BVI News

Should Fahie’s photo stay in HOA? BVI residents share views

Residents and natives of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) have expressed mix views on whether former Premier Andrew Fahie’s photograph should remain on the wall in the House of Assembly (HOA) following his sentencing in the USA to 11 years in prison for drug smuggling and money laundering.

An informal survey conducted by BVI News on Wednesday, August 28, reveals a strong sentiment among many community members that Fahie’s picture should be removed.

One resident from Huntums Gut, who wished to remain anonymous, emphasised that the presence of Fahie’s photo sets a poor example given his criminal conviction. “They should not even have to ask that question,” the resident remarked, echoing a common view that as a convicted criminal, Fahie’s image should no longer be displayed.

Similarly, a resident from Horsepath concurred, stating, “He is just like any other criminal now,” and agreed that Fahie’s photo should be taken down.

How do you ignore Fahie’s years of service?

However, there are those who argue that Fahie’s years of service as Premier should not be overlooked. Some residents feel that despite his criminal conviction, his contributions to the BVI community should be acknowledged. “Yes, he was convicted, but that doesn’t erase what he did for the BVI community or as a Premier,” one individual from Bellevue explained.

Another resident from Huntums Gut shared a similar sentiment, suggesting, “It depends on the capacity his picture is there as. If he is listed there as former Premier, I think it should stay up.”

The situation is described by some as “tricky,” as it is unprecedented for a Premier to be tried and convicted. This has led to divided opinions on whether removing the picture sets a negative precedent or if historical recognition should remain intact.

Fahie, who served as an elected official for over 20 years, resigned from representational politics in December 2022, shortly after his arrest in Florida on charges of conspiring to smuggle cocaine into the United States.


Traditionally, photographs of former Premiers are displayed in the HOA. However, there are no clear rules regarding the removal of these photos in cases of criminal conviction.

In March of this year, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley stated that he was uncertain about whether Fahie’s picture should remain. Dr. Wheatley mentioned he would consult with the Clerk of the House of Assembly to determine the appropriate course of action based on existing rules. He also stressed the need for clear policies, particularly after learning from the Commission of Inquiry (COI) that decisions should not be made based on isolated incidents.

Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton also weighed in, emphasising the need for proper legislation. At a press conference on March 19, Skelton stated, “Until there are regulations or legislation that govern what happens to the memorabilia of members when they have been convicted of serious crimes, I don’t think it can be taken down.” He noted that although the current policy does not address the removal of memorabilia in such cases, it presents an opportunity for legislators to draft new policies to handle similar situations in the future.

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  1. BVISLANDER says:

    Yes it should remain

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    • Oliver Closeoff says:

      Yeah yeah, let’s have a disgraced former leader of the country doing hard time in US on drug charges’ photo up on the wall. Ayo should be so so proud. How pathetic this place can be sometimes. His greed got him there and remember, ‘it wasn’t his first rodeo’

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      • Hot to trot says:

        Just because other former Chief Ministers and Premiers weren’t actually convicted does not mean that they weren’t guilty. _!| yet their pictures stay on the wall of shame.

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        • Local says:

          If they were not convicted they must be presumed innocent, once they are convicted that is a different story.

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        • Lisa says:

          I’m sure there were many crooks in office, but they were smart enough not to get caught. Your Premiere is a disgrace to himself, his family, the Country he represented and to the young people who emulated him. His memory should be erased not celebrated.
          I am sure there are still crooks in offices, but they are smart enough to give a dam and not get caught. Short shirt said, “When they have power and authority, they don’t give a dam about no body”. Your premier thought he was above the law.
          I am a Virgin Islander living abroad .
          Some years ago when I visited Tortola and I saw all those big expensive houses, cars etc. I asked myself how those people afford such luxury on their mega salary. Last year I made Two hundred thousand dollars from honest work and I had to give uncle Sam (the Internal Revenue Service) his at tax time. How much was your premier making honestly? I’m sure not as much, but he lived better than I did.. No hard feelings,. He got what he deserved. God doesnt sleep,.

