BVI News

Turnbull to D2 voters: I was there for you, why would you switch on me?


Pointing to his track record as Second District Representative over the last three-and-a-half years, Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) candidate Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull believes he has done enough to be given a second chance at the upcoming polls.

Speaking in Myers Estate on Monday, Turnbull said he has served, stood up, and spoken out to represent the concerns of residents in the district and territory.

“For somebody who has stood with you and stood up for you and represented you, why would you turn your back on me now?” Turnbull asked constituents. “For someone who has taken the time to understand our constitution, who has a background in finance, who understands insurance, who has studied what it is to represent this country and has forged relationships, why would you do anything else other than stick with Mitch?”

I was there for you

Making reference to Hurricane Irma, Turnbull said he personally walked from the community of Myers to Cane Garden and Brewer’s Bay to check on his constituents after the storm.

“I did not leave. I stayed and I worked to clean up the communities of Cane Garden Bay [and] Brewer’s Bay. We got on boats, and we travelled to Jost Van Dyke to serve the people there and to see about their well-being. We travelled on barges, speed boats, on helicopters with the governor, we had community meetings. That’s what leadership does,” he stated.

He said residents can attest that he was present when he was needed most.

“I don’t fabricate, I have no reason to fabricate that I was there. I was there because the people saw me there, ask the people,” he said.

I worked

Turnbull said as district representative, he completed the basketball court in the area, fixed the Spooner’s Estate road, and held true to his promise to assist the public primary schools in the district with $5,000 per annum.

He said he also helped in forging the public/private partnership for the reconstruction of the hurricane-ravaged Enis Adams Primary School.

And while taking a jab at his political rival contesting the seat under the Virgin Islands Party ticket, Turnbull said: “They say, something new in District Two. Look at me, I old?”

“People don’t like to be with you in the tough times, they like to be with you when everything is going well. But, now that a foundation has been started, everybody wants to get on the wave and act like they have been involved all the time.”

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  1. Because....... says:

    because you are on the wrong team. U joined a man who was part of NDP mess. He was part of cabinet. You would have done better running independent.

    Like 51
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    • Bush Tea says:

      I have always been interested in this topic, it would appear people in the BVI is voting based on emotions vs people who gets the work done. They rather people who will sit all day complaining about the issues instead of fixing them. This is a district that stagnant for years. Mitch went in and got the ball rolling. We will choose capable people to represent us in the house of assembly vs people who just want to blame other for everything.

      Like 14
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    • Wait what... says:

      What is it with these politicians acting like the electorate owes them. First Hon Frazer telling people “don’t be ungrateful” now Mitch singing a similar song.

      You were elected to do a JOB. Fail and you are removed. There is no favour in this. Stand on your accomplishments or move aside. SMH

      Like 16
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    • What says:

      That is pure rubbish, why would he leave the NDP to join the most wasteful party in the BVI? THATS THE VIP.

  2. No says:

    Go home u was their for c g and friends let them vote for u

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  3. sam the man says:

    As Shania Twayne sang “that don’t impress me much” and I can’t say I’m impressed (I know many others are disappointed too with his lack of tangible performance after all the bigging it up) so it’s time to DITCH MITCH & SWITCH…see through the words and bluster and there ain’t much there really…lots of people got stuck in after Irma and helped besides Mitch but they don’t bleat on about it – smacks of insecurity. I’m not sure he can be trusted? Kind of feel its all about him and the power he wants for himself – oh and all the publicity shoots etc! CGB still has loads of issues that haven’t been addressed. He’s had his chance and blown it big time…time for a change

    Like 27
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  4. I With you says:

    We Sticking with Mitch

    Like 8
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  5. Eagle eye says:

    U was voted for in NDP not pvim

    Like 23
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    • Strupes... says:

      I wish people would stop with this Party Politicking and see the candidates for what they can do for the territory on a whole, not just for what party they represent!

      Like 16
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  6. Bing says:

    Come back home Mitch, you will be the only winner on PVIM, it was a nice try but don’t stay out in the cold.

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  7. Myers says:

    I know one thing, I’m not “STICKING WITH MITCH” this time. bring out the broomstick.

    Like 24
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  8. Political Observer (PO) says:

    “I was-there-for-you-why-would-you-switch-on-me.” Comes across as arrogant and at best it is in-artfully started. Your record and performance should speak for itself. D-2 constituents know how you performed, what you delivered, the bacon that you brought home……..etc.

    Just communicate what your plans are for the district going forward, your positions on territory/national issues……..etc. District candidates focus are on their district needs but must also lean forward and look outward and work with others to meet their district needs. For example, high quality and reliable electricity is a territory issue that is also vital for the district.

    Like 21
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    • Agreed says:

      @Political Observer, I felt the same, the people should be aware of what he did and he shouldn’t have to express in that way. Sound scared, SAYING Look what I did for you would turn me off!!!

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  9. Come on Mitch says:

    Now you are beginning to sound desperate. People is disapointed in you.Honestly, you should have branched off on your own,focused on the people in your age group and go from there.

    Like 25
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  10. Question says:

    What has Carnal done for his community? There must be something. This is a serious carnal spoke about an under water resturant. Really that is a pie in the sky dream. District 2 put aside petty differences and choose a leader who has a back bone to stand up for his people.

    A person that always shown love for people, the young, middle and the elderly. This is no joke.

