BVI News

Premier, Malone among group dubbed Unsung Heroes of pandemic

Health Minister Carvin Malone and Premier Andrew Fahie are both adorned in protective masks.

Premier Andrew Fahie, Health Minister Carvin Malone and Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronald Georges are among 20 Virgin Islanders the New Life Baptist Church will be honouring for their service doing the COVID-19 pandemic.

The church said the group will be honoured at the 17th Annual Service of Recognition for Virgin Islands Unsung Heroes which will be held on Sunday, February 28. 

The recognition ceremony has been held annually since 2005, and according to the church, the 2021 honourees represent the largest cohort to be recognised in a single year.

The church also said all 20 selected honourees for this year were chosen for their acts of service related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year’s honourees have been broken into five categories: 

1. The Frontline Honourees — representing those who were first tasked with measures and procedures to stop the virus from widely spreading throughout the Virgin Islands.

2. The Remedies for Reality Honourees — those who were tasked with assisting and providing for persons in need of groceries and other critical services during the lockdown periods.

3. The Onset and Management Honourees — who were tasked with managing the virus once confirmed cases were announced.

4. The Physical Defense and Border Protection Honourees — who were instrumental in maintaining the safety of residents and the security of our borders

5. The “New Regular” Honourees tasked with re-entry protocols, vaccinations and daily virus management.

The 2021 Honourees are: 

  • Honourable Andrew A. Fahie—Premier and Minister of Finance
  • Honourable Carvin Malone—Minister of Health & Social Development
  • Honourable Mark Vanterpool—Managing Director, One Mart Supermarket.  
  • Tashi O’Flaherty-Maduro—Private Secretary in the Minister of Health & Social Development
  • Petrona Davies—Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Development
  • Adrianna Soverall—Acting Public Health Communication Specialist for the Ministry of Health
  • Dr Irad Potter—Chief Medical Officer
  • Asha Romney—Accounts Officer in the Ministry of Health & Social Development
  • Dr Ronald E. Georges—Former CEO of BVIHSA and Acting Chief Medical Officer
  • Lionel Michael—Chief Environmental Health Officer
  • Harmonie Brewley-Messiah—National Epidemiologist
  • Collette McGurdy—Laboratory Manager at the Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital
  • Jevaughn J. Parsons—Director of Taxi & Livery Commission (TLC)
  • Jacinth Hannibal—Chief Nursing Officer
  • Lynette Harrigan—Niche Marketing Manager at the BVI Tourist Board
  • Felice Swapp—Chairman of Re-opening Steering Committee
  • Edrick Hypolite—Clerical Officer, BVI Ports Authority
  • Kedimone Rubaine—Private Secretary to the Deputy Governor
  • Maudlyn Penn-Richards—Senior Immigration Officer and Ports Supervisor
  • Wade Smith—Commissioner of Her Majesty’s Customs and Chairman of the Joint Task Force

The New Life Baptist said it has honoured 65 Virgin Islands Unsung Heroes to date

“This years’ service will see the return of the announcement of a surprise honouree chosen from within the New Life congregation,” the church said in a press release.

The public is invited to join the event which will start at 3 pm.

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    • Yup says:

      What a farce. Nothing more. Carry on.

      Like 25
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    • Really says:

      I think they’ve sung their own heroism.

      Like 15
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    • scipio says:

      The Premier has failed in his basic duty of protecting the people. He is continuing to gamble with our safety and jobs for a private vendetta with UK FCO.
      He already sabotaged the re-opening of tourism, and is responsible for increase in unemployment, evictions, and complete “ignorance” of appalling drug crime.
      He has violated commitment to defend the BVI to the best of his ability, and is making decisions patently not in the best interests of the BVI.
      Show me his Oath of Office. Also it is interesting to compare the photo above with the one purporting to show the Premier receiving the vaccine:
      Incredible though it may seem – I think he is trying to fool us that he took the vaccine.

      Like 4
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  1. Just my two cent says:

    This thing issa joke. They honor elites not unsung heroes. Wheel and come again.

    Like 38
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  2. Poppy show says:

    Set of poppy show.