      • Real talk says:

        Smh yall people should learn to understand taking it down wouldn’t change anything because he would still being known as one of BVI Premier. So what really is the foolish question yall need to look at the big picture and stop being so small mind here smh is was a Premier and when he free from jail they still going say the ex BVI premier was free from jail. So yall just drop the picture question and fine something better to do with yall take. The place is getting hard bills going up food going up try to fix them problem and stopped worrying about some kiss me ass picture on a wall.

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    • Take it Down says:

      It should be taken down. We look to our leaders for guidance and well LEADERSHIP. We don’t expect them to be perfect but we expect that they will represent us and our territory in a forthright and upstanding manner.

      We didn’t elect him to be a criminal, we elected him to be a leader. He failed. Remove the picture.

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    • Should a Stain Remain Visible? says:

      You wouldn’t walk around with a stain on your clothes at an important event so don’t parade a stain in the House of Assembly.

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  2. Yesnno says:

    Yes but in a location where it won’t be readily seen.

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    • 1st district says:

      Yes, you is one(1) confused sycopath! Don’t know the difference between right and wrong and the perfect example why we as a territory is
      at these cross roads. I say it loud especially for
      the people outside the class who came late. Teck it razz down! Periodt!!

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  3. WALL OF SHAME says:

    H**L NO!

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  4. no says:

    He held office and it should not be taken down! None of us is perefct.But people have their notion not two people are alike it will differ

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  5. Really now says:

    Interesting. We have a premier whose photo is on display. Yet he never won an election. Despite the conviction Fahie is ten times the man that sl**ande will ever be. What about the one who committed erroneous acts on the people of the vi not yet convicted. I am not a fan of Fahie but I prefer his photo all over the vi than to see one photo of the twice accidental one tgat presently occupies the chair.

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  6. eastend girl says:

    Fat trump should have his picture thrown in the ghutter

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  7. I observe says:

    Whatever he did for these zvI and his selected cronies,has been obliterated,erased,bullied and gone .All have been erased by his final act
    In my opinion,his worse act was to important and install criminals and poverty and as a major component. These elements with the given growth factor are in the process of turning the country to dust. These two elements supported his destructive and selfish enterprise.

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  8. It should stay .. says:

    On a wall down the hall leading out the back door!

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  9. @Elder says:


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  10. You all better stop says:

    Don’t start that if his has to go so should M who was arrested for government funds and facing jail time and JJ who went to jail

    Fahie was arrested overseas not in the bvi unlike M and JJ

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    • Duncehead says:

      @You all better stop – you cannot be serious, what does where he was arrested have to do with anything. They arrested him there and tried him there because they were not convinced that we would be able to do it! and whose fault is that but ours for the sheer mockery we have made of our justice system?

      Further to that, the crimes he committed were done while he was the Premier of the Virgin Islands, not some layman on the street – the acting leader of a country! Engaging in not one but two criminal offenses!

      What is wrong with you? Please go sit down

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    • @you all better stop says:

      And if M is found guilty remove his too, none better than the other. But our House shall remain honourable

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  11. X says:

    Yeah it should stay put N* yo k* next to it

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  12. Vi says:

    No No H**l No

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  13. BuzzBvi says:

    Think we should compromise. Keep it up but put it behind bars.

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    • @BviBuzz says:

      They should put the picture in WB cell so WB can go to sleep dreaming of gum drops and gummy bears dancing in his head. lol. Or give the picture to WB street gang to hang in their LAIR or even better give the picture to the FREE THE DREW CHEERLEADING SQUADOS AND SQUADETS.

  14. wize up says:

    does BVI News have the Authority

  15. What says:

    is all the debate and hurray about? decency is decency, and filth is filth.

    And we all know where filth goes.

    There is is nothing redemeable in filth. Get rid of it!

    Why must the country beforced to keep remembering anawful constipation and then diarrhea?

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    • Ummm HELLO says:

      Better yet, put it as the backboard for the urinal. Just like he pi**ed on all of us when he decided to throw the citizens of this country under the bus for his personal gain.

  16. ? says:

    Put it on the restroom wall.

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  17. WHAT R THE RULES. says:

    Just like how the law states that persons convicted of a crime for which a sentence of more than 6 months is warranted they shall be deported. I think that should be the standard for all officials in high positions including HOA members.

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    • Oh really says:

      They had all3n wh3atl3y on the ticket. I think he served 7 months which is more than 6 months. They didn’t think it was a problem then. Why now?

