BVI News

Some people want politicians to be broke

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has posited that there is a common belief that elected leaders shouldn’t be financially stable, saying that’s the reason past leaders shied away from increasing the salaries of politicians.

The Premier made the statement on September 19 as elected leaders took steps to change the Greedy Bill – the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Services) Amendment Act, 2021 – which gave excessive payments to retired government members.

The Premier said the issue of low salaries and pensions could have been addressed years ago but leaders were afraid of public opinion.

“Persons were afraid to put forward a decent salary for those in the highest law-making body of the land. And what’s the reason for the fear? Somehow, there’s an expectation that when persons are in these positions, they must be up on a cross and that your own needs don’t matter. They’ll run you into the ground and they’ll be there at your funeral,” Premier Wheatley stated.

He continued: “I don’t know if it’s a BVI thing or not, but there’s an expectation that someone in this position must not be paid something that is decent. So we are afraid to do what needs to be done.”

While admitting that the Greedy Bill was excessive, the Premier said elected leaders should stop throwing the blame along party lines as those who passed the law were simply trying to solve the longstanding issue of low salaries for leaders.

“The problem we are here to solve was not caused by any one party. It was not caused by the VIP or NDP. Based on what members have said, this is a problem that existed for all members of the House,” the Premier said.

The Greedy Bill was amended but some persons are still entitled to the excessive payments it granted. The Premier said it is not legal to simply take away the rights that were granted under the bill and therefore asked persons to write a letter if they wish not to take the cash they’re entitled to.

He also said he does not want the payments he’s entitled to under the Greedy Bill. However, Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn challenged the Premier to put his wishes in writing, adding that a simple statement isn’t enough to show the people that he is not in support of the Greedy Bill.

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  1. Grand designs says:

    10 grand a month pension obviously poverty stricken

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  2. Another Day says:

    Mr. Premier for a Man with a Doctorate degree everytime you open your mouth you spew nonsense. No one wants Politicians to be broke. Being brokes depends on oneself. In every establishment, Employees from time to time are given Evaluation on their performance and in some cases increase in salary might be attached. Who evaluates Politicians? Do you think most Politicians are desirous of such increase if evaluated? Now maybe most of the past Politicians might be deserving of an increase in their Pension but as of late especially your Gov’t hasn’t done swat for this Territory and people other than squandered our Money. I don’t know the role of your Advisers but you need to surround yourself with people who know about running a Country to give you some sound advice instead of sitting in our HOA picking the hairs out your Face when your Deputy is speaking.
    Truthfully, since 2019 this is the lowest our territory has ever been and unless this Government changes, WE are doomed.

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  3. Always talkin nonsense says:

    With the condition this territory is in – why is this gent always talking about issues that don’t matter?

    Can’t believe this is what the people voted for to lead.

    Pure foolishness!

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  4. Eldread says:

    Myron walwyn caused sl**andie to take his hand out of the cookie jar and he squealing it’s too sweet, but knowing Myron he is going to get the greedy bill stopped.he can talk and this district 6 rep means good for the country.

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  5. Be fair says:

    Politicians want the teachers to be broke and the population to be broke that is why they are not pay their worth although they work harder than the politicians !!

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  6. FACTS says:

    There are really those who have no regard for what leaders of a country and their family have to endure in politics. While it is a service to their people we all must remember they are humans too and have families as the job is not a regular 9 to 5 job and comes with constant pressure and criticism. Some only see the bad they do and never the many good.

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  7. WTF says:

    Who ever said that politicians should be broke. No a soul believes that or whats that. As a matter of fact if you guys where doing the correct things and running the country better nobody would care how much you or any Politian is making. Its like this guy has lost his mind and just speaking out his butt.

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  8. Styles. says:


    You have a to do list:
    – roads
    – healthcare
    – waste disposal
    – education
    – marine conservation
    – corruption
    – crime

    (If you are not sure what this means: our country looks like a third world country).

    Only thing you focus on:
    – independence, with you and your corrupt friends this is a utopia.
    – gay marriage (honestly, is this your priority over everything else?)
    – stopping the media
    – getting money in your pockets.

    Stop crying little boy. And start leading this country like a man and actually improve something instead of fighting petty battles.

    Like 40
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  9. Really says:

    The greedy bill was wrong, so remove it! Don’t just say you cannot take something away from people, when it was never right for them to get it but just plain corruption.

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  10. @ Eldread says:

    Funny man was arrested and charged for corruption over a $1.6 m wall, talked about cookie jar so come again

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  11. Again says:

    Lead us to where?Hell in a hand basket.I always say this boi is boi cant wear big man clothes.He is leader of four hundred plus voters bunch a jackals

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  12. Wow says:

    A few of you always post negative things about the BVI and its leaders as if nothing good has happened in the BVI in the last 40yrs. You speak as if only the BVI has issues. The BVI leaders have done far more good for the BVI than bad over the last 40yrs and they need to be commended. I do agree there is still plenty room for improvement but the point is there has been plenty improvements over the last 40yrs and the list of those accomplishments massive and with time it will get better.

