BVI News

Premier mum about government’s current COI legal fees

Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier Andrew Fahie has declined to give any indication of how much may have been spent thus far on the government’s legal defence in the Commission of Inquiry (COI).

A report from the twice extended COI is due to be released sometime next month after its life was initially set to expire six months after it began in January 2021.

Premier Fahie previously stated that his government had capped spending on legal expenses at $5 million, but it remains unclear whether this has since been surpassed.

The most recent figure disclosed in August 2021 in the House of Assembly (HOA) showed that spending had already exceeded $3 million.

“I don’t remember the figure, but of course, we are looking at the dollar figure of what we paid out. But the name of the country is worth more than silver and gold,” Premier Fahie said in response to a question from the media recently about how much funds had been expended to date.

‘Our reputation is at stake’

When pressed about his position, the Premier responded by saying, “I would say that we have to continue with the lawyers because we are continuing with the lawyers. Our reputation is at stake and we must guard the reputation of the Virgin Islands, the reputation of the people of the Virgin Islands and future Virgin Islanders at all costs.”

The Premier reiterated that the BVI had been faced with a COI which had “put out a ‘terms of reference’ that was very broad and put it out throughout the entire world”.

“With that, that basically was saying anyone who had any information of any corruption or anything that is … any illegal dealings with government must come forward. We thought that that was quite a broad statement to put out throughout the world,” Premier Fahie said.

The territory’s leader and Finance Minister also protested what he termed “irresponsible statements” about local leaders being involved with drug lords.

“This concerned us, the way that was done by the former governor [Augustus Jaspert] did not reflect a modern partnership,” he added.

I’m clear of illegal dealings

The Premier insisted that he was not saying that his administration was above being looked at as a government and a people, and said he welcomed a transparent inquiry.

But he also noted that statements such as those that were made can cause reputational damage to the territory.

“We have to wait and see if the findings of the Commission of Inquiry show that leaders are working with drug lords. I don’t know about my side with any and I don’t see anyone in the Opposition, to be honest, in that vein,” he stated.

He continued: “We have to wait and see if there were illegal dealings like they’ve said. I haven’t been in any, and as far as I know my government ministers and others have not been in any.”

Premier Fahie conceded that there are systems that can be improved, but said the issue wasn’t what the BVI was fighting against, but rather what he was fighting for.

“We are fighting for our dignity, we are fighting for our character, we’re fighting for our integrity, we’re fighting for many things,” he stated.

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  1. hmmm says:

    Why this man keep saying “the name of the Country” Did the people of the BVI failed to file there register of interest? Did the people of the BVI lease crown land to you know who? Did the people of the BVI distributed any money to so called fisher and farmer folks? The list goes on….

    Please stop using the BVI’s name.

    Like 50
    • Well Well says:

      But DIdn`t he tell the last Governor that the NDP is the most corrupt Government? And when he used the MOST, they had to be more than just the NDP.

      Like 17
    • Guess what? says:

      @hmmm what gave you the impression that Government funneled tax payer’s money to defend an individual’s infraction(s)? On the other hand, could Andrew and his team have represented themselves on matters of law at the tribunal? If you were the Premier, what would you have done differently. Whatever you write on this platform is being read across the world. You are simply telling the world, that corruption is out tool in trade. Perhaps you want UK to take over the governance in perpetuity so that we can all become slaves again.

      Dislike 24
      • @Guess what? says:

        Man just STFU already! You guys are sick defending this man, we are doomed!

        Like 10
      • @Guess what says:

        Child go have several seats. 3 years living under Andrew’s leadership, feels worse than how the history books described slavery, so don’t come here with your bull about slavery. The funniest thing is he is suppose to be one of us.

        The leadership is poor and the BVI has made no progress in the last three years.

        Like 14
        Dislike 1
      • New says:

        Why do you think ppl around the world care enough about this little piece of nothing to read blogs like this?

