BVI News

UK Report proposes for BVI to remove ‘discriminatory’ Belonger status, accept same-sex marriage

A section of the main island of Tortola. (Photo by Davion Smith/BVI News)

A UK report released this month is pushing for the BVI to remove elements its ‘belongership’ status, impose same-sex marriages, and impose what are known as public registers of company beneficial ownership before 2023.

These changes have been recommended not only for the BVI but for all the UK Overseas Territories (OTs).

In relation to having elements of the ‘belongership’ status removed, the UK said they do not like what the status represents because it denies UK citizens who are permanent residents in the OTs the right to vote and to hold elected office in these territories.

“Belongership and its equivalents are wrong,” said the report’s authors — the UK’s House of Commons and its Foreign Affairs Committee.

The report argued that Belongership status “elevates one group of British people over another and risks undermining the ties that bind the UK and the OTs together”.

“The UK government should initiate a consultation with the elected governments of the OTs and work with them to agree on a plan to ensure that there is a pathway for all resident UK and British Overseas Territory citizens to be able to vote and hold elected office in the territory,” the report argued, adding that a timeline should be set for the phasing out of Belongership status which the report described as ‘discriminatory’.

It continued: “While we recognise that the OTs are small communities with unique cultural identities, we do not accept that there is any justification to deny legally-resident British Overseas Territory and UK citizens the right to vote and to hold elected office.”

Time for BVI to implement same-sex marriages

On the heels of Bishop John Cline voicing his fears that the UK might impose their same-sex marriage beliefs and policies on the BVI, the report has confirmed those concerns.

The report made it clear that “it is time for all OTs to legalise same-sex marriage”.

“The [UK] government should set a date by which it expects all OTs to have legalised same-sex marriage. If that deadline is not met, the Government should intervene through legislation or an Order in Council,” the report said.

It further said that, as it relates to Overseas Territories, the UK government must to do more than support same-sex marriage ‘in principle’.

“It (the UK government) must be prepared to step in, as it did in 2001 when an Order in Council decriminalised homosexuality in OTs that had refused to do so.”

Effectively, an Order in Council is a forceful command made in the name of Her Majesty the Queen. Failure to comply with that command can result in the UK exerting diplomatic pressure on the BVI.

2023 public registers deadline unacceptable

An even sooner Order in Council is being encouraged as it relates pressuring the BVI and other OTs to impose public registers of beneficial ownership.

UK minister responsible for OTs recently indicated that Britain’s government was minded to give OTs up till 2023 to impose the locally-dreaded registers. But the UK Foreign Affairs Committee — the authors of the UK report — said they are displeased with this extended 2023 deadline. The deadline was previously set for 2020.

The report said: “We profoundly regret, however, that public registers may not be published before 2023. It is simply not acceptable that this will be long after the deadline set out in the Act. The Foreign Secretary, in co-operation with the elected governments of the OTs, should lay out before the summer recess a clear and detailed timetable for the publication of registers of beneficial ownership in each OT.”


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  1. The General says:

    Explosive stuff.

    Especially now.

    What next.

    Like 31
    • Anonymous says:

      It’s about time. Why does a UK citizen need a passport to enter the Territory? Does a US citizen need a passport to enter the USVI’s….NO!! These racist ways need to stop and the country will flourish. End the corruption, nepotism and the racism of the Belongers.

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      • @anonymous says:

        well its time that botc passport holders be treated the same when they come to the uk. as of now they are not permitted to stay past 6 months and everyone needs a passport to present to uk immigration authorities except eu nationals, but thats about change.

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      • to Annoymous says:

        Laws pertaining to passport and citizenship comes from the UK government not the BVI.

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      • VILander says:

        Racist?? Do you understand that word?

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        • BVI! says:

          Yes I do. Hope you understand it as well.

          Belonger status is coming close to apartheid. I’m just guessing that you always called this racism, right?

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          • Red herring says:

            The same sex marriage part is just a distraction. The real prize is getting rid of belonger status.

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          • @BVI! says:

            No, Europeans buying up large areas in the BVI where only they choose to own and where they choose not to have African BVIslanders as neighbours, this is Apartheid. Adding textbook size covenants and raising the value of their property to millions so that locals can not afford to purchase the land themselves, this is Apartheid…and don’t let me get started on the segregated school system they manage.

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          • @BVI! says:

            You do realise that the US calls non US Citizens aliens right? Resident alien or non resident alien. When it comes to the BVI we must be a free for all but when some of you go the US legally and and few who stay illegally you are like a lamb.

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          • @BVI! says:

            You have a poor understanding of what apartheid was. A group of people went into a country were people already lived for thousands of years and told them they were not allowed in certain places and that they were sub-human based on the dark colour of their skin. How is belonger status close to apartheid? Are you for real?

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          • AtBVI says:

            @BVI – I I’ve in an area with covenants as long was my arm. It’s an area that many of the residents are white expats, but not all. Some white, some black, some halfway in between. I chose to buy land there because the price was right – cheaper than many uncovenanted plots I found.
            When I looked through the covenants I didn’t see anything referencing race. I never heard of anyone being refused land there because of their race, either. There is no gate to this area, so anyone can come and go just like anyone can buy land here if they want – from the same black BVIslander that sold the land to me and my mixed group of neighbours.
            My children go to a private school. That’s because it offers a good, education with small class sizes and a good mix of people. If I sent them to BVI High School, my children would be battling from the start because they would be some of only a few white children there. All my white friends who went there had to fight and become people they didn’t want to in order to survive. Let’s just say other local people never accepted them, and worse.
            Right now, my children are in classes with few or no other white children but they don’t have to watch their back every move they make – they all get along just fine and we are all happy with it.
            So I deeply resent your simplistic words about me, a white person, making these choices because I am racist and want to set up apartheid here. It is just not true.
            You might not care if it is true because you want to paint me and others with the same small variation in melanin as bad people. That is a very negative and divisive way of seeing your fellow human beings. Remember – we are all human first, so humanity is our first obligation. Please stop trying to make race conflict. Look again at the reality, don’t project what you wish reality to be in order to support your racialised world view.

      • Independence coming! says:

        You all just want to try to take over our small countries because you believe you are entitled because your skin color is light. We will not be systematically enslaved again! Our government is off limit, or lands are off limit, our Christian values are off limit. We will become independent nations first! Go tell that to the devils that rules your minds!

        Like 20
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        • They own it says:

          Do not be stupid. They do not need to take over, they own it. Its theirs. Look up the word OWN. You belong to the queen.

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          • @they own it says:

            They don’t own a crap. This is our country, the UK trying to occupy it, but we will seriously just become an independent nation than allow the UK to try to take and control what WE have built for ourselves. The UK can hardly be civil to people from other races that have lived there all their lives we will not be fooled by their nonsense. Like nations, big and small that ran from the UK and their unfair and racist colonial ways I believe soon the BVI will need to flee for our own preservation.

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          • @They own it says:

            …and you should look up the history of land ownership in the BVI, and then look up the definition of crown land. After slavery ended we BVIslanders bought ever peace of land we own. The queen did not give the land to us. She should have, after she enslaved and abused our people for so long. Noooo retribution by the crown was given to our people. However, the plantation owners were well compensated for their evil deeds on humanity. Do you truly believe that we are going to turn around and dishonor your ancestors by allowing our birthright to shift back to you all. Thank good and think hard! Absolutely not! Independence First!

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          • @They own it says:


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        • Bizzy Bee says:

          So wrong… Look out at the world around you… The world is taking over, and the BVI is but a microscopic element within that world. BVIslanders need to figure out how to make money out of this fact, not hide like a turtle from it. And the Christian values thing… That mythology ain’t doing anything for anybody in the territory except making them buy new clothes for Sundays. It’s this BS that makes some few BVIslanders rich off the labours of the many.

