BVI News

Task Force being established to ‘flush out’ persons living and working illegally


Minister responsible for Immigration, Vincent Wheatley said a task force is being established to track and uncover persons living and working illegally in the British Virgin Islands.

The minister said this will include persons working for employers outside of what is specified on their work permits.

“We’re asking persons not to do that. Also, there are persons who came in for Mary Jane but working for John Doe and so forth. All those things are illegal and we are asking persons to desist from this kind of behaviour,” Wheatley said during a public social media broadcast with senior officials within his ministry on Sunday.

He continued: “In about a week’s time, we’re going to have another task force that is going to be set up to flush these people out.”

Wheatley made those statements while noting that “a number of persons” are in the BVI illegally.

He said the government has been “very lenient” with persons in light on the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lay-offs and job losses.

However, the minister said persons cannot be made to flout the territory’s Labour and Immigration laws without impunity.


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  1. Troubled says:

    Flush out? That term is most inappropriate and derogatory. This seems to be attitude of Hon. Wheatley towards a certain section of the expat community. I am very troubled by the words coming from his mouth.

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    • About time too says:

      Flush out is an entirely appropriate term to describe those illegal aliens that are hiding in the BVI and working illegally.

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    • @ troubled says:

      What did the minister say that is inappropriate. You went on every news site and make the same comments. Yes the illegal people need to be flushed out and i am an expat i say it.we have taken advantage of this country for far to long. Look at the east end area of tortola where i am living. Many many illegals. Many from st Vincent. They has become a burden on this society in several ways. Most of these illegals are finding day to day work causing the legal work permit holders to ve out of jobs because they accept low wages or offer low wages. They are defrauding the government of tax dollars. When you have so many illegals the crime rate surely will be up. It is pass time that some serious action need to be taken. Flush them out i say. Yes illegals have rights .rights to an attorney. Rights to be treated humanely. NO RIGHTS TO BE HERE ILLEGAL.

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  2. Hunt Master says:

    Welcome to the BVI hunting season, Hunters on horseback are invited to participate in this exciting Island sport popularly known as “Flush Out” Please contact the Sheriff at the Administration Complex for further details.

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  3. Upset says:

    I am very upset myself the way that man from the 9th district he always have a … word to describe our people these people and on and on. It is not nice but thats ok what goes up come straight back down

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  4. Doh says:

    Can’t wait! Where do I sign up for the task force? Time to round up the deplorables, schiesters, and malcontents. Let’s put them in camps, tag them, then process them for mass deportation.

    BVI first!

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  5. Styles. says:

    Hi Vincenzo

    Have you ever tried reading a history book? Especially the section about Nazi Germany? If yes, shame on you that you still have these political ideas. If no, please do and tell me if you really think language like flushing out people is appropriate.

    You are a man … who is rapidly dividing the already unstable territory. Your precious comments were already very damaging but this takes the cake.

    Leaders lead and bring people together. Sure, we need rules and financial stability. But threatening to flush people out? It’s disgusting!

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  6. Watching says:

    Hope the force goes after all not just the Afro people, as has always been the practice. They are law breakers too.

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  7. Rats says:

    Hurry hurry turn on the lights watch them scurrying in holes corners and allies..

    Reward for the capture of roaches infestation must not occur. Least we get the dogs and flush them out.

    Are you with me people? It’s my first time doing this and am so excited that I can. By the way let’s get our sister island coordinator to make this happen.

    If we don’t get em all tonight we sure will finish the job in the morning! We out numbered now, but by the time am done, our 15% of trusted people will have 100% of BVI Labour market.!

    When this happen we will get imported help if needs be.

