BVI News

Premier expects huge decline in COVID-19 cases by October

While stating he expects a number of new COVID-19 cases to be detected in the territory soon, Premier Andrew Fahie has said he believes the recent spike in cases should be well under control by late October.

The Premier said the vigorous contact tracing being conducted by local health officials is likely to generate new cases from primary and secondary contacts of current positive cases.

“It’s better to do this hard contact tracing now … and get to know what it is that you have to deal with and then we will be in a better position,” Fahie stated during a recent interview with video JTV.

“Once we get those and we get the primary contacts of those, we feel that we would be able to contain it then.

Will take a collective effort to solve crisis

Premier Fahie also said contact tracing alone will not solve the current crisis and called on all residents to adhere to the various COVID-19 protocols so the number of cases can be heavily reduced by next month.

“When I talk about mid-October to the end of October, that is the area that I am talking about that will see us in the light of looking at the other phases. By then, we should have this problem under handle but we have to do a lot ourselves to help us to reach that deadline that we are talking about.”

To assist with the venture, the Premier alluded to the recently announced Social Monitoring Task Force which will be assisting with monitoring businesses across the territory to ensure full compliance of all COVID-19 protocols.

“That has to be a new unit that is very aggressive out there. They’re going to be going around and making sure that every single business is adhering to the measures and if not, they are fined,” he said.

The BVI is currently classified as having clusters of COVID-19 with 38 active cases in various communities across the territory.

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  1. Haha says:

    Haha. They certainly will drop if he stops testing enough people again.

    Like 20
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  2. C'mon Man! says:

    My God! Still no plan whatsoever other than to KEEP contracting our shaky the economy, and try and feed the treasury with fines by your newly appointed Gestapo.
    GIVE US YOUR ECONOMIC PLAN FOR OPENING UP (AGAIN) INTERNALLY, AND A PLAN FOR EXTERNAL OPENINGS! BUISNESSES NEED TO PLAN. COVID AIN’T GOING NOWHERE, not in October, December, next year, or years to come!! For the love of God stop the drama.

    Like 34
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    • Not so fast says:

      @C’mon man, please advise as to what you think the government should do? If you were to be the premier now, what are the steps you would take at this time to jump start the economy?

      Like 15
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      • The premier won’t listen. says:

        The premier and the government were presented by a lot of plans by the private sector. Yet they didn’t even bother to acknowledge receipt.

  3. Throw hands in air says:

    Ok Jesus! I can’t anymore with these imbeciles.

    Like 17
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  4. BVI says:


    Like 11
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  5. Styles. says:

    Hi Andy Foi

    It’s time to start planning for a bit more than just counting the number of covid cases and pretending we have an internal economy.

    The private sector needs proper planning, are we trying to reopen in November? December? January? In what ways? What are the scenarios we need to prepare for? Are we keeping the tourism sector closed for the entire year.

    Your silence (which i am afraid is simply a result of you having not the slightest clue on what to do) is now getting more damaging than the actual covid.

    Anticipate, plan, communicate.

    Sure, your plans might change. But that’s a lot better than not talking about a plan at all.

    Like 40
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  6. Hope So says:

    By November we will be open for tourists?

    Like 9
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  7. Look says:

    This government is lucky that 90% of the population has zero critical thinking skills. Or else they would have had a huge problem.

    Like 45
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  8. 2020Q says:

    Water more than flour for Andy Foy?

    Businesses especially in the tourism sector are truly stuck. This has a severe impact on the livelihoods of the people of the Territory.

    Has the FSC given any plan or direction to the government concerning the financial services sector? How has COVID19 impacted this sector of the economy? At least 60% of the government revenue comes from this sector. How does the government intend to use a short fall in revenue, now that tourism revenue is negligible, to cover government recurrent expenses especially the government payroll budget? Is the government payroll to continue on full pay? What about government capital budgets? Shouldn’t a number of these be put on hold to avoid drying up the reserves, if any? Earlier up in the year, funds were obtained from Social Security. Have these been fully utilized and if so, where will more funds come from to sustain the basic necessities of life over the next 6-7 months – September to March 2021?