    Like 23
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  3. EU Citizen says:


    Like 20
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  4. Victim says:

    S**** needs to come off this list. She is no hero; she is a Jenny come lately who causes havoc wherever she goes

    Like 7
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  5. For Christ’s sake says:

    This is just the VIP church machinery trying to change the narrative and pull the wool over our eyes. Look at who did the interview and who is coordinating the program in the church. She is a member of the VIP for donkey years and is also a member of their executive. So to save the image of their party they put this together, wrap it up in church and then try to sell it to the people.
    The VIP government performed horribly during this pandemic. No plans for anything. Excessive spending- 360k per month for badges to be on the water? Are you kidding me.
    Try go siddung with the mind games. It worked last election not this time! They suck!

    Like 38
  6. Bamboo says:

    No honor to the lone fatality at the onset of the pandemic? This person’s demise turned everything around.

    Like 18
  7. To add says:

    Please add Henrietta Alexander to this list. She deserves to be honored.

    Like 12
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    • She was says:

      She declined.

    • Yes!!! says:

      She is absolutely a hero and has been for the Territory throughout the entire period. She has ‘saved the face’ of Government and curtailed what might otherwise have been serious embarrassment for the country out of an ill-functioning visitor entry machinery. She works tirelessly, night and day, Sabbath (Lord forgive her) or not, and is a true unsung hero. Go Henrietta Alexander. Thank you for your impeccable service throughout this challenging period. May your servíce be rewarded richly as you very much deserve, visibly or otherwise.

  8. Rubber Duck says:


    But, Lynette Harrigan is certainly a hero. Without her help fixing the problems people had with the useless government portal no one could have come home.

    As for Malone and and the rest. Incompetence personified.

    Like 28
  9. Great to see says:

    Everyone high fiving themselves..

    Like 17
  10. Ha says:

    The Red Cross was the first on the ground providing groceries during the shutdown. This list is absurd.

    Like 15
  11. sick of them says:

    Those two politicians cannot be deemed as heroes. the two of them are mainly responsible for us facing a commission of inquiry in under two years. This is what is wrong with our country. Here is the church bigging up these people who have the country in a total mess. The VIP clan in that church using the church pulpit to push their political agenda.

    Like 24
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    • Kickbacks says:

      Would it be considered kickbacks if those who funded a political party got a $350,000.00 contract for a month?????????

      Like 17
      • @kickbacks says:

        It is a double kick. Those that funded the party got that 360K per month for the last 6 months. Do you think the politicians give that for not even a glass of water in return? I hope Commissioner Hickinbottom is taking note.

        Like 17
  12. I am fed up! says:

    I have lost all faith in the church leaders in the BVI. I am sad to say it but it is true. You can no longer depend on the church to be the conscience of the community and the voice of truth in the community. Just look at it, the pastors who get involved in politics create more of a mess than what help they bring and they make sure that they are taken care of financially. You have all these churches with their prophecies literally sucking up to the government. They got 5 times more stimulus money than actual businesses that have people employed and now Andrew is king and they pray for his government in open church every Saturday and Sunday.
    You have heard no church leader get up and speak out about where we are. We are in the midst of a commission of inquiry brought on by corruption, misuse of public funds, victimization, mismanagement, interference with the legal system and more and not one word from the church.
    Gambling and marijuana Bills were passed in a so called Christian society and not a word from the church.
    Now they are honoring the two politician that have the country on life support for their bad handling of the pandemic. No planning of anything and constantly enriching their cronies and families at the expense of other families who cannot make ends meet.
    This is Christianity and church leadership in the BVI. The churches and the pastors should be ashamed of themselves.

    Like 28
  13. Resident says:

    What about the Governor as representative of the UK which has given us a lot of hospital equipment, sorted out the block on supplies in the US, provided Royal Navy assistance to interrupt the people trafficking which was causing renewed outbreaks in the summer, and has also provided us with the vaccine which presents the only exit to this pandemic and the economic and educational wreckage it has caused?

    Like 28
  14. Big Timer says:

    Unsung heroes are coincidentally people in positions only?

    Like 11
  15. Worthless says:

    There are many unsung heroes that should be recognized, rightly so. Some well deserving ones seemed to have been missed out for whatever lunatic reasoning.

    When you start putting politics in things, well it gets to be worthless after that. Why is Vanterpool there and not Bobby’s and Riteway and a few others who went above an beyond and still are??

    It was tacky to add politicians to this list, really tacky. Now I for one wont even give it another look.

    Like 17
  16. all about self says:

    Pastor Cline got the attention that he so desperately craved from the VIP so he stop speaking out and now honouring the politicians. I am tired of watching this same movie over and over again.

    Like 14
    • Deh Watcha says:

      Once he getting (eating), his mouth is full so he will be quiet.