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  8. We are the BVI says:

    So these people had to go through the dehumanizing process of getting a work permit to get paid $6 and hour ($50 a day). They are paying $800 a month for rent somewhere (probably to a belonger). And the can not get a second job!? This second job is probably as a gardener, cleaning crew or house cleaner…jobs no belonger would take.
    This sounds like something Trump would do in the US by telling everyone the immigrants are criminals and rapists. Just another racial dog whistle to the right wing nut jobs that voted him in (in the BVI this would be hardened belongers that resent down-islanders doing good)
    This is just cruel wrong. The BVI is stronger for all the different people and cultures that are here. We have been getting along fine and everyone is making money. This Covid mess will pass and we will need ALL these people again to do the messy jobs (for low pay). If you dump them now, you will have to go get more people to do this work for this low pay and that could take YEARS.
    Please stop this nonsense!

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  9. Task force? says:

    You call it a task force. I think gestapo is a better name for this.

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  10. Hodgie says:

    Flush out? Apparently you people haven’t been doing your job…. How did we get here if you had taken your jobs seriously? We need to flush out some of these leaders and politicians out of there present public office.

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  11. As Usual says:

    Politricks. Saying what you think the (majority of the) electorate want to hear and not doing a thing. Same old spin as usual.

    You can’t please all of the people all of the time. Either you will proceed as you are saying or you will not.

    Transparency you say. We the people know better.

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  12. GTFOH says:

    The term “Flush out“ is not derogatory. Flush out means to cause something or someone to leave their hiding place, bring to light, reveal, drive out or expose something or someone. What is derogatory about that? We want to flush out anyone that is breaking any law. If you are living or working here illegally that is a crime. Then to hide their immigration status no NHI or social security is paid to not get in the system which affects the effectiveness of both systems.

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  13. Pray for BVI says:

    Nooo lo puedo creer…. pero Sr W….. eso fue lo que traté de hacer y me acerqué a usted porque migración me retuvo el pasaporte y usted me dijo que se Iva a resolver, recuerdo fui tres veces a su oficina en VG la primera vez me dio su palabra. Que no podía salir por la situación del cov19. La segunda vez usted me pidió la carta de intención de trabajo y la tercera me dijo que no Iva a poder que me tenía que ir no lo entiendo. La palabra del hombre vale mucho sea sincero no doble cara quizás hoy te sientas con mucho poder no sabes en el mañana, me da mucha pena con todos los que tenemos permisos de trabajo ya que tenemos esposa y nuestros hijos aquí nos estas tratando como perros

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  14. Wow! says:

    Hon. Wheatley has proven to be a very d******e person. Is every position coming from his mouth is designed to put locals and expats against each other? Now he is going to flush out human beings who are not from here. Flush out! That term alone tells you what he thinks about a particular section of the expat community. There is another section that he loves very much. We thought the former minister of labour liked his rich, white friends. This new one adores them but has strength for Caribbean expats.

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    • GTFOH says:

      Lol let me guess, you heard the word flush and associated it with the toilet. Y’all idiots are embarrassing the BVI. Use the same internet you use to post your ignorance and google the term. He never said flush out people that are not from here. The governor is not from here, the chief of police is not from here. They don’t need to be flushed out. They are here legally. He is flushing out the people that are here illegally, some working illegally that are most likely avoiding the relevant authorities. If you have a problem with exposing the criminals then you are a part of our problem.

  15. pt07 says:

    We are the BVI: You sound very s****d, you are giving reasons for people who is breaking the law of the land and saying it’s alright. There are Immigration laws where ever you go in the world but in the BVI people seems to think the laws of the land if broken it’s alright if it benefits them. For too long this has been going on. I am sure the side jobs don’t pay taxes,
    From what I have been reading they need to Flush out the police department they are doing side jobs.
    Nothing against anyone but there are laws and a lot of laws are broken in the BVI as long as nothing is done about it everything is fine but as soon anything is done about it the BVI is the worse place in the world.

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  16. City vernin says:

    Just turn the hose on them Vincent! Your deep d*****e for the Caribbean expat community is showing in all your decisions. You said somethings in my presence during the last election that I couldn’t believe you would utter but those deep feelings are coming out in your decisions. Flush out! Are we talking about human beings or the city vermin?

