BVI News

RVIPF flags upsurge in stolen license plates

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has issued a call for residents to be on the alert following an increase in stolen license plates.

In a release issued yesterday, February 1, police said they are urging persons with disabled or inoperable vehicles along roadsides or in unsecured lots – whether temporarily, or permanently – to secure their licence plates. 

The RVIPF said it has recorded an upsurge in the theft of not one but both licence plates from vehicles left at unsecured locations. 

According to Road Town Chief Inspector Smyrna Brewley, these licence plates could easily be used on other vehicles to commit a crime and evade detection from the police.

Police said they are advising vehicle owners to remove and secure their plates and all other easily removable items in and around their vehicles. 

Brewley also said that persons should make a report to the police as soon as their licence plates are discovered missing.

The issue of persons caught in the commission of crimes while carrying false vehicle license plates has engaged the attention of the courts previously. However, the RVIPF did not provide any statistics about how this has changed recently. 

The RVIPF invited persons with information on suspects stealing licence plates from vehicles to contact their Intelligence Unit at 368-9339.

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  1. No lies says:

    Too much bums in this place

  2. Kokane says:

    That means a lot of hits and drive by on the way for 2023.

    Like 2
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  3. 1st district original says:

    Like I said before, minister with a vision should have had and insight of how to detect this while at DMV. But then again if a can is empty not much can come out of it. Light bulb!!

  4. Snoppy says:

    There’s an abandoned police vehicle near Moorings whose license plate is up for grabs!

  5. Me says:

    Who to trust? people of the BVI non.

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