    Like 23
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    • D Money says:

      The govt has plenty of cash they have been complicit in running ****** and ********** money here for years thats why they dont really care if the financial or tourism sectors collapse. Thats also why they dont want any help from the the UK navy.

  9. welp! says:

    So will you have the 1,500 undocumented cases under control by the Jesus? If I couldn’t laugh I would cry.

    Like 14
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  10. Rubbish says:

    You CANNOT effectively contact trace when it comes to a virus that spreads so easily. By time you find out X person has it, they have been around hundreds if not thousands of other persons. The whole thing is about fear and control! Where are all the packed hospitals around the world short of ventilators? NOT ONE IS FULL! Its a virus where majority will survive and most dont even know they have it. The vulnerable are at risk just like they are with the common flu. Social distancing and contact tracing are all buzz words to make people think that something is really happening when its actually pure garbage. Viruses will take their toll whether we stay home or go out and party, that is NATURE! We cannot control nature.

    Like 12
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    • @rubbish says:

      Perfect handle. Of course you can control nature or millions would be dying from polio, yellow fever, smallpox , diphtheria. Etc.

  11. Why says:

    Why don’t they make it clear that ecpats cannot returned in september. They keep saying phase two start on the 1st but if you check it out it does not application started on the first and by the time an expat get everything sorted out at the various channels it might end up be mid october. Its safe to say phase two will start in October and you will be required to pay a fee. Simple as that.

    Like 4
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  12. Anonymous says:

    These I****s keep talking about a plan. What do y’all think government can do much differently? The same group of people that complain about shutting down are the same group that complain when there is a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. Trump is the only leader that encourages places to remain open when their is a spike in cases. Almost everywhere that have low cases implemented some type of border restriction early and also curfews. You can not rely on human beings to follow simple rules like hand sanitization, wearing mask or social distancing so if you allow places to remain open full time guess people will do what they want just like what happened after we opened up. Some people need supervision for everything. If somebody don’t tell them what to do they will do nothing.

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  13. no plan says:

    Maybe the government should have spent the last 6 months getting ready to deal with helping people with the virus, instead of trying to hide from it. In 6 months you could of had 40-50 ICU rooms with ventilators set up, and ready to go. You could have trained the medical staff you have, and offer trained medical staff from the US and Europe, a well paid working vacation in the BVI.

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  14. Hon. Fahie says:

    Dont let some of these people drop you down. We know you are trying hard with this virus. Some of these people who complaining need to be in your shoes.

    Like 2
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  15. No idea says:

    Please Mr. Foy,

    You have no clue as to this virus. Your crystal ball is cloudy with your hot onion breath. Saying that there will be fewer cases in October is a wish far from the facts. You are no more a proper leader than Donald Duck. You are a follower with a big mouth. You don’t practice what you breach. Playing African round ball with your friends with no mask. What the very worse part is, is that you are also the finance minister. You have no clue about finances… It’s unfortunate for the people of the Territory who are mostly illiterate having to depend on someone like you. It’s all a very sad state for all and the future of the Territory. Perhaps you should start a GoFundMe Account and your cronies could donate some …

    Like 7
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  16. Concern islander says:

    How is this possible when all we have is 3000 kits….plus who are being test? Come on Mr.premiere, better must be done.
    We are not stupid.

  17. tell us why? says:

    Other Caribbean Countries have obtained tests and equipment from as early as April. Take the Caymans, a British Territory like us. They have already tested 36,000 and have control over the virus because they have a good plan. They are helping the people financially as well. Get a better plan Mr. P. Before its too late. Stop shunning our Mother Country and ask for help. Stop the dirty politics. You are putting us all at risk.

  18. Wondering says:

    HUGE decline by October? HUGE? 26 days.

    What happened to the expected 1,500 cases?

    What is Foy doing? Why are these govt officials giving out weird comments, constantly?

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