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  17. billy jean says:

    That is the respect you show and treat people? Flush out? Agree with Hodgie. You need to flush out some of the local politicians and also clean up the police department. Stop being so damn rude. Treat people with respect. They are human people not animals. There are nicer ways to say things.

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    • exactly says:

      No one is disputing that laws must be followed. However, it is how you say certain things and gives an idea of who we really are. I pray to be alive to see when the dust settles, who going be helping in the gap of the labour market on all levels. When hotels, restaurants, tourism opens, who will be in BVI to work these jobs? Nobody who were bullied out of here will come back here, and no one who heard of how the BVI people treat black Caribbean people will want to come here. Ohh its ok if you’re a white expat. We will live to regret it and please refer to all of these articles next year this time so

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  18. Rubber Duck says:

    Herr Wheatley, why not force all non belongers wear a yellow star on their clothes so we can easily identify them. We could then make them go to the back of the bus.

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    • Andrew Pause Vincent says:

      Andrew you are a good man and VIP is the best team for this time. Our government doing good we wait patiently and now we here. We gah stay. Vincent is another Fraser in the making but even Fraser now sounding like a saint in comparison. We dont need this heat this man keep bringing. Is this a personal vendetta? dont let him drag our government down. Our people must be on top and we will be but our people have always gotten what they want with strategy. This ripping apart the BVI is not a good strategy you know this. If you allow Vincent to keep this up you will be giving the other side sound bite to use against you. I say put Sherene as the new Minister based on that announcement last week she has a handle on things. leadership suit her. Every one making the team look good but this b****r man keep going in the media and causing trouble with he h***. We need eight more years

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      • Look says:

        You speak for yourself, If you can even vote? The Minister is doing what is best for the citizens of my country at this time. Enough said.

    • @Rubber Duck says:

      Only wick minds would know how to advise on how to conduct these evils.

  19. Oh my says:

    I hope that certain people understand, that this news outlet will be also be follow by many potential travelers/guests whom will reconsider where to spend their money. Certainly not in a county where government officials behave like this “gentleman”. I am wondering when he will put on his uniform……

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    • @Oh my says:

      I am sure that after they do they resources and see how well the government of the BVI treats they people that they will be ashamed of their own government’s leaders and welcome a chance to see a system that Honours and respects their country and looks out for its wellbeing above all else.

  20. A clown says:

    Please remove him.

    Making a mockery in de place.

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  21. Reichsfuhrer says:


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  22. ??????? says:

    Are you for real in this crisis everyone trying to survive because you have no intentions to open the borders you are a heartless jack***, the world is watching and god is watching and hurricane season not finish as yet, you are nothing different from the wicked landlords here, soon all the expats will leave and landlords will suffer and you and your people will left on this island alone, so you keep bringing your country down

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  23. Speak my mind says:

    After seeing how some tolans trying to degrade island people,i packed everything and ship them home.i think that was the best thing i ever did.i am home and happy ,just wish everyone could di the same and leave those shortsighted people to time.God not sleeping and they will reap what they sow.I have met good peoole there but,they are some that not even deserve a place in hel*,they are full of hate and should have been thrown away in condoms.Thats my view .

    Like 4
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    • Yawn says:

      You packed up and left the BVI but still care enough to checkup and comment on BVINEWS? Are you a liar or should we be flattered that you miss the BVI?

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  24. Nononsense says:

    The BVI can’t even enforce the most basic of infringements: road offences, fly tipping, etc. , etc. This has no hope.

    Waste of time, resource and air.

    Why not get on and do something productive like building the secondary school back and fixing emergency shelters.

  25. Ras says:

    I came in for Mary Jane too, but the quality is so bad I had to leave.

  26. Mr Hose Pipe says:

    Mr Honourable need to flush out him ra** with a good spray

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  27. It been said says:

    Well election day will be a flushing

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