Protestors march on HOA ahead of debate on Willock’s legal fees
Scores of residents have gathered outside the Save the Seed Energy Centre, where the House of Assembly (HOA) is being held, to protest the government’s attempts to pass the burden of Speaker Julian Willock’s court injunction legal fees to taxpayers.
When the House commenced this morning, Monday, November 1, Premier Andrew Fahie moved a motion to push back the debate on the matter. But protestors are holding steadfast in their cause despite the delay.
According to social activist Cindy Rosan-Jones, who played a major role in organising the protest, the protestors will sit and wait for the House to call the motion on Willock.
She said they want to see the position of every member of the HOA and how they will vote.
“The first item on the list (the HOA order paper) was number nine which is supposed to be the exemption of the Speaker from paying his legal fees. The Premier had it moved to number 12. I think he has more information to bring forward on why he changed the agenda,” Rosan-Jones stated.
“What the Premier said is that if the Governor and others lawyers are being paid out of the purse, why does Willock have to pay out of his pocket,” she added.
Did gov’t give Willock permission?
Rosan-Jones also said she is hoping the members of the government can come forward and provide clarity on who gave permission to Willock to move the motion. She noted the court did not see where Willock had permission, hence, he was ordered to pay out of pocket.
“If the government members can come forward and say they gave him specific instruction to move this injunction then I can understand we have to pay it. Unless they are willing to say that, Willock must pay it. Also, even if they have given him permission to do this, they have overstepped the judiciary,” Rosan-Jones stated.
Meanwhile, Angelle Cameron, who was at the location, said she was protesting to make her voice be heard by the government.
“I’m at the protest to make change for the future. The aim for me is to ensure my voice is heard as it relates to grievances that I feel are happening in my community. These include teachers’ rights and concerns, economic issues that continue to plague us, decisions being made that are not in the best interest of people. I have children that I want to grow up in a BVI that is prosperous, flourishing and that has continuity. We need to stand up now,” Cameron said.
Another protestor said she was present because she is putting the youths and their future first. She said the money the government is willing to pay for Willock’s legal fees should go towards education.
“Right now, my whole aim is to put money where it is needed. You have teachers going on strike because they are being treated unfairly. You have teachers at school saying they need the basic things to do their jobs and they are not getting it but you have the government finding money to pay a bill for one individual It is not making any sense,” she said.
As some HOA members made their way inside the House this morning, they received the brunt of frustration from the protestors who flashed placards of disapproval.
Premier Andrew Fahie escaped the words of the protestors as he arrived in an unmarked vehicle and used the back entrance of the property to enter the building.
A strong police presence was observed when BVI visited the location.
Willock was embroiled in a failed injunction attempt before the High Court to prevent Commission of Inquiry (COI) attorneys from continuing as participants unless and until they were properly called to the bar in the BVI, in accordance with the law.
After withdrawing his injunction claim, Willock was saddled with legal costs of up to $121,000 for the proceedings of all opposing parties in the matter.
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9 protestors!
You’re a liar! It was 19 protestors.
If your butt was out there it would been more. Y’all make noise but y’all bunch of cowards.
Didn’t even know a protest was happening. Can we coordinate ourselves a bit better please – lots of people care and what to show solidarity on this topic but don’t know how. Over 1000 signatures on the petition.
A thousand sounds good but that is a very small percentage of the total voters and even a much smaller percentage of the population of the BVI. That is a small minority. A 1000 votes cannot get you an At large seat in government. Just to show you how small 1000 votes is compared to the population, Myron got just over 3,300 votes and it wasn’t enough.
Y’all need to stop lying to y’all selves. It was on the news and it had 1000 of us watching from the sidelines on live stream. And I know not everyone was abroad.
20 people with 20 different causes. Thought this was a united movement.
That’s all the frustrated people? They cant be the voice of the people when Betito building got more people living that that.
Come Election Day you will know how much number are unhappy. Enjoy the honey moon while it last.
Frustrated you say/ Maybe you should have come by to see, speak with and rub elbows with persons who are not forever attached to Government’s nipples and are independent thinkers. They also, most of them, if not all, love their country first and don’t believe that their votes should be for sale as it takes away the most important opportunities to sift through issues and make unilateral decisions when it comes to who is best to represent this country that they love so well. Life is short and fleeting, and some of you that have dug this ugly hole for yourselves, lining up behind politicians whether they are showing themselves good, bad or indifferent and awaken as to the needs of their country, will soon not be able to see the sunlight when the dirt falls out from under your feet.
Why McCleary and UK govt role not being investigated. They sent Muppets as governors.
I support the protesters. It’s full time for that clown to start standing up to his responsibilities.
Yu man enough to bring lawsuit against someone. Be man enough and face the consequences.
This is not the first time yu doing this nonsense because of your arrogance and ignorance.
Taxpayers are fed up.
Awesome !! Commendations on all protesters for standing up for righteousness !! Unless the people say something and request change nothing will ever happen ..
A set of crazy people protesting about every little thing. Since Cindy want to dissove the Government she should get her party together let us see who she wants to run the country. Because she is disgruntled doesn’t mean we all must be angry.
One man was there protesting agent orange maybe had a flash back from the vietnam war. Well look trouble.?
Willock MUST be made to pay to stop more frivolous law suits. He was WRONG not to submit required documents to the COI. The lawsuit is a diversion to take the attention away from him. A common political tactic.
I wish I’d known about the protest! I’d have been there.
I wasn’t there because I am afraid of victimization. Lot’s of people were at work and the petition has about 1200 signatures, so who talking 19 or 20 people? A lot of people are fed up.
Y’all a set of hypocrites and cowards, only could talk ish from the sidelines. Many of you said you are fed up but y’all ain’t fed up.You love the bad treatment. Many parents should have been out there protesting for their kid’s future. That shows y’all don’t even care about your own kids.And y’all wonder why government treat your kids like that. That’s why Julian smirked when arriving, cause most people stand for nothing. I am proud and happy for everyone that had the courage to hold the government accountable. This is a historic moment. They called Noel lloyd and others crazy but yet benefit from his protest. Cindy, Picko and everyone did a great thing today.
Say what you want, but all those police officers on their phones look like a total disgrace in an official capacity! Our police force needs work!!!
I will say however, they came out like they got a crash course in protesting 101 but after seeing this cover picture, I change my mind. *sigh*
Smart man Fahie shifted the order paper so the frustrated ones could leave early
If y’all want change, y’all should be out there instead of hiding behind a screen. Good on the protesters for being brave.
Set of East end crazy people
Why don’t the VIP government pay Pastor Cline $100K (plus tip) to advise them whether to pay Mr Willock’s bill?
God help Us….We in deep s**t ????????????
I may not like CR’s (hidden Agenda) but I do applaud and support her Speaking Out. People need to make their grievances be known. What happened to District Meetings? Is this a One Man Show guided by the Forces of GREEDINESS. I can’t believe what is happening to the BVI. The Actions becoming demonstrates The Worst Government Administration in my lifetime. Why the Others going along with Decisions that are NOT approved by the Courts? What an insult to the AG. This is not GOOD!