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          • @Bizzy Bee says:

            ….36And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? 37Is anything worth more than your soul? 38If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” Mark 8:36-37 NLT Bible

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        • ghutty says:

          sometimes i wonder where alyo head is. this place belong to the queen and if she says that what she wants then it will be so. remember aything can happen. by the snap of your finger, the queen can claim whats her amd there is nothing tortola can do. shame on alyo. this ia the queens land

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          • Future says:

            “The Queen” owns nothing. This place belongs to the Earth and the Most High. Get your facts straight. The queen of Britain herself belongs to the Earth and the Most High. She is above noone.

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        • Rubber Duck says:

          And how corrupt would the politicians be in an “ independent “ BVI.

          There would be million dollar walls round every tree.

          And the rest would be slaves to poverty.

          • Future says:

            There is corruption in everyone. How does the present situation with a future European Politician differ?

            I would rather have a leader of my own color that one that is arrogant and thinks I am a savage because of my skin color. You need to think like you have some sense.

      • @Anonymous says:

        Based on your logic then BVIslanders should be able to enter the UK without showing a passport too. Just be fair.

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      • Guy Hill says:

        Yes they do or any other document evidencing US citizenship.You don’t just show up and waltz into the US. Citizen or not.

      • Correction says:

        Don’t you realize that it is the UK’s own laws that require UK passport holders to present a passport to BVI authorities? BVI is NOT considered part of the UK that’s why. If there is any discrimination, therefore, it’s has come from the UK side.

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      • Joseph Philbert says:

        In the USVI we actually do need to show our US passport…

        • No Passport USVI says:

          When traveling to the USVI from the states, no passport is needed. Just a valid US ID card. A few years ago, USVI licenses were not accepted by TSA until the USVI met the requirements (I don’t know if the USVI corrected this); Because of that, a passport has to be used; in addition to the case of minor children.

      • Rubber Duck says:

        It’s not about passports. Everyone shows passports at immigration everywhere. It’s about two classes of British citizen, with one lording it over the other.

        It was never going to last.

        • Ha says:

          And you can’t wait until if falls in you all favour. Your race of people spend years putting black against blacks starting from slavery because you all fear when blacks unite what would happen. Word of advice wait and see. You all will not be taking these islands without a fight I promise you that.

          You all are racist . Wait until a nation build themself and want to come and claim right.

          Before the storms 95 percent of UK did not even know the BVI exisit now they want belonger status and rights to vote. PLEASE

      • Future says:

        Are you serious? This is a different country. “Great Britain” wants to gain a stronger hold on the Overseas Territories because of Brexit. This is not racist at all. Britain wants to claim that the Territories is also Britain but want to treat its citizens like second class citizens. If it went both ways then i can understand but it is a one sided agenda just because Britain thinks it can. Taking away the little that we have. Then the BVI will become over populated and the locals will be treated horribly. Next we will be the new Cayman.
        For a country that is so Christian, yet wants to force same sex marriages. That is against our culture, why try to force the world to be like you. Diversity is beautiful. Every other country that Britain went into the locals have been left to the dogs. South Africa, Austrailia, Cayman to name all would be a post in itself. Cant stand the arrogant mindset. Dem too Bandmind.

        • Rubber Duck says:

          The OTs don’t amount to a quarter of Grimsby and are largely irrelevant to the U.K. But British Citizens being denied basic rights like being able to work or properly own land in a British Island is unacceptable. And it will change. And if you don’t want that, go independent. No one in the U.K. would care.

          But there will not be an invasion of settlers. A few will come no doubt bringing investment and greater prosperity for all. But there will be no mass invasion any more than there has been in the Med Islands like Malta, Cyprus, Corsica etc where U.K. citizens already have full settlement and work rights.

          No intelligent person cares about your superstitious religious non sense, your imaginary Sky pixie, or who marries who.

          • Well sah says:

            Rubber duck you need to go back to where you come from. You might not respect our beliefs but they are ours. Until then UK out. You all are reaping what our ancestors work so hard to build .

      • K says:

        It’s not racist, it has nothing to do with race.

    • Thanks says:

      Thanks to the green team n the blue team n the beard man n the doctor in 7th dist for fighting against the ndp premeir n discrimination against myron simple because he won fair n square they mash up not one but 2 parties myron did not put himself their he won. i love this guy he will be one the best premier tola ever see with their chit and he has the energy he wont get tired like the other 3

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    • Warren Buffett says:

      Let’s calm down.
      Let’s invite some great companies here to create some great jobs here.
      Look up. The reality is that our government jobs are not secure and many aren’t transferable to jobs in the private sector.
      Look up. The Economist already called out the NDP and said they were mismanaging our money. We don’t need to allow them to continue.
      Look up. The world is gonna laugh at us if we don’t reject the Walwyns and Vanterpool,s next week in the pools. They have neglected our country and voted for the $7.2milluon airline investment with out even checking references. Vanterpool has to go… I got swear stuff flowing through the street for which he is responsible for… along with the fire out of control at the dump. Please me Vaterpool resign. You can’t list a single accomllishmebt in the last 8 years in office. Your family done ruined it again.

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  2. ? says:

    Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin

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  3. Yes, NO, NO says:

    I agree with the belonger status thing…BVI is not an independent country and hence there shouldn’t be 2 types of citizenship – one conferred by the BVI and one by the Mother Country…it should be one.
    NO to SAME-SEX UNIONS- that will bring more judgement on us.
    NO to public registers – it’s not working in the UK – what we have is working…don’t fix it if ain’t broke…and IT’S NOT BROKE…tell Delaware that…some people just jealous!

    Like 29
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    • Think People! says:

      Do you realize why they want the belongership removed? It’s so that someone from the UK could be able to come and run to be elected as a politician here in the BVI as well as so UK citizens could be able to vote for him/her in the BVI as well.

      Think about that in 2016 the uk had a population of 65.64 million. Now I don’t know how much of that population are actually UK citizens. But for argument sake lets say 10% of that population are UK citizens, that’s 6.5 million possible voters that can vote.

      If someone from the UK and his/her party was able to come here and run for office then all they would need to do is convince half a percent (0.005 %) of those voters to register and vote for them and their party and then there is a strong possibility with other little tweaks here and there that UK citizen and their party could take control of the Government of the BVI.

      Like 32
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      • !! says:

        Same thing I said when I read it. You and I are on the same page. That is my sentiments exactly. Nothing more, nothing less. They are coming and they are making ways for it to happen in the most stealth ways. Be careful, I presume more is to come.

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      • Read please says:

        The article says UK citizen residing in the BVI.

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        • @Read please says:

          … and after the changes are made how many UK citizens will move to the BVI? Do you believe that the labour laws and land ownership laws will not accommodate the new population of UK citizens as well? Do you believe that land tax will remain the same too? No, if the taxes increases the Locals would have to sell their birthright. Because as they have stated ‘ it would be unfair to UK citizens‘ if these things does not happen. Then there will be laws to stop Christian prayers in government and schools because it’s unfair to the UK citizens who are not Christians. Is it unfair to enforce homosexual laws on a small predominately Christian nation? Systematic control, systematic enslavery! I saw independence first!!!

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      • Citizen says:

        Because there are too much corruption

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        • Really? says:

          So you are saying that persons from the UK are not corrupt or there’s no corruption in the UK? I don’t condone corruption, any corrupt person should be locked up.

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          • Webster says:

            Read the report! What they are saying is that they discovered that “BVI” is a term used by Russian mobsters and autocratic rulers to refer to offshore accounts that the bad guys can smuggle money to.

            We need leaders with better diplomatic skills and that are respected internationally.

            The report quotes this: “Deputy Premier
            of BVI, Kedrick Pickering, is reported to have told an audience at a public rally in the BVI capital, Road Town, that “we have declared open war against the UK”. According to local media reports, he “then told members of the BVI public to prepare for battle and stay tuned for various strategies.””

      • CW says:

        somebody needs to take over the government of BVI. You all fail at trying to take care of yourselves. Haters

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      • Rubber Duck says:

        Are you real. Just about 100% of the UK population are citizens. But they couldn’t vote in BVI elections. Only U.K. citizens resident in the BVI could vote. Permanent U.K. residents in BVI is currently fewer than 1000. I doubt it would rise much , maybe another 500-1000.

