BVI News

Stop labelling our young people as drug dealers

Government legislator Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith

Deputy Speaker Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith has said he believes young, successful BVIslanders are being unfairly labelled as drug dealers.

Contributing to the debate on his government’s proposed Virgin Islands Investment Act, 2020, Smith told the House of Assembly the BVI needs to empower its people rather than misjudging them.

Smith — an established businessman — said his ambition came from watching others and trying to make something of himself.

“When some of our young people try to do that, the first thing they want to say [involves] label[ling] all our young people here [as] drug dealers,” Smith said.

“That’s what they’re trying to do. Every young person that tries to make it here in the BVI — every one — if they have a house, if they have a car, [they’re] a drug dealer. We have to stop,” he added.

Smith continued: “We have some very intelligent, ambitious people here in the Virgin Islands that we need to support, and we need to stop labelling people.”

Only some deserve all the wealth

“I want to keep it real, a lot of times what happens here in the BVI is that some people don’t want to see some people make it because they believe that all the wealth only belongs to them,” Smith shared.

The first-term legislator said he was making the statement in the context of being someone who came from nothing to something.

Smith said he worked hard to get to the level he is at today, and expressed that the BVI’s downfall was having persons try to bring down their own people.

He said this, mentality, was unhelpful in creating a good investment climate. According to Smith, the BVI needed investments in all forms and he suggested that its people need to work together to achieve that.

“We can’t choose who we want to be millionaires,” Smith expressed.

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  1. Too Blatant says:

    I see another contract that was signed many months ago is coming to the House of Assembly to exempt Hon. Smith when he should have been made to vacate his seat already. I will watch and see what happens here again. The date of the contract was conveniently left out of the resolution so that public would not know whether the contract was brought “as soon practicable” as required by the constitution.
    People, our country is turning into a lawless place with legislators now having blatant disregard for our constitution. Right in the middle of a commission of inquiry that has serious implications for our country, the VIP still have no regard for good governance, transparency and accountability. Our Premier believes that he is the king of the BVI and can do whatever it is he wants. I hope that they are made to answer to these things by Commissioner Hickenbottom. It is just wrong what they are doing.

    Like 24
    • Crow House says:

      It’s a technique called ‘gas lighting” A bad or shocking narrative is manipulated and repeated until it becomes normal and acceptable. Abusers do it all the time. That is what is going on here.

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  2. Lawless state says:

    Here this person who continues to breach the constitution of the BVI and who allegedly gave false information to the COI when asked if he had any contracts with Government. Only now to learn that he had three and they were not brought to the HOA for approval as required by the constitution. This place is a cow boy town. Something needs to be done about this.

    Like 19
  3. Unexplained wealth says:

    If you can the unexplained wealth of fast boat owners, we will stop referring you as drug dealer ok?

    Like 23
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    • Yup says:

      Let’s call a spade a spade. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck the perhaps it is a duck. The Belonger offspring neither work nor attend school but have go fast boats, cars, scooters and a lot of time under the shade tree. Where all the toys coming from. Are there trees to pick money from?

      Like 26
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    • @Unexplained says:

      When white folks roll up here in a 10mil yacht do you ever once in your mind question their wealth? How many times foreigners come here, particularly caucasions doing low level jobs then all of a sudden they have a massive house, business and boats but nobody says anything. We believe whatever they tell us but drill down on our own ppl.

      Like 13
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  4. Lol says:

    This yah funny

  5. Negrito says:

    Now now SHeep lol if you old enough and you know then YOU KNOW. Please show us where your hard work started from?

    Like 15
  6. Samuel says:

    What a joke. Imagine people elected incompetent individuals like what’s in the HOA now. God continue to help us. Look, it’s no secret we have a bunch of young drug dealers in this place. A lazy bunch of good for nothing’s who just want to run drugs and use the money to buy jewelry from the pier park.

    Like 12
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  7. Just asking? says:

    Would Mr. Smith be an established businessman without his family and government connections? What would you conclude from someone who says he’s a plumber, but is found on a $ 250K+ high speed boat with >10K in cash ? He said he saved his money, but was only 23? Too much unexplained wealth around here with not much desire to find out more, lest others in high places be implicated.

  8. ANOTHER LAMB says:

    Reading from the script , when they get caught 8n the act, they always trying to wiggle their way out

    Like 5
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  9. Joker says:

    Look at who we elected to move our country forward. Just take a long, hard look. Its a disgrace. We have got to make better choices. You cannot even send this guy to Round Rock to represent us.

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  10. strupes says:

    Here this d**ce. Shame for him

  11. Hon Smith...My friend says:

    You are disappointing. I was big on you, thought you would work to bring about change.. instead, you Jump on the Gravy Train..

  12. Sheep says:

    Post online the receipt of your fast boat and how you paid for it and we will agree with you..

    Like 10
  13. Bumpy says:

    Neville I voted for you but I regret it from the bottom of my heart. You full well know that 99% of these young guys with big trucks, boats, scooters luxury cars and jewelry that blind you are not gainfully employed. Wtf the money is coming from? You make me and the whole territory shame. You defend that alternate economy because you can …. You are a di***ace. Don’t plan on a second term.

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