BVI News

UK’s approach to inquiry flawed; time given to respond ‘too short’

Chairman-elect of the National Democratic Party (NDP) Myron Walwyn has criticised Britain’s approach to launching an inquiry into the future of its relationship with the British Virgin Islands.

The UK announced the inquiry on its official parliamentary website on July 20 but never contacted the BVI government directly, Walwyn said.

“I am of the view that something of this magnitude and importance should have been sent by official correspondence to the leader of our country for onward transmission to its residents. This was, however, not the case and I am sure that there may be a very good reason for the approach taken on informing the Overseas Territories’ residents and citizens of this inquiry,” the government minister said in episode-two of the NDP Drive Time radio show.

The UK has given the BVI and other Overseas Territories six weeks – which ends on September 3 – to give their input into the inquiry.

More time required

But Walwyn said the issues being assessed as part of the inquiry “would require much longer discussions and understanding among our people before our views on them are advanced to the United Kingdom.”

“It is for this reason that I believe the timeframe given for us to submit our views on the areas named above requires considerably more time,” the minister reasoned.

He said the inquiry raises questions on whether the UK will want to increase their control in BVI affairs, whether BVI’s natural resources might become the property of the UK as part of their assessment, and whether the BVI will be forced to accept certain UK beliefs regardless of the territory’s own cultural, religious, and other views.

Walwyn commends Fahie

Walwyn, in the meantime, has recognised Opposition Leader Andrew Fahie’s initiative to host a series of public consultations to document comments from residents in relation to the inquiry.

“I would like to take this opportunity to commend the Leader of the Opposition for his contribution in assisting to bring wider consultation on this matter to the citizens of the territory. I must also thank the Youth Movement of the NDP for hosting such a lively two-hour public discussion and consultation with the public on Sunday, August 26 on ZBVI Radio on this topic.”

The minister then suggested that the ‘feedback received through all public consultations’ be sent to the UK through the Premier’s Office.

This, he said, “will be a show of unity among the people of the Virgin Islands and will further demonstrate [the BVI’s] belief in our ‘One BVI’ mantra”.

The minister said the NDP government is continues to seek ‘constitutional advancement’ for the BVI.

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  1. Woww says:

    Is about time he commended Fahie instead of talking bad about him, he’ll be commending Fahie next election when his party wins & he becomes the next premier of the Virgin Islands.

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    • vip heckler says:

      Andrew needs 7 seats in order to become premier and i don’t see the possibilities with those candidates that he has {dead horses}

      Like 21
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  2. Granny says:

    He finally open his eyes and see who really doing the work for the people.

    I do not want to see non of them NDP in me yard looking vote.

    I got some piss in a bottle save for all the doctors and them.

    Like 20
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  3. true says:

    since 20th July he has known so instead of Allis gimmicks and worrying about who supports him should been dealing with this important issue for the country. He like most if not all are only interested in —- n– country.

    Like 13
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    • Albion says:

      Exactly. Over a month and now – just as the deadline is about to end – for the first time they are saying “not enough time”.

      The truth is that they just sat around doing nothing, and only now realize the importance of the issue and how much work is involved.

      Like 15
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      • Celestina says:

        Didn’t the NDP respond over nibe months ago? True they did not waste time as they knew they shouldn’t
        but looking at archives and with opposition from many sheep,their response was immediate.
        This latest development is the UK have no choice but to respond to themm kinda colonial joke which carries little revaence to the real and current issue.

        Like 2
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      • Rubber Duck says:

        The OTs are a PITA to the U.K. Most U.K. citizens would vote to be rid of them ( maybe not Gibraltar or the Falklands ). And in the eyes of the U.K. voter the biggest PITA and badest boys are the BVI.

        The U.K. gets absolutely nothing out of the BVI.

        Br careful because U.K. has nothing to lose and BVI has a lot to lose.

  4. ndp heckler says:

    How come he is not asking the supervisor of elections to give the new voters more time to be registered?

    Like 18
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  5. Winston says:

    Mr Walwyn, with all respect Sir, didn’t you or a member of your party just recently declare war on the United Kingdom? You’ve been given 6 weeks to respond. Why stand up and protest the day before your response is due? If you or your party are not cabable of formulating a simple response to these general questions, I suggest you hire a surrogate.

    Like 20
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    • Simalo says:

      The NDP answered and in no uncertain terms notified the UK of the BVI position concerning the matter of beneficial ownership and the territory,s relationship with the UK going forward
      Via legal ,by correspondence,in concert with some of the other OTs and in person, since the end of 2017 arrsponse was gorwarded and received.
      This current fluff 9 monts later from the UK is flusteration in response to the BVI. A horse’s posterior can see the manure. Andrew using the diily dally constituents for his personal advancement in the realm of nowhere does not fool everyone Had the NDP gone through the rigamole of canvassing opinions prior to responding,sifyinh through eluhibilityof respo ses etc as expected, there would be “late” submission which is what the powers counted on. UK has had their response and BVI opinion long time. Nothing to add. The NDP responded swiftly and immediately and the UK had no choice but to contrive a response using the resident coon and debtor as facillatator. Pay Attention!!!

      Like 10
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      • Hmm says:

        If they’ve already given their response then why exactly is he saying the5 weren’t given enough time? Shouldnt they just reiterate the response you say they’ve already given??

        • I zThinl says:

          They did when they ignored the UK and its website. The bvi and its Gov were never given a formal announcement. Happenstance came across it on a website. Myron is cooling the waters and going along with the mamaguy.