    • Mum says:

      Albert mum about almost every single blessed thing, somehow he thinks the whole bvi mum and stupid .I do not think even trump can lie like that and so far he is the best in lying. He feels every soul here is for sale so he create a title for them and gives them a job check down the line if you think am lying
      So I give you a job you can’t run or talk against me people you deserve the job stop take bribe.
      That is the country moneys not his own to bate no one
      Anyhow start counting the bribes that got offered new position jokes

    • Albion says:

      Government in the sunshine…

  2. Citizen says:

    This is not only about the reputation of our blessed country, dis is about corruption within the past and present Governments. I pray that the COI will bring a refreshing report, that these so called Honorables will not steal our hard earned money again. We have seen Education, Agriculture, Fisheries and Highways all hamstrung and starved, whilst Ministers build big houses from East to West.
    Do you really think that you saving the Country, you trying to save your backsides. But the time is coming for some backsides to rest in prison me hopes.

    Like 39
  3. Reputation at stake? says:

    -$40 Million ‘borrowed’ from Social Security
    -$80 Million NHI deficit
    -$200 Million needed for infrastructure repairs
    -$340 Million per year for salaries & government
    -$400 Million pension deficit

    Looks like you are doing fine on your own..

    Like 41

    how those discoverers, who
    has just discovered racism / and yet they they went and hire the same racist people to defend them from the same racist people ? and 3rd district representative is not saying anything on that matter ? ? ( he playing ghost ?

    Like 15
    Dislike 1
  5. stop it andrew stop it says:

    Stop being mum on this subject

    Like 11
  6. Get your facts right says:

    The people of the BVI are not on trial here, YOU ARE.

    Like 35
  7. Hmm says:

    He can’t say what he want our social security money for he can’t say what they spend on legal fees… this administration just not saying nothing… literally and figuratively… whole crew just lame from the top down

    Like 19
  8. Guess what? says:

    @hmmm what gave you the impression that Government funneled tax payer’s money to defend an individual’s infraction(s)? On the other hand, could Andrew and his team have represented themselves on matters of law at the tribunal? If you were the Premier, what would you have done differently. Whatever you write on this platform is being read across the world. You are simply telling the world, that corruption is out tool in trade. Perhaps you want UK to take over the governance in perpetuity so that we can all become slaves again.

    Dislike 13
    • @ Guess what? says:

      I would not have needed lawyers to defend me since my consciouns is clean. Any legal questions my Attorney General should have been able to assist with.

    • @ Guess what says:

      We are in 2022 not 1834 and we have moved past the slavery issue with the UK. But it seems that our corrupt govt are the ones trying to put us into economic slavery in our own country.

      Please stop coming on here talking piddle. They only need these big gun lawyers because the COI will likely end in a criminal investigation and likely their incarcerations.

      BVIlanders like you make me sick you FULL WELL know that most of these VIP politicians are stealing everything in sight but you on here defending this nonsense trying to keep your gravy train moving longer. I think people like you are a disgrace

  9. Disappointed says:

    One female in his party who I thought stand for justice as a teacher has crumbled under this leader

    They have no voice on their own . Ohhhh so very sad

    Stand up for your conscience and not be fooled by a few dollars . Integrity is priceless . Look he trying to bribe you by giving you Junior Minister … don’t be led away by that . Be a thinker of yourself stand up for principle and do what is right by the territory.

    That man just breaking down and not building up . The next thing he leaves to touch is the reserves

  10. @ GUESS ( WIGO ) WHAT says:

    that wig is squeezing your brain ?/ blogging under all kinds of name is not fooling everybody , you are only promoting hypocrisy / do something good for once , pkin is waiting on Ya

  11. @ GUESS WHAT says:

    the same way the turned down the British navy ship , because the barges was better / so aren’t there QUALIFIED ATTORNEYS HERE ? that can do the same job ? so what is he defending ? ?

  12. Jah says:

    Nothing will come out from this.. the commissioner making money the lawyer making money and the government spending tax payers money to give contracts to friends and uneducated engineers who only graduate from college and not a university.

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