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  18. Depends says:

    Is he still considered the Premier? Are his values exemplary for the Territory he lead at one time? Take picture down if answer to either is no.

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  19. My only comment says:


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  20. Actually says:

    the other photos of politicians on this wall will eventually be tried and convicted in the near future. Maybe it’s time for 2 walls in the HOA; one for the not convicted yet and one for the convicted BVI politicians!

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  21. WTF says:

    I think it gives credit to the criminality allowed and expected of all of the “Honourable” members. The fact that they haven’t sought to remove it tells all.

    Like 12
  22. Belle Vue Resident says:

    “Yes, he was convicted, but that doesn’t erase what he did for the BVI community or as a Premier,” one individual from Bellevue explained.

    To this individual I ask, if I was really good to your family all my life, you loved me and held me close but I unalive one of your family members, will you care about all the good I did or would you be mad as hell for what I did to your family? Will you still keep my picture hanging in your living room wall? If your answer to this is yes, and you will still keep me close and remember all the good I did, then leave the picture up.

    You guys have lost your marbles. Right is right and wrong is wrong. We need to separate things. No one is saying to condemn him and forget about him but he is convicted of a very serious crime. A crime that has negatively affected every one of us, whether we understand it or not. Yet we continue to bury our head in the sand or make excuses.

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    • @resident says:

      Are you saying Fahi3 unalive somebody? If not, what’s the relevance of the comparison?

      • SMH! says:

        Maybe not directly, perhaps indirectly!!!

      • @@resident says:

        Fahie, based on his admission and the Court’s legal conviction was/ is,a member of an enterprise which require the elimination ,by death,of any and all human form,regardless of age wwhose
        ose presence knowledge,interference,including suspects to be eliminated by execution of any and all humans with interference to the goal of the enterprise. Illegal drugs and certain death are the main goods and services.
        In these theittybittyy ancestral home of Andrew Fahie,there are 100+ such unsolved executions with unnamed and unapprehended executioners. So yes,it is quite certain that Andrew has contributed and committed to the unalive condition of his kith and kin locally and otherwise,

  23. What!!’ says:

    Get the picture down and put in the garbage, no matter what good he may have done he is a convicted criminal and a disgrace to our country.

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  24. Me says:

    I agree with Hon. Skelton, “Until there are regulations or legislation that govern what happens to the memorabilia of members when they have been convicted of serious crimes, I don’t think it can be taken down.” Hon Skelton noted that although the current policy does not address the removal of memorabilia in such cases, it presents an opportunity for legislators to draft new policies to handle similar situations in the future.

    Imo, this is a tricky one, he was the Premier so technically if the pictures are of all former Chief Ministers and Premier’s, then yes, it should remain.

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  25. Ausar says:

    YES, it should remain!

    He served, albeit for a specific period in time, but, he did serve!

    And, for that, his pictorial image, should, serve for all, as a reminder of one, who, in his former glory, was of one to behold, and, is now, no longer!

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  26. Resident says:

    he has brought shame to us, it should at the very least be covered up, if not removed

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  27. Tony Montana says:

    aya need to stop simping for a crook

  28. PT09 says:

    M was not tried and convicted and sentence to any time, Andrew Fahie was tried and convicted and doing time for selling out the BVI his picture should be taken down. The old people use to say you are like a cow give a good pail of milk and then kick it over that’s Andrew Fahie he hurt the BVI in a bad way.

    • @PTO9 says:

      Correct, M did not sellout the Territory nor did M dealt drugs,money launder or step on a plane and touch Federal marked money out of greed.

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  29. 1st District says:

    It needs to be removed. It’s such a disgrace when watching HOA and have to see his picture hanging in the background. Regardless of his contributions, he destroyed the territory singlehandley. Stimulus money, drug deals, federal prison, should always be at the front.

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  30. my2cents says:

    Should the UK not remember their golden colonial empire years because colonization was wrongful exploitation?
    Should the USA not acknowledge the influence of Slavery & Jim Crow in their history because it was wrong and immoral?
    History is a record of what happened and not a record of how people felt about it.
    Fahie was a premier and that will always be so. Let it be.

