BVI News

SVG told to wait for confirmation before linking COVID cases to BVI

Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier Andrew Fahie has had talks with St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) authorities, who have given assurances that they will, in future instances, wait on official test results from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) before linking positive COVID-19 cases to the BVI.

Health Minister Carvin Malone gave that indication on the heels of last Saturday’s announcement from SVG officials that two of their latest COVID-19 cases were persons who had travelled from the BVI 6 days earlier. 

Malone said he is awaiting official confirmation from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) located in Trinidad & Tobago.  

“Nevertheless, the close contacts of both passengers have been identified and tested and will continue to be monitored over the course of the [COVID-19] incubation period,” Malone said in a public broadcast on Wednesday, September 16. 

He did not clearly state whether any of these persons tested positive for COVID-19. 

Last week, Malone had refused to comment on these latest reported SVG cases linked to the BVI, saying he would wait until these cases are officially verified. He recalled a previous SVG report about imported COVID-19 cases from the BVI, which later turned out to be false.

Malone skeptical about SVG’s new cases reportedly linked to BVI


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  1. Just saying says:

    Given the contagious nature of the disease, I do think it is a good thing to get any indicative information earliest so that contact tracing can be effected immediately to curb any possible spread. Waiting for confirmation from CARPHA, before notification of a possible link to the BVI in the case of COVID 19, could be a matter of life and death for persons in the BVI. It would be wise to err on the side of caution as it is better to be safe than sorry. COVID-19 is no respector of and the most effective tool we have against it is information sharing and being our brother’s keeper.

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    • @Just saying says:

      What life and death man why don’t you guys stop with this rubbish! Even if someone gets severe case of COVID or the flu, do you think they just get it and die? This is why people are told if they have symptoms call the hotline. Have you heard of anyone getting COVID, no symptoms and just die? The misinformation and fear mongering is tiring now! The focus needs to be on the ability for health facilities to deal with severe cases, not trying to panic the entire population despite the glaring statistics that show how high the survival rate is.

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  2. @Just saying says:

    I agree. But the BVI could be informed of potential cases without SVG making it into a public spectacle before actual confirmation. Last time we locked down an entire island for no reason.

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  3. . says:

    If the tests were positive, we would have heard by now. No news is good news when it comes to Covid tests.

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  4. Unbelievable says:

    Can you imagine that st Vincent had false positive on the two people that arrive from the bvi. This is really playing with the minds of the bvi people. Its has now confirmed by CARPHA that the test for the two individuals came back negative. What a thing .the second time around. The premier was so right in asking the st Vincent government not to release there test results until CARPHA results are ready.

  5. YOUTH says:

    Our Premier is a steady leader. Once again he was correct in what he was saying in the end as St. Vincent now saying that CARPHA has confirmed the 2 persons to be negative.

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