he addressed Myron directly with the truth of the matter. And asked him what he was saying about himself, Penn & Vanterpool.

    One side can’t lie blatantly then the other side stay quiet and call that clean.

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  70. lol says:

    So how can disclosing confidential information that you can access because of your position in public be right? This is worse than the leaks

  71. Tola yute says:

    Yes he did Run as leader of the party which if he was successful he would have been the Premier unfortunately that didn’t happen but he walk away with a hefty sum, You don’t think if he had so want to be premier he could have remained leader of the NDP? But instead he pass it on. Why make Myron the topic isn’t Ronnie and Fraser benefiting as well? The question I would like for you and your VIP cronies to tell the ppl of the BVI is the Fahie Salary and if he is inline to benefit to benefit from the greedy bill

  72. Lol says:

    Everything with the premier is smoke and mirrors.

  73. FACTS says:

    Slowande need to be reminded that IF IT WAS NOT FOR THE MINORITY NDP MINISTERS TO JOIN THE VIP TO FORM A UNITY GOVERNMENT, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS WOULD BE SUSPENDED TODAY. Under a VIP administration, the UK will step in GUARANTEED and I FOR ONE WILL SUPPORT THAT! The UK has sufficient evidence on them. It was the NDP ministers, albeit a small minority, who made the UK feel somewhat comfortable enough to let the constitution of the Virgin Islands continue. If not for the NDP, this country would not be operating under its constitution today. The UK is watching. Slowande knows he is on borrowed time. If he cares for this country over self, he will step aside and let grown people handle grown people business.

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  74. Wow says:

    Myron needs to give back all the monies he collected if he want people to take him seriously about repealing the bill

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  75. Crompo Boy says:

    Why you bringing the UK in this for, House Slave? Let us fix our own problems. Let the UK fix their own problem. They don’t feed us or help us to get revenue. Tell them to bring back the wealth they stole from VI for 200 plus years. Learn your history before you call on the colonizers to help us. Tell them keep out of our face.

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  76. Melee Too Much says:

    Yes Fahie retired and he will benefit. He will get way more than Myron. Andrew was there for 20 years. You cant begin to calculate his package. By the way, it is not in the Premier’s duty to disclose anything about Fahie. Andrew did not go on campaugn trail and talk about Greedy Bill. Myron did and Natalio corrected the lies.
    We have a country to put back on track. Let’s move on.

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  77. Dumb Bow says:

    Who gives back spent, entitled to, sweet money?

  78. @Melee too much says:

    The people are upset as to how he answered Hon. Walwyn. He knew certain things and could have answered without going as far as he did and still get his point across. It is the childish bullshit of listing down to the cents of his monthly pension as well as his lump sum.

    That was information that he should not have disclosed. It was wrong and there should be repercussions for doing such things period. That is childish behaviour and reminds me of his former boss. Birds of a feather….

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  79. Pay the money back Myron! says:

    Premier it is fair that the people know what politicians are getting from the tax payer. Myron wanted his share of the Treasury money to be a secret. If he so against the Greedy Bill, let him pay it all back. Period. No vote for you Myron until you pay it all back.

  80. Tired ah this says:

    All the hollering about the politicians sweet monies, when will the public servants (retired and and active) get their increments, sweet crumbs? They are way past due, yet they are here daily arguing about their benefits.

    Every single public servant, retired and and active, must decide not to vote unless and until they are paid, in full, all their increments due.

    Judging from the articles over the past weeks, the elected officias are clearly only concerned about themselves and their, salaries, perks and bank account. It is truly depressing and disheartening.

  81. All says:

    yo will wake up when yo feel the boot deep insidee yo a**e, the coffers are bare an dem secret accounts over loaded.

    They said on social media that they going in to do what others before them did. It is not not believed that they kept their word and stil keeping it. BVI Been frig.

  82. Well meh boy! says:

    The so called accidental Premier is irresponsible and reckless. Because of the position you holds and been the Minister of Finance you have over step your bounds and disclosed Mr. Walwyn’s pension and gratituty down to the common cent on the public rostrum, Not a good show sir. I hope you can deal with the ramifications. When the list with the illegal grants was leak you were furious but because it’s Mr. Walwyn you think you can trample all over him right?? They always say who laugh last laugh best.

  83. Belonga says:

    People don’t be fooled. Listen to the live from Kishma and educate yourself. Myron Walwyn didn’t make this bill it was the VIP. Thanks to Myron for telling us about it because clean Shareen Flax and the others were not telling us anything about it.

    Send the entire VIP Team home this election

  84. Non leader says:

    We need true leaders not mere politicians who only care about winning elections. None of these so called politicians care about the most important resources- the people, look at the state of the old people’s home the only one in the island, the old people in a country need to live in dignity, by now there should be a new and modern, home for these people to live comfortably, that building needs demolishing. Nothing in place for the youths to learn skills that can turn them into entrepreneurs so they can be self sufficient and provide their own jobs. Community centers should be modernized so that youths can go there to learn skills , so many talents in this country going to waste no where to go and enhance their skills. Fashion designing, crafting, wood working ,plumbing you name it should be taught to youths and anyone who wants to learn a skill. The whole country need an overhaul infrastructure, road network , the town needs modernization so it can look like a real town. Who is willing to do this will have my vote and I don’t mean talking about it, I mean real action!!

  85. hmm says:

    and I here working in the hot hot sun and cannot get to take home $2500. monthly.

  86. Humpty Dumpty in Miami says:

    Ok, so Humpty Dumpty and his 4 horse men sat together and drafted a greedy bill to their liking while Myron was not in government? Are you telling me that Humpty Dumpty who is now in Miami, had Myroy fared so much that they made sure he was the firsr to be rewarded? Are you people out of your minds? It’s all a lie. The VIP along with all who voted for it needs to be punished.

  87. @lol says:

    Was he or is this the VIP Spin? Is that the best come back you have?

  88. @Hmmm says:

    The reality is that Myron wasn’t a member of the House of Assembly when the recent increases were put in place. Hon Wheatley was, along with all who just demitted office.
    Most of the politicians contesting this election sound like a bunch of little children – they’re not addressing the issues or presenting credible plans for moving us forward. God help us if these are the best that the VI has to offer – the Territory deserves better!

  89. Ali Baba says:

    Re-Elect this cl**n and his 40 thieves and the UK will be in charge in a heartbeat.


    well mitch said he is still taking orders from the coAch , so he was given strict orders not to mention his name / or else , and we all know what puppets do

  91. Helpless says:

    I think you need to rethink that comment and research more about what independence would actually look like for us! Just look at the other Caribbean islands that became independent and how they are struggling. Independence breeds corruption without accountability! Just imagine where we would be now if it wasn’t for the COI!

  92. @Non Leader says:

    Hon. Skelton as Minister of Health choose a wonderful spot for the Elderly Home and actually started work on preparing the area with a periphery wall etc. But alas he was voted out and nothing happened. He seems to be the one politician that was looking at all the important areas. Salaries and Employment, Health, Elderly Home, Children etc.

    Ronnie for Premier!!!!!

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