        There is the opportunity for a “ third leg “ to the economy. Well off Brits retiring here. Even that would not be that many. It’s a long way from their grandkids.

        • Really says:

          All you have to do is make it law and see how they here just like they did when they were running from being prosecuted. They went to America and what did they do to the indeginous people living there. You want to vote go back home.

    • CW says:

      Same sex marriage is just marriage. Get over yourself. You will be judged MORE AS A BIGOT for denying the right for people to love who they want.

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      • @cw says:

        Then Jesus is a bigot? God do not change his standards for man. Man will bow to God in repentance!

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      • @CW -#2 says:

        Then I rather be a bigot obeying God’s law and spend eternity with life and peace with God that eternal separation and damnation. And your and their popular argument is fallacious! Nobody stop them from loving who they want…it’s their FREE WILL to love who they want…even God Himself will not stop them. Nobody have their heart either. What we say is that the marriage union was never instituted for same sex unions by the the Owner and Creator. He said man and woman. The Creator did not design us to have same sex attract…it breaks even the laws of physics. If they have a problem with that take it up with the Creator. They kick against that….but they CANNOT procreate with each other…that’s not an exception ….it’s the rule…who can the fight against and claim its homophobic that they can’t procreate with each other. Now dont get me wrong…God loves each person…no matter their sin…the same…He loves the sinner but its the sin. Homosexuality is a sin…it is not a greater sin like we Christians have wrongly propogated…it’s a sin just like adultery and fornication and alcoholism and lying and theft and murder. I stand against it because it is falsehood…and out of love for my brothers and sister. I sympathise with them greatly because many of them dont want to be that way. I empathise with them because I genuinely believe that it’s not their fault…homosexuality is a spiritual dysfunction that comes through so many gateways…illicit sex, sexual molestation, occult practices and generational sin. I must speak against it like any other sin because it is spiritual.suicide for my brothers and sisters who are going down that path and just as I would stand and try to talk anyone out of committing physical suicide because that too is a sin that leads to eternal damnation…I also stand in LOVE to say brothers and sisters same sex is not God’s Way…we Christians will not reach our homosexual brothers and sisters if all we do is stand and point fingers…we often dont speak the truth in love…we speak it in condemnation forgetting too that we are also guilty of sin.

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        • CW says:

          And that type of thinking shows why the BVI os failing at even the most basic of things like rebuilding after a storm. You really think a 2000 year old book you only follow PARTS OF will save you? Do you eat seafood? Bible says you are going to hell for that shrimp and lobster! But you like shrimp and lobster so you ignore what that same 2000 year old book says. Who makes you the one to decide which parts to obey? Oh right. You’re just a BIGOT CHERRY PICKING YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. THATS NOT HOW BELIEF WORKS. SO YOU’RE A LIAR AND A BIGOT NOW.

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          • @cw says:

            You downplay this 2000 year old book, yet quote from it to try to justify your thought patterns and you still cannot logically or spiritually make a good argument for your cause. But at least you read a few verses from this 2000 year old so called illogical reference guide in your attempts. Hopefully, the next time you pick it us Jesus will change your views and change your life. He does that ‘you know’.

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          • @@cw says:

            You people so wrong. What about we bring back stoning for adulterers? I know there’s a verse about that in the old book. And slavery? That’s required in certain parts of th bible.
            Again: same sex marraiage is NOT a religious thing.
            It is a civil thing. It just means two people of the same sex who want to become LEGALLY connected can do. So one can inherit the other’s possessions if they die, take power Of attorney, visit the other in hospital, etc.
            No churches, no God, no asking the congregation to join in vile gay sex orgies. Nothing that should bother decent, tolerant Christians – unless they are small minded and hateful bigots.

  4. Good says:

    When Mark Vanterpool and Myron spoke about taking a closer look at our relationship with the UK you set of brainwashed, blind people bashed them. Let them come take over now, I hope you all are happy! We will all be happy dishwashers and bartenders in Natures Little Secrets in 10 years.

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    • 7 says:

      i wonder what the honorable dr. mr.skelton cline captain maam sir thinks

    • @Good says:

      Mark and Myron know why they talk that…because of their own actions…they of all people should know why UK putting a microscope and their attention on us…if you didn’t want us to be dishwashers and bartenders maybe we should have elected better leaders who were out for the people and not for themselves and their cronies…maybe NDP and VIP should have managed this country better since Lavity died…maybe the same BVISLANDER/BELONGER LEADERS should not have been selling out the country to the white “friends”

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      • Yea right says:

        They had this information sitting on and knew it was coming and did nothing. They were dealing with the UK for years and wait during an election time to tell the people UK is coming. These are the ones you really want to be our leaders.

        Not to mention they were the ones help to contribute to this destarter.

        We need to stop lamenting. We have a new government let’s work with them to get out of this mess

  5. ??? says:

    Belongers do have the right to vote though.

    And a “belonger”, who was born in the territory has the right to hold public office.

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    • !! says:

      Very true but that’s not their angle, their angle to have the U.K. Citizen eligible to vote and hold office, they throw in the belongership for Balance.

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      • Rubber Duck says:

        It is a British Island. It is outrageous that U.K. citizens are treated like third class serfs here while BVIslanders have full rights as British citizens.

        British citizens should enjoy equal rights everywhere.

        You don’t want that , go independent. Go broke.

        • Really says:

          Good then you know how black people feel for 400 years

        • Are you for real says:

          You people come here live in your segregated communities and you want the rights to vote for people you do interact with and certainly do not know. And don’t have any respect for their culture. Am I missing something here. Are you the spoke person for the UK? What is your real agenda.

          Will the UK extend the same courtesy to us.

          In reading most of your blogs you come across
          To be very insulting , rude and disrespectful. If you don’t like it here no one is holding you here.

  6. sam says:

    love it

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  7. Son of VI soil says:

    Why the UK don’t go implement these same foolishness on Turks and Caicos islands. They want to push this down the BVI throat and allow other’s to operate without recourse. Just another symbolic colonial rule gesture to the crown.

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    • Enki says:

      All OT’s.

      Like 34
    • Ummm says:

      They said all Overseas Territories – learn to read!

      Like 30
    • Lardy says:

      @Son of the soil. Can you read well? It is not only for the BVI it is for all her OTs.

      Like 18
    • @Son of VI soil says:

      May the good lord have mercy on you. You are way to deep in the sauce to find yor way out.

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    • @son of soil says:

      You have to start learnig how to read and undetstand what you are reading. If you don’t know what OT’s mean, walk into your local police station and ask what OT’s mean.

    • @everyone who responded to son of VI soil says:

      Can you all just correct someone without putting them down? Saying they can’t read and so? All you had to do was tell the person it’s all OTs if there was a misunderstanding when they read the article. Always want to correct people in the harshest way possible. If we are one people then that’s what we should be, have each other back. It’s possible.

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      • The thing is..... says:

        Son of the Soil is not willing to undetstand anything. He is one of those people who is not willing to accept change.

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        • @The thing is says:

          We shouldn’t assume we know anyone’s intentions. I’m guessing you know who Son of the Soil is to know what he’s thinking. You can’t say he’s not willing to accept change based on his comment, however change is hard for some people. If you’re great at change then maybe you should help Son of the Soil handle change better. We need to stop with the judging of others because “that’s not what I would do” mentality some have and just be there for others.

  8. Aha says:

    I knew it was going to happen but when.

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  9. Reply says:

    Well..the U.K.’s position on these matters was just a matter of time. No surprise here.

    It was clear to me for some time now that this belongership status issue was problematic for the reasons cited in that report. In my view, it was and is discriminatory in many respects.

    Also, it was clear to me after the U.K. legalized same sex marriage, the BVI and other OT had no choice other than to allow same-sex marriages, because to do otherwise would be discriminatory and run afoul of the courts.

    I thought all that was needed was a same sex couple making a legal challenge, and the likelihood of success would be very high.

    I have noticed many contesting the upcoming election have hid behind the notion that the people should decide on this matter via a referendum.

