BVI News

Two prison guards and cop charged in relation to fatal HMP stabbing

BVI News photograph of a prison officer.

Two prison officers and a police officer have been arrested and charged for breach of trust in relation to the fatal prison stabbing of Nichail Chambers back in May.

The officers in question are Mark Kendall, Sharlene Maduro and formerly interdicted police officer, Karina Brea. 

They were arrested today.

“All three persons will appear in court at a future date,” Royal Virgin Islands Police Force said in a media release moments ago.

This news marks exactly two weeks since police announced that five prisoners were charged in relation to the said stabbing incident.

Inmates Andraes Norford, Essadro Jefferson, Rean-J Christopher, Dee Dijon Hodge, and Kareem Durant are all charged for murder.

“Additionally, Norford and Jefferson were charged with attempted murder in relation to injuries sustained to another inmate,” the RVIPF said in a media release at the time.

Chambers, the inmate that died, was 29. 

In the wake of the stabbing, an ex-convict at Her Majesty’s Prison revealed in an exclusive interview with BVI News that during his time incarcerated, select inmates were inconspicuously made to leave the prison for minutes to hours at a time at the pleasure of prison officers.

2 guards put on ‘administrative leave’ after prison stabbing — NSC


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  1. God sit high and look low says:

    U see that *** prison officer, it was only a matter of time your wickedness expose. God dont like ugly , rotten officer from long … did alot of things to people and get away with it , and so they had believe lies , wicked envious jealous u be from st Vincent. Dont mind … sorry but a very wicked soul

  2. That’s good says:

    Need get charge with treason for letting down the country.

    Like 11
  3. Unknown says:

    Finally justice !!!

  4. See Stuff says:

    No surprise. Simply doing what they are noted for and what they do best.
    This is the choice of the VI’s greedy for the votes..the building expansion and nurturing production of a society with the dregs of humanity.

    Like 2
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  5. LB says:

    Pics of those charged???

    Like 6
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  6. son of d soil says:

    Deport um all

    Like 7
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  7. Intresting says:

    S… I hope if you are found guilty your status in the Virgin Islands is revoked and you are deported back to St.Vincenr after serving your time. You are an evil… and I pray justice is served.

    Like 11
  8. Time will tell says:

    The M***** one , God sit high and look low your day have finally come .

    Like 4
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  9. Resident says:

    the police and the prison are corrupt

  10. Father Time says:

    What a way to go out sad, S*******.

  11. Bleach out says:

    U tell so much lies on officers now look were u end up half d jail dont f… with u wicket selfish ways u to bad minded and bold with u fake self

  12. Wrongfully charged says:

    The officers were paid to look away they weren’t responsible, inmates responsible were……

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