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  13. Embarrassment! says:

    This man is some kind of special ed. From what institution did he receive a doctorate degree? I am not keen on this type of representation. I am totally embarrassed as a citizen of this country every time this man opens his mouth.

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  14. The Brits are coming says:

    and wow, are we ready and in need of them.
    Did the COI actually happen, or did I dream it?

    Like 14
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  15. What!!! says:

    We want our politicians to be honest.

    Like 21
  16. Equality says:

    Politicians cannot be the only ones in the public service being paid enough to live comfortable. What about all the civil servants living paycheck to paycheck simply because they arent making enough to survive in this day n age.

    Like 12
  17. @equality says:

    Those who to the real work but rarely gets any credit.

  18. @facts says:

    Lots of persons in this territory work way more than 9 to 5. Stop trying to justify wickedness.

  19. @again says:

    Many of whom he paid. We are watching on to see how the loaners would be paid back because we know that was not his money.

  20. Tooth&Claw says:

    The premiers words are spoken like a true narcissist. We all know that is what the elected officials think privately, but to actually say it publicly is shameless!

  21. @ Wow says:

    What you smokin man? It’s gotta be strong stuff.

  22. WEW says:

    UK please save us from these idiots.

    Like 11
  23. YES TO UK says:


  24. YES TO UK says:

    @Wow Whatever improvements we had over the last 40 years this government had nothing to do with it, Natalio Wheatley is a waste of time every time he opens his mouth he sounds more and st**id.

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  25. YES TO UK says:

    I think it’s time the UK step in I am sure they have seen and hare enough.

    Like 9
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  26. Wow... says:

    1. There is a HUGE difference between an appropriate salary and PURE GREED.
    2. The SAME government stood there and said they were not going to increase minimum wage from $6 per hour because it would upset business people.

    This government is GREEDY and BAD MINDED – if that isn’t enough they take us all for idiots.
    How can you stand there and tell us that politicians deserve hundreds of thousands of dollars when they leave the political arena after 4 years of doing nothing, and its just because your government is brave enough to bring this up that it is happening now, but at the same time, you tell us all that you aren’t going to raise the (un-liveable) minimum wage of $6 per hour because you don’t want to upset the business owners?! Not brave enough to do that? The business owners have their big houses and their children are all in private school – those on minimum wage can barely afford to feed themselves…. DISGUSTING.

    Like 12
  27. UM says:


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  28. Laughable says:

    I think we need to issue some work permits for the positions of government ministers.

    Like 7
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  29. Laughable says:

    I think we need to issue some work permits for the positions of government ministers.

    Like 7
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  30. Truth says:

    If the citizenry finds itself discontented, they should indeed exercise their right to vote and effect change. Yet the presumption that the British carry some innate superiority in intellect or administration smacks of a lingering colonial condescension. While a nascent nation must remain humble and receptive to lessons from older states, I maintain that it is preferable for a nation to learn—even at the risk of occasional failures—than to be subjugated by foreign rule. After all, would not these very nations, in a reversal of roles, ardently resist foreign governance of their own lands?

    Like 1
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  31. O brother says:


  32. Common sense says:

    Clearly, the more we see and hear, the more obvious the case for the UK taking control for a period of time to straighten the territory out. It’s time for a referendum.

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  33. Sir says:

    I don’t want y’all to be broke. I want you to have a little baby and small children and no water for days. That’s wah I want y’all experience. Simple as that, then you will stop spewing nonsense. This third world country where a basic need cannot be met. It ain’t rocket science to fix it. But y’all carry on. I said it. BVI is a third world country. It’s not my opinion, it’s a fact.

    Like 10
  34. Resident says:

    a politician shouldn’t become rich from public service but they should be fairly compensated

    Like 10
  35. @wtf says:

    U ant c how he looking in that picture that’s a a** man

  36. Anonymous says:

    Appears some people want retirees, especially retired teachers, to be still poor, broke and hungry.

    Why else would they not pay those people who done work for their money?

    It is quite disheartening.

  37. Taxpayer says:

    “While admitting that the Greedy Bill was excessive, the Premier said elected leaders should stop throwing the blame along party lines as those who passed the law were simply trying to solve the longstanding issue of low salaries for leaders.
    If our leaders have such low salaries why do they have condos in Miami?
    The fact that our two of our elected government parties refused the $300 million loan from the UK to help us rebuild as they would have to show our accounts and provide transparency is proof that we have crooked money hungry politicians.

    Like 5
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  38. Wrong not right.. says:

    You cannot empty the bucket you met filled with water, did nothing to refill or add to it, because you were lazy and manage the water you had met there badly. Now its empty you are expecting people to take their water from their bucket to quench your thirst. Naaah. Not right..