    It’s their easy way out, or some may say cowardice, so as not to be seen as supporting same sex marriage. IMO, no no politician in the BVI even if they were gay themselves will openly advocate same sex marriage primarily for political survival.

    The problem with a referendum even if one was done is that the outcome would be a foregone conclusion against it given that the religious folks mobilization against, and those who may not understand why same sex individuals wish to marry.

    A referendum determined by a majority cannot overcome the fact that those who wish to engage in same sex marriages will continue to be discriminated against by not being allowed to marry as is legal in the mother country.

    On a side note, the current law not recognizing same sex marriages is problematic for those British same sex married couples who may one day come to live in the BVI and not have their marriages recognized.

    The government has a right/should have an interest in protecting any minority, as all citizens are guaranteed equal protection under the law as outlined in the constitution.

    With respect to beneficial ownership registration, likewise, the U.K.’s position was inevitable. The BVI is a dot on the global financial map and a very small player in the larger scheme of things, and is no match for the G7.

    The Smith government tried their best to slow things down by resisting first introducing those registrars, and insisting the industry is transparent as is, then arguing that once there was a global standard of reporting they would comply, and then trying to prolong the inevitable by suggesting a date in the distant future to comply.

    Apparently the U.K. is not having none of it on all three fronts.

    For those of you now say we should go independent, do note that a large percentage of the population is against going independent for multiple reasons, and even if this country was independent, we cannot be independent of the rest of the world.

    Next up, decriminalization of marijuana. As the laws around the world evolve and change, so too we will have to change.

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    • Comment says:

      Back a person in the corner and see what happens? Independence will come my dear! This is basic human nature.

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      • Reply says:

        “even if this country was independent, we cannot be independent of the rest of the world.”

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        • @Reply says:

          Have we ever been? The UK have given us little to no support throughout the years. We had to fend for ourselves on the worldwide market. We might as well say we have been sanctioned by the UK for years. Only God helped us.

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          • Rubber Duck says:

            Who created the finance industry?

            Who created the charter boat industry?

            Who built the resort hotels?

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  10. E. Leonard says:

    The small territory of VI, along with 13 other territories, is an Overseas Territory (OT) of the UK and are UK citizens of the UK under the 2002 British Nationality (BNA). This salvo across the bow of the VI and other OTs was warning to comply with directives or get stepping, since the OTs have the right to self-determination, including independence. If they decide to comply, they will have to adopt same sex marriage, adjust belongership, fast track financial services economic substance initiative……….etc. This is another challenge to be added to the long list of challenges for the VI. What are the VI options?

    As I see it, The VI has at least 3 options, ie, adopting the UK directives as drafted, negotiating changes to the draft directives or decide to go it alone. Political independence is not a viable option at this juncture; it is not ready to join many of its regional sister and former Anglophone countries into independence. Thus, the most probable option seems to be negotiating with the UK on these directives. If the VI remains under the UK umbrella, the directives will be imposed as the rescinding of capital punishment was imposed on the VI. Why the focus on VI?

    It is an urban legend that the VI was left as being only good as a bird sanctuary. Well, the VI climb out of that hole and emerged having one of the highest standard of living, quality of life and per capita income in the Carribean region. Further, a network of UK citizens are finding lucrative employment in the VI and other OTs and are probably exerting pressure on UK representatives to pursue changes in the OTs. Look as if the UK is seeking reciprocity, since many BOTC/UK citizens are migrating to the UK. Moreover, this issue is urgent so on Day 1 of the new government this issue must be on the front burner. A cross functional team should be assembled to head to UK soonest for discussion on these proposed issues.

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    • Reply says:

      @ E. Leonard
      “A cross functional team should be assembled to head to UK soonest for discussion on these proposed issues.”
      Could you please expand upon your response on how such potential discussions could overcome the discriminatory issues that are being highlighted in this report, and what would be the specific objectives for all three areas of concern highlighted?

      From my view, whether it’s the belonger status issue, gay marriage, or the beneficial ownership registry, I cannot see such discussions with the U.K. overcoming these hurdles at the end of the day.

      While I am not against discussions, I do think our options are pretty limited here, and compliance on these issues is the more likely option in all 3 areas.

      Please share your thoughts on this. You may be seeing something I am not at the moment.

      In short, what specific objectives do you believe such a meeting can achieve in all 3 areas of concern short of compliance?

      Thanks in advance.

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      • E. Leonard says:

        @Reply, since I don’t know who I’m responding to, as a practice, I wouldn’t respond. However, given the gravity and urgency of this issue, I hesitantly makes an exception and respond.

        Nonetheless, the House of Commons and PFAC is floating some proposals, ie, belonger status, same sex marriage, beneficial ownership… …etc that perhaps many VI residents may have a different view on. Undoubtedly, these proposals impinge on the culture, customs, norms, courtesies, religious preference……..etc, of the VI people, along with affecting 1/2 of the economic twin pillars——-financial services. Consequently, many VI residents should expect government to have urgent discussion(s) with the UK.

        The VI people and government should not just roll over and accept the proposal without any discussions. It would be governing malpractice if government didn’t pursue discussions with the UK. Several parties leaders have already expressed concerns about the proposals. Anticipate that after the election dust has settled and a new government is sworn in a delegation will be on its way to London.

    • Sooo says:

      God has no moves of his own? Well watch Him work!
      I saw it in my dreams five years ago.
      The nation’s of the world fell. The dogs dying from hunger (those outside the kingdom of God). The world inflamed!

  11. Prophet says:

    Andrew Fahie & Douglas Wheatley both warned of this. We would not police nor modernize our own selves so they will do it for us. In the rush rush to take the loans guarantees and etc…this is part of the NDP legacy. It won’t be the worst thing to happen however as their expectation was that we should have already done these basic things. Don’t weep over it b/c these are the uncomfortable changes that come with progress. Accepting these new global standards will unlock other benefits for us in the long run.

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    • Try read says:

      Lol y’all people are so amusing to me. NDP led governments in other OT’s as well? Can they be blamed for consideration to implement this in Cayman Islands. Wake up and rid yourself of your party politics sleeping mask!!

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    • Read the report says:

      This has nothing to do with the loans ALL overseas territories will have to adhere to these changes. So its not just us. The question to be answered now is who can we put in office to tackle this problem. Who can we trust to articulate our standing and lead the charge.

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    • Born Here says:

      F**king idiot. Do you read or you can’t see past anything not green?

    • @Prophet says:

      You are surely not a prophet of Jesus Christ? (Excepting these one world order mandates would unlock other benefits?) It is the end times for sure… if you were truly prophetical you would repent. I was brought on this earth, created by Jesus to fight against systematic evils. Christians it’s time to wake up and fight for our Lord! Choose God or money!

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  12. Bivexual says:

    M—- would love this. wooohooo

  13. National says:

    Romans 1:27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

    God command: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

    Satan always have a counterfeit to what God has said. God created male and female. Satan say, no! man and man/woman and woman

    God said remember the 7th day. Satan said the 1st day is fine.

    God said when you die you remain in the grave until the trumpet is sound and the dead in Christ raised first, satan fool the world that even the most notorious criminals who died up there in heaven looking down on us. Have mercy Lord!

    And guess what? if we don’t implement same sex marriage here in the BVI UK will impose all kind of sanctions and high tax penalties on us just like what Trump is doing in the USA..

    What’s next is the National Sunday Law! stay tuned and stay close to God.

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    • Ha says:

      I like it.

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    • Huh? says:

      Just like what Trump is doing? What you talking about? Sound like Jussie!

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    • What!!’ says:

      “National” can you please stop picking out parts from your fairy tale for adults story book that you want. If you belive what is written in the bible then it is wrtten that it is alright to own slaves as long as they are from a country next to you , you may sell your daughter into slavery, you must not plant two different crops in the same field, you must not wear clothes made of two different materials. Just a few examples of what is in the bible that is ignored because it does not fit in with what you think. Please if you love to quote the scriptures lets hear all.