      Remember, ‘don’t talk with your mouth full’

    • Follow the money says:

      Someone needs to investigate closely where [a certain pastor] gets his personal money and what he spends it on. It’s so removed from Christ’s teachings, it’s sinful… We need righteous men to run our churches for the benefit of our souls, not as a business to benefit his pocket.

  17. LOL says:

    I just have to laugh. Several of them should win an award for damaging the economy far more than it had to be.

    Like 13
  18. Political Intelligence says:

    Do these people understand the meaning of the phrase ‘unsung hero’. An unsung hero is someone who is below the fold, someone who do heroic things behind the scenes and it is not well known about. A. Fahie and malone daily management of the coronavirus suppose to be a public affair. There is no unsung heroics by them in this. I’m sure they have donated none of their legitimately gain funds to the covid fight. And any monies taken from the treasury towards the covid fight is again….a public affair.

    Like 14
  19. Charlotte says:

    So many envious and jealous bloggers oh my. Easy ladies and gentlemen. Your turn will come.

    Dislike 13
    • @ Charlotte says:

      Opinions DO NOT equal hate, envy, or jealousy.

      People see right through the foolishness.

      Whoever is behind the Unsung Heroes have their own agenda in who they select.

  20. WEW says:

    Oh please.

    Like 6
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  21. Question says:

    How can a government official be an unsung hero. That is their job. Mark was [allegedly] paid from our stimulus monies. They should have recognized Elton from Bobby’s for all the hardship he went through from the VIP government just to keep One Mart and Riteway open.

    What about FSN and Red Cross?

    VIP is a waste of time.

    Like 15
  22. Choops says:

    Read the headline and should have known was that church. High society wanna-be church. Most superficial set of worshippers I’ve come across yet. Giving church a bad name.

    Like 3
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  23. 1st district says:

    So malone have a hidden medical degree. Where is the chief medical officer, he seems to be missing in action in all this covid mess. Even the great house interjecting. Well sah!!

  24. Secret Bear says:

    “Unsung” heroes? As if Fahie and Malone aren’t on social media singing their own praises multiple times a day? I could name a hundred people more heroic than most of these cl**ns. Anyone mention the Family Support Network? The Red Cross? The people making and selling homemade masks? The restaurants handing out hot meals to those who need them? The average person donating money or food to their neighbors who are now starving because government has tanked the economy with no coherent reopening plan?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Edeezy

  26. It, says:

    and it said most vociferously, is, like a deadly virus such as rona, most sickening to see how the white/pale EU man mentality has taken over and attempting to domiate this news site comment section.

    Like 1
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  27. Show and tell says:

    This is nothing more Headley trying to show her political party in a good light. That’s it.

  28. Tom says:

    The BVI population is of 30K people. of those 20K might required vaccination.

    It means all the gov have to do is secure 40K vaccination.

    they were able to secure 8K administrate about 3K and shut down the economy to standstill for a year.

    wow, some heroes they are.

    Like 3
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  29. Rep the team says:

    All of those persons… except for the Ministers deserve all the praise.
    Who goes out patrolling to make sure bars and restaurants all hours of the night are in line with protocols? Public Health- Namely Lionel and Harmony.
    Who dealt with tracking down cases and contacts? Public Health- Harmony: while ayo was cock up in ya bed on lock down.
    Who has tirelessly done sensitizations? PH Unit.
    Who continues to put their lives at risk? PH.
    Who?? Who?? And who relies on them US.
    So give credence to where it is DUE.
    In fact… we should have done it A D**N LONG TIME AGO.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not refuting what they did..
      But those white suits and the ones doing the testing are doctors, nurses and the lab. They are the ones staring the virus in the face. And they do a lot more..
      . Not because you dont see them

  30. Say it aint so says:

    Not refuting what they did..
    But those white suits and the ones doing the testing are doctors, nurses and the lab of BVIHSA. They are the ones staring the virus in the face. No one has mentioned them. And they do a lot more..
    . Not because you dont see them

  31. Questions?Questions? says:

    How are they Unsung Heroes when the getting paid to do a job? A politician works 8 years back to back and run the countries finances into the ground and will be rewarded with full pension. Some of us work 25 year and can’t afford to even live after retirement. Hmmmm. This needs to be looked into not fair…let them work 25 years plus like all the rest of us…

  32. Hmmmmm says:

    One was paid overtime and milking BVIHSA. The locals agreed with it. You making this people down island rich.

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