BVI News

Tortola schoolboys reportedly attack VG students at sport event

At least one student had to receive treatment at hospital after being injured during a schoolboy brawl at a sporting event on Tortola recently.

BVI News understands that students of the Bregado Flax Educational Centre on Virgin Gorda travelled to Tortola on Wednesday for a football game at the Greenland field in East End.

Just under 20 students from the Virgin Gorda-based school attended the sporting event along with the school’s football coach.

It is reported that a large group of schoolboys comprising students of the Elmore Stoutt High School on Tortola attacked the Bregado Flax students — one of whom received a minor injury to his face and was taken to the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital for treatment.

The police were reportedly summoned and upon their arrival, the group of attackers fled. BVI News understands that law enforcers collected statements from the reported victims.

It is understood that the Bregado Flax students were able to identify some of their reported attackers. It is not yet clear what prompted the alleged attack.

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  1. HEY says:

    where is v**o ???? ( OH , too busy creating mo racist rethoric to blogg under different names as usual

    Like 17
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  2. Lol No says:

    How is it racist if its against white people?

    Like 4
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  3. Parents says:

    Elmore Stoutt Parents should be pulled in and admonished and frankly be embarrassed that if your child was part of this that they have so little broughtupsy to think that this kind of behaviour is acceptable. As parent if your child behaves like this when you are not round you are doing a crap job and need to go and evaluate your life choices.

    Like 41
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  4. well sah says:

    The BVI is fast becoming a war zone

    Like 14
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  5. Foy says:

    “BVI LOVE”

  6. Samuel says:

    Tortola lost. No hopes for return. Even prayers can’t help Tortola. The place is cursed. Everyone knows this is the reason why so many bad th8ngs happen on Tortola compared to the other islands in the BVIs.

    Like 8
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  7. @Samuel says:


    Like 11
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  8. unacceptable says:

    Every last one of them from the Tortola group should be banned from that soccer field. I hope they press the assault charges, don’t take this matter lightly.

    Like 30
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  9. The Answer says:

    The most racists people I’ve encountered are BVI’islanders….and that’s a fact.
    Been going there for 20 years until our 2019 trip.
    See ya.

    Like 16
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  10. Reality says:

    Nobody wants to be living in fear , we all want Tortola to remain a Paradise … Truth is drugs, rape cases, domestic violence , senseless murder are on the rise . We cannot run from reality not bashing it is staring you in the face .
    The real issue is what are the solutions?
    When you have leaders locked up for stealing government money and people voting them as Representatives to run in districts .. What message are you sending ?
    Former Premier under house arrest for illegal activities and a team afraid to call him out what message are you sending ?
    The Christian Council silent on legalizing marajuana … this is not criticism this is the reality in out territory

    Like 15
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  11. Norris Turnbull says:

    To The Answer…..Stop talking bull nonsense.

  12. VG Granny says:

    They should’ve hit my grandchild with them pipes; they would’ve been zipped up in body bags all now. Set of unruly, outta order little boys playing man.

    Like 10
  13. Jay says:

    Cant. You see bvi is already in hell.are you blind .what are u covering up.shame allu shame .like it or not thats the truth.

    Like 1
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  14. Hmm says:

    Sad, there are a lot of guidance councillors at the ESHS they need to step up and help those kids. The teachers just keep calling the parents, why have guidance councillors if they cannot help.

  15. @ LOL NO / . YES says:

    racism has no color / racism was here before a lot of us were born , so all of a sudden you all acting like Columbus , you all discovered it / using racism is a lame excuse it’s about INTEGRITY × call a spade a spade , if you choose to live in the past , that’s your choice , and more power to you , we are in the 21st century and that’s a fact ,but you can refuse to believe it cif you want , there ain’t no law against that

  16. @ LOL NO says:

    we are witnessing a trend of violence amongst the youths and needs to be nipped nine the bud , and you pushing racism and color, we don’t know what coming next ? we copying
    everything they do in Netherlands states , so N let’s hope none of them brings a gun to n school and then what ? blame the whites / UK ??? DUH

  17. U nShowing off says:

    YOURSELF ~ facts is facts , just like we only live once , except 4 U?

  18. The Bay says:

    GOD had been so good to me(not being a teacher!! ) I’m not putting up with no one rude a** child. I already raised mines and grands!! The hard slap I would’ve given his rude a**!! And when he mother comes, I’ll cut her a** too… LADIES/Men, TRAIN YOYR RUDE AS CHILDREN AT HONE, they’re gonna buck up one the wrong one!!

  19. The Problem says:

    We have a set of bullies in the school (ESHS). Let’s be honest, this has gotten out of hand. Look how they hitting each other in their heads! They need to be penalized; address this issue please!

  20. Resident says:

    I sooo agree that this kind of behavior is totally unacceptable. We watch on US news recently of a teenage boy beating up a 9 yr old girl on a bus. My heart cries for that mother of that little girl. These young people have no humanity. When they mess with the wrong person then there will be another conversation. I always say don’t watch people in prison cause it’s easy to get up there. My favorite movie is Chuck Norris Vigilante. I will get you.

  21. Stop Passing the buck says:

    The first training ground is the home this is the order
    1. Home – training ) ) including all relatives )
    2. Church- training
    3. School – training
    3. Community- takes a village to raise a child
    Where did the ball drop ?
    Look at the man in the mirror
    Stop blaming . Parents are the first teachers and models
    Teachers only have them for a few hours and some parents I’ll speak teachers in the presence of their children
    Will they show respect …. Absolutely No !!’
    Parents do you job

  22. ? says:

    Be careful people especially when you’re not around your children. I witness BFEC students doing the same thing to St. Georges students at a high school basketball game when they (VG) was leading by 15 points or more.
    We have to look at the homes and who are raising these children.

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