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      • @What!! says:

        So it is a fairytale because you label it as such. ‘Yet you use that very same ‘so called fairytale book’ as reference material to argue your point’?? That is the problem, you think you are God and that you make the rules of mankind, you think you have all the wisdom? So because your Creator has stated that you are wrong you marginalize Him into a fairytale. You have a God complex. You make all the rules that fit your desires, your beliefs. —-Someone else thought the same as you too. The father of lies, the deceiver of the world. The hater of all who loves Jesus.

        • What!!! says:

          Not just my opinion Albert Einstien, quite a smart guy ,”acollection of primitave legends, pretty childish”

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          • @What!!! says:

            And who is Albert Einstein God?? I am sure He has met his maker by now and found the truth. Something you too will discover one day ‘dead or alive’.

    • National says:

      Stop sleeping with your 6 fingered cousin…quoting the Bible but at same time b*****g your neighbor

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  14. NO!!! says:

    This is a blantant attempt to take our land. They want our stuff so bad and try to foreigners rule us. We must resist this modern-day attempt to colonize us again. This is the legacy of the NDP government. Interesting the UK doesn’t want to give status to the Winndrush generation and want to leave the EU due to immigration laws but wants to tell us who can Belong. #hippocracy #1949 March

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  15. Hmm says:

    Backra massa

  16. Hmmm says:

    How we CONVENIENTLY love to quote the Bible. What does the Bible say is the difference between same sex marriages and adulterous marriages? FACT/TRUTH – No differences. The results of both are the same. Read carefully the scriptures again. So so so much hypocrisy and lies.

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    • @Hmmm says:

      I agree with you. Unmarried homosexuals and unmarried adulterers and married homosexuals and married adulterers equate to unrighteousness. So what really is the problem here? Who are the adulterers to be calling down homosexuals?

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    • Comment says:

      Sin is sin, both wrong and evil in God’s eyes. Nothing to pick and choose. God says it is all evil. Repent and turn to God. He loves you more than anyone else on earth.

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  17. Really? says:

    And how long it will take to get citizenship, belongesrship, residency or whatever?? Lots of people here over years and no rights at all. I believe in any other country after less than 10 years you have all the rights!! Here all they did was bump the work-permit fees up. Way over 100%!!!

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  18. We going says:

    Independent… now this is something to fight for.

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    • Take that says:

      Take that mother queen speaks tola people that love to say island people stop that the quer hates that hope you all are reading no discrimination n change the laws let island people who live here at least 25 yrs vote u taking our taxes n still cant vote. Vip will hate that cause they do not like island people also the blue team either esp the leader
      C what he did when he loose ge form his own party ha ha ha uncle myron we ready

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      • @Take that says:

        Let’s just be real! What is your true motives for backing UK foreign control because you yourself want to control our country as well?

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  19. Please read... says:

    There are still parts within the UK where they still have a ban on same-sex marriages. Hmmm.

  20. Chill says:

    Scratching my head….now from a logical standpoint with all that’s going on in the world. U.K brexit, climate change, and a long list of other major factor affecting our environment and the world. Why is this same sex marriage thing on this agenda at a crucial time like this? Is it that important for this stuff to be shoved down our throat right now? I have a problem with this, it’s like the UK saying who’s your daddy and you can’t do a thing about it, forcing us to accept any BS they throw at us. Why don’t they let nature continue to do what it was designed to do. The same-sex thing is not part of the natural order of things it’s disruption. Anyhow we have bigger and more serious issues than this come on U.K Back off stop pressing us so hard, or we will press back and some point. Stop the bullying…..

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  21. Marley says:

    The BRITISH are coming!

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  22. Eagle eye says:

    These white people seems to want to inslave us again.Remember their DNA is different from black people own that’s why they eat half cook foods.they love blood.anytime same sex is implemented here then i dont expect police to lock up ganja smokers,else its WAR.

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    • Joke! says:

      Really? Little racist are you? Seriously, WTF!

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      • @Joke! says:

        Not saying that I agree with the DNA statement but truly what is it about you’ll and the racist apartheid behavior all over the world? Is there something not right mentally there? You’ll seem to truly like animals though. Is it cultural? Why do most of you dislike the races? Hopefully you’ll will make it to other planets where you will truly be happy.

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    • Eagle eye says:

      You sound like a racist one eyed snake.. you happy with your corrupt cousins running your island into the ground?

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      • @Eagle eye says:

        We will take our chances with our cousin etc. over what history has shown us would happen if we go the other route. This is my country, it’s beautiful isn’t it? You want it don’t you? Why? Am I too brown colored to have such priceless real-estate? Independence is coming!

  23. fromafar says:

    i knew it was coming they are imposing their will on us , we will fight back,THEY WILL NOT CONTROL MY COUNTRY. MY PEOPLE YOU KNOW OUR NEXT MOVE .

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    • Gandalf says:

      Could you enlighten us please oh great leader?

    • Yes we do says:


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    • Ko says:

      Nice and well said what you said is very much true. We should not allow it to happen by any means. Many ppl talk about the bvi like they know anything about this land we have all we need rite hear we used to export food to near by island we can grow back our own food and produce like we used too. This is our home to give to our kids and so on. Uk never and will never have good intentions for us and our kids they teach our kids about a rapiest discoverd this land they made our government force the kids to learn English and mathematics but donot teach them how to farm in school this is why no one is farming beauces it’s not being though yet we are rich with land, water,sun and seeds . Ppl donot see that the UK have their eyes on our land which is all we have.

  24. vim says:

    good, now we will have some uk national running for office, how many times do i have to tell the bloke heads that the uk is who run things, they own you all, take that in all you backside, tell them they come from down islands now.

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  25. Hmm !! says:

    I am a bit baffled. We’ve been asking for the UK and Queen to come and take over. Even one of the candidate in this general election said that. Now they have heard our cry and come we are making a big huplah. Be careful how we treat others and be careful what we ask for. The British is here for good my people. Stay woke

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  26. Trent L Miller says:

    You as the Press leave out a critical point in the FAC Report which the media is ignoring or not giving enough coverage to (apparently not juicy/sensational or enough of a hot-button issue for some!!) which addresses the unequal treatment historically of our people.  Our people have a right to be fully informed.

    Page 3 (Summary) “the UK Government needs to ensure that those who should be able to claim British Overseas Territories citizenship can do so.” 

    Paragraph 4, Pages 58 “The issue of citizenship by descent stems from an anomaly in the British Nationality Act, which means that fathers with British Overseas Territories Citizenship cannot pass it on to children born outside the OTs between 1948 and 2006 if they were not married to the child’s mother at the time of birth.103 In May 2018, the Joint Committee on Human Rights described this anomaly as an unacceptable form of discrimination, while Montserrat’s representative, Janice Panton, said it “has caused a lot of anguish among some parents.” Lord Ahmad was not able to indicate when the matter would be resolved. He said that “discussions are ongoing across Government on this.”

    Paragraph 4, Point 60. “The Government should urgently address concerns in the OTs about the issue of citizenship by descent and anomalies in the British Nationality Act that have taken too long to resolve.

  27. NO TO SAME-SEX says:

    I will march against that…we stand by God’s law…not man…Archie Christian was right when he said that they should expressly say in the legislation that marriage was between a man and a woman…all the other scoffed at it…I know that was going to come back at us…look Bermuda made it legislatively clear that the people are not ready for same-sex….but we here in the BVI always being reactive rather than proactive….I really hope that NDP is voted out…for many reasons including this one since Archie’s motion never went anywhere and I don’t think it would go anywhere without people with visionary leadership

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    • Reply says:

      Regardless of which party runs the government, these issues will not go away. They are beyond party, and larger than any particular politician.

      So please don’t vote next week for or against a specific party thinking that this matter can be resolved or stopped by any particular party.

      If this country was an independent country, voting for a particular party which is against these issues would be more fruitful, but that’s not our reality.

      Sure, a specific party may fight it, but this will come down to a legal issue within the courts, and the larger input/footprint of the U.K. on these matters which has the ultimate authority over it’s OTs.