          Like 1
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      • Winston says:

        Somalo, our Governor is not a “coon.” A proper education may serve you well as may a trip to the woodshed.

        • @winston says:

          By definition,our Governorcannot be a coon.He is also not a resident debtor nor facillatator in this matter so evidently,reference is not being made to the Governor.
          Apparently you have missed out on VI political history as it relates to current and specific members of the sitting political parties.
          A proper cultural schooling may serve u well.
          I am a non violent member of the colonisers and so do not condone the woodshed trip but recommend you pay attention.

          Like 1
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        • Knock knock says:

          Anybody home?
          You are waaay offf. Wheel and come again.

          Like 1
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  6. windy says:

    Your opinion. and your flaws ? How is that wall ?

    Like 10
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  7. D Penn says:

    “The general election is just around the corner and the NDP need not apply”

    Like 13
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  8. Umm says:

    So why is he making this statement. Where is the Premier? I think election needs to be called now if our elected Premier is no longer at the helm.

    Like 13
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    • Actually says:

      No need for them to apply. They are set for life and long before they became political whipping posts. Worry about yourself and your bleak future as ypu rin behind the current wannabes and distrustful candidates.

  9. Thunder says:

    Amwith all due respect this should be coming from the Premier. All you backside need come out.

    Like 12
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    • William says:

      I agree. The Premier is missing.
      Orlando, Orlando, Wherefore art thou Orlando?
      Serve thy country and honor thy title.
      Be but sworn to apologize to
      Those cast assunder during the tempest.

      Like 3
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  10. jumping the gun says:

    is this individual our premier???

    Like 7
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  11. Twisted says:

    —– more twisted than the tornadoes that swept across the country during irma. For s—— — tried to bring up 15years old dirt on Andrew, now commending him? Stop acting as if you is a premier. Keep dreaming. Nobody need your commendations. Maybe you all needed more time to hire a bleeding consultant… In the meanwhile, Andrew 10 steps ahead.. struupes.

    Like 7
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  12. Sam the man says:

    Asleep at the helm of “The No Direction Party” ship….probably stuck on a reef – quit the moaning and get your finger out and respond….too little too late – but no surprises there!

    Like 10
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  13. Prunell says:

    Maybe the Premier is telling some of allyo who are deserving of the honor,to kiss his pants seat as he shold have done long time ago.
    Really now stop criticizing the lawful messenger You have the message,deal with it.

  14. Diaspora says:

    Did the UK give the Overseas Territories (OT), including VI, enough time (6 weeks) to outline their concerns about their relationship with the UK? If so did the NDP government forward correspondence to the UK government requesting more time? What are the other OTs doing about responding to the inquiry by September 03?

    Is the Hon Walwyn playing politics by picking a public fight with the UK instead of diplomatically working behind the scene? Did the NDP wait too long to start preparing a response and if so why? Is the current condition/situation on the ground too much for NDP, causing it to be lackadaisical about the prople’s business? Is it lacking the can do spirit?

    Moreover, routine actions typically come easy and good organizations excel. However, successful and exceptional organizations excel when the going get tough. True leaders excel in times of difficulties; true leaders embrace the challenge of difficulties and attain remarkable outcomes. He or she makes thing not watch things happen or wonder what happen. Indeed, the Hon Fahie should be commended for picking up the fumbled baton to continue the race. This inquiry is a first step in the discision between the UK and OTs on their relationship. Thus, it is important that a good faith effort is taken to discuss, collect and forward concerns too the UK.

    Like 8
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  15. Simalo says:

    Wall standing strong.
    Asssuming you have such a thing not owned by another,how us your wall.

    Like 9
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  16. Fed Up says:

    Why is it flawed? Cause this government is used to dragging their feet or not moving them at all and getting away with it??? If we know what we want from the UK, why is more time needed? Or do we not know? I’m just so tired of all the excuses.

    Like 10
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  17. Zuckerberg says:

    If someone didn’t read the UK website the people of the BVI wiuld not have known. If this is truly the case this says to me that the UK is not truly intetested in getting the public feelings on their questions.

    Like 14
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  18. Onething says:

    The problem with this thing is that people are not looking at options. The bvi should be able to choose.

    1. remaining status quo – same as now

    2. Incoporating into the u.k (guadeloupe and martinique model with france) -same laws as uk, taxes, funding etc..

    3. Special administrative territory (hong kong, macau model with china) -One country 2 systems

    4. Commonwealth (mariana islands, puerto rico with U.S) -same laws etc.

    5. Independant country within the u.k (aruba, curacao model with Holland) -Operates as independant country with the lead country responsible for only defense and international matters.

    6. A mix of above – cherry picking

    7. Independance….You’re alone on everything (Not recommended)

    2,3,4,5,6 and 7 would take us off the U.N list of non-governing countries which is a good thing. The problem is the government might be narrow minded in explaining or giving out these options.

  19. Wowww says:

    If u want vip win thumbs up

    If you want ndp win thumbs down

    Like 8
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  20. Ayo says:

    The U.K. is just a small issue. Worry about the EU black listing! Blame and kicking the proverbial can down the road serves no one on these islands any good. Get on with governing as you’ve been ALL paid to do!

  21. /////// says:

    More time for everything in BVI! Time is running out BVI, just like a person getting thing is you are dead. Get off your a$$es and hand in your homework, but wait maybe the dog ate it or maybe you couldn’t find a consultant quick enough to do this for you. What a sad bunch of leaders we have.

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