BVI News

Premier seeks UK approval for Smith’s appointment as State Minister

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley announced that he is seeking retroactive approval from the United Kingdom for Lorna Smith’s appointment as Minister of State within his government.

In a special announcement yesterday, March 11, Dr Wheatley revealed Smith’s surprise return to his government and disclosed that she would be the territory’s first Minister of State.

“I will be recommending to His Excellency the Governor that she be appointed Minister of State for Financial Services and Economic Development,the Premier said.

However, during an interview with JTV’s The Big Story, the Premier explained that although Smith now occupies one of the two junior minister positions, the role of Minister of State is not officially recognised under the current constitutional framework.Right now, Minister of State doesn’t presently exist. We would like to see it happen and happen as quickly as possible,Dr Wheatley said.

He noted that introducing the designation of Minister of State would require a constitutional amendment, which could be facilitated during the upcoming constitutional negotiations in the UK.

“This is something that I have put to the governor about having the option of being able to appoint ministers of state, parliamentary under-secretaries, etc.,Dr Wheatley explained.

He stated that he had already discussed the matter informally with the governor and would follow up with a formal written request. He also plans to raise the issue with UK Minister for the Overseas Territories, Stephen Doughty.

I’m actually having a meeting with Minister Stephen Doughty [today]. It’s something that I plan to bring up to Minister Doughty and see how quickly it’s something that we can get done,he said.

Premature appointment?

Responding to concerns that Smith’s appointment was premature and should have waited until the constitutional change was made, Dr Wheatley acknowledged the sequence of events but emphasised the urgency.

“In discussions with Honourable Smith, I think it was something that she was very passionate about as it pertains to the Minister of State, and I agree,he said.I agree, especially when you’re talking about financial services and the fact that it’s a big revenue earner for the Virgin Islands.”

If the constitutional amendment is approved, Smith would be officially designated as Minister of State. Until then, she will continue to serve as a junior minister.My point in communicating it is that it’s something that we want to get done as quickly as possible, and we will basically be letting persons know of our intention of getting it done,he added.

Dr Wheatley also confirmed that Smith would be invited to Cabinet to discuss matters related to her portfolio but would not be a Cabinet member.She’s not a member of Cabinet because we only have five ministers who are members of Cabinet, but she would be invited to Cabinet to be able to discuss matters as necessary relating to her portfolio,Dr Wheatley clarified.

The Premier indicated that the government is also exploring the possibility of increasing the number of junior minister positions to allow for a broader representation in governance.

The final decision on Smith’s appointment as Minister of State now rests with the UK government, pending constitutional review and approval.

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  1. Eldread says:

    In the British system minister of state is subordinate to a senior minister, they all can give her instructions.

    • Not accurate. says:

      Not quite. In the British system, a Minister of State is a junior minister who is subordinate to a Secretary of State or another senior minister (such as the Chancellor of the Exchequer or the Home Secretary). However, they are not subordinate to all senior ministers—only to the one heading their specific department.

      For example, a Minister of State for Security within the Home Office reports to the Home Secretary, but not to other Secretaries of State (e.g., the Foreign Secretary or the Defence Secretary).

      So, while a Minister of State can receive instructions from their department’s senior minister, they do not take orders from all senior ministers across the government.

  2. Constitutional law says:

    No Natalie! You cannot and will it ammend OUR constitution to appease Lorna’s ego and solidify the deal you and her made while in China. What makes Lorna the ONLY authority on FS in the entire BVI?!?

    Your government is a failure. Look at the mess on Joes Hill
    With the roadworks! No signage, amateur hour seems to be the new replacement for happy hour in the government ministries. Abject failures all around.

    Like 21
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  3. Wow says:

    Marlon next to become a junior minister after Dawson becomes deputy speaker. What a bunch of clowns

    Like 7
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  4. Delilah strikes again says:

    Minister of betrayal

    Like 12
  5. LMAO says:

    Shut up cicada. Shoo. You need to be sprayed with some ammonia you disloyal betraying to the Territory creep.

  6. Simply shut up says:

    Tr**tor to the Country and the people you big head u**y dis***ting u**y bush man. Get the h**l out of here.

    Like 4
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  7. BuzzBvi says:

    So you are now not even abiding by the Constitution of the VI.
    What is the point of revising this one and coming up with a new one if you won’t follow that one either.
    Premier 487 is addicted to dubious activities.