  39. @Wrong not right says:

    Totally agree with your comments. He speaks like a commoner under the tree. What they the Politicians think? It’s a free ride for raking in Tax Payers Break Backs funding. He has a comment for every darn statement, and comes across idiotic with every word uttered. He done know he getting the Greedy Bill money when this term ended. He and Education Minister bringing regrets bitterly to Voters.

  40. Broke? says:

    What you are saying is that taxpayers should pay a higher wage to those who seek a lifetime of power and prestige.

    We don’t need career politicians, we need term limits.

  41. BuzzBvi says:

    ATN. Only 487 voted for him at all.

  42. Has anything changed? says:

    So he saying his frens can still have their greedy money. Myron better go siddun on his big pile of greedy money.

  43. @wow says:

    ‘Wow’ sounds like the brother. If he ain’t talking about the last 40 years he talking about Irma. These people like they need that special needs education that was being funded under the NDP government. Send them away buddy. Pronto!

  44. DISSOLVE! says:

    The house need dissolving. The constitution need dissolving and every crooked legislation passed under the crooked VIP government that was self serving need dissolving RETROSPECTIVELY!

  45. Sis. J says:

    @ Another Day

    Sis. Joyce would say ” wa ayo bawling for?” The question can be asked who put them back in? The answer: The electorate who voted in the election of April 2022 is who put them back in. Unless we have a takeover by UK they are there for the next 4 Years so you should try drinking some water and ………………

  46. sturpss says:

    Sad thing is that everybody know what this government was from before election and yall still vote for them. So take ayo licks now! Yall know this man wasn’t no leader and still vote VIP. Now is a set of complaining and want to call the man stu**d and all kind of names Take ayo licks this is what you vote for!; Stop bawl to the governor and the UK to come save us and demand better from your own! Everything going astray all you hearing is it don’t got money for this and don’t got funds for that and yet we here discussing compensation for people who already making more than most of us!

  47. You all see the BS? says:


  48. @ TAXPAYERS says:


  49. @O brother says:

    He sound like anybody from long look?

  50. Look here!!!!!! says:

    But look here you have tola this way your a leader look like you forgot who u is Sir! Please use your brain and stop with yourself. You have so much power you all over the place you need some serious help you anit thinking straight have nothing against you but you need to sit down and think because you anit thinking can’t you see how the place is fix it and stop crying. And for the record it’s your doing fix it you can’t wait on people the people waiting on you still for a change but no you don’t want to listen to your elders you can’t move by self come on now.

  51. lol says:

    At this rate this guy is going its best Lorna jump back ship back on the NDP bandwagon and give Ronnie a go as Premiere. Can’t be no worse than this..smh

  52. What?? says:

    Why should you politicians be paid high salaries for doing a pi** a** job from day to day week to week month to month year to year eh tell me. You all on the job having socials calling it cabinet and throwing big party when you all feel like it.

  53. @ Sis J says:

    Girl ya rite. Wa We bawling fur? I guarantee if you ask a VIP Supporter how the Country running, they will say “Good Man”. The Deputy campaigned on change and for her own selfish power and greed she turned hypocrite. A Government unto herself. We need fresh Elections before year-end. The Elders influenced some of the Youth who weren’t educated in Politics and thus the sad outcome. High Science also played a big role in the last Election. Maybe another Guy BUT they brought in persons from Senegal. Desperation was evident. Corruption has silence the Church. If there is not a shifting soon in this territory, the Future could be bleak. People of this territory, Mark these words, PRAY like never before. Don’t get scared BUT get prepared. Remember this date. 22 September, 2023.

  54. YES TO UK says:

    Yes, it is time UK come get your racist colonialist backward thinking ramm back to Uo your imperialist hole.

  55. To YES UK says:

    Maybe you should wipe properly your anus before you left the sh+t bowl and clean mind and mouth before syou hark about UK take over.

    Getting drunk and enragigng your complicit biases do not take the world or the UK back to go in, exterminate, plunder and thief then call your own. Colonial days are gone…

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  56. ReX FeRaL says:

    Stupid statement to make publically.Arrogance

  57. Mad Max says:

    It’s no problem earning a good salary as a politician. However, so many past legislators have become rich whilst serving politicians, probably at the expense of the country.

  58. @always talking nonsense says:

    Nobody voted for him to lead!! He got less than 500 votes but, in this stupid Westminster system, that means he can become Premier because he is the leader of his party. Ayo refuse to change the system, so crap like that will continue to happen.

  59. Sweet dreams are made of this says:

    It’s almost as if the COI was a brief jolt of awakeness…. Like we were suddenly jolted out of our slumber and made to face all the corruption and nepotism and mismanagement of the last ten or so years. But now we’ve gone back to sleep, gently lulled back into dreams of Lala Land. Meanwhile, all the thievery and corruption and ineptness continues.

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