BVI News

The lateness won’t work anymore!

Although they’ve promised to deliver quality leadership throughout the new legislative term, it seems elected leaders have not decided to part with their habitual lateness, which was the subject of much criticism during that last legislative term.

While delivering his first speech in the House of Assembly (HOA) on May 18, Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton berated his colleagues for their tardiness, stating that they shouldn’t waste his time by being late for sittings of the HOA.

Skelton hinted that he and House Speaker Corine George-Massicote were the only two members of the HOA who were early for the day’s proceedings.

“If we set meetings for 10 o’ clock Madam Speaker I can guarantee you I will be here — you and I will be here on time. So I would like my colleagues to assist me in not wasting my time. Be here on time and let us get the people’s business done and move on,” Skelton stated.

He added that if leaders can’t be on time for government business, they shouldn’t champion the narrative of self-governance for the territory.

“The institutions of this country need our attention. If we don’t build the institutions of this country, we can’t go anywhere talking about internal self-government. This House should be the primary institution of this country. We cannot continue to take this House in a light manner,” Skelton said.

Skelton isn’t the first elected leader to call out his colleagues for tardiness. In the last sitting of the House, former Territorial At-Large Representative, Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith and Shereen Flax-Charles called out their fellow legislators for their constant lateness.

At the time, Smith had revealed that the repeated pleas of Speaker George-Massicote had fallen on deaf ears. He also argued that the poor behaviour also negatively affected the staff of the HOA who are often left waiting on legislators for hours.

Smith had also suggested that a fine be put in place to punish members who are constantly late.

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  1. Sara says:

    Instead of talking why don’t you amend the standing orders to impose a fine when legislators are late? It is disrespectful when the elected members have no respect for the electorate’s time.

    Like 40
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  2. Really says:

    Do you really think that the leader of the opposition has the power to do that?

    Like 9
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  3. BuzzBvi says:

    Three times late and you are no longer a fit representative of your constituents. Seat is put up for re-election. Let’s move this country forward. Serious business needs serious people time wasters.

    Like 28
  4. 10am says:

    start time for the HOA meetings is a bit late. All the courts start at 9am. Why can’t the HOA members be on time? Some penalty suggestions for late arrival:

    1st late arrival – No entry, go home
    2nd – No entry, no pay for 1 month
    3rd – No entry, forfeit seat, elect new member, forfeited member barred from politics for 10 years.

    Like 32
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  5. ok says:

    Good thing Ronnie. Show the children how things are done.

    Like 15
  6. Taxpayer says:

    Agreed! Three strikes and you’re out! Remember you’re all getting paid a lot of money and we would like some value for all that money.

    Like 16
  7. I agree with Hon Skelton says:

    Stop wasting people’s time. Show up to work on time. It’s unprofessional to be tardy. It’s a shame they have to be called out on their tardiness. These are grown men and women who should know better.

    If they were working for some other employer they would have gotten written up, a warning or fired because of it.

    They work for the public. They signed up for the job and got it. They need to go about doing that job, starting with showing up to work on time.

    Like 16
  8. He even can’t talk... says:

    Ronnie thinks he talking to children at Skelton bay lot

    Like 1
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  9. Time says:

    Add to it a time limit for members when debating in the house. Often there is too much irrelevant and unnecessary rambling. It is time for more precise and concise debates in the house. Some are more guilty of it than others

    Like 13
  10. Discard says:

    Low class,Unprofessional,unethical,quasi educated bunch of immature professional pretenders.
    All about themselves. Country is an afterthought,

    Like 4
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  11. Ha! says:

    Remember, they are all belongers

    Like 2
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  12. Road Town Rebel says:

    Spiteful intentions will never prosper. All you all grown a** men and women know dam well you are suppose to be there on time. Ronnie Skelton stop it now man. You all had a very sure chance to form a government but failed. Move on.

  13. Wow says:

    Not very fond of Ronnie but i support him ? percent . The leaders of the land must be the examples . Walking in any old time with no regard for the set time for the start of the meetings shows disrespect and disregard for those who are either early or waiting . This is a downright nasty habit of people in this society . It is a wilfull act make you wait as a sign as “ i am in charge “

    All in immigration and government offices they have this nasty attitude. Let the change begin with the head

  14. @ He can't even talk says:

    Just make sure your share the memo. He’s very clear with this.

  15. @Ha says:

    Don’t mind we business. We good!

  16. Hinders progress says:

    Travel and learn that time well spent helps in the growth of a nation

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