  8. The writing on the wall says:

    The Bible is fulfilling in front of our eyes and we are so blind we cannot see
    Nations are angry
    Look at Trump
    Turning on his greatest allies Canada
    The tariffs and its implications on our imports
    The instability in our own government
    Threatening to take away visaa from the Carb bean if they continue to use the support of the Cuban doctors as paid workers or for free
    USVI Governor airmarking BVI to bring up to Trump
    We still here fighting and have not improved on planting a sweet potato or cassava in out counyry for survival….
    Are we taking notice

  9. Andddddd says:


  10. I’m so over it says:

    I have a different taste in my mouth when it comes to Lorna. For POWER she has become the Premier’s lap dog and whipping girl on a tight leash. All he has to do now is pull the leash and she obeys his commands.He got her right where he wants her. Someone publicly embraced me by firing me there is no way I am going back. They are all dirty snakes coiled up in the snakes lair including her. I no longer have respect for Lorna no matter how smart they say she is.She looking for Premier position. She already had her turn as being Premier when her husband was Premier. We all know she was running the Country and calling the shots.

  11. captain obvious says:

    the accidental premier strikes again

  12. Sammy says:

    Mrs Lorna Smith lends credibility and class to the Premier and the others.
    Without her presence and input,the group ,most especially in the international area,the Gov has an aura of nonsensical dumb dumb and lightweight

    Like 2
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  13. Enforcement is Key says:

    On his (their) recent financial services meetings in Hong Kong, the Premier realized he was a “fish-out-of-water” when paired with the breadth of knowledge and respect Lorna was given from the various commissions. Well-spoken, and a brilliant ambassador for the BVI, he was well advised to make it happen for the better of the country.

  14. hmm says:

    As the old ppl would say, ayo premier “p*ssin on a hot rock and smelling it. The Arrongance of this waste of time human, n worse the ones that singing him praises…time longer than twine. Mr Premier something or someone gonna humble you real soon.

    Like 1
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  15. Consultants says:

    Wouldn’t it have been better to hire a professional consultancy to advise him and bridge the gap between gov and the industry partners? I mean, we have consultants for fish & fowl and all things not important to the economy collecting monthly income for absolutely nada!

    But, I gather the femme grasshopper and her lobbyists worked hard to get her back over on the other side of the aisle to further their agendas. Is she now more electable than before she jumped ship initially and as fired publicly; then, rehired? Time will tell whether the VI voters have matured to see their actions have grave consequences. Until then, nothing changes.

  16. Cancers says:

    Dawson was very ineffective as Jr. Minister for fowl & fish and accomplishes zilch, zero, squat. Even for he farmers/fisherfolk’s in his D1. He is just being used and he does not care so long as he gets his guv paycheck on time. Morally bankrupt people and birds of the same feathers they all are.

  17. AZ says:

    what is happening in the BVI, where the people have no vision, the people perish. Lorna is using her expertise and degrees to get what she wants. just tell where to go to vote them out!

  18. Blah Blah says:

    You guys are talking while the Premier walking! Nobody ever thought the Premier would end up with a commanding 8-5 margin as the Government with all the COI and other stuff hanging over his head. Add to the fact that VIP technically lost the election as they only had 6 seats. Our energy is focused on the Premier and Government but what about the Opposition? I am personally ashamed that experienced politicians like Myron, Marlon, Mitch, Ronnie sat down over there and made no major moves on behalf of the people. All everyone did was curse Lorna for making a move when she realized that those boys were nowhere near ready. 2 years in and the Opposition is now split 3-2 over stupid nonsense. We are here crucifying Lorna and the Premier but the Opposition gets a pass? Do we even really understand the Opposition’s role in all of this? The country is going under and they are trying to form new parties, hold people hostage and other foolishness?

  19. Lorna aka T* Mule says:

    In the speech, she said she had a series of meetings with T*’s senior leadership in light of the changes.

    “There are several elements to this decision,” said Ms. Smith, who until yesterday was the minister of financial services, labour and trade. “While some are commercial, there are common themes and lessons that we must learn as a jurisdiction. There is no question that automation is one of the drivers of this decision. Technological initiatives at the company means that some of the work has become less labour intensive and therefore requires fewer people.”

    In what she described as a “positive signal,” Ms. Smith added that T* is moving away from purely registered office services to providing more value-added services such as directorships, office administration and corporate secretarial services.

  20. Same Lorna? says:

    This the same Lorna that let the trust company get rid of 17 staff?

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