      Some of us fail to understand that we are an OT. The U’K’s appointed governor currently sitting in government house should remind us of our place in the larger scheme of things.

      Any politician or party promising you that they can fight these issues successfully by just saying no is not being honest with you, or dealing with reality.

      So stop blaming the NDP. If the VIP was in power is get into power, they will be facing the same reality.

    • True says:

      Very true. Great point.

  28. Dave Henry says:

    We need to hold one head as a country and fast and pray about it.lets pray against same sex marriage.

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  29. Political Intelligence says:

    I don’t think that the Belongership status is discriminatory. The rights and privileges of Belonger’s status and BOTC status are pretty much the same in the OT’s (give and take certain things per each territory).

    What needs to happen is the complete removal of the Belongership Status and keep everything else as it is. That is, People from the U.K. should not be able to just come and live here and vote just so. Their populations are so big compared to us. They can easily flood us out. Imagine if they can just come here and live and vote. The current local community (immigrants included) can eventually be the minority! They could buy off all the land, over crowd the islands and change the demographic. This has to be one of the reason why the then UK government decided to create separate forms of British Citizenship and giving the OT’s full immigration control of their space.

    Yes people with BOTC status can register themselves to be a U.K. citizen and not the other way around, but this is for a good reason.

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    • @Political Intelligence says:

      Now that this is clear, what can we as BVlander citizens do? I think it is time to seriously and collectively consider legislating for independence. The UK have forced us into a corner. They are attacking our freedom of religion, our children’s birthright and economy, and our rulership. ‘Do you see what overpopulation and land taxes have done to the USVI?’ I would rather be poor than give up my country, my children’s country!

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  30. CW says:


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    • @cw says:

      ? Is JESUS a bigot?

      • CW says:

        And that type of thinking shows why the BVI os failing at even the most basic of things like rebuilding after a storm. You really think a 2000 year old book you only follow PARTS OF will save you? Do you eat seafood? Bible says you are going to hell for that shrimp and lobster! But you like shrimp and lobster so you ignore what that same 2000 year old book says. Who makes you the one to decide which parts to obey? Oh right. You’re just a BIGOT CHERRY PICKING YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. THATS NOT HOW BELIEF WORKS. SO YOU’RE A LIAR AND A BIGOT NOW.

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      • Bob Marley says:

        Is Jesus real? Who brought religion to the people? The same people you want to fight against. Wake up people. Just be a good person and you will not need to read a very dated book to tell you how to behave. What is your pastor doing with your weekly donations. They all have nice cars!!
        If god created all he also created the gay people. They didn’t land here from a different planet.
        Problem is human nature. That’s the reason we have the Bible. Humans are greedy, selfish and ignorant by nature. The Bible was designed to help with that. Now it is old and dated. Unless we all move on and put all the BS aside nothing will ever get better. We are all Human beings living on planet earth. Time to stand up and be counted instead of hiding behind the Bible or any other religion. Politicians will not help the situation simply because they are also human and all humans have that look after number 1 thing going on. The Queen has been raping and stealing from her so called people for years but in all honesty there are much worst situations you very lucky BV ilsanders could find yourselves in. No one BVI belonger or not is really from here so this trying to take our land BS is simply that, BS. Everyone deserves to belong somewhere regardless of were they started in life. JUST BE NICE EVERYONE, we are all in it together!!

  31. Ausar says:

    Ah warn aryo NOT to take that 400 million loan. I knew there would be dire consequences. But this?


    Absolutely Abominable!

    That the UK government who decided to leave the European Union through the deal of Brexit, to prevent the further “browning” of the Kingdom, would now want the BVI to remove its’ Belongership status, thereby allowing for the guranteed “whitening” of the territory, says to me, that there is a master-slave relational formation about to take place.

    The Kingdoms’ plans of total inclusion has never quite worked for the African at large. And that is so evident in the social relational realities there.

    And should we as mindless loyal and patriotic citizens adhere to such decrees,it will bode ill will for our people and we should not allow it to come into fruition!

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  32. Nevergonnahappen says:

    No taxation without representation! Why is it fair for someone to live here for most of their life, pay tax, have children and have no voice about who governs them? This is just a report not UK government policy but a failure to give the vote to those who help build the country is just plain wrong.

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  33. Apartheid BVI says:

    Let’s be honest. This is a ruse. We all know how prejudiced these UK people are. this is a trojan horse. They fave f—-d themselves with Brexit. Now their racist eyes are on the OTs who have some semblance of society and community. It must never happen. We better off going independent.

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    • Racist says:

      Let’s not forget how hatefully r—–t they are too.

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    • Bugged out says:

      Uk people racist???? They have nothing on u lot..
      Racism and corruption is a way of life.
      When any white man says something u don’t like u play the racist card and throw in a few slavery comments for added value. What u need to acknowledge is that slavery is alive and kicking in Africa. The black man selling his black brother into slavery just like they have been for centuries. The white man stopped. He is not ur enemy.

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      • @Bugged out says:

        Why should we listen to anything European people in the BVI say? You can barely get a good morning from them on our streets. They engage in segregated practices all throughout our nation. Have you ever seen them participate in any events that we locals host? Do their children go to our schools? Do they wish to live next to us? Do they come to church with us? No, they would rather not go to church at all!

        They care nothing for Africans or any other race, ‘they tolerate the Asians because they find that they can be ruled by money’. Maybe a handful of them may have a humane heart for another race; but the majority are shameful as they mostly care more about their Pets and Properties.

        They have a superiority complex and feel that they are entitled to the world, as did their ancestors. Their legacy has remained the same throughout the centuries, as they continuely shame and disgrace the future generations of their people. They seek for riches throughout the world with cold hearts ‘as did their ancestors’ yet their children remain poor with generational curses on their lives… and why would their child be anything of greatness throughout history? Where are their Martin Luther King‘s, Noel Lloyds and Mohammad Gandhi’s? No, they are left with the ‘Christopher Columbuses and Bate Hills’ genocidel conquerors and selfish intellectual industrial minded con-artist as role models.

        Generation after generation their poor child continually suffer the shame and disgrace of their parents’ legacy of racism and Godless inhumanity in their heartless inclusive apartheid culture; and to justify their evils they label this all ‘self preservation’. What a truly enslaved bunch of individuals!

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        • Juan Being says:

          And we are racist!!!!
          Shame on you!! Spouting such racist BS. Was it not the white man that brought you religion!!! I’m not a white person I’m. A HUMAN BEING!!!

          I’m not proud or involved in what people did in the past but come on. Keep us divided why don’t you..

  34. Kermit says:

    Can someone please ask the party leaders their position on this matter? Do include the pose running as independents. The people wants to know before the election.

  35. SMH says:

    Report comes to Light right before an Election. How convenient? More distraction for already perplex and UN decided Voters.

  36. God’s Laws says:

    Ultimately no matter what human laws are implemented, God’s wrath will be felt on all who support anything that goes against His commands.

    Some see it as joke then wonder why certain things happen ini their life only to cry out why God….WHY GOD???!!!??!!!

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  37. UK Hypocrisy says:

    Hypocrisy 101- Over half the UK population voted to get out of Europe because they could not deal with laws imposed by Brussels: now the UK wants to do the same with the Overseas territories? Time or OTEXIT- OTs to exit the UK

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  38. No says:

    Son of Soil need to stop being so ignorant.look at all his past comments. I could bet a pre school child can read and undetstand the article. He is always negative towards outsiders.

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  39. @ CW says:

    You see things your way, most see things their way, now here is the truthful and correct way to view all the past, current and future developments in a simple blog, minus the historical master’s or doctoral research hard work.

    Centuries ago, some go into a boat, sailed the seas and landed on lands far from where they lived.

    They first ascertained whether there were riches to be had in the form of gold, diamonds and other resources to had to be sent back to the queen and country.

    They then began to steal and confiscate any and all things valuable, package it and ship it back to the UK and all over the EU. Keep in mind the whole of Europe was out there seeking wealth also. sometimes they would fight among themselves and these islands would change ownership repeatedly.