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    • @my2cents says:

      Do everyone a favor and shut the F up before I shut you down with my mouth you I am wrong but want to be right/strong J..kA..!!!!!

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      • BuzzBvi says:

        So why are we changing the names of Hospitals in this territory. Roads and many other things. Most colonial historical items are allowed to rot and disappear instead being used for their historical value. But we keep a photo of a criminal on the walls of the HOA? There must be a real reason it is still up there. Who is calling the shots on the walls of the HOA. Skelton says we need a law to take it dowm. Under what law was it put up. None of this is real, but for some reason the photo of a criminal remains. Who is really controlling the walls of the HOA and under what rules, regulations, laws. Or does it remain because of an interior designer that can change anything they want whenever they want, but they happen to be a Fahie family friend, with no ability to see how wrong it is to celebrate criminals in our VI HOA.

    • @my2cents...I agree says:

      Your argument is correct. If Andrew picture should be taken down for his crime, the role of the governor should be abolished for all the crimes of the British empire against humanity which they labeled as slavery..and that label was putting it nicely. I want to believe slavery had a different meaning before it qas contaminated by the beings from the caucasus mountains. Good point!

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  31. LOL says:


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  32. Guest says:

    What happened to Andre Penn’s photo? He too was convicted for a heinous crime. Is it still being displayed in the House of Assembly?

  33. WIGO the INSTIGATOR says:

    we know you will defen the coach , ( how can we ignore his service ? ) duhhh / if he ignored his duty to respect and serve his own people ,with INTEGRITY ~ why should
    we ? ( those who has innocent BLOOD on
    their hands , will always FIND WAYS AND
    MEANS TO DEFEND YHOSE WHO ALSO HAS BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS TOO . Just like we have a psycho on the loose writing & blogging on his throne (aka ) the yello site / and he ain’t satisfied , he
    is blogging on bvi news b more than anybody else playing – judge – jury & executioner , òn walwyn – Cindy – the UK – the governor and the commissioner • this eX wannabe speaker POTRAYED this same attitude ,in the HOA until he ran up against MARK , then our new Coach had seen enough of this PSYCHO AND DROP KICKED HIS ASZ OUT OF THE ONCE HONORABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY so it’s no wonder he wants his Master picture up in the house / but he still has hopes that , if by HOLLERING OUT FREE THE DREW , HE MIGHT GET BACK HIS JOB / AS HE STILL BELIEVES THAT HIS MASTER ( ANDREW ) WOULD TAKE BACK CONTROL FROM HIS PUPPETS WHO HE LEFT IN CONTROL TEMPORARY / AND AS WE CAN SEE , THEY ALL SEEMS TO BE READING FROM HIS ” SCRIPT “

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  34. Oh no says:

    He is a national disgrace

  35. As a resident says:

    I never voted for Andrew. Everyone knew and had knowledge of the dirty things that Andrew was into and doing. The ones that is out here defending what Andrew was doing you guys is just as responsible and help the FESTOR to grow. Like the saying goes, CRIMINALS WILL ALWAYS PROTECT OTHER CRIMINALS. You the ones that is out here that is picking up for Andrew, You just have not gotten exposed or CAUGHT AS YET. Andrew has disgraced and destroyed this Territory. The reason people kept their mouths shut as to what Andrew and his gang was doing was out of fear of being victimized or worse.He was proven to be a criminal by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA JUDICIAL SYSTEM. WHY SHOULD SOMEONE THAT BASICALLY SOLD OUT HIS TERRITORY PICTURE SHOULD BE ON THE WALL OF THE HOA.DO WHAT IS RIGHT AND REMOVE THAT PICTURE. IT IS A HIGE DISTRACTION.

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  36. strupes says:

    Yes! He was an elected representative. We, only see the bad in people but never the good they have done. Ungrateful set of people.

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  37. Way Cool jnr says:

    We could just replace the current picture with one that shows what he looks like now. Surely that would keep everyone happy?

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  38. If I can tecall says:

    Remember the morning after Andrew won? He was in a white dingy t shirt looking all shocked talking about he was in shock and disbelief that he pulled it off. That morning all I could say was we are F. I felt sorry the young people that was sitting filling out applications for the 1,000 jobs in 100 days lie and scam.

