BVI News

Smith calls for a ministry exclusively for sports

Government legislator, Neville Smith

Territorial At-Large Representative, Neville Smith is calling for the creation of a ministry exclusively for sports so special emphasis can be placed on sports development in the territory.

Smith made the call during the recent ceremony to hand over $100,000 worth of cheques to four of the territory’s senior athletes expected to compete in the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan this summer.

Presently, there is a minister responsible for sports, but no designated ministry per se. The responsibility of sports is shared among other portfolios such as education, youth affairs, culture, agriculture, and fisheries.

Smith, who is also Deputy Speaker in the House of Assembly, said he believes a designated Ministry of Sports will help to propel the level of sports displayed in the BVI.

“I said it once and I’ll say it again, until we create a Ministry for Sports, we will not get the true potential of all our athletes here in the Virgin Islands. We need to give a lot more attention to sports in the BVI, we have so much talent in the BVI that it’s overwhelming and we need to pay attention to that,” Smith stated

“We need to give them that food, that energy. That support is what athletes need and that’s from parents, from former athletes, from anybody — it could be the business community, but we need to put something in our policies where most of these companies who come here in the Virgin Islands also contribute to our sports,” Smith further stated.

Hint of Smith possibly becoming minister in a Sports Ministry

Meanwhile, Minister responsible for Sports, Dr Natalio Wheatley acknowledged the sentiments shared by his colleague and even hinted at the possibility of Smith becoming the next Minister of Sports, should a new ministry be created.

He said: “We have the Deputy Speaker here who until we have a Ministry of Sports, I’ll just call him my co-Minister of Sports because he’s so focused on the development of sports, a great sportsman as he is.”

Both Dr Wheatley and Smith have been among the activists for the betterment of sports in the territory, calling for the establishment of a National Sports Council in the BVI.

While the sports council was expected to be established in 2020, it is yet to be materialised beyond just promises.

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  1. LB says:

    Ministries get caught up in red tape, bureaucracy and political favoritism. You need to consider a statutory body that is autonomous and fully funded. It can report to the Ministry that is now there in Education Culture and Sports.

    Like 6
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  2. Finally says:

    This is great news on a lovely Wednesday morning. Now, this I support 200% and please do your very best to make it happen. Yes, please start the process for the creation of this new Ministry. It just makes too much sense. Let’s go.

    Like 5
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  3. vip heckler says:

    He wont be in there to see that because next election he so gone

    Like 15
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    • P-- off Smith says:

      We all know this is just another ploy by the Premier to move another department into his fat portfolio – He must have promised you something

      Like 11
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  4. Finally says:

    This is soo needed. The good performance of our athletes and other sports people have given the BVI serious publicity and there is much more to gain. Other countries are benefitting with better facilities and are way ahead. Let’s get this Ministry going please!

    Like 7
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  5. Look here says:


    Like 12
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  6. Roll eyes says:

    This makes no sense whatsoever. There is no need for a ministry for sports only. Finance and health are important but you can’t just within our political structure have a minister dealing with only one of those subjects. If you want to suggest that we have a junior minister for sports then that’s different but a ministry that deals with sports alone is not practical or sensible. Think before you talk Sheep

    Like 17
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  7. BS! says:

    We don’t need another vanity project at this time. Show us something that will bring in revenue and we can talk.

  8. beef says:

    neville stop being a big beef a.. and continue to be a sheep how can you want a mistry for sports you all just talking a lot of s**t Neville you know how a ministry is made up boy so sit down with your dry s**t. why do you nor say that you will help wheatley with his ministry and take on sports seeing that you have great intrest in sports, Boy you made me s**t with shame Nevil stop looking to affar of ypur eyes try your best to help and stop trying to get what you cannot get, You all do not want england bus england has to give the permission to have a nother ministry please donot be bossie like your m….. go a;ong with what you have until such time. You cannot handle a ministry go learn

    Like 4
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  9. Interested says:

    And I guess you want to be the Minister ?

    Like 6
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  10. Nonsense says:

    Every week Sheep on here talking more rubbish. This guy need to do.

    Like 7
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  11. Blah blah says:

    I wonder which shepherd tell this sheep to say such stupidness?

  12. Comedy central says:

    Even Natalio in the back laughing at the foolishness he is saying. Watch Natalio’s face in the picture.

  13. Ignorance is Bliss says:

    I bet y’all think that sports is just a hobby but when the athletes perform and win medals, do you think they’re pulling it out of thin air? Every time they win a medal or set a record, that’s a major deal. Athletes are perhaps one of the most valuable ambassadors we have who positively put this nation in the international eye. Do you have any inkling on how remarkable it is that from such a tiny pool, we have sports men and women making their mark on the big stage? Sports as a career choice is a real thing. Sports/physical activity for the health of the nation is a real thing. Sports for tourism is a real thing. A call for diversity in economic pillars shouldn’t just be lip service. Sports is a big socio economic potential for the country and deserves to be explored in its own right and not as a side ting to a major portfolio such as education. Work with it not against it.

  14. MK says:

    Most of these guys don’t know anything about politics Neville Smith for one should stop talking.

    Like 5
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  15. rda says:

    I support a ministry of funny walks

  16. Joshua says:

    I agree more can be put into the sporting arena. But how many outstanding athletes do we have right now. Making an investment in the future is great but at this time of economic uncertainty. Sure we can have a junior minister which obviously the sheep is promoting himself. To have a ministry responsible for sports is just not feasible and in my opinion nonsensical. If the speaker is unable to attend a sitting I would really like to see how he would handle parliamentary procedures as deputy. Looking for position when not qualified he should be looking to serve.

  17. Caramel Diva says:

    In the mean while put some lights up on the basketball court in Long Bush. The young men in that community is forgotten. They are on the court daily and have to end games early because it does not have lights. Election was two (2) years ago and since then this community called Long Bush has been forgotten. Is it Political?

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