    Then, they systematically murdered and extinguished an entire race of people, communities of they found living here and around the diaspora. They slaughtered them by the hundreds of thousands a day.

    Then, if that wasn’t enough they went into Africa, kidnapped and for centuries subjected our ancestors to the horrific legacy of brutality of forced labour without pay, daily rape of men, women and childre, daily brutality and the list goes on and on.

    After slaver they left. They have yet to pay any one for the land or the labour or the riches they have amassed, but they call them “their OTS.”

    Well, intelligent minds say no! That cannot be right. You did not pay for these lands. You did not pays for our labour. You still owe our ancestors. And you are still rich because of their labour.

    Therefore, because of all of the above, we have a legal right to claim these lands as belonging to us.
    But not only that, there an even greater moral justification to such

    So this nonsense about OTs is not a legal term, but an illegal one. They came into ownership of these island through violence, death and illegal means. There is not one legal document any where that suggest these so called OTS are legally the property of the UK.

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  40. TurtleDove says:

    That Cline fellow open a can of worms!…I know that’s not true but it’s a good laugh.

  41. March madness says:

    It is not like the UK is operating from a position of strength. They have to exit the EU by 29 March and can’t even get a proper alimony. Most pitiful. They aren’t the smartest in the class. You all are giving them more credit than they deserve. Read the other OT responses. Now go enjoy the national Margarita day and do something constructive like plant mango trees for we future mango margarita national day.

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  42. Bugged out says:

    Nobody wants to take over the BVI. U
    You are all so wrapped in the past you cannot look to the future. If a person resides in the BVI for 20 years and is a citizen, why shouldn’t they be able to vote? They pay their taxes. Contribute to the community only to be discriminated against. The BVI is one of the most racist places I have ever lived in. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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    • To bugged out says:

      If BVI was so racist then you should… leave??? You knew that was coming.
      So the fact that you stay means that we aren’t so bad afterall. No?

      What contribution have you made to the community? Tell us about the hungry homeless on the street that you fed. Not the mangee dogs that you picked up and gave a palatial lifestyle to. I am talking about human beings you fed, contributed to.
      What school did you donate to? What local events you ever support? Funny, We never see you. We see all other people, even those not from here but we never see the wypiplo.
      All you did was contribute to yourselves, enriched yourselves and laughed and mocked us at your dinner parties on our lands, mingled with your own kind and stayed segregated from our community and now you seek to bring others like yourself to yes indeed, seek to take over. Well tell this to all your snow white friends and them in the UK- BVI would go independent first. Not gonna happen.

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      • Jane says:

        You mean the time I have done fundraising for the FSN, or cooked food at the Red Cross for older people? Or the time I provided sponsorship for a BVIslander to get a scholarship to a fee paying school, or the time I paid for my friend to have medical treatment. Or the time I helped BVIslander children get work experience, where I provided college references for those young people? Or maybe it was the times, I went into local primary schoold to read to children. Or when I eat my lunch at Spinks or Crandalls, or when I drink at Quitos or Rhymers?

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        • To J says:

          If this is your idea of “contribution”, have I got a list of candidates for you. You people are after our lands with desire to institute apartheid like you all did in South Africa.

          With Brexit, UK is out of aces, but we got a fresh deck of cards and 4 aces and intend to use them. It won’t be like yesteryear when you all stole our lands in Africa.

          Our VI lands are the only thing left for our children, left by our enslaved ancestors, whom you all stole from Afrika. For the UK people to move here and overwhelm our tiny country with thousands, it won’t happen. UK has a population of approximately 6.5 million UK voters, who would want to move here and vote with this mad proposal. The ones who are already here, hate us and now you want to open the floodgates? It won’t happen.

          After the storms you all evacuated your own and did not care about the locals who were left to fend for themselves with no help from the UK. Yeah our leaders did this and did but that is no reason to let a country suffer. After we cleaned up, you all returned. You all still did not help, just continued to live like lords while we locals struggled. Up to now, there is no trace of UK helping the people here, going on 2 years after the hurricanes. If we make it this far WITHOUT their help and your help, trust we can and will make it without them. Gloves are off. Independence.

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          • Jane says:

            Wow, the hatred in you is powerful – it must eat you up inside like a cancer. I am so sorry that you feel this way.

            I wish you only love and understanding as my brother or sister. Peace be with you.

            I think BVI should be independent as it goes, but much like the foolish Brits will regret leaving the EU when they find their lives much harder, I think that independence will cause pain to the people of these islands too particularly when the next hurricane hits, and there is no HMS Mounts Bay to bring emergency supplies or Royal Engineers to stop the looting. I am sure you will be glad of that independence then my brother Good luck.

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          • @jane says:

            From the time of slavery we have had many hurricanes, and have lived in wooden houses/straw huts that hurricanes blew completely away. ‘Looters have nothing on Mother Nature Dear’.

            Additionally, the UK was little or no help to our little nation. But God helped us and we rebuild a stronger and resilient nation. Now you’ll want us to turn our backs on God’s guidance God’s ways? For what? For the UK’s little-too-late support? After these folks abused us and left us here to die time and time again.

            You all thought that we needed you to survive after slavery as well remember, and what did you do? You took off and figured we would die off on these little islands that you all labeled a deathtrap. You took everything from our people, our families, our wealthy nations, our beautiful lands in Africa, our freedom, and then left us in the VI to die. But God!!!!!

            Now you all are witnessing the love of Jesus in our lives and how HE has sustained us and rewarded our suffering, and the great wealth He has bestored on us and what, you’ll want to be blessed too? You all are entitled to what?? And for what, for your ancestors evil deeds?

            You are like your ancestors, you have learned nothing! You’ll go on!! As for me and my nation, we will continue to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ!!

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          • Ko says:

            Nice and well said what you said is very much true. We should not allow it to happen by any means. Many ppl talk about the bvi like they know anything about this land we have all we need rite hear we used to export food to near by island we can grow back our own food and produce like we used too. This is our home to give to our kids and so on. Uk never and will never have good intentions for us and our kids they teach our kids about a rapiest discoverd this land they made our government force the kids to learn English and mathematics but donot teach them how to farm in school this is why no one is farming beauces it’s not being though yet we are rich with land, water,sun and seeds . Ppl donot see that the UK have their eyes on our land which is all we have.

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      • Ko says:

        I with u 100 percent not goin to happen.

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    • @bugged out says:

      Very true. BVI is one of the most racist places I have ever lived. Such a shame. The mentality here is so twisted.

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    • @Bugged out says:

      Why?…because they practice segregated racism and contribute to themselves. We don’t want those type of people in our country, which country would?? You’ll should be ashamed of yourselves!

    • Lol says:

      Hey Bugged out if you are afforded the rights to vote who would you vote for. Do you know my people, do you mingle with my people, do you have any kind of friendship with any of my people? I trust my answer will be no to all.

      So tell me why you all are fixated on wanting belonged status and the right to vote in these islands. For God same go siddung and go vote in your own country.

      You all behavior and attitude show that you have no go intention. And I am not being racist just stating undisputable facts.

  43. Brad Boynes says:

    Ill just rest this here. Anyone can be a Belonger but you have to be a born Virginislander.

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  44. Crazy Cruzan says:

    I’ve heard USVI will be filing claims to annex the BVI.

    Then we will build a wall…

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    • VG says:

      USA wants to get rid of USVI (and PR) as badly as UK wants shot of BVI.
      A “United States of the Caribbean” Makes the most sense.

  45. @Crazy Cruzan says:

    Please stop spreading FAKE NEWS. Lies, all lies.

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  46. Smurf says:

    Anguillians and Tortolians has the same nasty mentality towards their own Black Caribbean brothers and sisters who are on their soul helping to build their island and help pay off their mortgages for them, they rather the days when they were inbreeding and sleeping with family members. Most people hate light and change.

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    • @smurf says:

      You are just as envious as many of these races Europeans. You too feel entitled, your eyes are too wide. So you all helped to build our country?? No, you came to this country to make a buck. I could understand if you came into the country as a missionary worker and wanted to assist the BVI population to build and become successful.