  39. Rubbish says:

    What kind of stupid question is this? Was he Premier of the VI? YES! Is it protocol that all past Premiers along with the sitting Premier at any given time would have their framed photo on the HOA wall? YES! So what is the question really? His photo is there as a result of his position held prior to being convicted. Let us focus on the real f**king issues instead of this click bait bullshit. Schools are about to reopen.and many families genuinely cannot afford the basics and we are here worried about a f**king photo?

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  40. NOPE says:

    Hi Criminality negates all his years of service.

    His greed negates all his years of service. The time he will serve and now be a convicted felon negates all his years of service.

    Remove it, its an insult to the people and the country. Not our fault its his!

  41. A Capitalist Who Loves the BVI says:

    When a former leader’s portrait or picture is displayed in a public place such as a government building or park, etc., it’s meant to honor that person for his or her service. Conversely, it’s an affront to decency and civic values to display Fahie’s picture.

    For those who say “remember the good things that he did,” you should ask yourselves how far do you think that his criminal behavior goes?

  42. BuzzBvi says:

    What are the legislation and regulations that governed it going up there, Mr Skelton. This is complete nonesense. There are none. There is only common decency and common sense that says it should come down. Speak to whoever puts the pictures up and make sure they take it down. You are all pathetic, all hiding behind nonsense to respect a man that is a criminal. You all should go and your picture as well for disrespecting the HOA and the BVI.
    There are no rules, it is tradition. Why do our current elected members want to have a tradition of celebrating criminals on the walls of the HOA.

  43. Rockman says:

    Bun it up. Disgrace to the VI People! COWARD

  44. I say says:

    The picture should be taken down and hang on the wall of the unfinished bunker style ugly house he was building as a reminder that crime, greed, corruption and washing and rinsing money does not pay. He should have never touched the Feds marked money.

  45. @ STRUPES says:

    another name same sidekick (aka) the wigo byhe wacky. sinse you worship you master so much , yet you are free , why not join him ? / we won’t miss you , in fact we would be relieved from your racial discrimination

  46. @ STRUPES says:

    another name same sidekick (aka) the wigo byhe wacky. sinse you worship you master so much , yet you are free , why not join
    him ? / we won’t
    miss you , in fact we
    would be relieved to
    Be free from your daily racial discrimination and

  47. @ BUZZ BVI says:

    You see through his charade ( mr ALOOF ) who is now using the COI as a scapegoat , hopefully everybody will be able to see these pretenders for who they really are , as they expose themselves daily .( up to now not one of them is saying a single word on or about SAINT ANDREW’S BEHAVIOR , THAT SHOULD TELL US THAT THEY ARE ALL BIRDS OF THE SAME FEATHER / LOOK HOW HE OPENED HIS MOUTH IN DEFENCE DEFENCE OF THE PICTURE

  48. SMH says:

    You cannot erase his contributions or his conviction. Just let the photo stay in its place(just turn it around) what has been done was done!

  49. Self righteous says:

    It should remain on the wall. In this country, there are MANY crooks. Only difference is that this one got caught. His face represents the majority. Leave his picture on the wall and let the hypocrites continue to be hypocrites. Love him or hate him, he served the territory for many years and no one is without sin. Don’t like what you see? Then look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you have a right to be self righteous. Out of place.

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  50. Welllll says:

    Anyone that had dealings with WB AKA K* who is sitting in camp cupcake up on the hill is a criminal. Andrew and WB was reinig down terror on the BVI. Stop playing the stupid games y’all.

  51. Of course says:

    He was the premier, duly elected his photo have all rights to be there.

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  52. Reply says:

    Wiggee from bell view and governor’s office got two comments in ha ha he he



  54. LOL says:

    The same people who celebrate the Queen’s Birthday despite the nasty colonial past are here up in arms about Fahie’s photo in HOA! No words at all….

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  55. No wonder says:

    The HOA is a mad house. Imagine sitting in the HOA and his eyes staring down at every move you make.

  56. As the saying goes says:

    Andrew Fahie went on US soil to do his dirt and the FEDS snatched him up when he step on the FEDS private jet and made contact with the marked loot packed in designer bags.