    I employ you to go deep and look at both canidates and see who has the district at heart and who has realistic plans to move the district forward.

    Like 13
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    • In All Seriousness says:

      I am a 9th district resident, voter and tourism person; locally as well as abroad. Tourism is and has been our bread n butter since the early 1960s; 64 officially with the opening of Little Dix Bay Resort. Virgin Gorda and Anegada are currently the tourism islands. However, Cane Garden Bay and the entire west coast; (Brewers Bay through Carroty Bay, Long Bay to West End and Fort Recovery). Tremendous potential and possibilities therein lies. Same thing with Brandywine Bay, Maya Cove, Fat Hogs Bay, Josias Bay, Lambert Beach, East End, Long Bay and Trellis Bay. Tourism simply has to be seriously Focused upon ad not taken for granted. There was a book written about twenty (20) years ago by a French economist titled: “Why the Tourism Dollar Matters”, and was meant to be distributed to and taught in the schools; but never happened. invested more strongly and purposeful in tourism; along with pumping more money into the college as Carvin Malone talked about last week; thus enabling it to provide the tourism courses needed to advance us to the next level. Lets get serious about what we have. No other island/s have what we have. We have a unique offering. We just have to get refocused and serious about it. Mr. Clyne is already vetted in Tourism with much to offer. Let’s Team him up with our Pit Bull, lady Shereen Flax-Charles in the 9th, another tourism hard hitter, coming right out of the Flax Tourism family. Add bro Neville-Seep-Smith to the mix on the Sports Tourism side and we moving past whoever/whatever is in our way. We’ll be moving in one direction; Forward!

      Like 10
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  11. Vicky says:

    If he had a stronger opponent he could be beaten but Carnel cannot beat Mitch. Carnel actually beat himself.

    Like 11
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  12. Come on... says:

    Why should anybody be disappointed in Mitch?… because he left the party whose leadership kept things secret from everyone in NDP except for a few at the top? Mitch did nothing wrong… I wish people would stop with this Party Politicking and see the candidates for what they can do for the territory on a whole, not just for what party they represent!

    Like 6
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  13. Concern Citizen says:

    Candidates are with the wrong political parties.

    BVI politics is nothing like anywhere in the world.

    Politicians in the BVI need to be mindful of how they’re camping. They’re not focused and sticking to the factors and economy of the county as to what needed to be done and how to in prove the country for the next generation and beyond. It’s times for the country to move on expand.
    It’s time for politicians stopped using BVI politics for there personal gain and stopped fooling the people. It’s time for you the people of the BVI wake you been sleeping to long… and it’s enough they start to lock politicians in the BVI enough is enough.

    I’m not in the second district, and I’m not speak about Turnbull.

    I’m just making a general statement from a point of view as a Concern BVI citizen.

  14. Sam says:

    Mitch all you do is talk and do no thing , you need to go on preach

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  15. Maybe says:

    He loves publicity. He just got a whipping on the blogs a couple of weeks ago now he is going to get it again.

    Like 14
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  16. &&&&&& says:

    He teamed up with the wrong people.

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  17. Oh well says:

    The short man syndrome is kicking in.I don’t see him doing that well in the pôles. His family and friends is going to vote for him but that is as far as it is going to go.

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  18. Well dude says:

    I see it as a little karma pinching. The same thing you did by switching now the people is switching on you. Don’t feel good huh.

  19. Dude !!!! says:

    Are you trying to blackmale people or what.

  20. Who vex dead says:


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  21. Reality says:

    Trouble is whilst he hasn’t performed and has disappointed us big time who gonna replace him?

    Like 3
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  22. Are u listening? says:

    why would you turn your back on me now?”
    why would you do anything else other than stick with Mitch?”
    I was there because the people saw me there, ask the people,” Wow!

    All about “me” and “mitch.” What’s the plan going forward boss? What should we be looking forward to? Remember, it was you who turned your back on your own party as opposed to facing the circumstances and fighting for change or reform within the ranks. We also recall the controversy with Mr. Fahie and your alleged aim for a high position.

    No sense of stability, no sense of a willingness to struggle. No sense or plan of growth or anything about your constituents- ALL about the emptiness of “Me” and how I look.

    Like 8
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  23. Don't like this says:

    People that I was talking with, said that it felt like a insult and he was saying they were ungrateful. Like I did all of this for you and you are not STICKING with me.

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  24. @mitch says:

    The chickens coming home to roost. You finally understanding that the people don’t want ndp2. So they plan to throw out the baby with the bath water. You will learn about people power

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  25. Mr.Turnbull says:

    I was always taught that if you do something for someone or give something from the heart, you never speak on it. Do you really know how it sound to hear you saying I did this and that for the people and they are not sticking with you. As a résident of Myers, I feel insulted. You make it seem like we are ungrateful. People are intitled to vote for whomever they please. A true politian would never say something like that. That makes me see that you are not ready to hold anytype of political position. You need to bow out get some more experience,mature and start over in 8 years.

  26. No Trust says:

    No one trust you are just in it for self gain and power.

    Like 9
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  27. Well says:

    It’s sad this young man that stood up agaist corruption, worked for his entire district in the last 3 1/2 years, is being treated this way. People he is a good man and needs to be re-elected.

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  28. Hmmm says:

    It was you that switch yourself:)

  29. rastarite says:

    Just look at CGB and then tell me you did a good job!! Even the dinghy dock worse than walking the plank. VERY DANGEROUS

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