      Jealousy is a sin. Can we run to your country mandating full rights and privileges as its citizens? Some people are born wick, and you should never allow them into your homes. Their eyes are wide with wick intent. They believe that they are always entitled to possess everything that another man and his family has. They justify their evil by finding faults in that person’s character. Yet their character stinks like decaying flesh. They are children of darkness, parasites of the world.

      …and many are in this country and throughout the world!

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  47. Business Owner says:

    Bloody well true and bloody well about time!
    The NDP put the screws to so many people, this is a much needed correction to their racist, short-sighted and exclusionary policies.

  48. Resident says:

    Let me get this straight… You’re all afraid that some Englishman is going to waltze in and actually WIN an election here? That somehow ALL of the BVI voters will be buffaloed by some silver-tongued devil from London… Seriously?
    Or you are afraid that love will indeed conquer all, and that the scourge of happiness and domestic bliss for gay people will somehow make people in the BVI believe they can be better human beings?
    Much to be learnt here…
    Let’s phrase it this way, since I am sure so many folks in the territory will be completely unfamiliar with this concept: “What would Jesus do?”

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    • To Resident says:

      Couple of things resident. Thing one, is we are not afraid. We are fed up of you people. You hold all the high paying jobs in all the industries, thereby enriching yourselves, buying up our lands and living like kings. You pay locals and blacks on the whole pittance and have the nerbs to higher (I could say hire) these so called ‘qualified professionals’ who don’t know squat and want to bully blacks for not teaching them what they should know and are paid thousands to know.

      Thing two, you don’t see us flocking to the UK even after 2 cat fives. Wanna know why? Ain’t nothing there for us and we sure ain’t leaving paradise for no dreary, cold to be discriminated against. But, we see many of you flocking to our paradise home.

      Thing 3, (actually there are many things we have to say to you), we crunched the UK population number real quick, and you all must think us fools, but even 0.0005 could out number the VI in milliseconds, vote themselves in and next thing apartheid shop set up. We are on to you. This may shock you, but we don’t like slavery and white supremacy. Trust we don’t.

      So take your proposals and go scare some one else. The BVI is very much divided right now but I guarantee you we will do a switcheroo so quick you all will be shocked how black people unite and vote independence and let the chips fall where they may. A piece of advice here, you can’t lose what you never had, and last time we checked you all owned just about everything so if there are any losses, you all stand to lose the most. Not us.

      Remember it is not our forefathers you are dealing with. This is a new breed and a young hungry generation that see through all your unfairness and prejudice. You all think we can not unite. Don’t let your devil fool you boy. We went through slavery already with our Ancestors and if you think you all are going to try that on us again, mehson cart.

      Thing 4, let’s talk about your imaginary friend, indeed. Tell us what he would do. Try ‘enlightening’ us again.

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      • @ Resident says:

        Tell it to them again!!! They should know the nature of Africa’s by now. They came out of us, not the other way around and they will be corrected!!!

  49. Dave Henry says:

    We dont need indepedent.we need God more than ever.we need to get together as a God fearing people and pray to God.we need to ask God to reverse that samesex marriage plan.their is nothing God cannot do.

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  50. Dave Henry says:

    All the churches need to come together and fast and pray.God is good he will come through for us.we fight not against flesh and blood.but power and principalities.and hwickedness in high places.God can bring down every strong holds.

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  51. I will saw it again... says:

    To all you European residents who feel you can character assassination the Africans of these lands. There is the race relations you have accomplished in your short time here Great Job as ambassadors for your UK people…

    Why should we listen to anything European people in the BVI say? You can barely get a good morning from them on our streets. They engage in segregated practices all throughout our nation. Have you ever seen them participate in any events that we locals host? Do their children go to our schools? Do they wish to live next to us? Do they come to church with us? No, they would rather not go to church at all!

    They care nothing for Africans or any other race, ‘they tolerate the Asians because they find that they can be ruled by money’. Maybe a handful of them may have a humane heart for another race; but the majority are shameful as they mostly care more about their Pets and Properties.

    They have a superiority complex and feel that they are entitled to the world, as did their ancestors. Their legacy has remained the same throughout the centuries, as they continuely shame and disgrace the future generations of their people. They seek for riches throughout the world with cold hearts ‘as did their ancestors’ yet their children remain poor with generational curses on their lives… and why would their child be anything of greatness throughout history? Where are their Martin Luther King‘s, Noel Lloyds and Mohammad Gandhi’s? No, they are left with the ‘Christopher Columbuses and Bate Hills’ genocidel conquerors and selfish intellectual industrial minded con-artist as role models.

    Generation after generation their poor child continually suffer the shame and disgrace of their parents’ legacy of racism and Godless inhumanity in their heartless inclusive apartheid culture; and to justify their evils they label this all ‘self preservation’. What a truly enslaved bunch of individuals!

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  52. OverLord says:

    It’s cool but like the civil rights movement you can’t impact change without some pain. So same sex marriage champions sitting right now with a smile from ear to ear like you won the lottery right? But like the Civil rights movements and some their leaders you got to BLEED for this. GUARANTEED.

  53. Fore warnings says:

    A number of these White expats have been warned for years about their separatist lives in the OTs- THEY DO NOT MIX WITH NATIVES- living in little gated white enclaves- all white friends- all white activities- all white schools- only allowing locals entry because they have no choice- and then pretending everything is just fine- because the older generation of blacks are servile and docile- there is a new generation that will not accept subtle apartheid- and separatist whites will be wise to appreciate that fact

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    • @Fore warnings says:

      WOW! I thought it was just the BVI. These people are truly messed up evil human beings. Is this behavior human?? Why should we allow this behavior in the OT’s? They truly should go.

  54. Reality says:

    “Our country” is used so many times through these threads.

    So refreshing to see people true colors come out in regards to racist ideological theory.

    The UK would like nothing better thank to leave the BVI to its own. It drains the reserves whilst giving nothing in return apart from being a royal thorn its side.

    Please declare independence. It will suit everyone aside from all of you who will then declare that you have been abandoned by the racist whites.

    Get over yourselves.

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  55. Eagle and Buffalo says:

    The timing of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee release was intended to be a fly in the BVI election ointment. As another blogger asked, was the timing of the released a Trojan Horse. The UK is flexing its muscle in telling the VI and other Overseas Territories(OT) to comply or else. The VI and other OTs are over a barrel, between a rock and a hard place and the UK knows it. Nevertheless, OTs have a common interest , a stake in the outcome, must collaborate and head to the UK as a united front to discuss the proposals.

    Let’s lead like eagles, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes.

  56. Hmmm says:

    They are soo right one have a US PASSPORT and still have BVI BELONGER status.

  57. joseph says:

    Belonger status are given to selected individuals. Needs to be out.

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  58. Truth says:

    These fools calling us belongers? That even sounds weird you calling a person a belongers ownership of people
    That’s what it is o yes after so many years they just realize it’s wrong these colonial masters still own you that’s why your called a belonger bvi is the only place I see this stupidity treating your black brothers like trash these racist white clowns have no good intentions for us belonger is another word for slave ridiculous all these people do is try to keep us down .same sex marriage is the biggest joke I ever heard they so wicked why you can’t focus on more serious issues like poverty why not pass laws that no one in the country will be without food water and same sex marriage is more important you have thousand of so called stateless children now you need votes what a joke … Y’all ppl are so lost so let these racist lead you to destruction fools.thes ppl have nothing positive to offer but more rules to keep us down that’s all the UK is about and been about . While you praise up these white ppl they only want to see us fall .

    • Why says:

      Why is everything about race for some people. This article is about gay marriage and somehow people have turned it around to be about race and victimhood.

      Maybe the problem isn’t external.

      • Aj johnson says:

        Bvi belonged female married to an outsider male and both of us once live in Tortala. My hus is now legally blind. I visited Immigration Office requesting information about the process of fixing his papers. I were told he have to reside in the BVI for about five to ten years. Now if a female none belonged married to a male person she the non belonged can get her papers fix without any problems. Tell me what you thing about this issue.

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