  57. The law says:

    I disagree with the opposition leader statemwnt. You dont need a Law to remove someone picture who is convicted for Crimal aactivities. Mr. Fahie picture up in a Government Building signals the Government in support of his actions. RWMOVE IT IMMEDIATELY, I DONT KNOW WHY THIS IS UP FOR DISCUSSION SMH. THIS PEOVES WE HAVE NO LEADERS.

  58. Yes says:

    He was a premier. So, he is down in history as such. His picture should stay up.

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  59. BuzzBvi says:

    The new Prime Minister in England has had the portrait of a previous PM taken down so I guess that means it is up to Nutalio ….. and Nutalio is choosing to keep the criminals picture hanging on the wall in the HOA, up there. For moral support? Gives us an idea of the morals of our current Premier.

  60. Mrs Tubman says:

    We should review his oath of office to which he was sworn (assuming there is such a thing).
    He violated his oath and in so doing,his position has become obsolete.His position was not truth it was a sham..he was a criminal before and during) ex…a marriage performed while you are already married is null and void and is annulled and is a crime. Displaying your ” marriage certificate claiming the phony marriage is madness and idiocy. Andrew was not ,in reality, a Premier. He was a sham,a phony. His ” Premiership” has been annulled by his actions.

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  61. Firing Squad says:

    Not only should his photo be removed,his retirement benefits and other benefits to which hw may be entitled,should be withheld.
    His retirement cash should go towards the indigent and the papers he imported and installed in the territory, ifctheyxare allowed to remain in the territory. They were imported to better enable his network of illegal enterprise which by definition,included murder,money laundering, human trafficking to mention a few. The residual effect continues within our small community and reverberates in our economy. Our “good name” has
    been damaged.
    A ceremonial cremation of the photo on the wall would be appropriate.

  62. The youths says:

    How and why would his picture stay there and he’s a Drug Lord!!!! He fail us as a leader!! You people for this island is seriously crazy!! You guys support the wrong doing Big time so sad for this island!!

    • @Youths says:

      Yes it should stay right there. Especially as a memory that those who in power in their privileged position and there became of people putting there. Their primary obligations is for the people always putting our interest first and foremost.

      Also, he earned the right to be there in the first place. However his actions led to shame and disgrace. All in the HOA. need not to forget, and yes the youths too.

  63. Forbidden Truth says:

    Why is this an issue? Worst than that goes on in the dam house of assembly.

  64. Lo que tú no quiere escuchar says:

    History serves as a mirror, reflecting both our achievements and our failures. However, it is often the darkest and most shameful chapters that we resist remembering. This is the case with the controversy surrounding the photograph of former Premier Andrew Fahie, who was convicted of drug trafficking in the United States. While some call for the removal of his image as a way to cleanse our collective memory, I firmly believe that erasing history is a mistake that condemns us to repeat the same mistakes.

    Removing Fahie’s photograph will not change what happened, nor will it undo the damage caused by his actions. What it will do, however, is create a void in our historical memory, a void where no lessons can be learned, and no reflection can take place. Fahie was a democratically elected leader, entrusted with the people’s confidence. His downfall due to drug trafficking is not just a dark chapter for him as an individual, but a warning to society as a whole about the dangers of corrupted power and the need for constant vigilance.

    Recognizing history in its entirety, with both its triumphs and failures, is essential to avoiding its repetition. Fahie’s image should remain as a tangible reminder of the consequences of straying from the ethical and legal principles that uphold our community. It serves as a living lesson that no one, no matter how powerful, is above the law. Erasing that image is akin to closing our eyes to a chapter that should strengthen our values and prevent us from becoming complacent.
    Moreover, removing the photograph could send the wrong message to future generations, who might interpret this act as a way to avoid responsibility or rewrite history for convenience. Instead, we must confront our history with honesty, even when it’s painful, to build a stronger and more just future.

    In conclusion, Fahie’s photograph should not be removed. It should remain as a symbol of the importance of integrity, vigilance, and accountability in public life. As a society, we cannot afford to forget, because it is in forgetting that the seeds of past mistakes take root again. By confronting our history, with all its imperfections, we give ourselves the chance to learn, grow, and ensure that we do not stumble over the same stones again.

  65. Tola says:

    Yes leave it deh

  66. realtalk says:

    Andrew fahie did a lot for all you ungrateful m.f here in Tortola

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